147k Pilotmario Comments

  • YF-112 Warhawk II 3.4 years ago

    Not bad.

  • M2100 Humvee 3.4 years ago

    @Chancey21 The hill-climbing abilities is mostly due to how SP handles motors. In order to give it a semblance of realistic acceleration on flatter terrains, the engine had to be tweaked.

    I will be linking an unlisted stripped-down vehicle for those who want a Humvee that performs like a seal in the water, than a seal on land.

  • M2100 Humvee 3.4 years ago

    @Chancey21 It's representative of an up-armored Humvee. Hence, the sluggish performance and overburdened suspension. Removing the tan armor panels will dramatically improve performance.

  • M2100 Humvee 3.4 years ago

    @jamesPLANESii You'd be surprised.

  • USS Missouri "Mighty Mo" (BB-63) - 1984 3.7 years ago

    @CoolPeach It's a nice ship. There's even a little plaque that marks where the surrender of Japan was signed.

  • USS Missouri "Mighty Mo" (BB-63) - 1984 3.7 years ago

    Beautiful ship. I've visited her several times.

  • Oahu GIS 3.7 years ago

    Hey I can see my house from here!

    No, I'm not telling you where it is.

  • J.005 AFV 4.1 years ago

    Nice hull. Turret could use work.

    I think the Stallion turret would look more appropriate.

  • Gun Elevation 4.1 years ago

    Any way to turn this into a vertical/horizontal stabilized weapon?

  • Gun bidirectional stabilizer 4.2 years ago

    This is pretty awesome tbh. I made a few revisions to the code to inverse it, but that's mostly because of how I prefer to control turrets.

  • Funky Trees Missile Demonstrator 4.2 years ago

    @ChisP Sounds good.

  • Funky Trees Missile Demonstrator 4.2 years ago

    @ChisP How about having the fins fold out AND covers eject while firing it as you normally (select weapon, aim, lock, and fire) would without involving any other AGs than simply turning on the turret?

  • Funky Trees Missile Demonstrator 4.2 years ago

    @ChisP Not all at once, and before the 1.9.205 beta.

  • Funky Trees Missile Demonstrator 4.2 years ago

    Thanks! @KerlonceauxIndustries

  • Funky Trees Missile Demonstrator 4.2 years ago

    4500 meters. @Woozyliana

  • Funky Trees Missile Demonstrator 4.2 years ago

    Thanks! @Carbonfox1

  • Funky Trees Missile Demonstrator 4.2 years ago

    Same! @MAHADI

  • U.S.S. Enterprise Bridge (Star Trek TOS) 4.2 years ago

    Note to others: Wearing a red shirt here will place you in significant peril.

  • Knox Class Frigate 4.3 years ago

    I think this post missed one of the most notable actions the class participated in; the USS Reasoner (FF-1063) would be the site where the music video for The Village People's hit song In the Navy was filmed, while it was docked in San Diego.

  • Cruise Missile - Beta 4.3 years ago

    The HSLAM: My time has come.

  • RNZAF Boeing 727-100 QC 4.4 years ago

    Question: can the rear air-stair be deployed mid-flight? Just wondering.

  • Surface-Launched ESSM 4.5 years ago

    @EternalDarkness Thank you. Your spring-based false piston on your Recurve radar truck in fact was the inspiration for the pistons.

  • APFSDS-T, 120mm, M829. 4.5 years ago

    Wait, we’re both uploading something on SP?

    Truly a Christmas miracle. @NirvashTec

  • LRV-30 4.5 years ago

    @Supameatboy Thanks!

  • LRV-30 4.5 years ago

    @Zanedavid Thanks. It should be noted they tend to generate a lot of smoke once hit by something more potent than standard ammunition from an AK-47, ball ammo from anything 7.62mm NATO, or anything short of M995 from an M16.

  • LRV-30 4.5 years ago

    @Brields95 Yes. Hence why I had to go through Discord to let the moderators know.

  • ST-M1E 4.5 years ago

    @Z3RO I find that aspect rather interesting. Improvised armored vehicles have been around as long as armored vehicles have been, and the ingenuity of engineers to scrounge together such machines is rather fascinating.

    You've got examples from one-off craft-built trucks made by insurgents and ill-equipped paramilitaries scraping by to small-scale assembly by cash-strapped governments who need armored vehicles but cannot purchase them due to political and economic considerations, and all in between.

  • USS Halibut 4.5 years ago

    Nice sub.

    Oh btw Vault is essentially lying about everything on that post and he’s blocked me so I can’t defend myself on that post.

    I never made death threats or threatened to doxx anyone. That is a complete lie.

    Just to let you know so you don’t get the wrong impression of me.

  • OUTDATED: Input System Explanation & Tutorial ("Funky Trees") [SP 1.9] 4.5 years ago

    Gotta give the devs credit for making me use what I learned in math class. @SnoWFLakE0s

  • ST-M1E 4.5 years ago

    Cute little tank. I presume inspired by interwar tanks in the era where tanks were transitioning between "I barely know how to function on a good day" to "I am the gauntlet of the army's fist."

  • Transavia PL-12 Airtruk 4.5 years ago

    Wasn't this plane in the original Mad Max?

  • M1090 HEMTT 4.6 years ago

    @Spikerya I'd recommend some of my newer truck builds, or a ground-up truck design. The HEMTT isn't entirely suitable as a tank transporter.

