35.7k ThePilotDude Comments

  • What are the points for? 5.5 years ago

    Point n. pl; points

    • An energy source used solely by the species known as "Simple-Planeians". They were created by a mysterious, all powerful 5-in one being known as "The Jundroo". Legend has it that they evolved from an ancient 5-star rating system, although little is known about this obselete form of Internet gratification. Points give these "Simple-Planeians" motivation to complete their builds, and satisfy their need to justify the long hours this species spends devoted to their pursuit. Points also grant these beings different ranks; noob, not-as-much-of-a-noob, Goldies, and finally; shiny-bois. All SimplePlaneians strive to achieve this honorable position of power, but are then still pestered by the other ranks to help with random stuff.

    However, in the grand scheme of things, points have been proven to be worthless (don't tell anybody)

  • How do i become a moderator 5.4 years ago

    @Landonmo1129 the position of moderator is given by the devs to users who they trust and who have obeyed the rules of the site for a long time. The volcano sacrifice ceremony is optional, but common. Mods have a red rectangle next to their name with "mod" in place of their point count. The red symbolizes the sacrificial blood

  • A Hero Emerges from the Area 51 Raid 4.6 years ago

    Now that's an epic gamer move

  • He’s gone 3.7 years ago

    He may have been a controversial figure for some, but he was an amazing builder, and was often eager to help people who had questions. I feel like his "ego" is due to his personal high standards, standards he sometimes unrealistically expected other people on the site to adhere to. However his builds inspired me to hone my skills, and we'll always remember him and his amazing creations. RIP BogdanX

  • doNt uPVotE ThaT pLanE It flIES bAd ;o; ~no~ 4.0 years ago

    Well people upvote things if they like them, nobody is entitled to upvotes. I don't like things that fly like a brick with cardboard wings, and if I see something that doesn't fly well, I don't think it deserves my upvote, or many of the 100+ upvotes it does get. I just don't think it deserves them. This is a game, playablilty and functionality should be top priority. That's why some of my builds take such a long time to release, because I test and test until the flight model is perfect (not perfectly accurate but perfectly fun to fly), and even then I consider most of my builds to be severely lacking in that respect, even after I test them.
    Nonfunctional, barely functional, or terrible flying statues don't deserve many upvotes. (unless they're gound things that aren't meant to go anywhere)

  • How does one become a moderator (mod)? 4.9 years ago

    There's a volcano sacrifice ceremony, where you are tested to see if you are able to handle the power of mod-ship. If you pass, you may sacrifice a goat, but that's optional. The red color of the mod symbolizes the blood they spilt.

  • McDonnell Douglas F/A-18 Hornet 3.8 years ago

    yet another amazing looking plane with a terrible flight model... seriously if you put so much effort into making it look amazing, surely you could install a good flight system?

  • [TSAD] Airbus A380-800 Lufthansa 5.7 years ago

    "Andrew Gerryson nudes"
    good God man...

  • Untitled 3.8 years ago

    I don't remember that last line...

  • This is the coolest thing that I have ever done! 4.9 years ago

    Building a Concorde under a Concorde wearing a Concorde

  • I think Randomusername is gone :( 3.9 years ago

    At this point the mods must have PTSD whenever someone says "randomusername"

  • About that Patreon post (I slept on it) 4.0 years ago

    While it was a kinda selfish and douchey thing to suggest, I'm sure you had no bad intentions

  • Tupolev TU-4 Gulag Express 4.1 years ago

    kinda funny how people went completely nuts over making a joke about Hiroshima and Nagasaki, yet are all "ayy nice comrade" and "glorious leader stalin" about this, which is making a joke about a regime that killed more people than even the Nazis.

    Now imagine if I made a flying train car and called it "Auschwitz Express" and put a bunch of "stamp of approval" stickers with a smiling Hitler on them...

  • Thanks for understanding 4.1 years ago

    Latent said this kind of thing was inappropriate for this site, so making another post related to it might not go over well with the mods

  • Change my mind 5.3 years ago

    I believe you've got it inverted;
    everybody else is better than jake paul

  • The INDISPUTABLE evidence that SimplePlanes IS dead 5.4 years ago

    I want half upvotes

  • RF-8 (GAZ-98) Aerosan 5.9 years ago

    Communist Pingu strikes again!

  • Tully is gone! 3.8 years ago

    yep, this is the 3rd post specifically about this today

  • Desperately Needed Fix to the Undo Button 4.1 years ago

    Also messes stuff up outside of Overload, sometimes it'll regard one nudge of a part as one step, sometimes the last 30 nudges as one step

  • The nerdiest thing you will see all day (teaser) 4.1 years ago

    star wars>star trek

  • The SP map is BAD and NEEDS an UPDATE!!! 4.1 years ago

    Would honestly prefer a complete map overhaul/redo to anything else in the next update. That said, a complete AI overhaul is also desperately needed. If we could have an Il-2 style AI and mission editor, the combat element of this game would literally be infinitely improved. As of now, air to air combat is more of an elaborate gimmick

  • Iranian Attack Jet (Apology and Tags) 4.2 years ago

    That was not racist. Simply making a joking criticism of a foreign country certainly isn't racist.

