26.5k HuskyDynamics01 Comments

  • Totally a Normal Kitchen-Grade LPG 1.9 years ago

    Why does a squished Boom 25 actually make a decent-looking propane tank

  • Random Helicopter/Propeller Tips: 2.0 years ago

    Ok, I had no idea that you could put helicopter blades on propeller engines. That's pretty cool!

  • Minecraft Shulker 2.1 years ago

    - Looks fabulous and works great (like seriously, your builds somehow keep getting even better)
    - Ocelot gets a fun box to play with
    - Ocelot do be driftin tho

    - Lacks effective anti-ocelot defensive measures
    - I'm a little creeped out by the walking animation
    - RIP Horse

  • I’m quitting SimplePlanes, you should too. 2.1 years ago

    Anyone else remember the year and a half between 1.7 and 1.8?

  • I'm serious 2.1 years ago


  • 1-2-3-4 I declare a point war 2.1 years ago

    5-6-7-8 I prob'ly shouldn't participate

  • AF-55B 'Adelaide' (16 Parts) 2.1 years ago

    @X99STRIKER haha fake internet points go whee

  • Just teasin' ya m8 2.2 years ago

    You don't need the A key if you want to roll 45 degrees to the left. Just roll 315 degrees to the right! It's m a t h

  • SimplePlanes OCD 2.2 years ago

    Actually I find #1 to be even worse when it's the entire plane that's slightly offset

  • Detection range 2.2 years ago

    No, the 10 mile limit is hard-coded into the game for ground targets. Air targets have an unlimited detection range, but ships, tanks, and trucks can only be detected from 10 miles or less.

  • What makes this... (question answered by W manz 12 days ago

    (Copied from one of my comments on the post)
    At the time it was posted, this was quite literally the best, most advanced plane anyone had ever built. All the features it has (working cockpit, functioning single-shot guns, roundels, and even working landing gear) were made before any of the actual dedicated parts for those features were added to the game. (Not to mention the fact that if you look at all the other planes posted around the same time, this one looked the absolute best by a huge margin).

  • Graingy PSA and Survey: Account Security 23 days ago

    local man rants about anime builds, more at 11

  • Meme of the day #6 one month ago

    "Your thirst for vengeance has blinded you, for though you may have destroyed your foe, in doing so you have ensured that you may never safely return to the earth"

  • What plane should i build? one month ago

    The DC-8's making its last flight for NASA right now I believe, so that could be a good choice.

  • I just had lasaganaga and it was amazing one month ago

    so amazing that you added a few extra letters :)
    I totally agree though, lasagna is really good

  • Gmail is clogged one month ago

    Go through and delete whatever you don't need, as well as removing yourself from any mailing lists that signing up for various accounts may have put you on.

  • My opinion regarding the recent "experiment" accounts. one month ago

    I may or may not be actively deleting the spam it's posting

  • Why ma post get delet 2 months ago

    If I had to guess based on your comment history and the content of this post, likely because the moderators "reserve the right to remove posts if they are too far off-topic" (from the rules page).

    Also, as I'm sure you know from reading the site rules as you were supposed to do when creating your accounts yesterday, making alternate accounts to upvote your own posts is also prohibited, and can (will) earn you a permanent ban if you do so. Just thought I'd mention that as well while I'm here.

  • Hmmmmm? Part 2 2 months ago

    Mainly because Juno (SR2) has the ability to switch which craft the player is controlling (and thus has a need to get out and walk) whereas SimplePlanes does not.

  • A gift for @WisconsinStatePolice 2 months ago

    I do not trust the 7-piece Straight Block

  • can someone PLEASE get me up to speed 2 months ago

    @jamesPLANESii But then you'd be missing out on whatever next week's flavor of psychological trauma will be

  • Oh no 2 months ago

    when you see that it's a licensed font but don't actually read what the license is
    (spoiler alert, you're gonna be fine)

  • Worth Industries TE150 3 months ago

    Also I love the design and how you made it work (and genuinely look good while doing so) but running a set of traction motors off of a generator on a turbojet engine has to be one of the most inefficient ways possible to power a locomotive lol

  • [Redacted] is not allowed in Simpleplanes?!? 3 months ago

    It's not just a SP thing, actually. Honda is super picky about who gets to use their brand and trademarks (which include all of their products), and they don't like it when people do it without their permission. FlightGear ran into this back in 2014, and they ended up just removing the HondaJet entirely if I recall correctly.

    Best to either stay away from modeling the brand entirely or to not specifically model a Honda product (not suggesting anything, but I think I've seen a few "JondaHet" builds before).

  • Flaps. So easy, but so hard. 3 months ago

    Try clamp01(VTOL) and then invert the input if necessary.

  • Writing an article - prospectives 4 months ago

    @WinsWings Yeah I'm with 32 and Graingy on this, having to pay for certain builds would just instantly make me ditch both games. The whole point of the websites is that anyone can share what they make for anyone else to play with, and locking user-created content behind a paywall is just an abhorrent business practice. I've got enough of a problem with official content being paywall-restricted. DLC for extra parts and whatnot I'd probably support, but outright having to pay to download user creations is a big no-no. This doesn't need to turn into War Thunder with all sorts of premium paywalled builds, when this is supposed to be a fun sandbox game where you can build anything you want.

    I do agree with you that some "preset" parts would be neat though, like more landing gears, better wings, tank tracks, and whatnot.

  • Writing an article - prospectives 4 months ago

    @AshdenpawTG22 "Ghosting"? You mean, ramping down updates as they shift focus to a new project?

    Remember, Jundroo is literally seven people. They can't really work on two projects on the scale of Juno/SP simultaneously effectively, and Juno - as the newer and significantly more advanced and in-depth project - obviously would receive priority.

