13.8k vonhubert Comments

  • Planex Aerospace A-190-200 5.2 years ago


  • RED BARON REDUX-Othawne Biplane Challenge 5.5 years ago

    Sooooo sexy)))))

  • Tracks 5.7 years ago

    That is just more than perfect...
    except for self-expoliseveness)))

  • Tu-95 sudden flying wing)) 5.7 years ago

    @XjayIndustrys i use an option of throttle governor in engine settings + Throttle controlls a pitch not engine throttle. You can actually make it reversable (though that means that on 0 throttle it will push the plane back). On my creation 0 throttle = 0 pitch angle (blades stay perpendicular to airflow) - that makes the plane decelerate very fast. I found the nice settings by trial and error. Try using my

  • Tu-95 sudden flying wing)) 5.7 years ago

    @LuciferOfPoland Ok, it is officially a tailles aircraft, not a flying wing) anyway, i was just fooling around

  • Tupolev Tu-134 Replica Challenge 5.7 years ago

    @asteroidbook345 yes
    tu-134 new wings test

  • Tupolev Tu-134 Replica Challenge 5.7 years ago

    I wont promise, but i may upload in 2-3 weeks. Though it will be just my old model but with updated controls, wings and i gonna make a cockpit interior at last.

  • Tupolev Tu-134 Replica Challenge 5.8 years ago

    @asteroidbook345 whats the dedline?

  • Tupolev Tu-134 Replica Challenge 5.8 years ago

    @asteroidbook345 well, those guys might make another event like this. I would like to fly it again, and can notify you) where do you live?

  • Tupolev Tu-134 Replica Challenge 5.8 years ago

    I finally fulfilled my dream and had a ride on a real tu-134!!! It was actually awesomе. A group of plane enthusiasts rented a 1983 Tu-134ak-3 (former soviet "business jet" configuration) operated by Roskosmos (Russian NASA) and made a trip from Vnukovo airport around moscow on low altitude, than we made a low pass over the runway Zhukovsky Airfield (research airfield with 6 KM long runway for testing new airplanes, where the MAKS aviation exhibition is held), landed there, made a photo session of the most preserved Tu-144 that was rolled out for us, and had flown back to Vnukovo. The Tu-134 was 35 years old, but had only flew 17 000 hours from designated 55 000, and it really was almost new. I expected it to feel dated and unusual, but in fact you wouldn't be able to tell it from any small modern airliner. It may be even better actually. It was extremely quit, soft flying, and it has unbeliavably soft landing gear. Compared to b737 or a320, it goes over bumps on runway and taxyways like a mercedes compared to some kind of chippo budget car. And it makes totally no sounds like screeks or bumps. It only differed from new planes by old-styled interior and HUGE round windows. Like 1,5 times wider and 1,2 times higher than an a320. Here is some videos: !Полет рад полета, Ту-134

  • (#3) 8 unusual airplanes worth knowing about 5.8 years ago

    @Jacobdaniel How about using my 3m/m-4 as a base for VM-t? !Myasichev M-4 Bison 1952 strategic bomber? I actually have a much updated version, can upload tomorrow. It is detailed above average and exttremely realistic regarding landing gear? flexible wing physics and general flight behaviour

  • Tupolev Tu-134 1st Series 1966 5.8 years ago

    i will try, but not sure will have time. BTW, 2 weeks ago i've flew a real one in a kind of a retro flight. Was cool. Although the plane expreience was quite usual. No difference from modern planes except for big round windows and old school interior design. We also had a photo session with a supersonic tu-144

  • Realistic Convair CV-880 Swissair 5.9 years ago

    @KerlonceauxIndustries Thanks. Mine lags too, a bit, Dont really understand which way it is different from my other planes. Suspect its physics calculations regarding spoiler and spoilerons. It started when i added them. And there are 6 sets with 5-8 rotators each, while on tu-104d-3, where i first tried this system - only 3 sets. It helps if you set "real time" priority to simpleplanes process in windows.
    About 2707 - i thought of making something like that, and i can. But realitically, i play only seldom, just dont have enough time due to total job overload and some personal matters. Also we try to make a game of our own with friends. For example, cant finish a Tu-114 for several months. And i just have to finish ;anding gear and cockpit.
    If you you want a collab on 2707 - we can start, but it will be real slow.

  • NavalGunControl 5.9 years ago

    Bloody hell! It is awesome! I suppose it will be also possible to use it for plane turrets?

  • Flight Control 5.9 years ago

    @JoshuaW wow! will be waiting

  • Flight Control 5.9 years ago

    May you can script your stabilty control for this mod? So it doesnt use vtol and trim?

