Dev WNP78 Comments

  • 9 months ago

    we do a little trolling

  • Bug thread for v1.12.128 (current version) 9 months ago

    @PlaneFlightX could you specify which part you tested on? I'm not getting this bug with a wing or a rotator

  • Underwater Camera 10 months ago

    @TheTomatoLover there's not much that can't be added, it's just a question of how much time it would take and if that's worth it versus how much we want it. In this case, there is the extra issue that the underwater part of the SP map was never designed to be seen, the terrains simply end. That was fine when you couldn't see underwater, but allowing the camera underwater in the stock game would push that into bug territory

  • What's Next? 10 months ago

    @Pepper50cal nothing is going away :). SP is still here and will continue to be here. Even if there's a sequel, SP won't disappear, your builds won't disappear, it's all still here like it always was. We're just keeping you informed on what our plans are and what we're doing right now. And I assure you, every day I'm working on new stuff that is really cool and as soon as we get our stuff together to a point where we're confident we can deliver what we show off, I'll be eager to show off a lot.

  • What's Next? 10 months ago

    @windshifter1 unfortunately I feel like there just isn't enough time. Personally I have about a million ideas for things to do to SP, and a finite amount of time. Also, the ideas you suggested, although they sound simple on the surface would actually require a lot of reworking of SP's systems - which would be a nonsensical thing to do if we were already thinking of a potential sequel

  • What's Next? 10 months ago

    @winterro even though you don't see us around a lot, I still browse the forums and site daily and I'm sure a lot of the other devs do too. It's not that we don't like your ideas, it's just that right now we're very full up in the ideas department and not so full up in the time department - and the more we delay the future projects to keep things ticking over, the longer it'll be until what I've spent a lot of my time working on gets to see the light of day

  • What's Next? 10 months ago


    There seems to be some confusion about the meaning of this post, so before you comment read this quick rundown of the key points:

    • We've recently been busy working on multiple projects
    • SimplePlanes updates will not be in development for the foreseeable future
    • This is because our focus has shifted to our next major project/projects
    • While a potential "SimplePlanes 2" is certainly a possibility, we can't guarantee it for now
    • There are also other very exciting ideas that we're actively looking into, but we can't share them right now
    • We'll keep you informed as soon as we have something concrete to show off that we're confident we can deliver on
    • Many of our developers are now (and have been) working on core technology that will be used in future games
    • While we value your feedback, I'd like to reiterate that we are not developing updates for SP and this post is not the place to suggest features

  • What's Next? 10 months ago

    @1342791782 right click on the game's .exe file open properties, in the details section it tells you what unity version it is. This works for any unity game.

  • Upvoting through links is possible. 11 months ago

    it's not new, it's been known for over 7 years at this point. And while yes the design of the website could be changed to prevent it, we're kinda busy with a lot of stuff right now - it's not exactly an existential threat to anything and it can't be hidden, so if people abuse it we can just remove the points they got from it (or even more! :D)

  • Bug thread for v1.12.128 (current version) one year ago

    @Tanner0501 if the plane still loads in the game world but you can't see it in the designer, there's a chance that you've managed to accidentally place a part very far away from the plane so when the whole build is centred in the designer, the actual plane is moved far away from the platform in the centre. If you can't find the part yourself you could upload the design and have someone check through the XML to find the stray part.

  • am 13. one year ago

    @ToeTips it's not a rule we decided on ourselves, we can't legally knowingly collect data from people under 13, due to US law. So if we're aware that someone is under 13 then we have to terminate the account.

  • SimpleCheats - a slightly comprehensive guide one year ago

    @DarthGo369 you'd have to make it a glass fuselage, the part type has different rendering and the other parts don't support transparency.

  • Funky Trees! one year ago

    @Mueheheh23 for the nth root of x you can do pow(x, 1/n)

  • Idk who these users are but ChatGPT brought me here one year ago

    @CL125 @32 I don't think Tully2001 was banned, they must have deleted their account.

  • Can the mods do somthing about alts for once? one year ago

    This post looks a bit dodgy in hindsight doesn't it @CL125 ?

