20.2k MAINE Comments

  • [WEBW] CF-18 4.9 years ago

    Ok so I decided to download it. To my surprise it didn't lag on my mid 2011 iMac. WOW!
    Though, it does fly like a brick and why couldn't the builder just set all the landing gear to retract when you select "Landing Gear"!

  • Jet Engine 5.1 years ago

    I am attempting to make a Mod myself. Unity isn't playing nice on my iMac (the simpleplanes mod tools are not loading correctly, I have to manually install them, for some reason they disappear and end up somewhere else where they don't belong)
    Anyway... I have always wanted wings that were more realistic. That is what I will be working on if no one else beats me to it. Curved airfoils, flaps that look and operate properly. Spoilers... You know the parts. Just have to implement it all.

  • A Bionic Bird 5.1 years ago

    I was seconds from being pissed because I thought you took my most recent post idea and just added to it. NO! YOU DID 1,000,000 better!
    You made one seriously awesome bionic bird. I love the mechanics to it. The annoying sound of a magnet is troublesome but hey, with ingenuity things can't always be perfect 1st time around.
    Seriously, this is one amazingly creative build. I especially like the wing flap movement. I couldn't figure out a way to make it circle like that. Just didn't see it in my head to put it into a build.
    Thank you for making this and sharing it.

  • P-51D-30 Mustang 7.3 years ago

    @AdrianFlyingAce @AdrianFlyingAce @AdrianFlyingAce

    Ok, then totally upvoting. Sorry, for any negativity.

  • P-51D-30 Mustang 7.3 years ago

    How does this get so many votes? Seriously. It doesn't reach max true speed and when you drop the flaps, it crashes...

  • It's my birthday 3 months ago

    @AshdenpawTG22 I guess we have to relate our own personal image personas in order to understand where you are coming from. To be honest I have a conservative mindset but, I am also very open minded at the same time. What I am trying to say is that you should do what makes you happy. Though, don't take it into public unless that public space is with other "furries". Kinda like when people gather for a Comicon. Meaning, a safe space where other who share the same ideas can get together to enjoy yourselves.
    I think I can make myself clearer by saying this...
    Some of us find happiness in redneck behavior and looks. Some of us like metrosexual clothing and things. Some of us like to be rapper thugs.
    I fit more in that redneck range. I feel comfortable in jeans and a t-shirt (though, not dirty or worn out). I love my guns and enjoy hunting. I find pride in cutting my own firewood (though I hate the hard work it takes). I prefer living in the woods rather than the city or even a small city.
    So, in conclusion to my ramblings. I accept you for you. Do your thing. Don't get depressed because, your parents don't like the idea. Maybe you can explain to them how I just explained it to you.
    Also, remind them that one day you may not be into "furry" stuff. Today is today and that is what makes you comfortable and happy today, doesn't mean tomorrow will be the same. People change. ( I used to love wearing hippie clothes and smoking weed, then I changed into the oppisite)
    Also, respect them by not making your personal image a public display. It's good to be weird, better to keep it among friends.
    Think about it this way. Gay's used to just wear a rainbow pin on their lapel. I know this because, my uncle was gay (past tense, dead now). In the 70's he wore one of those pins. To let others who were gay know he was part of their group of people, in order to find others like him. Though, today there is a large gay movement which, has decided to take that too far. Dancing in the streets naked. Exposing themselves to bystanders; people just trying to get to work who don't want to see their junk on the way. Of course they are not all like that. But, a bad batch makes the rest look like a bunch of crazies.

  • KMS Bismarck 3 months ago

    Somehow I just can't wrap around my head that this was completed on an Android device.
    10071 parts.
    What do you have for an android device that can run this???

  • Scout Miro 2.0 years ago

    @Harder258 It reacts like a piston and rotator combo. Programmed with some funky trees to give a delay on the rotator.

  • LEAVE ME ALONE... 2.1 years ago


  • IA Image Importer 2.2 years ago

    Please refrain from posting images on their own to prevent the website being filled with nothing but pictures

    Good Idea but, if they are decals that could be a good thing as long as people actually label them as PARTS or if we get a new label called DECALS

  • White Users be like: 2.3 years ago

    What's this supposed to mean???

