51.4k ZeroWithSlashedO Comments

  • Points Challenge (CLOSED) one year ago

    I mean what's different from just building
    can this be called a challenge anymore?

  • Suggestion one year ago

    my theory, there's several reason's why this has a very, very slim chance of happening:
    1. game ain't built around multiplayer, and cross platform multiplayer is a different kind of beast and it probably involves rewriting the code all over again
    2. trying to go around this by saying that it's exclusive to pc is like saying "hey, mobile users, get out", politely
    3. mods on mobile will never come back unless they decided to rewrite the code because some sort of google policy update thingy Idfk

    I'm not saying it's impossible, it's very much possible but I'm just saying that it's very unlikely to happen

  • How do I make a rotator stable? one year ago

    how to solve a problem:

    step 1:
    identify the problem

    step 2:
    study the problem

    step 3:
    try a method you know

    step 4:
    if it doesn't work, do either:
    - look into people's builds and see how they do it
    - ask

    step 5:

  • MiG-29A Fulcrum-C 1.1 years ago

    yes, finally a good opponent to go against the vipor

  • Why is the A-10 so popular in SP? 1.1 years ago

    A-10 bias.
    you see em here and there among aviation fans. Because the moment they see an A-10, they think of the powerful guns,

    which is not powerful.

  • I just realised how to make planes for aircraft carriers 1.1 years ago

    so basically a way more complicated and inconvenient way of an auto aim.

    that's stupid.

  • Boeing F-15EX Eagle II (Platinum Special) 1.2 years ago

    liberation of gracemeria plays.

  • Sweapstreak Peregrine F.2 1.2 years ago

    nice one

    not to be annoying or anything, but it looks like a mash of multiple european fighters and a certain eastern fighter
    and it's executed very epiquely

  • What is considered as realistic flight? 1.2 years ago

    there's many things, tbh
    but the comment below explains it pretty well

  • Grumman F-14D Super Tomcat (Shirakami Fubuki) 1.2 years ago

    most of the time you just point out the tiny little details that are missing or either don't make you comfortable looking at so

  • Wasp Woman 1.2 years ago

    flying woman of death.
    (she stings)

  • He He 1.2 years ago

    stop ffs
    this is a site for planes
    not for hates

  • Stop. 1.3 years ago

    there's a thing called "Off Topic" tags so uh yeah

    regardless, this place isn't really reddit or facebook or twitter, whatever the fuck do people use nowadays
    this was originally a website for planes, for people to share their creations, ask for help, and stuff

  • We do NOT need a SimplePlanes 2 1.3 years ago

    we might not need a SimplePlanes 2, but SimplePlanes is outdated as fuck in terms of the physics engine if you've played Juno, you'll feel th major difference


    choodo ii. I have an attack helicopter ready.

  • Question Regarding Fusalages 1.4 years ago

    if you're making a replica, I suggest using blueprints
    each 2 values of fuselage block is 1m
    match the length, height, and wingspan of the aircraft you want to replicate, then match the blueprint's size accordingly
    for example: F-16 has a length of 15.06m, if we were to convert that to simpleplanes' length we need 3 fuselages with a length of 10 and 1 fuselage with a length of 0.12, then match the blueprint with the length, the wingspan, and the height, after which you can just follow the blueprint

    maybe I should make a tutorial for this at some point

  • [RD Cockpits] F-16C Viper Block 52 1.4 years ago

    I'm mad that this thing is a tier II plane
    it's at least a tier III plane tbh

    but eh, whatever

  • Lock On Radar Demo 1.4 years ago

    if not, devs please add this in the game it looks so cool

  • [AI] Sukhoi Su-35 Super Flanker 1.5 years ago

    very funni original joke haha
    I'm laughing so hard
    el em a o I am laughing so hard

    tf am I doing

  • Wouldn't This Be Neat? 1.5 years ago

    would be cool tbh

  • XML Suggestions (Missiles) 1.6 years ago

    hm what if
    would be cool for something like a realistic rocket smoke on an AIM-120C/D or an AIM-9X

  • How far Avalanche is? 1.7 years ago

    like, Idk, 80 nmi?

  • Sukhoi SU-35 "Flanker S" 1.8 years ago

    top view is good
    side view however makes me aeugh
    although I would give him (Griseo, not you) props for making that goddamn camo

  • War challenge II [Closed] 1.9 years ago

    Simply, cope.
    After all, it's just internet points dude.
    They have a rule, and you gotta stay with the rules. That's how challenges work, my guy.
    Who cares about the prizes, all we gotta do is have fun. That's what these challenges are for. If you're always aiming for that number to go up and get you the damn medals, shame on you.
    Sure, upvotes do give some satisfaction, but you can't forget that building and challenging yourself to the limit is what makes this game so addicting. So don't be childish, and start building.

