47.8k Phantomium Comments

  • Underwater Camera 5.6 years ago

    @DuckMint caves (and pretty much any form of terrain similar to that) requires special meshes that can't be made through the built-in terrain mesh.
    This is how the devs made the Ice Base. It's just a mesh made in Blender probably. Nothing terrain-related at all. There might be plugins for this, though. Haven't worked with Unity for about half a year or so.

    Btw, just out of curiosity: are you going to make a huge map? I'm thinking of something like War Thunder, where you can fly planes and also take land vehicles to roam the map.

  • Tank tracks coming soon... 5.7 years ago


  • Today Is 9/11/2001 5.8 years ago

    Correction: 7/11

  • Part count bias on the site 5.8 years ago

    I think it's a mixed bag when it comes to part count. I would like to remain neutral on this matter.
    To be perfectly honest, however, up until 800-900 parts, it's okay. From there on, lag starts to creep in and it becomes unpleasant to run the game. At least this is my experience.

  • How Do You Make Designer Mods? 5.8 years ago

    If I had Unity installed right now, I could maybe get back to making designer backgrounds.
    Basically, you have to add a Designer Plugin thingy from the SimplePlanes tab and then add all your stuff under that.
    From there on, it's similar to how you create maps, except this time you don't add spawnpoints.
    Also, more as a nice feature, be sure to make your background very flexible! That means, you offer the player multiple positions for screenshots.
    One last note (I promise this is the last :) ): skyboxes set via the Unity engine do not work. There is a script to get around that but, unfortunately, I lost it. I'll have to ask the creator (aka mushr0om - thank God for him) to reupload it.

  • SimplePlanes 2: What features would you add? 5.8 years ago

    Comversion to 4D. To keep the tradition from SR to SR2: upgrade to the next dimension

  • Gotha G.IV 5.8 years ago

    Can't really test it now but I heard from some friends it's quite a good plane.
    Quite surprising it only now got noticed.
    Have an upvote and a spotlight from me :)

  • Simple Paper Airplane 5.8 years ago


  • How many Cromwells can fit in a plane? 5.8 years ago

    And in today's episode of Can it fit in? ...

  • Y'all know about this? 5.8 years ago

    That thing is legendary. It has friggin autopropulsion! That's a first among Italian tanks!
    Every time it shoots, the recoil is big enough to propell it. Also comes with rear mirrors so that you can see the battlefield!

  • Tank aiming coming soon... 5.9 years ago

    The Tankvolusion has started :)

  • Bring back the old prop, please! 5.9 years ago

    Shameless points begging.

  • Petition to limit users to ONE FORUM POST PER DAY 5.9 years ago

    @F104Deathtrap So I understand an analogy with an overly complex process that takes place in the n-th dimension of this world would have better suited your suggestion? I don't think so.
    Then again, I would support a cooldown for posting stuff. But I sure wouldn't support limiting the amount. If I were to spam forum posts for points, it wouldn't be too practical. Two points per upvote would require a couple hundred to really gain some substantial amount of points.

  • Clearing my conscious 6.0 years ago

    But back to @bjac0.
    Just remember: behind every storm, behind every dark cloud, hides the everywarming sun.

  • A message to the community regarding motivation. Please read 6.0 years ago

    I know what you're talking about @denialofservice. And that's because I've been in that situation. My uploads were barely scoring 20 upvotes, this for a volume of work and dedication that even to this day I wasn't able to replicate. I still remember my last build before deleting my old account. It was a rocket. And I had tried to make it one of the best on this website. Yes, it was a one-go kind of rocket, but it was hella fun. And it barely scored 16 upvotes... I was so pissed off that I deleted my account and promised to never come back. 24k points gone in a second. But somehow, I came back about two weeks later with a whole lot more motivation and thought "damn, why was I that stupid?"
    Now I am quite happy with where I am. I get my fair share of upvotes. I am somewhat famous on this website for making some of the best tanks. In short, this time it took me to get where I am, it was well worth it.

  • F L E X T A P E - W I N G 6.0 years ago

    Well, if not for that rocket, it would've hit some tower in the distance sooo... Hail the rocket!

  • Environment Pack 1.0 6.0 years ago

    When will you add rain? Snowfall, too, would be nice but I suppose that is a bit too hard to implement.

  • —>[TEASER]<— Bush Plane Time! 6.0 years ago

    Will this be a Bush plane hiding between the Bushes?

  • SP needs new sounds... (SP suggestion) 6.0 years ago

    I suggest they add a rickroll when your game crashes :)

  • Something's very wrong with me... 6.0 years ago

    Build a [insert a very flat armored tank here].

  • Suggestions For Upcoming SP Updates 6.0 years ago

    "Yeah, let's make an option to render fuselages as octagons. Seems very reasonable", the devs will be thinking after they see your third suggestion.
    Please think a bit before saying something.

  • Bob Semple (SILVER SPECIAL!) 6.1 years ago

    Wonder how Bob Basic would look like...

  • @Mattangi is a LIAR 6.1 years ago

    @Awsomur Why did he do that? Seems way too suspicious to me.
    For instance, just as @CoolPeach said, he could've sorted this out easily and cleared any suspicion regarding his supposed death.

  • @Mattangi is a LIAR 6.1 years ago

    @Awsomur You don't need to wait for that long. His friend is here and he can surely tell us more about it.

  • deHavilland DH.88 Comet 6.1 years ago

    @F104Deathtrap I'm not a particular fan of all black planes (black is one of my least favorite colours), but I appreciate the effort you put into this. I especially like that cursive writing on the nose.
    Also, you're welcome :)

  • Cutting it close! 6.1 years ago

    Was about to ask if they introduced a new carrier into the game lol

  • WHO WOULD WIN? 6.2 years ago

    @F104Deathtrap Another fun fact: knew that one already.
    Changed his name for two reasons:
    1. It was way more manly than Djugashviliy (I think I got it right)
    2. This was how people used to call him during the Revolution

  • It's my birthday and I'll cry if I want to. 6.2 years ago

    Happy burfday!
    I'm still counting here...

