9,428 vcharng Comments

  • Perhaps I need to make a more popular plane... (rant warning) 4.2 years ago

    Still, it was three bloody thousand characters of programming... I probably spent longer in programming that AFN2 than some of those popular builds spend in the whole plane's building progress.

  • what in the world is funky tree? 4.2 years ago

    This is like the 5th time someone asked this.... you can literally just type "funky trees" in the aircraft search and find plenty of answers.

  • SB-190E 4.2 years ago

    @SovietBun Nah it's fine, I still have plenty of Luft '46 stuff to make.

  • SB-190E 4.2 years ago

    Ah this is officially (?) called the "Fw Fighter w/ BMW 802"
    The picture you posted (with contra-rotating propellers) is a variant with BMW 8011 engine.
    I was going to make this myself....

  • A complaint about ads 4.2 years ago

    What ads? (using adblock)

  • Funky Trees Smoke 4.2 years ago

    @Shippy456 It's basically a programming language introduced in version 1.9. Now it has been used to build just about anything.

  • How do we make input delays? 4.2 years ago

    @Ja380 You did not specify how long you want the door to close, I will assume it's also 8 seconds.
    clamp01(smooth(LandingGear, 0.0625) * 2) for landing gear (set rotator speed to 100%)
    clamp01(smooth(LandingGear, 0.0625) - 0.5) for door.

    try it, I can't verify if it would work with just typing...

  • Dornier P.252 4.2 years ago

    Oh wow I was about to make this.... glad I chose something else...
    More specfically I think this is the 252/3

    Nice build!

  • Yes, this is a replica. It needs a better name. (new WWII aircraft preview) 4.2 years ago

    @AircraftoftheRedStar Judging from other Luft 46 entries it looks like P.0310 blah blah blah is just a drawing number anyway...

  • Weebs of SimplePlanes, unite! 4.2 years ago

    if liking anime = weebs... yeah count me in.

  • Consumption and thrust 4.2 years ago

    1. use cannon to propel your plane.

  • Ju 288G-2 "Sonderausführung" w/ 280mm Düka 280 (KG53 "A1+FH") 4.2 years ago

    @SimoneRomano Good to hear.
    Next time I make a plane with a manual fuel pump, I'll stop using countermeasures as input.

  • Ju 288G-2 "Sonderausführung" w/ 280mm Düka 280 (KG53 "A1+FH") 4.2 years ago


  • Junkers Ju 288G-2 Pre-release (final) teaser 4.2 years ago


  • What I want to see in SimplePlanes2 - megathread 4.2 years ago

    Those instruments are possible now already. I think we need some advanced parts shaping tool (like subtraction) and better damage/crash model.

  • is there a way to make the stock minigun run out of bullets 4.2 years ago

    @exosuit You don't understand.
    That method only works when you shoot 600 rounds in one burst. It does NOT simulate ammo consumption. It simulates gun overheat instead.

    If you stop firing halfway, say, in 300 rounds, supposedly you should only have 300 rounds left, but the burst count system will reset you back to first round and you will still have 600 rounds in your next burst.

  • is there a way to make the stock minigun run out of bullets 4.2 years ago

    @exosuit That wouldn't work. once you stop firing the burst count is reset.
    For example, assume you have burst count 200, and you stopped firing after 100 rounds.
    Your next burst will still have 200 rounds, and unless you accidentally fired 200 rounds in one burst, you will still have indefinite ammo.

  • How to make rotor spin when PitchAngle ascends? 4.2 years ago

    Uh, perhaps I should ask something before answering.
    Do you comprehend the term "PitchAngle" correctly?
    This is about AIRCRAFT pitch (i.e. nose up or down) not propeller or rotor pitch.
    I see you mentioning rotors and it's quite alarming, so I think it's better to ask beforehand.

    Now, assume that you know what PitchAngle does, and by "rotor" you mean "rotator"...

    "The rotor rotates an additional 5 degrees each time "...
    I assume you want a continuous output, not a step output as you are saying literally.
    The input "PitchAngle" maxs out at 90 so you don't have to worry about upper limit, so it's PitchAngle/90 and set the rotator max at 1.

    "how does the rotor can only be controlled when PitchAngle is below 0?"
    you need to funky tree the activation group.
    type "PitchAngle < 0" in the "activationGroup" slot.