  • Albacore-class SSN 4.6 years ago

    I have no interest in supplying these vessels to non-IDA states. Carry on.

    @TheFantasticTyphoon @Parshainaerospace

  • L O A F 4.6 years ago

    @belugasub Nice.

  • L O A F 4.6 years ago

    Question: How many times did you run this thing through a teleporter?

  • BAE Hawk 127 4.7 years ago

    I thought they got Phantoms for awhile because the USAF was working out the bugs in the F-111. When the F-111s were delivered, the Phantoms were returned to the USAF. @Alta2809

  • [SLRP] Discord Server Deleted 4.8 years ago

    @marcox43 Not my Navy, because I’ve got an org chart for it.

    Goodnight tho.

  • [SLRP] Discord Server Deleted 4.8 years ago


    On the matter of the use of “excessive force,” the decision to launch the strike was based on an assumption to the worst-case scenario and the limited information I had to work with, namely “a lot of patrol boats” according to the moderator who rolled the (highly successful) recon roll. And “a lot” can mean well, a lot. It could be 30 boats or 300 boats.

    Had I known about the force composition, I would have likely used weapons like AGM-123 Skipjack II, which is basically a standard US Mk 83 1,000lb bomb with a Paveway laser-guidance kit and a rocket motor, Hellfire ATGM from helicopters, or the Maverick TV-guided missiles. And there isn’t anything necessarily wrong with opening up with a strike with the power of God’s hands.

    As for the fact they are mere “peacekeeping forces,” the whole point of a UN-type peacekeeping presence is the use of force to deter action by belligerents. Their capabilities are largely dependent on the resources devoted by the state deploying said forces. As the presence of these forces was to achieve a deterrent effect, having sufficient offensive firepower to compel rogue military units to surrender is key.

    I never disputed whether he should deploy peacekeeping forces. He considered the aircraft carrier group’s presence to be “egoistical” and don’t really have a use in humanitarian operations. Never mind that aircraft carriers IRL are frequently used in such operations, but there you go. I suppose a 100,000-ton speedy floating airport capable with the ability to prepare tens of thousands of hot meals, serve as a base for aerial distribution of humanitarian aid, treat hundreds of people in sanitary and advanced medical facilities, power an entire city, and coordinate the actions of hundreds of watercraft and aircraft used in the effort at the same time isn’t useful for humanitarian aid. I suppose the US Navy is totally lying and doesn’t know anything about a class of ships they’ve been using for almost a century.

  • [SLRP] Discord Server Deleted 4.8 years ago

    @RocCrafter101 You are correct. I expected that a naval formation known as the Primary Fleet would at least have large capital ships and some degree of protection against anti-shipping missiles.

    With you as their adviser, I expected that if he was supplying his forces by sea, he'd at least use large surface combatants with sophisticated anti-missile defense systems.

    @MrVaultech Also, there wasn't a rule which stopped me from starting off with modern and highly organized armed forces.

  • [SLRP] Discord Server Deleted 4.8 years ago

    @EternalDarkness Uhh... this thread may require some moderation here. I know you don't get involved in RPs at all, and I can see why. Some of the statements by certain individuals can be considered libel, as they have no basis in the truth.

  • Type-1 Armoured Gunboat 4.8 years ago

    Looks like a pretty neat monitor.

  • The YB-60 (and B-36) in colour 4.8 years ago

    YB-60 was competitor with B-52. @Brields95

  • Brot Type C Battlecruiser 4.8 years ago

    That is true. As mentioned though, the North Point would likely die horribly if the action was in good visibility, in open seas, and where the North Point couldn’t simply run away. @BlazeInfinity

  • Brot Type C Battlecruiser 4.8 years ago

    @BlazeInfinity It may have radar if that ball ahead of the main rangefinder is a radar unit, but it's likely a basic search-type or fire control radar if that's the case.

  • Brot Type C Battlecruiser 4.8 years ago

    Well that was kind of the point of battlecruisers in the first place. Namely, as cruiser stompers.

    The North Point does have radar that would allow it to simply lay smoke or dive into the nearest rain squall or patch of bad weather, flip on the radar aim/wallhacks, and deliver a hail of accurate 8” armor-piercing shells while the battlecruiser sits there wondering where the stream of 8” shells are coming from.

    It also has a slight speed advantage, but that would mostly be useful to run away from a very lopsided fight. Which it may not be able to do, especially if it is a screening force as cruisers tend to be.

    But if the North Point can’t find a suitable blob of cover or weather to obscure visibility but allow the use of superior radar-directed fire control to deliver the death of a thousand cuts, then the death of the North Point by 16” naval gun is all but assured.

  • Brot Type C Battlecruiser 4.8 years ago

    I’m kinda curious as to how well it would fare against my old North Point.

    I’d give it to this, since while neither ship has armor that can realistically hope to stop the other’s shells, this has bigger guns.

    On second thought the Salem-class missile cruiser conversions would likely blow it out of the water on the basis of a large number of anti-shipping missiles. @Feanor

  • Creeper 4.8 years ago

    @AerialFighterSnakes You'd have to craft that shotgun.

    Also you'd need to get the gunpowder for the shotgun, and you get gunpowder from killing creepers.

    Sooo... yeah.

  • Creeper 4.8 years ago

    This gives me flashbacks from back in the day.

    I love it.

  • Anbessa 2M2 APEX 4.9 years ago

    @Dastin Yes.