  • Skidaddle Skidoodle EternalDarkness' PC is now a noodle. 6.2 years ago

    @F104Deathtrap Ti-85 is better ;)

  • Polish translation. 6.2 years ago

    I'm more in favor of learning English. Sure, it may not be the best option but think of it like this: you're not learning Emglish solely for the purpose of communicating on this website. You will surely find yourself in real-life situations where you'll have to speak English.
    Just my two cents on this.

  • An issue I have been dealing with for almost forever. 6.2 years ago

    Was just waiting for someone to make a post about it.
    Well done mate!

  • The SimplePlanes Weekly, with Awsomur [14] 6.3 years ago

    Don't you dare call WEAPONSMITH an important member of the modding community. That guy only ever uploaded broken mods. To my knowledge, that is unacceptable.

  • A suggestion that can prevent plagarism 6.3 years ago

    I'd be happy if they added the option to update your builds. I, for instance, would like to ship an update to my Bat Chat without uploading it again and this feature would come in quite handy.

  • Tesla Model S p90d 6.3 years ago

    Holy Jesus...

  • The worst day ever 6.3 years ago

    Did Facebook's DNS change to simpleplanes.com?

  • How funny would it be? 6.3 years ago

    Veeeeeeery evil :3

  • Thanks for the Multiplayer 6.3 years ago

    Useful until someome crashes the server with their cluster bomb :)

  • To stay or not to stay, That is the question. 6.3 years ago

    I need some toilet paper.

  • Elliptical Motion 6.3 years ago

    And that was my head after reading this.

  • Your thoughts on some interesting quotes from Adolf Hitler? 6.3 years ago

    You might find what I say weird but even the most terrible people tend to say some truths that, in a way, are true. Take what Stalin once said: "Power comes out of a long rifle." This is a way of emphasizing both the control and the power a government has over the people in the case of dictatorships. Rule by force is the concept he tries to promote.
    In the case of Hitler, that first quote is... interesting, I suppose? When you come to think of how, for instance, the EU is trying to force member states to take in immigrants (many of them illegal; by the way, it was proven that these immigrants bring little to no economic benefit), you also start to think of who exactly forces them to do so. It's clearly the European Parliament but, once you delve deeper, you can find some ties to Jews (wouldn't be surprising since we all know how much Jews hate Muslims) and other Muslim countries in the region. You start asking yourself a plethora of why's. And you start to see that what Hitler said turns out to be true in a way that it's not international hyenas, as he put it, that seek to tear down society as we know it, but rather regional powers. They chose their target well as we, Europeans, tend to be warm-hearted. We know what suffering means. We've seen the horrors of two world wars, the Holocaust, the Gulags, and so on. As such, when we see people suffering (their background doesn't matter), we try and help them as much as we can. But, you see, this time, we were fooled: instead of bringing hard working people that respect our cultural norms and wish to integrate within European society successfully, we brought in what Janusz Korwyn-Mikke (a Polish politician known for his hard stance on women and how they are inferior to men in all aspects - I disagree with this) called "human trash."
    It's quite boring even for me to talk about this and the many, many theories that spring from this mess but I think you got what I wanted to say :)

  • Website Suggestion 6.3 years ago

    @spefyjerbf I've had forum posts with images in them where I received more upvotes than views.
    Again, Imgur counts views on their website.

  • Website Suggestion 6.3 years ago

    @spefyjerbf It's not reliable. It only counts views when you click the image.

  • Awful taste but GREAT execution. 6.3 years ago

    Wat da ell is this car supposed to represent?

  • Add metric system. 6.3 years ago

    Unity has all its sizes in metric units.
    Maybe they could simply add an option to show all sizes in metric?

  • SimpleTips [1] from Chancey21 6.3 years ago

    @chancey21 I remember my days of being a white user and, I can tell you, I always used fuselages.
    Cause, ya know, why bother with blocks? They're nowhere near as flexible as fuselages.

  • Batignolles-Châtillon 25T 6.3 years ago

    @Pilotmario You get:
    - a toon full of Bat Chats, that's 1950 dmg clip potential × 3 = 5850 dmg/raid (theoretical)
    - blazing quick bats, 65 kph and awesome p/w ratio means you're gonna wreck ass like a bawss
    - did I forget other gun statistics and $K1LL? Yeah, gun handling may be worse than that of an iguana on tranquilizers but it's workable with.

    So you get a toon full of daredevils in shwanky dabby tanks. Until you meet a 3-man Anime heavy toon...

  • One thing this game needs! 6.4 years ago

    Thing is, Unity S U C K S when it comes to sky-related stuff. It allows you to add a skybox but problem is: how do you make actual clouds?
    One thing I've thought of is fake clouds aka fog particles put together. But even then, how do you make it so that these particles do stay together and also move around?

  • NS Kaliningrad 6.4 years ago

    @Feanor Also, 2018 parts...

  • ok google, stop it 6.4 years ago

    The community is an interesting entity. The way it behaves intrigues me.
    Despite being told the reality, they continue to live in their own world.
    I wonder when will an earthquake wake 'em all up and tell them to stop begging for a new update.
    People gotta understand one thing: Jundroo has limited resources. It's not Activision, EA, Valve or any other big game company or whatever so it can't focus on multiple things at once. Technically they can but the end result will be of lower quality.
    Is this what you peeps wish for? If not, then go back and play a bit more with what you have, you may easily discover something new.
