26.5k HuskyDynamics01 Comments

  • A New Chapter | Juno: New Origins Free Edition 4 months ago

    Looking forward to the QoL things and whatever the career expansions turn out to be! (Also, were those some circular solar panel arrays? Neat!)

    Can't say I agree with the decision to go free with extra purchases to remove ads and unlock the full game, though. Saying "most of the content in the game is free" is rather misleading when you consider that the things that are now not free are:

    • The full system
    • Tinker panel
    • Procedural wheels/props/rockets/jets (which, if my understanding is correct, means that the free version won't have any customization of these parts at all, given how the "procedural" tag had been applied to all of that when the features were first added)
    • Vizzy
    • Several launch locations
    • The entirety of the career mode
    • Ability to have more than two active crafts

    If you ask me, that list comprises the majority of the content that keeps the game interesting for more than a few hours (particularly the procedural parts), and saying that "most of the content in the game is free" while locking all of the above behind a paywall is decidedly not the kind of full honesty that I'd come to admire Jundroo for.

    Eh, maybe I'm griping too much. I already bought the game last year on Steam after all (and have indeed been enjoying it quite a lot), so this doesn't affect me.

  • Alright Devs, It's time... 1.5 years ago

    Honestly the tutorial is so hilariously out of date. The weapon buttons still actually say Fire Guns and Fire Weapons in the screenshots for how to use them.

  • Hey, uh 2.1 years ago

    Congratulations, you have survived another trip around the Sun!

  • Nut one year ago

    Can't download this because of my nut allergy :(

  • Have every PC players encounter this? (Mostly not because you have high end PC) 22 days ago

    Congratulations, you have discovered why Maywar was never added to the mobile versions of the game. It's very big.

  • I just discovered something 8 months ago

    imagine making a post that could get removed

  • Andrew, don’t let your game die. 1.2 years ago


  • SimplePlanes 2 Announcement Trailer one month ago

    Also the appearance of the Little Bugger suggests that there may be a way to transfer planes from SP to SP2 which is amazing.


    Borrowing the screws implies that you will be giving them back later, which may not be ideal for the structural integrity of your hangar expansion.

  • New game or New updates 3 months ago

    SimplePlanes 👏 was 👏 not 👏 abandoned 👏 it 👏 reached 👏 the 👏 end 👏 of 👏 life 👏 that 👏 all 👏 games 👏 come 👏 to 👏 and 👏 Jundroo 👏 decided 👏 it 👏 was 👏 time 👏 to 👏 move 👏 to 👏 the 👏 future 👏 instead 👏 of 👏 a 👏 nine 👏 year 👏 old 👏 game 👏 that 👏 was 👏 increasingly 👏 difficult 👏 to 👏 work 👏 on 👏 due 👏 to 👏 its 👏 age.

    How 👏 many 👏 times 👏 do 👏 I 👏 have 👏 to 👏 keep 👏 telling 👏 people 👏 this.

  • Its nice to meet you, World. Goodbye.. Life. 5 months ago

    Alright, I'mma be blunt. You're right that the feeling is caused by your brain, and that the brain does have the ability to destroy itself.


    You are NOT going to allow a three-pound chunk of wet meat to decide you are going to die today.

    Not on my watch. If you need someone to talk to there are plenty of people here; I myself will have a 2-hour break from classes in about four hours and we can talk then if you would like. Here, Discord (huskydynamics5428), heck I can just straight-up call you if you want.

    Remember, you have overcome things like this before, so you can do it again (and believe me, it's so much more worthwhile). Now is not your time to give in. I am praying that you are still here to see how many people really do care about you, because we really do.

  • Rest in Peace to B-17 "Texas Raiders" and the P-63 1.6 years ago

    My prayers for the families and friends of those lost.

    Not only have we lost six (possibly seven, it's still unclear exactly how many were aboard Texas Raiders) valiant aircrew, we've also lost two extraordinarily historic aircraft. Texas Raiders had the fifth most operational time in military service out of all 12,731 B-17s built, and Kingcobra N6763 was both one of only three flying P-63s in the world and the sole surviving P-63F out of the two built. The P-63F model is now extinct, and there will no doubt be significant repercussions into the remainder of airworthy B-17s around the world, especially as this came so soon after the Nine-O-Nine crash.