    White Users be like:

  • The Violet 2.3 years ago

    Sexy bomber


    I don't try to use any cruise control. I set it up so that the throttle gets killed just before it reaches the carrier. That way it slows enough and the engine is shut down when it lands.
    It's kind of Ghetto method but, it works perfectly.
    Here's the AutoThrottle code - Activate3 & TargetSelected & TargetDistance < 1500 ? 0 : clamp(Throttle, 0 ,1)

    The main thing is to have the proper glide slope. I had a few ways I did this but, they all pretty much came out the same in results. It ended being a balance of speed and pitch.

    Pitch: TargetSelected ? clamp(PitchAngle* 0.011, -1, 1) : 0 + clamp(Pitch, -0.35, 0.35)

    AutoThrottle: Activate3 & TargetSelected & TargetDistance < 1500 ? 0 : clamp(Throttle, 0 ,1)

    Auto Roll Leveling: TargetSelected ? RollAngle/90 + clamp(Roll, -0.35, 0.35) : clamp(Roll, -0.35, 0.35)

    On to the automatic cruise control... Using a formula for PID works great. Though, I swear I saw other methods that worked better. When I actually get a chance I will take a look.
    If you aren't already using SnowFlakeos Funky Tree guide here it is

  • Junkers Ju-52 "Tante Ju" 2.7 years ago

    What a top notch aircraft! Seriously!!! Holy cow man it flies like a dream, lands like a dream. It has probably the most realistic takeoff, handling, and landing of all aircraft I have ever tried on SP in 5.8 yrs of playing this game. Truly and award winning accomplishment. Beautiful build as much as it's flying characteristics.

  • SimplePlanes VR - Coming 2021 to Steam and Oculus Quest 2.8 years ago

    @PaperPlaneHasDream Man I bet Andrew doesn't even know how to use the SP interface 🤣🤣🤣

  • Easily 3D printable fighter jet 3.1 years ago

    @Walvis Oh lichens! So, you live in a place with good air quality I assume. They are supposedly linked to good air quality. I live in Maine. While we are the tailpipe of the east coast due to all the emissions traveling up the east coast and across our state. We have lichen on everything.

  • Mobile Multiplayer 3.1 years ago

    Nice April fools!

  • SimplePlanes MultiPlayer Servers 3.1 years ago

    @Griffon1 So, I had to Google what you said to understand...
    Urban Dictionary : "A term invented to signify that someone is wondering something out loud, and wishes to look sophisticated." 🤣

  • I think we all learned a valuable lesson, but just in case 3.2 years ago

    @EchoWhiskey11 TOTALLY!!! All these people in the world saying how much free time they had in lock down. Hmmm Jundroo were you not socially distancing yourselves?
    Considering 90% of the job has been completed via MODS, it would be nice to make the MODS standards within a 90 day window.

  • SR2 - Planet Studio Update 3.2 years ago

    All love going to someones pet project (SR2). Can SP get some love?

  • framechirper - 3.2 years ago

    @frogbot4000 It's not funkytrees. It is using the overload mod or XML editing to change the "INPUT" on a hinge to "Activate7"

  • McDonnell Douglas DC-9-32 Alitalia 3.2 years ago

    I have flown on Air Italia. They are AMAZING!!! Well that was so long ago but, they handed out fresh bread and hot towels. There wasn't any 1st class seating on my flight so this was just normal for everyone. Then of course when we landed they all started clapping. I had never been on a flight where they clapped... WEIRD. It's like they expected to crash and were happy they didn't

  • > A list of SimplePlanes' multiplayer servers 3.3 years ago

    @Griffon1Crosswind Not you, it's the server. Use the second server until the 1st one comes back up.

  • Douglas DGP-1 Gun Package 3.5 years ago

    I found the Grumman F8F carried 400 rounds per gun. So the ability to hold more and to scuttle the pod(s) if needed for weight loss is an awesome concept.