  • Bug thread for v1.12.128 (current version) one year ago

    @Palliumindustries I can't speak for the company, but I will say that you're not exactly the first person to mention that here. I personally think people that think we should just copy over or inspire features from flyout are missing a few key points, first of which being that making our game into another game that already exists is a terrible business strategy. The other thing I think that happens a lot is people make the false assumption that "if [game x] gains n users, [game y] will lose n users!" which isn't true at a scale like this. Playing a game isn't an exclusive contract and very few people just play one game all the time. If anything, increased interest in the genre is good for us, and the chance of Flyout "replacing" SP is approximately zero because it's a PC only game, which SP is not. This reasoning is backed up by the fact that the massively popular Kerbal Space Program and its AAA-backed successor KSP 2 has yet to kill Juno: New Origins. More people interested in engineering and aerospace? Cool. That's what we make games about. Also, this is the bug report post, not for suggestions. The forums are for those.

  • Advanced Targeting 1.1 years ago

    @vonhubert bombs (after they have been dropped) have a different type of drag to SP's normal drag for some reason, instead of being SP's custom directional drag system they just have standard unity fixed drag (with a value of, if I remember correctly, 0.05). The way PhysX applies this drag is according to the internet via the per-frame formula velocity = velocity * ( 1 - deltaTime * drag). That's a frame-by-frame process, but if you want to do it with continuous calculus then that can be rearranged to the forumla acceleration = - drag * velocity (with drag being 0.05). Which I guess you can form a differential equation for or something

  • ComplexPlanes 1.2 years ago

    dude's cooking some kinda TempleOS game

  • Minimap with screen 1.2 years ago

    @SimpleStudent too busy adding other stuff to the games

  • is simpleplanes modtools package isn't available anymore? 1.2 years ago

    the latest version is always here. Information on modding can be found on the modding wiki that's linked at the bottom of the page when you go into Mods>Help

  • [SOLVED] Will someone please help me with a mod? 1.2 years ago

    @32 try using the mod tools package located here, they have been updated since the last release of the game to fix this bug

  • Can you guys help the plane disappeared 1.2 years ago

    looks like you probably edited a part's position really far off in the distance, you can probably fix it in the xml

  • SP render distance so bad lol 1.3 years ago

    @OwO we literally made a whole game about that

  • Nukes 1.3 years ago

    @Kendra nope

  • Stepping down 1.3 years ago

    @Bellcat jokes? we don't do jokes here.

  • Imagine that you have the source code of SP 1.3 years ago

    lmfao wait until these people hear about mod support

  • Refuel 1.3 years ago

    @Emirates380 does this work for you? What version of the game does it run on?

  • Funky Trees! 1.3 years ago

    @temporaryplanetester FT is only an expressions language, and if/else blocks typically group statements (instructions). What you can do if you want is to use the Activator field on a variable setter (click the downwards arrow to expand it) to only set a variable when a condition is met, and then have another setter for the same variable with the opposite condition. Or, if you want to format your code nicer, you could edit it in an external editor and split your ternary operators across multiple lines, like

        ? value_if_true
        : value_if_false

  • Any actual pilots here? 1.3 years ago

    I do a little gliding

  • Oh no, this is not good- 1.4 years ago

    The most likely way this would have happened is by credential stuffing (trying known email/password pairs that have been leaked from other services online). I don't advise clicking on dodgy links from these bots of course, but the best way you can keep your account secure is by making sure that you use a strong password for your SP account and don't use the same password on multiple online services. You can also use the tool HaveIBeenPwned to check if your information has been included in known data breaches. It probably has. If you've had the same password for as long as you can remember, maybe it's time to set a new one, or start using a password manager that generates secure randomised passwords.


    I think the most likely way this would have happened is by credential stuffing (trying known email/password pairs that have been leaked from other services online). I don't advise clicking on dodgy links from these bots of course, but the best way you can keep your account secure is by making sure that you use a strong password for your SP account and don't use the same password on multiple online services. You can also use the tool HaveIBeenPwned to check if your information has been included in known data breaches. It probably has.

