20.2k MAINE Comments

  • 3D Print Challenge (& Thanks for Silver) 20 days ago

    Yeah, the whole OBJ export sucks. It leaves an empty shell which when sliced ends up not being useful for printing.

  • ZTZ-96 MBT (Full Interior) 3 months ago

    The People's Liberation Army of China are calling... They want to know where you got your schematics for the interior of this tank. Considering it's classified lol

  • Antonov An-225 Mriya [UR-82060 Antonov Airlines "ANTONOV BUREAU"] 3 months ago

    Love the Antonov An-225. Will anyone ever leave those silly fans out of their cockpit build though? LOL

  • It's my birthday 3 months ago

    @Graingy OMG, I totally understand. It's ridiculous how long it took to get a final answer about my wife after a tick bite. She did get Lyme disease but, the test took nearly a year to get back the results. That is by far the most ridiculous thing I have ever experienced. She was prescribed the antibiotics for it the day she was tested because, she had the classic red ring and she was feeling sick with a fever. It's nuts because, she never goes in the woods, rarely walks anywhere near tall grass. I go in the woods near daily. I also, check myself because, we have a crazy amount of ticks here in Maine. Luckily, I haven't gotten Lyme or any of the other tick borne diseases. The others are worse. Lyme disease killed my dog in 2020.
    Listen, you are chatting with someone who has anxiety and severe panic issues. My big trigger is heath problems. Basically, I don't read up on anything when I have any health issues. Not even a cold. Otherwise, I become bedridden for the next 2 weeks trying to fight off a panic attack. Though, one thing always seems to cause me to calm down quite a bit so I can recover from the panic attack and get back to normal. I accept that I can not control what's coming. That I can survive any hardship. That this is merely a test of my strength. Then I force myself out of that bed and start walking, playing loud music, split wood until I am exhausted. I do that kind of thing day after day until that nasty panic cloud leaves.
    Don't dwell on whatever it is that is bringing you down. Accept you can't change it. Then stand up (if you can) every day looking to fight that fear face to face. Literally swing you arms, get crazy, SCREAM at the top of your lungs and tell it that you are the one in control.

  • Mechagodzilla 3 months ago

    @winterro I hope you are going to take your talent to Elon. IDK about you but, I love that guy. He is making some serious history and being part of that would be amazing. He is the man that will get us to Mars. I hope that happens before by 2035 or sooner. We really need to make some strides with manned space exploration.

  • It's my birthday 3 months ago

    @AshdenpawTG22 I guess we have to relate our own personal image personas in order to understand where you are coming from. To be honest I have a conservative mindset but, I am also very open minded at the same time. What I am trying to say is that you should do what makes you happy. Though, don't take it into public unless that public space is with other "furries". Kinda like when people gather for a Comicon. Meaning, a safe space where other who share the same ideas can get together to enjoy yourselves.
    I think I can make myself clearer by saying this...
    Some of us find happiness in redneck behavior and looks. Some of us like metrosexual clothing and things. Some of us like to be rapper thugs.
    I fit more in that redneck range. I feel comfortable in jeans and a t-shirt (though, not dirty or worn out). I love my guns and enjoy hunting. I find pride in cutting my own firewood (though I hate the hard work it takes). I prefer living in the woods rather than the city or even a small city.
    So, in conclusion to my ramblings. I accept you for you. Do your thing. Don't get depressed because, your parents don't like the idea. Maybe you can explain to them how I just explained it to you.
    Also, remind them that one day you may not be into "furry" stuff. Today is today and that is what makes you comfortable and happy today, doesn't mean tomorrow will be the same. People change. ( I used to love wearing hippie clothes and smoking weed, then I changed into the oppisite)
    Also, respect them by not making your personal image a public display. It's good to be weird, better to keep it among friends.
    Think about it this way. Gay's used to just wear a rainbow pin on their lapel. I know this because, my uncle was gay (past tense, dead now). In the 70's he wore one of those pins. To let others who were gay know he was part of their group of people, in order to find others like him. Though, today there is a large gay movement which, has decided to take that too far. Dancing in the streets naked. Exposing themselves to bystanders; people just trying to get to work who don't want to see their junk on the way. Of course they are not all like that. But, a bad batch makes the rest look like a bunch of crazies.

  • RNVS Defiant: Battlecruiser, Serpent Slayer 3 months ago

    @UnmanagedReservoir You must have the greatest patience of anyone I have ever talked to ever. To be able to build a 28458 part project like this with nothing but, lag happening is astounding to say the least.

  • It's my birthday 3 months ago

    @Graingy Are you dying? If not, then life ain't bad. You can make changes, you can achieve where you want to be. It's all in your head. As the Navy Seals say with the 40% rule: When your mind is telling you that you’re done, that you’re exhausted, that you cannot possibly go any further, you’re only actually 40% done. I spent 10 years in the Navy and can tell you that mind of matter is a major focus in bootcamp for any sailor or solider.