  • P-8A Poseidon 3.5 years ago

    You won't need a degree to fly but, it won't hurt. Though, to fly in the military I am sure you know you do have to have a degree. Most officers hold engineering degrees.
    It's never to early to start learning to fly. Well, in the USA to fly an airplane you have to be 16 to get the license. I worked with a guy who got his at 16, no degree, and now he flies multi engine jets (Commercial Cargo) out of his home state of Indiana.
    As long as you don't fear flying at all, I say to do it. Nothing more peaceful than just riding up high.


    @ssenmodnar Thank you

  • P-8A Poseidon 3.5 years ago

    @AzureCorp Sorry, if I disappoint you but, I was not a pilot. I was a gas turbine mechanic and quality assurance. I have flown the P-3 but not takeoff or landings. They don't allow untrained to takeoff or land.

  • COVID-19 Vaccine 3.5 years ago

    @SavageMan What other kind of pen pals are there? We are writing back and fourth about our experiences with this pandemic and he is giving me insight on how the Chinese are keeping this scourge at bay. He is in middle school so you know you can trust him to be honest unlike all of our so called adults in power.
    I am glad he can share this information. It seems the rest of the world is too arrogant to take the measures they do in certain Asian countries to stop the spread of the disease. I feel bad for being the bad guy and spewing my anger towards his government on him in the beginning. Thankfully he is a better person than me and now I can make up for it.

  • SP MotorHome RV 3.6 years ago

    @goboygo1@ChallengerHellcat @Wi1dSk7 @NoGoCars
    Thank you for taking notice of my RV and the upvote

  • MIK Pinto BI Trainer 3.6 years ago

    Thanks to @Gestour and builders like you. SP will soon be the best flight simulator out.
    Wonderful implementation of instruments and beautiful aircraft design

  • Banan stab *meme* 3.7 years ago

    We The People are tired of the Triggered. Too many people care way too much about their feelings and how what they do affects others. I could understand if you actually made something hateful. But, stabbing a banana is just stabbing a banana. We can all feel ashamed we allowed such a traumatic event to occur ... Oh wait should have I used the word DRAMATIC.. IDK anymore.
    I don't use pronouns. I just call it like it is.

    I think we having more pressing issues than feelings. Such as Ash borers, hurricanes, COVID, mob violence, murder hornets and much much more. Maybe one day we can get back to work and solve these kinds of issues instead of caring so dang much about offending each other. It's just petty to worry about every little offensiveness one can dream up. It's time to stuff those morons back into their lockers.

    Oh and if this bothers ANYONE. You know where the sun doesn't shine so head on over to that place.

  • Adressing the Upvote Issue 3.9 years ago

    Very well said. I agree and thanks for showing us a way beyond this.

  • Nuclear cannon 4.1 years ago

    Not a Nuclear weapon, explosion is tiny

  • Good and bad news in one 4.2 years ago

    @AircroftDesigin I am staying home as suggested. Our whole family is. My wife is even thinking of calling out for the next 2 weeks. She works in one of the worst places... Way too many people from all over stop through.
    I already work from home. Plus, we have been stocking up for quite a long time. We like having lots of backup of things like shampoo, soaps, cleaners.
    In the story of the Any & Grasshopper I am not the Grasshopper, I am the Ant. I already have the wood cut and split for 2020-21 winter. Just have to stack it now.

  • Good and bad news in one 4.2 years ago

    @AircroftDesigin You keep them safe. I have 6 adult kids. I also have 13 acres of land and a home to defend. We may live in the woods but some of our neighbors are reformed or current junkies.
    Between the junkies and people who live paycheck to paycheck, I know we have to defend our place. There is already talk on social sites about people robbing others if they run out of food or essentials because, their workplaces are closing. I do understand how they feel and I will do what I can for my family. I will not rob someone. I will ask my neighbors for donations. If someone asks me, I will give what I can.

    I know this now...I will be using my fields to grow as much produce as possible for myself and for my town. I want to help everyone in the end. I hope all of you do the same. Seriously, everyone needs to grow a garden and share the food this year.