  • P-51D-30 Mustang 1.7 years ago

    @JesusChrist It's the 7.1 years ago part. AKA September 2015, AKA four months before the game was even released on Steam.

    In its day, this was quite literally the single best plane anyone had ever built. It had working landing gear, a working cockpit, working (single-shot) guns, and roundels, all long before the advent of hinge/small rotators, fuselage blocks, gauges, actual weapons, and FineTuner. This plane was legendary, and it was the best thing that those of us who were players at the time had ever seen.

  • Jundroo 10th Anniversary Wallpaper 2.2 years ago

    @WarHawk95 No, but since you asked...

    As 1) this is a non-commercial work, 2) it has no negative effect or impact on the company or their market, and 3) it is a "transformative" use of the material ("Transformative uses are those that add something new, with a further purpose or different character, and do not substitute for the original use of the work.", https://www.copyright.gov/fair-use/more-info.html ), my use of the Jundroo logo qualifies as "Fair Use" under the Copyright Act of 1976, 17 U.S.C. § 107.

    Woo I looked up legal stuff 🙃

  • Why Do All mods Say "Your post has been removed because it appears to have broken the website rules. You can read them here"? one month ago

    Usually it's because the post was removed because it broke one or more of the website rules.

  • They got a platinum 1.4 years ago

    This is a HUGE problem, and I hope that a solution is implemented fast. I've made backups of all my builds just to be prepared, and I would recommend everyone else do the same.

  • P-51D-30 Mustang 1.7 years ago

    Not to mention the fact that she actually still flies pretty dang well once you get the gear up. Nothing ridiculous or anything, but more than you would expect. Sure, takeoffs can be tricky (I mean, the original creator even posted an updated version to "fix" the flying), and using the flaps just forces you into a dive, but with a careful hand at the controls, she still flies just fine.

  • some XML suggestions to reduce pain 2.0 years ago


  • SP Is GPU Bound Now... 2.0 years ago

    The next logical step is to just model the entire thing and make a one-part airliner.

  • FINALLY i bought simpleplanes in PC 2.1 years ago

    Time to re-learn how to fly

  • 3/10 Posts removed by a mod(erator) one month ago

    Just don't break the rules, it's literally that simple.

  • [Kinda SOLVED] What Does Jackhammer Actually Based On? 3 months ago

    Pretty sure it's a fictional design since it's one of EternalDarkness' M.Corp Panthers with a heavier turret installed.

  • community updates? 4 months ago

    @AndrewREDACTED This has immediately become an ominous statement. What the heck is going on?

  • I have been banned lmfao 11 months ago

    Either I'm going insane or you posted this exact thing like two or three days ago, and then deleted it to repost today.

  • Mods help me 1.4 years ago

    When someone spotlights a craft, it sends a notification to everyone following them saying essentially "hey, y'all should check this out". If you want fewer spotlights, follow fewer people.

    Additionally, it is only possible to spotlight someone's builds if they have fewer points than yourself.

  • This is how to bring Mod support back on mobile ! THINK JUNDROO , THINK ! 1.6 years ago

    Not how it works. The problem isn't that Jundroo doesn't want to run code on Android/iOS, it's that Apple/Google don't allow third-party code like SP mods to be run on their devices.

  • Jundroo account be like 1.8 years ago

    me on my way to upvote every single post by Jundroo in a frantic attempt to maintain the balance

  • Unlisted Successor posts not notifying the original builder 1.8 years ago

    This would definitely be appreciated.

  • You know what day it is? 2.0 years ago

    It's still the 5th for me for another 8 hours, but

    We've been training for years, now we're ready to strike

    The great operation begins

  • German Corsair VR 2.1 years ago

    I knew this would happen eventually

  • Okay. Genuine question. 2.2 years ago

    I mean... I've basically played it since shortly after the original iOS release, so...

  • [AF] I tagged @VeroViper in every Viper post. 2 months ago

    Fortunately there are not many Husky-themed posts but I may block preemptively anyway.

  • community updates? 4 months ago

    @Jundroo Oh no the Jundroo superintelligence has regained sentience


    Is this another one of those "SimplePlanes is dying because Flyout exists and also Jundroo decided that nine years was long enough to work on one game" posts?