    You’ve only got three choices in life: Give up, give in, or give it all you’ve got.

    I choose to NEVER GIVE UP!

  • It's my birthday 3 months ago

    @AshdenpawTG22 What you need is ketamine therapy for depression that isn't being resolved by traditional meds. Also, being an outsider in itself is a major cause of depression. If you want to feel happy you need to find where you fit in. We are social by nature and lack of that is where depression typically stems from.
    As for the furry thing. IDK about all that besides my own opinion. If it matters. I think that is just a coping mechanism. It's something you enjoy because, it's a costume to hide in.
    I suggest living in the woods away from people for awhile to see if it helps. As for ADHD. That isn't the cause of your issues. I have it. I have been dealing with it for many many more years than you. It is a tool I can tap into which, allows me to be more competitive than others. It is a gift IMO. A burden but, also a gift.
    Depression is like cloudy days. They too shall pass and so will your depression. Chin up, positive thoughts, find the drug(s) or therapy that works for you and don't give up on trying to resolve it. Just don't do anything permanent. Medically or otherwise.

  • Mechagodzilla 3 months ago

    @winterro Sick build.
    You said final exams. You've been on SP almost as long as me. I am guessing you're in college by now. What is your goal? Major?

  • RNVS Defiant: Battlecruiser, Serpent Slayer 3 months ago

    Please share your PC specs?

  • Free version of Juno: New Origins is now available for beta testing 3 months ago

    The ship is sinking.
    When the market share between SP and Juno is doing so badly you have to offer Juno for free. 🤣

    I wish you would do some updates to SP.

  • KMS Bismarck 3 months ago

    Somehow I just can't wrap around my head that this was completed on an Android device.
    10071 parts.
    What do you have for an android device that can run this???

  • DO NOT UPVOTE (REQUESTED PART) 1.4 years ago

    NARC 🤣🤣🤣

  • Meat Seeker Crossbow 1.7 years ago

    @mistrain Thank You

  • SimplePlanes MultiPlayer Servers 1.7 years ago

    @winterro Thanks for that

  • Something is coming 1.7 years ago

    awesome with Bob. Makes me wanna toke one and just stare at the snail

  • electric fan 1.8 years ago

    @klm747klm747 can't, as I said my comment was removed.

  • electric fan 1.8 years ago

    Remove my comment, I remove my upvote. Cancel Culture Communist

  • TYM TRACTOR T264 1.9 years ago

    @UmbrellaCorporation Sorry, no.

  • Wolfswagon 4954 ''TimberWolf'' 1.9 years ago

    @BaconAircraft I wonder how many people actually buy their extended warranties from those automated cold calls. You would think they wouldn't be able to keep the lights on from how many people hang up and block their calls. So, they're must be a lot of idiots buying those scammer 3rd party warranties.

  • Wolfswagon 4954 ''TimberWolf'' 1.9 years ago

    Alright, where did you get the wood bub? lol

  • How do you cope with loss? 1.9 years ago

    Depression sucks. But, the only cure for it is to live each day and not look at the future. The future is inevitable so live today and nothing more. Eventually this depression will pass like the storm. All dark clouds pass. Until it passes. Try not thinking what comes next. BTW, when you say you ran someone off due to your worrying. Do you mean due to your jealousy or due to actual worrying. Such as anxiety concerns? Because, jealously is an ugly beast and will drive off anyone.

  • A Paper Plane 2.0 years ago

    Doesn't work. It goes nutso as soon as you load. Did you build this on low physics?

  • Motorsport Championship Gameplay 2.0 years ago

    Thanks for posting this. I was wondering of the mod was worth the hassle of downloading. Looks great

  • Trans Flag Prop w/ Bendable Flag Post (1:1) 2.0 years ago

    @Leahh Well said

  • Roomba 2.0 years ago

    Does this Roomba get randomly stuck for absolutely no reason? Does it seem to take forever to find it's home? If not this it isn't an actual Roomba 🤣🤣🤣

  • SimplePlanes MultiPlayer Servers 2.0 years ago

    @JCTECHNOLOGIES You don't believe in FREEDOM do you? Or at least have no concept of what that word really means. Always someone who wants to ban people. There is a mod in place that you can activate to block users you don't want to play with. We don't need more authoritarian governmental controls in our lives. IDC if someone comes in trolling. They eventually stop and go away. If we had a Combat MP map then maybe they wouldn't feel compelled to troll the ones who are just flying around.

  • Enterprise Class Heavy Cruiser 2.0 years ago

    Awesome to see people finally making Star Trek ships. I saw you on multiplayer. I am working on the Klingon Bird of Prey.

