Dev WNP78 Comments

  • @Mattangi is a LIAR 6.1 years ago

    @Awsomur just in favour of keeping an open mind, his parents said "he" (a South Korean pilot) was dead, but never linked it to "Mattangi". There is no evidence as yet that "Mattangi" was the deceased pilot, except the account supposedly belonging to his friend. I can't jump to conclusions, because I don't know the ins and outs of the south korean military (and I don't believe you do either).

  • how do i fix rotaor wobble 6.1 years ago

    increase damperMultiplier setting. Keep going up till it stops wobbling. See here

  • Refuel 6.1 years ago

    @randomusername I have a future update with an improved spawner UI and plan to add custom tankers.

  • Slingsby Venture G-BVKU 6.2 years ago

    @sexylips35 If I did, I wouldn't be the first.

  • Upvoting through links is possible. 11 months ago

    it's not new, it's been known for over 7 years at this point. And while yes the design of the website could be changed to prevent it, we're kinda busy with a lot of stuff right now - it's not exactly an existential threat to anything and it can't be hidden, so if people abuse it we can just remove the points they got from it (or even more! :D)

  • am 13. one year ago

    @ToeTips it's not a rule we decided on ourselves, we can't legally knowingly collect data from people under 13, due to US law. So if we're aware that someone is under 13 then we have to terminate the account.

  • SP render distance so bad lol 1.3 years ago

    @OwO we literally made a whole game about that

  • SOLVED High AoA reverses roll inputs…how?! 1.4 years ago

    here's a page that might explain some of the concepts:

    Specifically the section titled "the stall":

    “Under some conditions, an aileron that is set to lift a drooping wing may actually stall that wing and drop it viciously,”

    Essentially, trying to roll left, you're using the right aileron to "lift" the right wing up. If that wing is just on the verge of stalling, the extra lifting is too much to ask of the wing, causing it to stall and lose even more lift, making it fall instead of rise.

  • Why can't we edit the description of curated aircrafts? 1.8 years ago

    Curating is a check to make sure that the craft is usable in VR, but also that the content is appropriate to be shown directly in the app. If you want to change your description, ask a curator to un-curate it while you change the description and have it re-curated.

  • Things that frustrate me most 2.2 years ago

    The landing gear raises with the aircraft every time you ascend.

  • Will SP die upon the release of KSP2? 2.3 years ago

    If you play it, it won't be dead. And I'm not sure what it's got to do with KSP2.

  • Weird bug on the website? 2.5 years ago

    It's just a general website error caused by the whole site slowing down, Andrew's made some tweaks so hopefully it should improve now.

  • For developers! 2.6 years ago

    It's a really neat effect, but it doesn't hold up too well when you get close, which is pretty essential in SP. It seems to consist of a stack of textured layers over the terrain, so it would still affect performance, especially when near it on high resolution displays (like VR). Also, did you really just make that account to upvote your own video?

  • Refuel 2.7 years ago

    @Deethebeast420 yeah i put it there

  • Regarding Built-in Designer suite 2.7 years ago

    They actually are supposed to persist, just don't due to a bug. They save whenever you tab away from the game or leave the designer (the same times the editor craft saves). However they only load when you open the blueprints panel, so if you exit the designer or tab out when you haven't opened the blueprints panel since opening the designer, it saves before it has loaded, which overwrites the save with a blank one. The fix for this will be coming along with 1.11. In the mean time, you can back up your configuration in the Blueprints/config.xml file in the save directory.

  • SPVR Update - Control Base 2.7 years ago

    Also yes, there are some XML options for tuning the strength of the rotator and I guess if you set them to zero it would be free to spin on any unlocked axis

  • Mem 2.8 years ago

    Yeah uh I'm gonna have to pass on this one someone try it

  • SPVR - Fuselage Slice 2.8 years ago

    @BMilan the slicing operation does affect the collisions in that the material that was removed will no longer collide. However the collision geometry for the hollow fuselage was never hollow, so unless we change that in the future, it'll be that way for actual physics in flight. In the designer, since the geometry is all static, we can much more easily make it hollow collision, so you should be able to select parts easier.