  • My Thoughts About SimplePlanes 2 1.4 years ago

    there were a lot of 'victims' of fuselage cutting

    I dunno, I don't agree with this, old builds are always there and they work fine... it'd be insane not to seek something better just because it'd make older crafts "irrelevant" or something. It's like disliking faster computers because they made Half Life 1 irrelevant. You can still just download HL1 and play it. It's still there, like it always was. And if you own SimplePlanes, you'll always own SimplePlanes, and you'll always be able to use your builds, as they were made, in SP.

    It might be frustrating if you were in the middle of a build when something came along, but my only advice for that is that it's not a job, build for fun and if it's not fun then either make it fun or wait until we do.

  • Slingsby Venture G-BVKU 1.4 years ago

    @Vincent bork

  • It's time for a new name for SimpleRockets 2 1.4 years ago

    @IDNSatyaUpdootGrinder the propellor part is being added as part of the 1.0 update

  • Dark theme script 1.4 years ago

    @GorillaGuerrilla an easy way to download stuff from your normal browser is to copy the link to the plane and then press Ctrl+L in the designer

  • SOLVED High AoA reverses roll inputs…how?! 1.4 years ago

    @OrderlyHippo it's just an angle of attack. Have something show your current angle of attack and bring the plane to a stall.

  • random J-6 model box.....WAIT 1.4 years ago

    SP build photos come up a surprising amount when you search for images

  • SOLVED High AoA reverses roll inputs…how?! 1.4 years ago

    @OrderlyHippo stalling generally happens at the same angle of attack (critical angle) of the wing. Using the ailerons changes the angle of the wing and hence the angle of attack.

  • SOLVED High AoA reverses roll inputs…how?! 1.4 years ago

    here's a page that might explain some of the concepts:

    Specifically the section titled "the stall":

    “Under some conditions, an aileron that is set to lift a drooping wing may actually stall that wing and drop it viciously,”

    Essentially, trying to roll left, you're using the right aileron to "lift" the right wing up. If that wing is just on the verge of stalling, the extra lifting is too much to ask of the wing, causing it to stall and lose even more lift, making it fall instead of rise.

  • Audi Quattro 80 b2 slight tune 1.4 years ago

    Looks like you scaled a piston to 0,0,0 in the XML and it's causing issues with the drag calculation. If you want to get the craft working again it should just be a case of opening the XML and changing it back to something that's not zero. It's part 12620.

  • Mods are comig. To iOS (no, not clickbait) 1.5 years ago

    Unfortunately it's not that simple and has never been. "3rd party app support" would I assume mean allowing people to install apps from outside the apple app store. Not mods. iOS has a security policy that prevents apps from writing to executable memory pages. So, the only code that can run is code that was compiled with the app before it was distributed. This means that the JIT compiled runtimes that would be required to load mod code at runtime can't run on iOS. This announcement says nothing to imply that would change. Even in the very unlikely case that restriction were lifted - since that has never been supported, Unity has never supported using the Mono JIT runtime on iOS because it would never have worked, so you'd have to wait for them to implement support for that before we could do anything. And trust me, Unity has a lot else on their plate right now and I can't see them spending what is quite a lot of work and time spent testing on a feature the core of the engine that would benefit such a small portion of their users. And even in the extremely unlikely (pretty much fantasy-level) case of that happening, it'd be in years and probably in a newer version of the engine that would take us a bunch of time to upgrade to which could cause bugs and we'd have to find an alternate app store to distribute it on and then do two iOS builds for every release.


  • Bug with the windows. 1.5 years ago

    The hollow glass has different paint layers for the outside and inside surfaces. Try painting it with your layer set to all.

  • Simple Planes takes way too long to load 1.5 years ago

    Check if you have oculus software installed. There's a bug with it where it prevents games that have optional VR from loading (even in non-VR mode) if it's set as the active XR runtime but isn't running. Try running the oculus software and then launching the game, or setting your openxr runtime to something else

  • The world from extreme altitude 1.6 years ago

    @OkaNieba the sea is a flat circle that follows you around. You normally can't see the edge because it is beyond the fog distance

  • My Honest Opinion of Cuttable Fuselages in SP... (Plus news for Jundroo) 1.6 years ago