  • Scout Miro 2.0 years ago

    @Harder258 It reacts like a piston and rotator combo. Programmed with some funky trees to give a delay on the rotator.

  • Scout Miro 2.0 years ago

    Simply one word... Masterpiece

  • SI type mothership 2.0 years ago

    Someone has way too much time on their hands and a video card that could run all of SpaceX

  • Free candy Van 2.1 years ago


  • Boeing 747-200 2.1 years ago

    I only have one complaint. When banking the airplane doesn't bank properly. It lifts more than it banks. It's very odd. This makes it impossible to fly. Though, the YAW is spot on. The best and most realistic YAW I have seen yet in over 5 years.

  • NCC1701-ENTERPRISE(METRO CONFLICT) 2.1 years ago

    @KS23M Did you see there is a new Star Trek series debuting on Thursday, May 5th on Paramount. Star Trek: Strange New Worlds
    HERE is a trailer

  • NCC1701-ENTERPRISE(METRO CONFLICT) 2.1 years ago

    There is a STAR TREK tag you can add for your tags

  • NCC1701-ENTERPRISE(METRO CONFLICT) 2.1 years ago

    I wish I could upvote 1000 times

  • SimplePlanes MultiPlayer Servers 2.1 years ago

    @se34ruy New and Old Japanese Server is down. Any idea why?

  • SimplePlanes MultiPlayer Servers 2.1 years ago

    @SyntheticL Looks like that Chinese server is DOWN

  • Rest In Peace, MU5735 2.1 years ago


    Regarding Posts

    No sympathy posts or memorial posts. Move those discussions to the forums.

  • LEAVE ME ALONE... 2.1 years ago


  • Tesla Cybertruck (Texas Edition) 2.2 years ago

    If it was a Texan truck, where are the oversized truck tires? lol

  • 3D printed RC plane. 2.2 years ago

    I would think a 3D printed propeller would shred at high RPM's. Though, through some trial and error you may get it to work. Just keep messing with the infill pattern. I would think cubic subdivision would provide the best strength for all the forces. With the nozzle output set to the smallest you can go and don't do a solid fill but, set it to something like 90%. To give it strength and rigidity while still allowing flex. Maybe even bump it down to 80%.
    I haven't touched my 3D printer in a year. I've just been too busy to sit there and calibrate it. Ends up taking hours and then I never seem to get it perfect across the entire bed. I have the Anycubic Chiron. Big BED so harder to get it to be perfectly even. It's so called automatic leveling is far from automatic or a leveling device.
    Beautiful 3D print!
    What printer do you have?

  • C-27J Spartan 2.2 years ago

    Back in 1999, I was one of 3 people who watched an Italian guy get killed by the propeller of an Italian Airforce C-27 on the military base in Iceland. It was one of the AFT observers who had to step out to pick up a bag they left outside before taxi. He had the corded headset on and there was a miscommunication between the pilot and him. The pilot advanced the throttle because, he thought the guy said he was clear and inside. It happened so quickly. I was on the edge of the taxi ramp with another guy and we were waiting for them to taxi so we could cross. What I saw sent a weird sensation down my entire body I can never forget. (The other guy who saw it happen was a civilian support person who was refueling a tractor at the time nearby)

  • FST R-2 UAV 2.2 years ago

    It has magical flight that overcomes the laws of physics. I love it. When the anti-gravity device is turned on it is able to YAW almost in place without losing speed, stalling, or going into a flat spin.

  • PAK DA 2.2 years ago

    Flies like a Soup Sandwich but, looks sexy.

  • Fendt 942 vario 2.2 years ago

    Thanks. I would love a big 70HP Kubota like my neighbor bought last year but, I don't need one for what I do. He does landscaping and tree removal. Actually, it's nice to have him for a neighbor. He brings me free tree length firewood from the jobs he does. Just unloaded about a cord of Fir trees last week. IDC if it's fir, it burns hot and the coals last. Many areas of the world burn Fir since the world isn't filled with hardwoods.

  • Fendt 942 vario 2.2 years ago

    The cab and chair movement really gives that authentic feel. I have a MUCH smaller tractor but, have used lots of larger ones. So, it's much appreciated you added those features.

    HERE is a link to my tractor build of the tractor I actually own.

  • AF-55B 'Adelaide' (39 Parts) 2.2 years ago

    "Don't upvote this"
    I always upvote when told not to. I am a rebel

  • SimplePlanes MultiPlayer Servers 2.2 years ago

    @StephenLynch It should say "Joining Room 0" then "Joined Room 0".
    If it doesn't and you're using the Japan Server. Then follow the same steps we always do for technical issues. Reboot, Restart, Reinstall, Turn all mods off and then turn on only one (MP of course) and test. Then you can turn on each mod one by one to see if there is a conflict.
    Also, double check the IP you are using. Delete the old one and re-enter it. NO COPY PASTE BS.