    It is unrealistic to assume that development on both could continue simultaneously, or that updates for SimplePlanes would just keep coming indefinitely.

    I still haven't made up my mind on the free edition of Juno though. On the one hand it's great to get more attention to the game and probably will in fact help with profits ("cash grab" in the videogame sense is not an appropriate term for this though; that would be more like if they had hyped up Juno as a KSP-beater - which they didn't - and then abandoned it two weeks after launch once a bunch of people had bought it), but on the other hand their presentation of it is somewhat misleading in terms of what you'd actually be getting for free.

  • The act of creating a MOD using data from other games and publishing it. 4 months ago

    If you're planning to publish a mod that uses assets created by other people, you will need to get permission from the original creators to use their assets.

    (Technically you don't need to do this if the assets are under certain CC licenses, but I can't think of more than a few games that fall into this category so you should really get permission anyway.)

  • Hello everyone. but I hope the mobile mods and maps can be returned because they are compatible and may not be fixed, so I hope they come back and fix it. 4 months ago

    The reason that mods are no longer supported on iOS/Android is because Apple and Google have both decided to prevent "third-party" (read: player-created) code from running on their devices. Jundroo had no control over this decision, and is not responsible for the inability to support mods on iOS/Android devices. This has been the case for several years now, and is quite unlikely to change.

    (Actually, I don't think iOS even ever supported modding in the first place.)

  • Andrew 4 months ago

    is this a jundroo fanfic

    we have reached new levels

  • Something is up… 4 months ago

    Juno now has ads and is going to be ftp, which is of course featuring bundles to remove ads and add gameplay features.

    wait WHAT

    edit: okay it's not that bad, there's gonna be a separate free, limited version with ads in mobile

    Also seriously what the heck is going on with Andrew all of a sudden

  • OA-16B/NA Civil Air Patrol 4 months ago

    Speed limit enforced by aircraft

  • bruh 5 months ago

    The limit is every 24 hours, not every calendar day (i.e. it doesn't reset at midnight). Working as intended, as a quick glance at your profile shows 3 builds posted within the last 24 hours or so.

  • Flying Money 6 months ago

    so that's where my tuition goes

  • Pi 7 months ago

    Today I learned there is a 4,000 character limit on comments.

  • CAD Design P51 Mustang 7 months ago

    Sounds like an ambitious project! You might have better luck looking for assistance on an engineering or CNC forum rather than an indie sandbox videogame, though ;)

  • A pipe just broke in my kitchen! 7 months ago

    Shut off the water and call a plumber.

  • I may not be able to post tommorow 7 months ago

    @TheFlightGuySP I haven't posted anything in literally over a year and I don't think anyone's noticed lol (maybe I should do another challenge?)
    But yeah definitely focus on quality over quantity; plus it's more satisfying to post one build that you spent weeks on rather than three or four builds that you hammered out in a day or two.

  • Idk who needs to hear this 8 months ago

    Just like to let yall know that if you see accounts in formats like [name0###]
    or [name####), might wana report them as they are obviously bots

    ...well, this is awkward

  • Landing Gear 8 months ago

    You may actually be insane

  • Finale 8 months ago

    @Graingy Well, sort of. The real OG planes, from pre-1.2 (fuselage blocks), were limited to the Twin Prop, Vertigo, P-51 Mustang, Sea Plane, and Biplane, from what I can recall. The first four all got remastered into what today are their "Simple" variants (though the Twin Prop existed for a while with the engines at the front of the wings rather than the rear, and the re-engined Mustang was "P-51 Mustang 2.0" up until 1.11), while the Biplane was removed presumably to make way for the new stock planes that were most of the hype at the time. That being said, the community was a lot smaller then too, and I wasn't much of a part of it having only had the game for a few months at that point.

    But yeah the Kicking Fish is pretty much the same lol

  • Are there any parts in the game that use a texture? 9 months ago

    Other than the gauge faces (and technically the text labels, though that's not exactly what you're referring to), all of the parts use basic single-color materials (up to four of them per part: Primary plus Trim 1, 2, and 3), which allows them to be painted easily from a code standpoint (and also helps with performance since the game doesn't have to load an image texture for every single part, just a color code with parameters for gloss, etc.).

  • v1.12.200 beta is now available 9 months ago

    Flipping back and forth between WOO an update :D and NOO the last update D: (these new lever and switch variants are awesome though guys!)

    Related, is there any hope of a fix for the water visual #bug that I reported to @PhilipTarpley in October 2021 (occurs when the view is moved close to the water, and I suspect it to be related to AMD hardware)? Last I heard it still hadn't been tracked down.

  • I solved the issue about 4 PC maps and mods! 9 months ago

    Good analysis, but not quite right. The Brown Pearl does exist on both iOS and Android, but Maywar and the Kraken don't for performance reasons. (As a side note, the small unnamed islands that provide general direction markers between islands also don't exist on mobile.)
    Modding was never supported on iOS to begin with to my knowledge, and was largely removed from Android due to Google TOS changes preventing scripted mods (read: anything except a basic map mod) from working.

    I am curious about this "one island afar Snowstone" though. Unless that's one of the little unnamed ones, I've never heard of it before. What heading should one fly to reach this island?

  • Imagine deleting comments 10 months ago

    Imagine caring about points

  • i dont like algebra. Edit: it's alright one year ago

    Just wait until you get to calculus.

  • Lisunov Li-2 one year ago

    Neat! Russian license-built planes aren't too common builds here.

  • Why are replicas so popular? one year ago

    Also, is the picture supposed to be a confusing jumble of red and black, or is there something weird on my end?


    Yikes! Don't worry about us, take as much time as you need to get things back together and settled down again. I'll be praying for you.

  • Is my username acceptable one year ago

    Here's a tip: If you need to ask if your username is acceptable, it probably isn't.
