3,456 SupremeDorian Comments

  • SimplePlanes VR - Coming 2021 to Steam and Oculus Quest 2.9 years ago

    @AN2Felllla If they're anything like the gauges in SR2, then the answer to those is probably yes.

  • Why no cannon smoke? 3.0 years ago

    @HellFireKoder was lazy

  • New Rule & Revamped Strike System 3.3 years ago

    @JakeS Not entirely sure what you mean. Are you asking if moderators aren't allowed to harass other users off-site? If so then in cases like that we would have a discussion with the moderator in question about it.

  • Name as many planes as you can 3.3 years ago

    A-12 Avenger II (never built but shh)
    Cessna 172
    A-12 Oxcart
    I know more but I can't be bothered to continue typing

  • Historic photo of Androo Garrison. 3.4 years ago

    If you look at my previous usernames, you will see that I am, in-fact, Androo Garrison. (not to be confused with Andrew Garrison, who is a different person)

  • the mods are asleep 3.4 years ago

    You're always free to say you're unhappy and not get a strike. What you're not free to do is start/continue drama or otherwise violate our rules. If you have a problem, message a moderator or dev via an unlisted post or Discord.

  • grave injustice 3.5 years ago

    @Cyan I am not allowed to disclose that.

  • Quick question for any mods 3.7 years ago

    @Stickman Mass tagging is still mass tagging, regardless of if it is to get people to upvote a post.

  • Two questions to Andrew Garrison 3.9 years ago

    If/when there is another SimplePlanes update, it will probably be 1.10 or something similar rather than 2.0 as, in my opinion, 2.0 gives off the impression that it is an entirely new game.

  • Why? 3.9 years ago

    I would imagine it saves server costs, as well as just reducing spam on the site.

  • Bash R 3.9 years ago

    "Bash R" is what I do when I fly this plane

  • Account transfer 4.0 years ago

    @randomusername Trying to find loopholes in the rules will generally end up poorly. Remember; we moderate on our own terms. We don't just go by the listed rules. If someone is obviously trying to get around them, we may deal with it as we see fit.

  • Cool Propeller engine 4.1 years ago

    Is this your own work?

  • MELEE WEAPONS (and a shield) RELASED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 4.1 years ago

    That's a whole lotta exclamation points

  • What’s your favorite quote? 4.1 years ago

    I don't really have a favourite quote, but I always thought this one was cool:
    "Savior, conqueror, hero, villain. You are all things, Revan... and yet you are nothing. In the end, you belong to neither the light nor the darkness. You will forever stand alone." - Darth Malak, 3,956 BBY

  • New Rules & Update to Points System 4.1 years ago

    @Ultra0 Because I pinned it since it's important.

  • B-17 Flying Fortress 4.1 years ago

    @Freerider2142 I think I used to have some of those as well. I have no idea where they went, but they were pretty cool to me.

  • Oh no ! 4.2 years ago

    @ACEPILOT109 Yes. Long live SR2

  • Publish Unlisted Airplanes 4.2 years ago

    @jamesPLANESii They don't like the idea of airplane collaboration support, and frankly neither do I. We talked about this in the moderator chat the other day since the SR site got collaborator support for custom planet posts alongside publishing unlisted posts, and it would be too easy to abuse.

  • Some random video game titles 4.2 years ago

    Star Wars: Knights of the Dishonored Paradise Warfare 2

  • Posting and tagging someone 4.2 years ago

    @Tully2001 oh hi

  • I had a neat idea 4.2 years ago

    @Zanedavid Good to know.

  • Some thoughts. 4.2 years ago

    The thing about sharing personal info here is that this is a public forum. Anyone can find it and if the wrong person sees it then some bad things can happen.

  • Mildly Infuriating... 4.2 years ago


  • New Moderator 4.2 years ago

    @CruzerBlade Correct, I am not from Australia. I was born in California but moved out when I was like 3.

  • What gear do you want on my 180? 4.2 years ago

    Plain ol' skis sound good, but if those don't work you could always try putting some miniature versions of the plane on the bottom instead.

  • Access for my 12 year old 4.2 years ago

    @DickBrazen I think you @'ed the wrong person

  • Access for my 12 year old 4.2 years ago

    @AWESOMENESS360 I think you've misinterpreted the message here. He/she wants his/her son to be able to use the site, however due to the way the law works there are some complications with that.

