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Chengdu JF-14S

43.0k Rafalemmm  one month ago
Auto Credit Based on Rafalemmm's Chengdu-JF-14S-

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This is a fiction
China's aviation industry experienced significant growth in the 1970s following the application of systematic aeronautical manufacturing experience gained through cooperation with the Boeing company on the Y-10 program. The industry continued to expand during Beijing's Sixth, Seventh and Eighth Five-Year Plans, released in 1981, 1986 and 1991 respectively, resulting in the production of thousands of J-7 and J-8II series aircraft. Although these second-generation fighters are impressive and can compete with international counterparts with new avionics and softwares, they may not provide a long-term solution. It is clear that China will require a state-of-the-art third-generation fighter in the future.

The Chengdu Aircraft Industry Group began designing a new canard single-engine fighter in 1981 based on the J-9 programme proposed but later scrapped in the 1960s. In late 1980s, the aircraft successfully completed its maiden flight, and its basic variant using FWP15 engine and N010 Zhuk-10 radar entered service with the PLA Air Force in 1990 as the J-10I. The J-10 series formed a high/low mix with the J-11 series which Shenyang AIG had meticulously copied and improved from the Soviet-made Su-27 Flanker for more than twenty years. They did not only held up defending the skies of the motherland, but also successfully sold to various allied countries in Asia.

As China's allies in East Asia and Africa grow in number, Beijing seeks to export advanced military equipment to the international market, which naturally includes fighter jets. While successful models such as the JF-8, JF-10, and JF-17 have been developed, they are still unable to compete with heavyweight jets like the F-15 in terms of payload and range, meanwhile China's own heavyweight J-11 series cannot be exported due to restrictions imposed by the Sino-Soviet trade agreements, as they are imitations and improvements of the Soviet-made aircrafts.

Therefore, Chengdu Aircraft Industry Group started to develop a twin-engine heavy fighter based on the successful J-10 series. Development of the new aircraft, known as the J-14 program, began in 1997. Its first prototype rolled off the production line in mid-2008 and appeared in public eye a few months later. Then two more prototypes (1404 and 1405) were delivered to the PLA Air Force's 39th Fighter Aviation Division (in fact a combined unit of both aggressor and RND roles established in 2001) in 2009 for further test flights and development. Development phase of the single-seater was completed in 2011, while low-speed production of both single and double seater variants which features additional limited multi-role combat abilities began in 2012.
The aircraft was officially revealed to the public at the 9th China International Aviation & Aerospace Exhibition in Zhuhai in 2012.

The first users included China, DPRK and Indonesia and has since been introduced to several other countries including Vietnam, Pakistan, Iran, Angola, Tanzania and Myanmar.











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General Characteristics

  • Predecessor Chengdu-JF-14S-
  • Created On Android
  • Wingspan 45.7ft (13.9m)
  • Length 62.7ft (19.1m)
  • Height 21.8ft (6.7m)
  • Empty Weight 23,203lbs (10,524kg)
  • Loaded Weight 36,497lbs (16,554kg)


  • Power/Weight Ratio 7.85
  • Wing Loading 70.7lbs/ft2 (345.0kg/m2)
  • Wing Area 516.5ft2 (48.0m2)
  • Drag Points 4447


  • Number of Parts 2213
  • Control Surfaces 5
  • Performance Cost 7,708
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    32.9k SyntheticL

    ----11/vi 2024----
    在1970年代获得到大量来自波音公司的系统性航空制造经验并得以运用后,中国的航空工业发展呈现出爆炸性增长态势。作为北京于1981, 1986和1991年分别发布的其第六、第七和第八个五年计划的一部分,中国制造了数以千计的歼击七型和八型飞机。这两型飞机属二代歼击机,虽然可在新型航电设备加持下与各国同时期产品进行一定程度的竞争,但也并不是长久之计。中国终究需要第一流的三代战斗机。 成都飞机工业集团于1981年开始在1960年代提出但后来废止的歼击九型计划基础上设计一型新锐的鸭翼单发歼击机,最终搭载涡喷-15型发动机和N010甲虫-10雷达的基本型于1990年开始进入人民解放军空军服役,即为歼击十型。 这一型歼击机在二十年间与沈阳飞机工业集团在苏-27飞机基础上仿制、改进制造的歼击十一型飞机形成高低搭配,不但撑起了祖国的天空,还成功销往亚洲各个盟国。

    Pinned one month ago
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    "created on android"
    bro, what kind of phone did you have 😭

    +1 3 days ago
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    Not mobile

    +3 one month ago
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    28.8k FengRedWhite


    one month ago
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    one month ago
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    1,652 Ashdenpaw1

    If my iPad processor could talk, it would be screaming in pain

    one month ago
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    390 363636


    +7 one month ago
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    93.1k ReignSUPREME


    one month ago
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    one month ago
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    9,551 Armyfight

    I like this.

    one month ago
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    4,558 Corn8


    one month ago
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    i was just looking this stuff up

    one month ago
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    2,092 ffifteenfive

    very sad to say, its very difficult to control

    one month ago
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    This plane looks absolutely incredible, amazing work man. That main picture is one of the coolest and most well-portrayed ones that I have seen in a while.

    +2 one month ago
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    @LunarEclipseSP EXCUSE ME?! CHINA, PLS HIRE @LunarEclipseSP! And @Rafalemmm.

    one month ago
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    @Rafalemmm yeah, J-10 Vigorous Dragon is looks like a fusion between the Typhoon and F-16

    one month ago
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    @Alternation sus

    one month ago
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    1,859 florky

    love this so nuch because of the MiG-1.44 vibes

    one month ago
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    101k Wallaby

    MIG 1.44 noises

    one month ago
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    43.0k Rafalemmm

    @LunarEclipseSP I see , and honestly, during the construction process, I did indeed experience the evolution of this aircraft's design, shifting from resembling the J-10 to adopting features of the EF2000, and finally transforming into something akin to the Mikoyan MFI.

    +1 one month ago
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    @Rafalemmm that's an interesting explanation you got there ( •. •)

    one month ago
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    43.0k Rafalemmm

    That could be true, In the practical construction and during discussions with the SyntheticL, I actually referenced a model of Chengdu's proposed twin-engined stealth development of the J-10 . As for the shape of the Inlet, I drew inspiration from the Mig-1.42 Mikoyan MFI.

    By comparing, you can see that both have their Inlets twisted at a certain angle relative to the fuselage. I referenced this design with the intention of maintaining sufficient airflow during supersonic flight.

    Incidentally, considering the positioning perspective, this tactical aircraft of an later generation exported to third-world countries to maintain regional balance might be difficult to directly compare with the Mig 1.44, given their distinct eras and intended roles.

    +1 one month ago
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    74.0k MrCOPTY

    @Rafalemmm Spot Available Now (•3•)

    one month ago
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    275k WinsWings

    great job with your work - following you now

    one month ago
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    9,373 Vikram123

    Very nice design. Good looking.

    one month ago
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