    I felt inclined to write a long response to this, but I don’t think it’d flow so I’ll try to summarise it in as few bullet points as I can. It’ll probably be really long anyway, because I have a lot of thoughts and I type too fast for my own good. First, on your comments about fuselage cutting:

    • Fuselage cutting never removed any options to the game, only added more.
    • I started work on the fuselage cutter after pondering solutions to the issue of easily making hollow cockpits – necessary to lower the skill barrier to making planes with detailed cockpits – a necessary change for the launch of SimplePlanes VR. Countless people had asked for a mesh subtraction feature, but this was always seen as complex and time consuming to implement, the interface would also be complex to use and there are technical constraints that would make life hard; such as PhysX not supporting dynamic concave meshes – subtracting one mesh shape from another can produce a concave shape even if both initial shapes are convex. I picked clipping by a flat plane because it’s the simplest 3d clipping, which made implementing the algorithm with the particular quirks of SP’s mesh system achievable. Also, clipping a convex mesh by a flat plane will always yield flat planes, which fixes the collider issue. It was only after this investigation that I came up with the idea of defining the plane using sliders in the same way in the UI as width, height or corner radius.
    • Understand that you’re playing ‘SimplePlanes’ and although you, and other players who put such huge amounts of effort into getting their planes to precisely match real life, are important to us and we’re always impressed with what you manage – naturally, you are pushing the game to its limit. And that can be fun. But remember, this a PC/mobile game about snapping blocks together and flying them.
    • I don’t understand your complaints about other people’s builds being ‘lazy’ since 1.11 – I’ve only seen top-end quality permeate across to a much wider range of people.
    • There are definitely some annoyances to the workflow in building in SP, especially at the high end. And we’d all love to have everything work as flawlessly as possible but we have a lot of other things deserving of our time to work on – personally I’m also at university now too, so the time I do get is stretched even thinner.
    • Everyone enjoys the game differently and everyone’s free to do that. We play games for fun and if you’re not enjoying it, simply don’t play. It’s not like you’re paying Jundroo a subscription or anything – I’d absolutely prefer players to not burn themselves out, and maybe pop back in once in a while to check out what we’ve been up to :)

    And secondly, about your comments on Flyout (which seem to have changed since I wrote most of this):

    • Flyout and SimplePlanes are at heart different games with different target groups they appeal to
    • Of course, there is overlap between these groups – and you’re free to play one, the other, or both! This isn’t a romantic relationship or an exclusive contract, and barely anyone plays just one game
    • In addition, there are many other games that also overlap with SP’s fanbase, like War Thunder, KSP, SR2, Besiege, Homebrew, and I’m sure countless I haven’t named. And that’s fine. I play other games too.
    • In particular, I think Flyout definitely has a lot of appeal to the people like you who want to design their aircraft in a more technical way (this would explain your perspective on it)
    • In addition to targeting a different (though overlapping) audience, Flyout (as far as I know) isn’t targeting the mobile market.
    • To summarise, Flyout looks like a nice game and I’m sure plenty of people who play SimplePlanes will give it a go – this isn’t some sort of cult. To paraphrase what you said earlier, my metaphorical pants will remain un-pooped.

  • 1-part custom images: easier, larger, lighter 1.6 years ago

    Interesting. Would be cool to see if you could save some characters by simplifying larger squares that are all the same colour into larger font squares. Also, if it's just an HTML file where everything is clientside JS, you could host this for free with GitHub pages.

  • Colour Editor 1.6 years ago

    @uwugaming69420 read the huge text in the description

  • I Am On The SimplePlanes Wikipedia lol 1.6 years ago

    Imagine editing compliments about yourself into a Wikipedia page and then not having the attention span to wait more than 3 hours to pretend you "just found it while browsing" and not sound suspicious

  • Funky Trees! 1.6 years ago

    @UPTOSPACE345 that's the max function - max(a,b) is the greater of a and b

  • Simpleplanes taking forever to load 1.6 years ago

    Do you have oculus software installed? There is a bug with oculus' XR loader that if you try to launch a game with optional VR (even trying to launch the non-VR version of SP) it will take ages to launch. This affects other games too. If you do have oculus software installed, try making sure oculus software is open and then launching SP.