  • SPVR - Fuselage Slice 2.8 years ago

    @Destroyerz117 yes, it applies to all parts with the Fuselage modifier

  • SPVR - Fuselage Slice 2.8 years ago

    @V yeah, it works on all fuselage parts

  • Why is the Mods section under “Stuff?” 2.8 years ago

    // Re-add the mods button
    var main = document.getElementById("mainMenu");
    var li = document.createElement("li");
    var a = document.createElement("a");
    a.href = "/Mods";
    a.innerText = "Mods";
    main.children[3].insertAdjacentElement("afterend", li);

  • USS Beast spawned at Krakabloa 2.8 years ago

    The ship locations are synced to your launch locations. You probably launched from a location that had been saved or modified to place the ships there.

  • The new egg of the pyramid? 3.5 years ago

    @NewmanSTAR man I'm glad someone cracked the advanced targeting one, been waiting years for someone to find the whole thing (and not just accidentally trigger it by glitching the game). As for the numbers, they may or may not mean anything but I've actually forgotten myself and I didn't write it down, so good luck with them! Also, the laser works.

    Edit: I remembered the code, it's decodable.

  • Is the Blueprints panel not on mobile? 4.4 years ago

    It's disabled on older iOS devices because apparently the image picker doesn't work on them. That wasn't me, I haven't sold my soul away to the apple ecosystem so Andrew does the iOS specific stuff.

  • Refuel 4.7 years ago

    @Jollyranger4776 I expect so. Well done for connecting, not many people manage. I had an update in the works for it but then I uh... kinda started working with jundroo.

  • Guys... What is England? 5.6 years ago

    I can tell you, but first you have to charge your battery. Or just crop the screenshot.

  • Grammar police pls stop 5.6 years ago

    the Internet

  • A Game Security Weakness 5.7 years ago

    1. does not take a smart person to use a vpn
    2. why the hell would you need a vm
    3. "ip scrambler" I guess you mean a vpn
    4. yes, bans are circumventable. To make it impossible to circumvent a ban, they'd have to make it like you have to provide proof of ID for creating an account. Even then, identity theft and just using a sibling/friend's account means that it is almost impossible to enforce.
      so unless we're gonna become some totalitarian state where jundroo can keep biometric information on all it's users and verifies for each action, you can't enforce a ban fully.

  • Railway mod 5.8 years ago

    If you want to export for android, first re-run the unity installer, but this time check the box that says "Android Build Support".
    You will also need to install the android SDK, which you can find how to do here, ignoring steps 3 and 4.

  • You guys have a discord channel. Use it please. 6.0 years ago

    @Caveman999 don't listen to Caveman999 or any of the other RPers. They really badly spammed our SimplePlanes (not SimpleRolePlay) forums. He was later denounced for repeated roleplay posts. If you see anyone else doing it, please link them here.

  • _Technion Races 6.1 years ago

    And the reward for the most useless forum post ever goes to.....

  • Breitling's Profile Picture 6.2 years ago

    @sexylips35 how long are you planning to milk my script for points, without so much as mentioning it? (hehe @FastDan not all is as it seems)

  • What is the SimplePlanes Masterchat? 6.2 years ago

    You have probably heard of SPM from the logo in some people's bios, but the majority of our members do not display such. And just because we are selective about who gets in, it doesn't mean we aren't willing to help anyone, no matter the rank.

  • Wow you have to see this 6.4 years ago

    in the last 30 days, you've posted an 52 forum posts. To compare, I've been on this website for over two years and have only posted 36. That is average of 1.8 posts per day, compared to 0.049 from my account, and I have been pretty active on the community.

    Of course, there's no point just shouting out problems but no solutions. I'd recommend joining a discord server where you can show off things like this, without clogging up the forums.

  • Strange... 6.4 years ago

    gosh do I wish my teachers played simpleplanes.