    Oh and all the Chinese on here need to demand their country stop all open air animal markets. PLEASE

  • Did The Website Shut Down On Anyone? 4.2 years ago

    @ChallengerHellcat YES! I knew it! I knew you used a VPN. That's how you keep those guys from watching what you say ;)
    I have one also (Windscribe, I got a very good deal too)

  • Skyroad Circuit 4.2 years ago


  • nothing is confirmed 4.2 years ago

    "Do not overcomplicate it!" As @jamesPLANESii said and @MethaManAircraft reitterated like was done in SR2

    • Keep the Designer GUI as close to the original as possible.
    • Multiplayer@MethaManAircraft

  • Tank News SP! 4.2 years ago

    @RussianAS хорошо, мой друг

  • Beta 1.9.202 4.2 years ago

    Thank you Jundroo!
    A PID controller!!! WOW

  • DO NOT UPVOTE (REQUESTED PART) 4.2 years ago

    @Alta2809 I get you. I really do. This post was innocent when I did it because I wasn't aware of the hidden post feature at the time. Not going to remove it though since it still gets votes to this day and it my highest yielding one at that. I am sure you understand that one too. I get upset when I work hard on something to try and get votes. Though, I have learned to just build for myself and when I feel it's something I want to share, then I upload it. Not for the votes anymore. Just to share.

  • Part Collision Response 4.2 years ago

    What I know is this. If you set the ...
    disableAircraftCollisions - true
    partCollisionResponse - none
    health - Infinity
    Nothing blew up or broke apart on mine and my Physics is set to HIGH.

  • Funky Trees "Airplane Tag" 4.3 years ago

    Right! That’s exactly why I am asking for this.
    You can test others projects, then read their code in “overload” and begin to understand how the equation relates to the physical attributes.
    I learn best alone by seeing many examples and then my brain will grasp it.
    I understand how it works via Unity’s website for actual programming. Though, you take away the statements such as “if, and, or, loop...” and I am lost. It’s like trying to understand a sentence without those words. Does this sentence makes sense ? “I to store I will up bread milk eggs.”
    That’s how I look at Funky Trees without the normal programming structure.

  • [PINNED] Markdown Formatting 4.3 years ago


  • ORB-01 Akatsuki Oowashi (5K Gold Special) 4.3 years ago

    I am not into anime or any of these kind of robotic Gundam or Voltron things but, I can appreciate the skill and time you put into it. You get my upvote.

  • 2019-nCoV 4.3 years ago

    Google Translate:
    拿这玩意炸服去吧 = Take this stuffed fried clothes

    是时候需要一个武汉人来咳嗽一下 = It's time to have a Wuhan person to cough

  • 2019-nCoV 4.3 years ago

    WONDERFUL! Now you are spreading that scary virus online.

    Here I was being thankful I am thousands of miles away from that apocalyptic germ and then BOOM I read in the news that we have 1 case that was in Washington D.C. and he headed home. Let me guess... That was the patient zero for the USA sent by the Chinese government. Convenient he hangs out in D.C., one of the most populated areas in the USA and houses our government.
    Also, the tickets to travel from where I am to Wuhan are only $796! Seriously! That is a 21 hr flight. How is it so cheap to fly to the center of disease but I can't get that cheap of a ticket to go somewhere it's warm and sunny?

    One last thing. DUDE, those things look like the nails for the coffin and the spikes which will pierce all my white blood cells and T-CELL's . SICK!

  • Focke Wulf - Triebflugel 4.4 years ago

    @LeonardoEngineering Just got another upvote. That is one pretty bird. To me, color scheme makes a HUGE difference in the build. The attractiveness of the finished product is what sells me. I suck at choosing good color schemes. I am not an artist whatsoever. My ability is finding creative solutions to mechanical issues by any means possible. "Give me a avacado, an ice pick, and my snorkle... Trust me bro I've made bongs with less" -MacGyver Smoker

  • SR2 is now on Steam 5.5 years ago

    Nathan, Philip, William, Kevin, and Andrew
    Nice to see the whole group. Defiantly makes it more enjoyable to see who made the games I spend hours playing and I enjoy deeply.

  • ZTZ-96 MBT (Full Interior) 3 months ago

    The People's Liberation Army of China are calling... They want to know where you got your schematics for the interior of this tank. Considering it's classified lol