  • my school *might be getting sp [update] 4.3 years ago

    @Plane66373637 my point being SP seems a lot more educational, and fun than Jenga

  • Google Translate Shenanigans 5.5 years ago

    @Mostly the question is;
    how many points is QingyuZhou points

  • SR2 Release Date! 5.7 years ago

    Pretty sure that's Early Access, but still,


  • Why do people hate furrys 3.6 years ago

    @STUKAWOLF87 let's just say being attracted to animals isn't ok

  • How do you become a moderator? 4.0 years ago

    You make a joke about how to become a mod.
    Though in all seriousness you don't apply to be a mod, they choose you, which basically means I'll never be one

  • account hacked into and deleted, 4.0 years ago

    @Omel how would you like it if someone deleted your account because you offended them? Discord trolling is a tiny offense compared to just deleting someone's entire account, something they worked to improve for a long time.

  • I May Have Cancer.... Sad News.... 4.0 years ago

    If your doctor told you that you had cancer they'd have said what kind it was

  • I am under appreciated. And its not just me... 4.2 years ago

    Well this is a game, and if something has no function, nobody's gonna like it, they want to do stuff.
    Now dont get me wrong, stuff can not be pilotable and still have function and get upvotes, for example a bomb target building

  • The Usage of KTHXBYE 4.5 years ago

    Can confirm. Only plat cult members can use it
    Make a gold phrase maybe?

  • New Moderator 5.0 years ago

    I believe all of you are forgetting Arnold Palmers, the epitome of liquids

  • Hellooooo Kitty 5.0 years ago

    Good God no
    sorry, not intending to insult your building skills, but seriously, no

  • Current project: B-52 5.6 years ago

    "I spent a lot of time on the cockpit"... Understatement of the century

  • Please stop doing this 6.0 years ago

    @FishMiner Presentation of the aircraft is very important, if the creator is proud of their build, they can make an interesting description about it. It doesn't mean that they're being scummy, they aren't setting a bad example. They aren't milking it, they are simply telling people about their creation, which could have taken months to build

  • Clone trooper (Phase II armor DC-15S) 3.7 years ago

    @AWESOMENESS360 lol well these are clone troopers, the predecessors of the Stormtroopers. They were created from the DNA of a bounty hunter, as opposed to the normal humans who enlisted in the stormtrooper corps, and thus highly superior


    Ya know, such a thing probably already exists...

  • linu - ver - 1.1 4.1 years ago

    why the bloody hell do all the really good walker building people invest their talents in anime of all things!?

  • D3A1- Fixed legs 4.2 years ago

    This is like the airplane version of you having a foot fetish

  • Enough with the CRS-15 posts. 4.2 years ago

    random was in the wrong, as rules don't care about your feelings, but then again so was Mattangi, what with antagonizing her with more successors
    (however had he stopped at the one with the cooling fan, he'd be in the right)
    so how about
    since there is no "good side" to this

  • Boeing-Saab T-X 4.2 years ago

    A prime example of looks over function

  • Why the current system of our site is not fair. 5.2 years ago

    I believe you're missing the point, partially. Upvotes shouldn't matter that much. Building for fun is more the purpose of the game. Besides, you fail to take in other facts. Screenshot presentation quality? Time of uploading? Part count?

  • I’m brand new 5.7 years ago

    1. With wings, make "fuselage wings" to start out (check some of my aircraft, like the BF-109 and the Gloster Meteor to see what they are)
    2. Unless you're on IOS (which doesn't support modding), go to the "Mods" page, click on one, click "Download", and then "Open". It will bring you to the SP Mods menu, and make sure the one you just downloaded is marked "enabled"
    3. Most people in the community are very nice. I would say the SP community is very supportive of new users.
    4. On an aircraft page, scroll down to below the comments section, and click the orange "Upvote" button
    5. Go read the rules (under the "Stuff" tab)

      Welcome to SP!

  • Bye 5.8 years ago

    I think, if the mods decide to let him stay, that's fine, and if they don't, well, that's their decision. Personally I don't think it really matters (I mean, unless you're 5). But that's one of those big questions, isn't it? Do we follow the rules, or our conscience?

  • Rant about unlisted builds........... 3.7 years ago

    Nothing you say is private. If you make a comment, people will be able to gain access to a "privafe chat room" through your "newest comments" page

  • Coming out: I'm bi 3.8 years ago

    Ngl, this is the exact kind of random thing I'd expect this annoying time of year

  • Yoshika Miyafuji (Strike Witches) 3.9 years ago

    Ok but just... why
    I swear the weebs who come up with this stuff gotta be high on something

  • Music Today VS Old Music Rant 4.0 years ago

    Quite a generalized rant about a very complex topic. If anything, you're nitpicking the worst parts of the modern music industry and applying them to all of it, even the amazingly skilled people today.

  • Update Idea: Adding adventure to SP 4.0 years ago

    yeah, kinda like stormworks

  • I Would Like A Name Change 4.2 years ago

    Changing your name won't change your reputation, there's a reason name changes aren't a thing