  • Is it possible for an engine to turn off after a certain throttle percentage 1.4 years ago

    That'll work for if you just want the engine to be "ON" (i.e. 100% throttle) below a certain percentage. If you want the engine's throttle to be controllable, you'll need something like this:
    (Throttle < 0.5) ? Throttle : 0

  • Nerfaddict's Announcements : Finished high school 2.0 years ago


  • About Android Compatibility 2.1 years ago

    Allow me to explain in the form of a haiku

    Google did a bad
    Android mods cannot be had
    Google makes you sad

    Basically Google took away modding support for Android.

  • Jundroo turns 10 years old today 2.2 years ago

    Oh man, has it really been 10 years?

    I started with SimplePhysics and shortly thereafter moved on to SimpleRockets, which I had an absolute blast with (pun fully intended). I can't say for certain, but I'm fairly confident that I first got SimplePlanes within a week or two of the original mobile release, and then basically stuck with it ever since. Haven't ventured into SR2 yet, but I recall at least trying out Aero Effect.

    Happy birthday Jundroo, and here's to 10 more years!

  • Some dumb idiot has put the weather machine on 7 but Simpleplanes 13 days ago

    when the pilot intentionally applies full right aileron to crash the plane for a "funny moment"

  • When I am old enough I will fly a Cessna 172 21 days ago

    The website TOS states that the minimum age to create an account is 13...

  • I feel like the banning system should be looked at one month ago

    That's the consequence of getting banned: everything you've posted is no longer available, in addition to being locked out of the website yourself. Remember that when someone gets banned, it's because of something they did, so they should've considered the consequences before doing it.

  • SimplePlanes YouTube Content Survey one month ago

    What about a few videos that kind of compare/contrast SP and Juno? I've seen quite a few people who are confused why Jundroo is doing SP2 instead of just adding more airplane stuff to Juno, and I think some videos that explain some of the core differences in concept and scope could be interesting.

  • Why does SimplePlanes keep crashing? 2 months ago

    Could be some other thing in the background, or the game just decides to crash because it does that occasionally. Save often so that you don't lose much progress.

    It's called Funky Trees because that's the name of the programming language (yes, SimplePlanes has its own programming language, and it's Funky Trees). No idea why they picked it, but that's what it's called.

  • Monarchii threatened me 3 months ago

    I love the story progression I got from just opening the forum:

    "I stole a machinegun from someone who stole a machine gun from a mouse"
    - GuardianAerospace|2 hours ago

    "Monarchii threatened me"
    - GuardianAerospace|1 hour ago

  • Pls remove the stupid dumb plane upload limit rule 3 months ago

    Your bio says that you are 8 years old. Is this correct?

    If so, I think there's another rule you're going to hate.

    Edit: I see you have since updated your bio to remove this information. Smooth.

  • Andrew Garrisphere 4 months ago

    Bold of you to assume that Andrew is containable

  • Quick Question... 5 months ago

    Celsius is a relative scale, so you can't really say any point is "twice as cold" (or "twice as hot" as any other point on the scale. 4 degrees Celsius isn't "half as hot" as 8 degrees, because Celsius "begins" (at 0 degrees) at an arbitrary point and can go in both directions, meaning that "zero" does not indicate a true zero value. You could say that 4 degrees is half as much above zero as 8 degrees, but it is not half as hot.

    As a side note, this is why Kelvin exists. Kelvin is an absolute scale, meaning that it starts at zero and only progresses in one direction. If we were talking in Kelvin, 4 degrees would be half as hot as 8 degrees, because Kelvin has a defined absolute minimum value (it cannot go below zero), meaning that each step is a known and consistent distance from that actual zero point.

  • SimpleDoom Low Graphics 6 months ago

    Uh oh, it's official. My computer can't run DOOM.

    Seriously though, I am speechless. This is something that has been joked about and referenced for years now, and now you've actually gone and done it, and it is amazing.

  • No. 7 months ago

    Report them to the moderators (little arrow button on the corner of the comment -> Report) and don't engage further.

    Also, blocking them will prevent them from commenting on any current or future posts you make.

  • the worst happened... i need a break:'( 8 months ago

    Well, lesson learned for the future: Always back up your important stuff before sending a device in for repair.