  • Ishak 5.9 years ago

    Not just Ishak))) Bloody super-duper triple Ishak)))

  • Turbo-fan 5.9 years ago

    @Sunnyskies i suspect game engine is lagging behind some calculation in that case, when calculating a curved motion. So on slow speed it makes the smaller mistake

  • Turbo-fan 5.9 years ago

    @Sunnyskies i tried such idea, on high revs physics engine brakes and rotating parts start to drift outwards(

  • Tupolev Tu-134 5.9 years ago


  • (#3) 8 unusual airplanes worth knowing about 5.9 years ago

    About the Baade 152 - it has an interesting history as well. It is based on Junkers EF-150, another source made by junkers engineers headed by Brunolf Baade at the time for USSR as payment in war reparations programm (they alse were developing a famous EF-132 for USSR, though only smaller EF-150 was built and saw air) as a replacement for IL-28 jet bomber. It was superior to IL-28 but didnt got into production offcially because it was not superior enough to change from already produced and proven IL-28 plus the crash of the prototype and possibly due to lobby from domestic russian aircraft design companys. It was, however used for developing swept wings for Tupolev Tu-16 and Myasichev M-4 and a bicycle landing gear for the latter. Nice looking plane in general. May be going to build it one day.

  • Realistic Convair CV-880 Swissair 5.9 years ago

    @IzzyIA cant say it bothers me) They are difficult to flight, "not for everybody") making them more like a hobby) Thanks anyway! Your creations are extremely cool too. I was fascinated by a car with a gearbox.

  • Flexing Needs Fixing!! 5.9 years ago

    1) You can use structural wings and than change "allowcontrolsurfaces" to "True" in XML. Or use a normal wing and than change the type "wing-3" to "wing-2" in xml. Thats exactly the same - wing-2 is not flexible
    2) Attach fuselage parts you use as a wing shape to the wing segments - they will move together with them

    They flex OK - test this as an example. Tu-114 WIP

  • Realistic Convair CV-880 Swissair 5.9 years ago

    @KerlonceauxIndustries Thanks! That's very nice to hear

    p.s. I totally liked this design of you: silver with

    mind if one day i make something in this shape but more detailed?

  • Realistic Convair CV-880 Swissair 5.9 years ago

    @CruzerBlade Well, it will be a bit later. Like the way pods look. And i think i will be able to cut parts count a bit, at least those parts that count in physical calculation of the game and make this model lag

  • Realistic Convair CV-880 Swissair 5.9 years ago

    @Maxwell1 Heh) I was thinking about it myself for several moths. Did not yet got the idea how to make it realistic in controls and movements. But there is a Helium mod here) Tried it a bit,
    p.s. didnt know this channel, will take a look

  • Realistic Convair CV-880 Swissair 5.9 years ago

    @Maxwell1 @CruzerBlade
    Hm, i never planned on bristol Brabason. Curretly making that: Tupolev Tu-114

  • Realistic Convair CV-880 Swissair 5.9 years ago

    @CruzerBlade its just a first generation of 990 - it is only different with turbojet instead of turbofan engines, shorter fuselage and lacks those "Kuheman carrots" - pods on the wing. Shortened the name

  • I-3 (Fighter Third) Winter Edition 5.9 years ago

    Amasing! I just only recommend changing the wings panels corners to "circular" - they will look eliptic more like real wings

  • Engine Challege! 6.0 years ago

    Im afraid "low parts count" is definitely not about me ;)))) cant remember a creation with less than 600 in a recent year)))

  • Are you guys still interested in the mechanical planes? 6.0 years ago

    Still interested) though my experience was not great - all the controls were very wobly. But i found that there may be an option to tune damping specs in the rotators to use them to kill wobling

  • Convair CV-880 Preview 0.9 6.0 years ago

    @QingyuZhou on this plane i just placed them on two rotators. One is used for compensating for airbrakes (they are made from wings, not vanila airbrakes, and tend to pitch up the plane as in real life, and i decided to compensate them first because you use them more often and more rapid than flaps) and second is for trim. That works fine. I just stacked them on top each other and connected the stabiliser to the last one. And it is also convenient to change the range on them separately. The only problem - range on the one compensating the spoilers is very small, like 1 degree, and i had to put a value in XML, each time you select it ingame - if a range is below 5 - the game puts it to 0...

    p.s. i tried 3 rotators - for flaps, spoilers and trim - it works fine. I just got bored trying to tune the range on them simultaniously and decided that compensating flaps is not that important, especially making a replica of 1950s plane. Anyway, on all my planes its easier to land on keyboard when you adjust trim continiously, i just put the trim on buttons R and F in the same direction as W and S for pitch. It is very convenient.
    P.p.s. i like how you tuned a flap compensator. It's just the right setting.