  • Alt Related Post 4.3 years ago

    As @ForeverPie said, they aren't all-knowing. There are things on the SR2 site that should've been removed that stayed up for sometimes months before I even know about them and subsequently dealt with them. The only way they can really know about it is if something is either reported using the report button, or a moderator sees a comment saying "I'm posting this on my alt account" on a hot topic and decides to check the IP of said alt account to see who it belongs to, and then check if they're cheating the point system. The mods do of course investigate stuff on their own as well without reports or hot topics, but generally that's harder to do and is often more trouble than it's worth.

  • Will SR2 come to the Amazon Appstore? 4.4 years ago

    This post would be better suited for the official SimpleRockets website. You can log-in to that website using your SP log-in info if you so choose.

  • the new tank cannon is too OP 4.5 years ago

    Physicists have always said that matter cannot be created nor destroyed.
    This cannon says otherwise.

  • Future updates to the Google Play version of SimplePlanes will no longer support mods 4.7 years ago

    @JamesBoA He's speaking fowl language, duh

  • What do you think about simpleplanes ads? 4.7 years ago

    @Imashovel The Terry Crews Old Spice ads are brilliant

  • Dear SimplePlanes community 4.9 years ago

    @IStoleYourMeme That's the SP bias speaking. Plenty of people play it, though must of them are on the Discord server. My point is to not come to the forums just to hate on the game, unless it is actual, well thought out criticism. Not blind hate because the developers are focusing on a game that isn't SimplePlanes.

  • What’s your favorite game(other than SimplePlanes) 4.9 years ago

    Burnout Paradise and Star Wars: Knights of The Old Republic.

  • Calling all IOS users 5.0 years ago


    How come ive never got it

    It may be possible that your device is not compatible with 1.8. Regarding iOS modding, it simply is not possible. Mods contain Executable Code, which Apple's ToS prohibits, and if Jundroo were to somehow work around it SimplePlanes would most likely be removed from the App Store.

  • What will be the 1.9 Update? 5.2 years ago

    Considering the fact that 1.8 only came out a month ago, we'll probably have to wait a few months before 1.9 comes out. Their current focus is getting SimpleRockets 2 out of early access.

  • Toothless 1.6 years ago


  • Another Simpleplanes Meme 2.1 years ago

    @X99STRIKER It was pretty long and felt spammy and off-topic. I've gone ahead and emptied it and reapproved it, so you can make a new bio.

  • P-52 ''Mustang II'' AH 2.1 years ago

    @Rjenteissussy post a link to it please

  • How do I unfollow someone if their account was deleted? 2.1 years ago

    @OnlyRealCarrot @PlaneFlightX Nothing I can do, sorry.

  • Su-27P "Flanker B" - "Blue-58" Ukrainian air force 2.1 years ago

    I have made some changes to the description, as it gives off the impression this is a sympathy/memorial post, which are prohibited by the rules. Additionally, "Glory To Ukraine" has been removed as it is prone to controversy right now that's best avoided.

  • 500 Points! 2.1 years ago

    Your post has been removed, please refrain from posting low effort things such as this. If you would like to celebrate your point milestone, please do so with a forum post or a properly functioning craft.

  • X-02AS Strike Wyvern 2.1 years ago

    @Rjenteissussy that's a pre-written comment for when a post deemed a copy is removed. You did credit the creator, but the post itself isn't different enough from the original to justify it staying up.

  • X-02AS Strike Wyvern 2.1 years ago

    Your post has been removed. Please read these rules about posting planes.
    Please try to make major changes to a plane before posting it. Simply painting an object a different color, or adding a few guns is not enough to consider it your own. In the future please credit the original maker, and try to post your own work.

  • Small update to the site rules 2.1 years ago

    @X99STRIKER about 12 hours

  • closed 2.1 years ago

    @IceCraftGaming I'm aware, but I was catching up on the post report queue and found this post, the nature of which violates our server advertisement rules.

  • Honda Driver Be Like 2.1 years ago

    Your post has been removed due to potentially violating a trademark with Honda. Please re-upload it without mention of Honda.
