11.3k LiamW Comments

  • I’m bored 6.4 years ago

    Hi bored, I'm Liam

  • Answer if you can. (Not off-topic) 6.3 years ago

    1. No (possibly)
    2. Many meters
    3. Many meters
    4. √-1
    5. Deep

  • Excellent suv chassis 6.7 years ago

    It's great but you forgot something that just about everyone forgets. When suspension is in the builder, it is at maximum extension. You've built it so that where the optimum ride height should be is where you've set maximum extension. The vehicle will ride too low, have short travel and very poor traction. As a general rule, the suspension should be 20% below the desired ride height when in the builder. That way the suspension will sag into position and be soft enough to absorb small bumps but still have enough travel to handle large bumps. That said, you did a nice job with the mechanics and detail. Perhaps too much detail...

  • How to make money on SimplePlanes (possibility) 6.1 years ago

    Multiple people have demonstrated that the upvote system is incredibly easy to ‘hack’ (it doesn’t even deserve that term). The only reason that people don’t actually do it is that there’s no point (and they have the slightest sense of decency). The play-to-earn road is not something anyone should want to go down.

  • I’m.. Boring 6.4 years ago

    Hi boring, I’m Liam

  • EXTREMELY DETAILED BOX 6.4 years ago

    Ok, I won’t upvote

  • Turbo-fan 6.6 years ago

    Soooo.... perfect for those 1000000 part builds?

  • I can’t upload. (FIX FOUND!!!!) 6.3 years ago

    Well that’s neat. It would be a good feature actually if it said "please enter a description" instead of an error message. It could help cut down on spam/low effort posts

  • Rock Bouncer 6.4 years ago

    I do like it :)

  • constant yaw on takeoff? 6.4 years ago

    Have you checked that the airfoil type of the vertical stabiliser is symmetric? That catches me out surprisingly often. I don't think propellers obey newton's laws of physics in SimplePlanes. Do you get any slight autoroll in-flight?

  • [Question] Slowest Aircraft? 6.5 years ago

    Do you mean speed relative to the ground or airspeed? Some Extra and Bipe aircraft can prophang (hover). I have several RC 3D aircraft that can hover

  • Regarding Tags 6.5 years ago

    Off-road tag pllleeeeeaaaase

  • Sr2 isn’t replacing sp 6.5 years ago

    SP is going to have continual updates and optimizations for civil and military aircraft. SR2 will have basic functionality for aircraft but will focus mainly on spacecraft.

  • Flat Earthers are paid actors 6.6 years ago

    Goats are like mushrooms, if you shoot a duck I’m scared of toasters

  • I highly regret this... 7.5 years ago

    If only you had a supercomputer and we could see the end result...

  • We should have the ability to remove successors that other people have made a blatant ripoff of 5.8 years ago

    Well that's why we have moderators. It's annoying, sure, but it would be rather poor if anyone could remove any and all successors of their creations. You'd need a way of regulating it like... appointing moderators. But I do acknowledge it can be mildly frustrating

  • KRAKEN SAYS ITS DEAD 6.3 years ago

    The simple fact that people are responding shows that SP isn’t dead

  • WWII destroyer stopped firing 6.4 years ago

    Absolutely. I’m thinking of creating an ejector cabin for one of my upcoming planes. Eject cabin, cease fire humanely @stig27

  • Should I post my fighter series? 6.4 years ago

    If they take no skill to make, don’t post them. Enjoy flying them around yourself and try not to rely on other people online for gratification. Most of my creations are not uploaded, but I’m also not ashamed of them. I upload what I put a lot of effort into but I mostly fly the unuploaded creations. I think you should try creating more detail for them and use a livery that is pleasing to the eye before uploading

  • Mod-Added GUI Not Working 6.5 years ago

    Have you tried loudly swearing, kicking the computer or screaming incoherently?

  • 10 WORST PLANES of the USA 6.5 years ago

    wRiGhT fLyEr wAs bAd

  • When you have a very soft suspension [Facepalm] 6.5 years ago

    Take it through proving grounds lol

  • Derek's 3rd rant about AI 6.6 years ago

    I think the devs need to employ some form of PID loop control (customisable in XML) for AI leveling, add some basic parameters for maneuvers (don’t pull a half cuban or Immelmann while at 100ft and supersonic) and allow small percentages of deflection (AI currently goes full deflection for a fraction of a second to make small corrections). I’m not a programmer, but I’m fairly certain it shouldn’t be too hard to implement these suggestions. I can help with producing documentation and examples for PID loops if you need it @AndrewGarrison

  • Someone, teach me the secerets of making good jet. 6.6 years ago

    Generally helps to lower mass as much as possible on the wings and get COT exactly in line with COG

  • Simple Jeep 6.7 years ago

    @Ownedpilot Oh really? How about this (no offense, I really like the simplicity of this @Kakofrutaka)