  • 5th Generation Fighter Challenge [CLOSED] 1.9 years ago

    su57 time :)))))

  • Lockheed Martin F-35B 1.9 years ago

    I am simply

    people are stealing builds and "remastering it"

    I'm gonna be brutally honest
    Yeah Bogan's F-35 does not have a VR compatible cockpit but you simply can't remove the credit he deserved, especially when all you do is remove the external weaponry and added a shitty gun design, while he did all of his job by ACTUALLY MAKING THE AIRPLANE, 2.9 YEARS AGO, TIMES WHERE FUSELAGE GLASS AND FUSELAGE CUTTING DOES NOT EXIST

    now I know, it's not a simple "recolor and random block placements", but still, Bogan deserves his credit, you can't take it away

    to put more salt on the wound, this guy reposted somebody's airplane, probably multiple times by now
    you could've saved yourself, if you listed the changes YOU'VE made and NOT make someone like me accuse you of repostings BECAUSE, IT. LOOKS. THE. FUCKING. SAME.

    at this point I might as well just repost someone else's builds and claim them as mine and remove the autocredits and make them vr capable so I can get more points, but since I don't wanna be a trashcan, I'm not doing it.

    That concludes my rant.

  • Backbone of the Soviet Air Force 1.9 years ago

    Yeah, it has it. Though I like rate(Heading) more.

    No. The colors are there to represent moving parts. Red are slats, Yellow are fins, Blue are elevons, and Orange are Flaperons. Grey are misc, like Airbrake or Chute doors or whatever you call them.

  • FUNI DORITO 1.9 years ago

    I can't unsee the fact that it is a m2k
    just l o n g and the intake is square

  • I just made a mistake. 2.0 years ago


  • Just So You Know, Kiddo 2.0 years ago

    asal lu tau ya dek

    ini situs penuh dengan karya menakjubkan

  • SimplePlanes is always better than SimpleRockets 2! 2.0 years ago

    I would say the exact opposite to be honest.
    From what I've seen, there are much more customizations in SR2, they got actual canopy part before we do. Hell, they've got customizable engine and landing gears! That's just crazy!

  • Sukhoi T-10-1 Flanker-A 2.0 years ago


  • Sukhoi T-10-1 Flanker-A 2.0 years ago


  • I am the owner of simple planes 2.0 years ago


  • How to upgrade your flight model without creating a new post??? 2.0 years ago

    It's possible, just like Aviator01 said. But currently for you, it's impossible.

    See, there's this thing called "XML Updating" which is available for Silver players (1000pts) if I'm not mistaken. If you've reached silver, you can update your XML.
    Tutorial can be found here.

  • Politics shouldn't be an issue in this game 2.0 years ago

    wumao smh

  • The Real Ghost of Kyiv 2.0 years ago

    gosd obf kieebvf

  • F-16C USAF Livery 2.0 years ago

    aight cool
    desc though
    literal copypaste which uh yeah I don't like

  • QUESTION FOR DEVS AND MODS 2.0 years ago

    How many times are people going to ask about this?
    Also, leave the mods alone. They don't work for the development of the game, they are moderators on the site.

    So anyway, I kindly ask to please stop asking what the next update is. Even if they answered, I'm confident they'll just say "Oh it's a secret" until they teased it like months later.

  • This is annoying text... 2.0 years ago

    Spam prevention.
    Public limit 3, and unlisted limit 10, as both MrShenanigansSP and ReinMcDeer stated below.

    However I did post above 3 in a day that one time, but I'm not gonna tell you how.

  • I think i found a solution! 2.0 years ago

    You could also just put damperMultiplier on 10 or more.

  • Starline Industries: GB-7K Gryphon 2.0 years ago

    Still, I see it as a successor more than anything else.
    Let me list why.

    • Wing looks different. Quite different.
    • LERX is added, which the original doesn't.
    • Wingtip "pylon" is removed.
    • It's longer.
    • Intake is now stored below the wing instead of being in the side of the wing.

    You know how the F/A-18E/F is a redesign of the F/A-18C/D? Yeah, that's what this feels like.

  • Starline Industries: GB-7K Gryphon 2.0 years ago

    I, uh... Don't think this is even a variant anymore. I feel like this is a successor more than a variant.

  • I’m quitting SimplePlanes, you should too. 2.0 years ago

    I could be here trying to defend this game. I could make a whole ass comment about why this game's not as dead and suck as you might think.
    I'm not going to say SP excels at everything. There's a lot of things lacking in SP, but cmon. It's a building game. You make, you test, you share. That's what makes SP fun, despite being a singleplayer game.

    Mobile players are still playing to this day, even with their shortcomings of, for example: no mods, no multiplayer mod, and limited exploration. But that doesn't keep away the players, we still play for the builds, for the creations. When we get bored, we can dogfight AI and complain about it. We can fix AI dogfight behaviours. Then we play, and have fun.

  • Viper V3.0 Progress (Teaser) 2.1 years ago

    oh :v
    I'm dumb

    Either way, I'm remaking it.

  • General Dynamics F-16I Sufa 2.1 years ago

    From Secret Tag Req:

  • Just some thoughts. 2.1 years ago

    Unfortunately for you, I was never wise in the first place.

  • If you think about it... 2.1 years ago

    Black and white's pretty cool. I might do a livery of my viper and publish it.

  • F/A-18F Super Hornet V2.6 2.1 years ago

    then again the f is a 2 seater, and who doesn't love 2 seat fighters?
