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XML Suggestions (Missiles)

63.8k Yourlocalhuman  1.6 years ago

So i want to give Suggestions regarding XML Editor on missiles, we already have alot but it seems we still missing features, aight here's few of my suggestions:


As the name said, this XML input is about missile's smoke trail, we either can put it into Deafult or None, we can also put Time = 0.30 for example to make missile's smoke trail show for the first 30 seconds, then dissapear

This is useful to make guided bombs and turbojet powered cruise missiles


As the name says, again this XML input will affect the noise of the missile, we can set it in form of numbers, the default is 100, for example if we want to make stealth missiles we can set it to 50 or 0, or if you want to be deaf set it to 1000


Affects damage done by missile,the input is by using numbers, this times we play SP we've seen many crafts being instantly destroyed with big booms, while we want big explosions we also want the craft to be not destroyed only lightly damaged, useful if we want napalms or realistic ATGM's

Any suggest? Thats it!

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    85.2k ReinMcDeer

    fireAndForget=True/False would be nice

    +1 1.5 years ago
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    26.5k Bryan5

    @ZeroWithSlashedO i agree with that ✅

    1.6 years ago
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    hm what if
    would be cool for something like a realistic rocket smoke on an AIM-120C/D or an AIM-9X

    +3 1.6 years ago
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    26.5k Bryan5

    Deafult? Don't you mean Default?
    Anyways, Pretty Nice Suggestions 👍

    1.6 years ago
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    3,611 Dathcha

    I think these are good suggestions, and also pretty addable to the game

    +1 1.6 years ago