  • Tips on making race cars? 6.7 years ago

    1. Independent suspension is fun but lack of differential makes it bouncy and awful on tarmac
    2. True F1 suspension is unbelievably hard to get working but is AMAZING
    3. Use a little bit of downforce with angled wings. Have slightly more down-force on the rear
    4. Full traction forward/back and slightly below full for sideways
    5. Stock settings for wheel suspension can work OK on some setups

    Just how I get decent performance. Other people go for other setups

  • Motor Mirage 6.9 years ago

    my trick for getting the AI to turn well at speed is to have suspension set very low with high damping (this shouldn't theoretically work but it does sometimes), airbrakes on the sides (left side activates with left steering, vice versa), downforce, ailerons on spoiler to counter-act side forces (so it wont flip)

  • Q&A with yours truly! 7.1 years ago

    What is your full name? who are your parents? siblings and grandparents? what is your credit card number? what is your IP? what is your facebook password? where do you live? where is the closest police station and what is their beat pattern? What is the first school you went to? What university (if any) did you go to? What hospital were you born at? What is your date of birth? Where do you keep you birth certificate?

  • What annoys you the most about the SP website? 4.9 years ago

    I second @MrSilverWolf
    Back when I was using discord regularly, it was overrun by people who were banned on the website and did nothing but trashpost. But then again, things could have changed, maybe that's just what Discord servers are like, or maybe I just noticed the negative things too much

  • 1.8 Beta now available 6.0 years ago

    @UssInvincible lol. A few people ask this every day and dozens ask that question whenever a dev makes a post or a comment. All the previous responses have been an emphatic negative. Maybe that's changed though

  • You know you practice too much when... (AN-225 STOL) 6.2 years ago

    Mostest realisticalist stall I have ever seen in my entire life ever

  • 3D Model 6.4 years ago

    Some people have managed to do it with the mod api but it isn’t easy or practical. You end up with an object that does nothing unless you are a skilled programmer

  • How to prevent wings from glitching? 6.4 years ago

    Try using structural wings XML modded to allow control surfaces

  • Built My First Plane In Real Life! 6.4 years ago

    Just assuming you're going to get into RC at some point since you seem to like making planes

  • Built My First Plane In Real Life! 6.4 years ago

    Tips for when you get into RC:
    1. Don't buy EPO kits. Buy EPP foam kits (EPP rebounds, EPO crushes)
    2. Try a 3D plane at some point and learn how to high-alpha
    3. Build cheap planes out of foam board, depron or EPP from flitetest and RCgroups
    4. Replicas are generally expensive and fly poorly
    5. Build lots of paper planes and read up about basic aerodynamics and design
    6. Build your own plane! Perhaps even try a large, RC version of your straw plane

  • GTS 4 jahre 6.4 years ago

    Yes actually. Aircraft are secured very well inside carriers but cars are usually just parked @ThomasRoderick

  • I’m.. Boring 6.4 years ago

    Try pulling apart other player's creations to see how they build. Try and copy other styles until you make your own style

  • When in doubt MORE SPRINGS! 6.4 years ago


  • MIK Copter HC-114 6.5 years ago

    @SkyEyeMCCIX yes, but could you tell if it was a heavy attack copter or a light recon? While it isn't invisible it is certainly deceiving and confusing to the enemy. If all else fails, it looks good

  • KVA-1A 'Bear' 6.5 years ago

    @Razor3278 @Ephwurd I’ll make a civilian cargo variant with retractable bush plane suspension and bottom-opening bay. Well... it could be military too

  • Baja Buggy WIP 6 6.5 years ago

    @GenericWhiteGuy Yes it is. Most people on this site don't realise that

  • Baja Buggy WIP 6 6.5 years ago

    Awesome! I’ve gotten so sick of people complaining about how floppy and rolly rockcrawlers are. Finally some people who want off-roaders not an F1 @Hyattorama @GenericWhiteGuy

  • Baja Buggy WIP 6 6.5 years ago

    @GenericWhiteGuy @Hyattorama Thanks! Do you think I should continue making stuff like this? Refined and with more detail of course

  • Read the description. 6.5 years ago

    Try raising the part health to 10000 then it will be armoured and less likely to fall apart in mid-air

  • Very Important 1.8 Suggestion 6.5 years ago

    This is also applicable to SR2. Point invalid @jamesPLANESii

  • Northrop Grumman F-14A Tomcat VF-14 6.5 years ago

    After scrolling through that long description and seeing the excellent mechanical detail, I thought for sure that it would be over 1000 parts. I’m pleasantly surprised! (I still can’t run it though :P)

  • Liam Tiger A1 6.5 years ago

    We’ve got lots of ground attack aircraft but no jet interceptors. I think we need a supersonic interceptor first and then anything afterwards @AviownCorp

  • Ahtzee's Twin Prop 21 6.5 years ago

    Proper terminology is 'flaperons'

  • What is popular now? 6.6 years ago

    I’ve stopped bothering to create stuff that other people like. I just make what I think is fun and then take it to various mod maps. Most of the time I don’t even upload my creations because it isn’t important enough to me anymore. I suggest you create whatever you enjoy and upload it if you want.