  • IDK Why But... 4.2 years ago

    Yeah I'm experiencing similar symptoms too.
    I think you should slow down. Segregate your project into small bits. For example:
    I'm now making my Ju 288 G-2 set to release after 1.9.2 is officially released. Now my build schedule looks like this:
    Today: finish the instrument panel of the cockpit remake (which has been ongoing for a week)
    Tomorrow: investigate the possibility of re-arranging nose shape
    2 days later: make the new airbrake exterior
    weekend: make the rear seat, radio stack
    whole next week: make the turret, experiment with overspeed/engine overheat mechanism (which usually should only take 2 days)

    Once you finished the objective of the day, close SP and do something else.
    If you still feel stress, further reduce the load per day.

  • Spread values 4.3 years ago

    @SnoWFLakE0s I don't know much about structure, but yeah, maybe starting from scratch would be easier than modifying current SP into something like that.
    I am modifying one of my works now, and yes, modifying is really more painful than creating from the very start.

  • How do I make custom wings that taper? 4.3 years ago

    1. set the thickness of the tip side to be 0 (not sure how that'll look though)
    2. put a fuselage cone (not going to fit perfectly if you have control surface)

  • Turrets! 4.3 years ago

    I tried to make an "automatic compensating" turret that automatically shoots along your turning arc, it wasn't very useful though.

  • Can you delay pistons? 4.3 years ago

    get a 1.9.203 beta and use smooth function.
    Assume you want to activate it 5 seconds after AG1 is turned on, input this on the "inputid" or "input":
    sign(smooth(Activate1, 0.2))

  • Beta 1.9.203 4.3 years ago

    @SovietBun It will be more than just recoding so it will take a while.

  • Beta 1.9.203 4.3 years ago

    @SnoWFLakE0s The point for this change is to make sure anything that FTed during 1.9.1 using LandingGear input still works in 1.9.203.
    My stuff still does (improvement, they didn't in 202), but no guarantee everyone else's stuff does unless the LG input is the same as 1.9.1.
    Since we took the trouble to invent the GearDown input for the "gear down light" purpose, why not just leave LandingGear the way it was in 1.9.1? that's the only way to ensure 1.9.1 planes still works perfectly without having to re-program.
    my planes will continue to use LandingGear input because 0=down 1=up makes more sense mechanically (because 0 means initial state, and since planes are usually spawned on the ground, the initial state is "down".)
    Either way I made 3 versions of my Ju 288.
    One for 1.9.1 landing gear input, one for .202 beta input and one with .203 beta.
    This "should" cover all probable circumstances.

  • Aichi E16A_'Zuiun' 4.3 years ago

    Zuiun is good.

  • Beta 1.9.203 4.3 years ago

    Wait wut?
    Latitude and longitude!?
    GPS is HERE!

  • Ju 288G-1 (KG53 "A1+EH" w/ SG104 355mm Recoilless Rifle) 4.3 years ago

    @ThomasRoderick Well this thing was a WWI concept that the luftwaffe came up in 1940... it's already outdated.
    Torpedoes are expensive, that's why they tried to find a cheaper solution.
    That's why this thing fell out of favor when rocket munitions and guided bombs came out.

  • Beta 1.9.202 4.3 years ago

    Oh wow they really added Calculus!

  • Ju 288G-1 (KG53 "A1+EH" w/ SG104 355mm Recoilless Rifle) 4.3 years ago

    @Tang0five You engrave the cockpit camera point in the solid object.If you engrave the cockpit right on the boarder between two adjacent solid object, both will be transparent.
    Note this doesn't work for hollow fuselage. only solid fuslage, sphere, hemisphere etc.

  • Ju 288G-1 (KG53 "A1+EH" w/ SG104 355mm Recoilless Rifle) 4.3 years ago


  • Ju 288G-1 w/ SG104 355mm Recoilless Rifle Pre-release Teaser 4.3 years ago

    @MrSilverWolf I didn't have any exact blueprints, so I think I may have to correct about that on the release version.