    I think the most likely way this would have happened is by credential stuffing (trying known email/password pairs that have been leaked from other services online). I don't advise clicking on dodgy links from these bots of course, but the best way you can keep your account secure is by making sure that you use a strong password for your SP account and don't use the same password on multiple online services. You can also use the tool HaveIBeenPwned to check if your information has been included in known data breaches. It probably has.

  • random J-6 model box.....WAIT 1.4 years ago

    SP build photos come up a surprising amount when you search for images

  • I got banned and its because i said "A***u a***r" 1.6 years ago

    Please stop trying to spread misinformation as if the moderation team were just handing out that punishment for saying Allahu Akbar, while omitting the fact that you followed it up with "B o o m", clearly implying you were making reference to terrorism and extremism, rather than peaceful religious practice. If you continue to lie like this, you'll probably be banned again.

  • Nukes 2.2 years ago

    @Madelvasallo7 no

  • Advanced Targeting 2.4 years ago

    @xiaozhang358 I do remember the easter egg. Nice work decoding the first part. I honestly can not remember, and have no record of, what the second part means. I'd also say there's a 50% chance it doesn't mean anything and I put random numbers in it to mess with people. Sorry. Also, I don't think 7 * 191 is a hint for the second one. It has a meaning in itself.

  • ayo what happened to my pfp 2.6 years ago

    You need to turn on "show gravatar" in your account settings, or it defaults to this it seems

  • Stock Tank Tracks for 1.12? 2.6 years ago
    As described there, the 1.12 designation is part of the SPVR plan, and will essentially add integration with SPVR for those who have SPVR installed alongside SP.

  • Underwater Camera 2.7 years ago

    @Gudetama3421 not our choice that they can't be supported any more.

  • Why is the Mods section under “Stuff?” 2.8 years ago

    Lol, I made a browser extension userscript ages ago to add it back

  • Is SP calculating drag differently? 3.4 years ago

    The webpage doesn't recalculate drag points, they're saved when you upload. So if the upload page says 1900, it always had 1900.

  • Regarding posts in the Mods section 3.5 years ago

    @WereOutOfNames if the only reason you're making something is for points, why bother? The real reason people post things is to share with and help other users, while having fun. This is a game. Have fun. Points are just a little number by your name. If getting points isn't fun, you don't need points. Once you pass 30 points you don't get any abilities from gaining points. (Though since we try to only feature non-platinums, you could actually lose out by gaining points. People in my experience also tend to be more impressed by a quality build from a user with less points than they expect. It's like how birthdays get more and more lame as you get older past a certain point. You'll understand.)

    At the end of the day, and this is addressing your comment too @WagonTime , if we did things on a case-by-case basis, it would cause a lot of pain with people wondering why one person's got allowed and they other didn't. We just need to draw a line somewhere clear, and this is where the line has been drawn. And note, it wasn't my decision in the end, I put a vote to the moderators and it was unanimous.

    And when you say many, many, many hours to make it "ok":
    Firstly this isn't true, the only two on the mods section so far simply changed the Antialiasing setting from "Off" to "MSAA x8", and in the other case changed the positions and rotations of the carriers to put them next to each other. I'm not detracting from the work put into these or being ungrateful to people's contributions to the community. I think they're more than "ok". But while you're complaining about this I suggest you take a look at other forums which people have put many, many, many hours into. Artwork, backstories, tutorials, ReShade settings... can take as much time if not more than changing Settings.xml. They deserve credit too. But they're not on the mods section. Tl;dr - work for fun, not for points.

  • simpleplanes has a terraria reference in it??? 3.5 years ago

    I'd be surprised if they're actually exactly the same sound! Definitely not a deliberate reference, though.

  • Nukes 3.6 years ago

    @Yoloman2020 but they won't look as cool as this :)
    And no need to be sorry, I was the one that added the explosionScale option to the game...

  • So apparently "clamp" isn't a thing according to the debug expression thing... -_- 3.6 years ago

    @jamesPLANESii I didn't design that thing to ever work in the designer (since it's an input expression and their aren't craft inputs in the designer), so try it in the level?