  • Convair CV-880 Preview 0.9 6.0 years ago

    @QingyuZhou at this one one door appeats to be stuck, but i can send you the working ones so you scale and put them in plase with fine tuner. Btw, checked your plane more - great job with wings flexibility and especially flaps. Just one note - modern planes including your one are changing trim not with changing elevator trim, but by rotating the whole horisontal stabilizer assembly, you can also copy the rotators for adjustable stabiliser from this cv-880. Btw, i will upload a later version of this one soon

  • [TSAD] Airbus A340-300 SAS (Collab) 6.0 years ago

    Amazingly good build!
    I suggest you copy synchronized landing gear dors from my !Convair CV-880 Preview 0.9

  • Tupolev Tu-134 6.0 years ago

    @Sonicandknuckles i,ve more or less finished the new wing and tail for tu-134 and tested on my old modell. Seems to fly ok, but somewhat touchy on pitch axis. Will glue to your fuselage in a couple of days

    !tu-134 new wings test

  • Unbending Tail Surfaces? 6.0 years ago

    Simply find the needed wing panel in XML and change the type from WING-3 (Flexible) to WING-2 (Rigid, it's the structural wing ingame). What is WING-1 i dont know)

  • Drag Settings in XML? 6.0 years ago

    And yes, the way my models glide like a brick while having real life weight, shape and wing area - makes me thing the game overestimates the drag.

  • Drag Settings in XML? 6.0 years ago

    The are not adjustble. Well, you can change the nimber, but each time you load a model - the game will recalculate it and change.

  • Guess the Livery!----Lockheed L-1011-500 Tristar 6.0 years ago

    Bloody hell, that looks so promising!
    if you need a cab for c-141 later, take a look at this, we started it with Paderigez long time ago

    The only note - central engine duct have to curve down earlier to be more like a letter S, and it is getting narrower to the back

  • Focke-Wulf Triebflugel 6.0 years ago

    @BobTheTitanSP Thanks) Will know! Wont say its a pity you have more points, though))))

  • Tupolev Tu-134 6.0 years ago

    @Sonicandknuckles if you dont mind - i suggest you start with CV-880 cockpit. I think i have the idea how to solve my problem with spoilerons controls on it. Also there is no problem with navigator cocpit and dashboard is partially complete already.
    BWT, a photo - http://airwar.ru/image/idop/aliner/cv990/cv990-5.jpg

  • Tupolev Tu-104D-3Nk8 (Tu-154 unbuilt early prototype) 6.0 years ago

    @Nguyenhuuhao0101 https://www.dropbox.com/sh/ioad8y1pxospv72/AACX34eTF3MpDzi6ujHM3ctPa?dl=0

  • Tupolev Tu-114 0.453 UNFINISHED 6.0 years ago

    Hm, rocket motors mod is not used... weird...

  • Tupolev Tu-134 6.0 years ago

    @Sonicandknuckles Would be great. Just one thing - i might be extremely slow with my inputs, too much work load. But i think i have an idea how to make a hollow fuselage from an air intake and even make a view from inside (outside there will be non-transparent illuminators like i do on my models, but the fuselage will look tidier). Will test in a couple of days. And i will send you a modified tu-104 nose with a provision for navigator cockpit interior.
    p.s. take a look at these mods, may be useful:

  • Tupolev Tu-104D-3Nk8 (Tu-154 unbuilt early prototype) 6.0 years ago

    @Nguyenhuuhao0101 hm... weird it doesnt show it... may be mod creator has deleted it... ill post it in dropbox in the evening (have to get to my home pc first)

  • Tupolev Tu-134 6.0 years ago

    @Sonicandknuckles BTW, despite no hollow fuselage, all my planes have space for cockpit interior and a cockpit camera. And your cockpit seems pretty descent here. How about you try making a cockpit for this tu-104d model or my Convair CV-880? You can take a dashboard, and animated yokes and thrust levers from here:

    Or if you start with tu-104 - just select fuselage and windows with a finetuner and move them down to work inside. i even think i know how to make it possible to look inside the navigator area from the cockpit camera (like in your model) despite they are in different fuselage segments

  • Tupolev Tu-134 6.0 years ago

    @Sonicandknuckles it's like 3 months old) i just forgot to upload) and a tu-134 wing reminded. It's basically identical except scale and wing area

  • Tupolev Tu-134 6.0 years ago

    Sorry, had not yet finished the wing for tu-134, but you can take a look at it bigger version.


    Thought i cant just scale it down, i have to manually make all the wing panels inside smaller by wing area, so it flies correctly

  • Engine Expansion Pack 6.0 years ago

    @Starbound thanks a lot in adwance! Just one small request, i didnt yet had time to test your engines, but if you'll be able to keep the ingame settings (prop count, types, pitch, size and so on, like in agjustable prop and turboprop - this would be triple AWESOME