  • Ju 288G-1 w/ SG104 355mm Recoilless Rifle Pre-release Teaser 4.3 years ago


  • Ju 288G-1 w/ SG104 355mm Recoilless Rifle Pre-release Teaser 4.3 years ago


  • Almost 100% Accurate Rate of Climb Indicator (Vario) 4.3 years ago

    @jamesPLANESii my script:
    clamp(sin(PitchAngle - -AngleOfAttack * cos(abs(RollAngle))) * GS / 167, -1, 1)
    I think the difference is that my VSI would have homogeneous rotation while yours would be more sensitive on smaller readings. (aside from that I neglected slip angle)
    Perhaps I should adopt your formula too.
    What baffles me is that since the angles are in degrees (instead of rads) there shouldn't be a need for the pi factor....

  • Here's the answer for the "guess the armament" micro-event(?) 4.3 years ago

    @GeneralPatrick2 Congrats on getting the closest answer lol.

  • You used Connection Editor!!!!!WAAAAAIT!!!!!! 4.3 years ago

    Should've saved before doing major changes....
    I usually save every 5 minutes or so...

  • How do you upload with screenshots? 4.3 years ago

    Use the mod, turn on the mod, take screenshots in-game (F12), your last 3 will be automatically there when you intend to upload

  • Part Collision Response 4.3 years ago

    @Random40 Well I'm not trying to make the whole plane invincible... but perhaps it's too late now (260 parts and counting), maybe for my next plane.

  • Fuel Consumption Rates? 4.3 years ago

    basically anything other than the biggest two jets have pretty slow consumption that nobody actually worries about it...

  • Instructions 4.4 years ago

    I think this has been suggested before, but just like many good suggestions, it was soon forgotten...

  • Never thought I'd be promoting calculus one day... 4.4 years ago

    @jamesPLANESii more like acceleration XYZ, and two versions, one relative to plane, one relative to map.

    And I really hope for some parts-related values like
    hp(partID), connection(partAID, partBID)
    RPM(engineID) (right now we're using throttle input which isn't accurate, especially for engines with manual propeller pitch)

    Plus a total new system, sequence. Useful for fancy landing gears.

  • Another SUWW2 aircraft is almost here! 4.4 years ago

    @thefalkenreich Nah it's more like a series.
    Originally it was SU1946 (Simple Universe 1946) with 1946-ish planes plus very overpowered engine.
    Now I'm working my way back the timeline and make SUWW2 (late-WWII non-jet planes that does well in in-game WWII challenges (such as WWII Dogfight and WWII Torpedo Bomber challenge)

  • Funky trees stall alarm issue. Help plz? 4.4 years ago

    I also have a stall alarm, it works like this:
    input: Sign(min((abs(AOA) -15), sign(IAS), sign(IAS - 223)))
    so when AoA is > 15 at any direction AND IAS is >0 AND IAS is < 223 m/s, the buzzer will go off.

    v>x doesn't seem to work with funky trees and I advise replacing them with "sign(v - x)"

  • How 'bout a cluster bomb? 4.4 years ago

    @Adityo0502 Probably it was a bad choice to use the boom 9000 mod bomb parts to form the bomblets, whose bomb explosion is like 10-20x the load to the system...

  • æ 4.4 years ago

    Can't see the picture...

  • A super rudimentary guide on how to make the basic gauges (will be updated) 4.5 years ago

    @IStoleYourMeme Possible reason:
    1. space between the symbols
    2. you used .03 instead of 0.03 which causes the system to require the space
    for your reference the altitude I'm using does not require spaces between the / and the functions and numbers

  • A super rudimentary guide on how to make the basic gauges (will be updated) 4.5 years ago

    To everyone on this thread: I've made a basic instrument panel based on the settings of this post.
    Perhaps you guys would be interested.

  • Cannons explode when fired 4.5 years ago

    From my experience this usually happens when you scale the cannon smaller and the full-sized shell impact something on its way out...

  • Mitsubishi A6M5 Zero-sen 4.5 years ago

    @pancelvonat I hope you do understand that "I remember...." sometimes can also mean that "I am not entirely sure but I have an impression that..."
    think about...
    or something like that. (I'm bad in Japanese).

    Like I said I'm bad at Japanese so you should probably expect a number of wrong Japanese here...

    日本語のwikipediaでは、52型の翼端は”切り捨て (丸形)"などと記入しています

