18.8k Zippy6 Comments

  • Pz.Kpfw. VI. Tiger H1 (with interior) 4.0 years ago

    I suggest making the cannon 0 weight, the gun recoils and extends WAYYYYY too much when accelerating/deccelerating or when the gun elevates/depresses. The suspension is WAYYY too bouncy, needs to be stiffer. Camo looks kewl, but uses no German colors whatsoever. Looks more like a Japanese camo (making it a japanese tiger would make it a lot more interesting).
    Why have the turret traverse bound to VTOL? We have funky trees not so you can control it with YAW instead as well as having it traverse 360 degreees.
    As for the interior, The breech block is just a hole in the back of the gun, no "block" to speak of.
    You are on the right track to making a really good tiger. The muzzle brake is best part of the whole build, keep at it!

  • Dassault Mirage IV Nuclear bomber 4.1 years ago

    Tip, dont make the tires white.

  • Junkers Ju-390V Lufthansa 1955 4.1 years ago

    Ju EF-100 next?

  • I Need The sekrit dokumints 4.1 years ago

    I the one database I use is called "the internet".

  • Type 97 Chi-Ha(Chihatan high school) 4.1 years ago

    Just couldn't stay away huh?

  • I need the detacher to release when i fire the rocket need help 4.1 years ago

    How do you have the detacher attached to the missile?

  • Luftwaffe Challenge (Closed) 4.1 years ago

    Honestly it’s their fault for not understanding how the successor system works lol.

  • Roman Ballista (re-up) 4.1 years ago

    @BeryllCorp believe it or not it was actually an improvement ;)

    Only left a small scar on the bridge of my nose and gave me a healthy fear of simple levers. If I hadn't had safety glasses it would have been much worse.

  • Junkers Ju-187/287 4.1 years ago

    @BogdanX yes you are right. This aircraft is indeed speculation, as is any other depiction. However, if you truly believe that the act of calling any speculation "wrong" is wrong , then you cannot call my lack of a gull wing a "flaw".
    Without a time machine (or at least legit documentation) we can never know for sure, that's for sure. I am just very confident that my speculation is closer to the actual truth than any other speculation before. In fact, without that previous speculation, I would not have been able to draw many if the conclusions I made.
    However, what I do know for 100% certain is not speculation is the location of the supercharger air intake. Go ahead and look at at a pic of a Jumo 213 engine and tell me why the air intake should be on left side of the aircraft when the supercharger is on the right of the engine XD
    This was not a paper project that never left the drawing board, after all we have pictures of physical models.
    That aside, thank you very much for your feedback. I'm glad you enjoy flying this bird. Main reason for no trim on the elevator is I'm very new to the funky trees thing, and I ran out of time to fiddle with this. I was lucky enough that I had started it before the challenge went underway so I had a head start. But even with that head start i was working right up to the deadline. Theres so much more i would have added given time, such as functioning trim, more dials and gauges, and camo. Well done on your Stuka too, it's good to see it get the proper attention it deserves.
    May the best builder win ;)

  • Roman Ballista (re-up) 4.1 years ago

    Last time I made one of these I ended up taking up a crowbar to the face. 10/10 would reccomend safety glasses as a good idea.

  • Junkers Ju-187/287 4.1 years ago

    @BogdanX let me just ask you this, does the wind model come before or after the desktop model? Does the wind tunnel model come before or after the full scale mockup?

  • Junkers Ju-187/287 4.1 years ago

    @BogdanX if you read my forum post, you'll see that picture you link to is completely wrong. That's the whole point if this build, to prove that every other model made since 1943 is wrong.

  • Luftwaffe Challenge (Closed) 4.1 years ago

    People posting unlisted succesors.

  • Junkers Ju-187/287 4.1 years ago

    @MAHADI first you gotta judge all these entries m8.

  • XT-F05 Einhorn 4.1 years ago


  • A proper Super Stuka 4.1 years ago

    @vcharng yeah I forgot to put that in, the medium bomber was given the 287 designation after this one was cancelled in autumn of '43

  • Krupp L2H143+PAK35/36 4.1 years ago

    Really could do with at leas a simple crosshair reticle. Diffucult to aim the cannon otherwise.

  • ATTACKER CHALLENGE 4.1 years ago

    Deadline way too soon. 5 days is not enough for any decent builder. Need to give at least a month from start date to end date.

  • Merciless Sniper 10 (MS-10) 4.1 years ago

    Honestly Im incredibly disappointed Wargaming did nothing for april fools on WoT PC. I guess they're out of ideas lol.

  • New player's Bomber 4.2 years ago

    One tip for any person is to master building good airfoils and custom control surfaces. Any build can be greatly improved with just these. Other than that just up ur level of detail. Add panel, lines, numbers, etc. Also use more than just two pics when posting the plane.

  • Dornier Do.735 : 4.2 years ago

    @Hedero that's like saying the twin mustang is based on the p-51 when in reality the they only share one vent and one tailwheel pin. This is what I was talking about. The 335z project was taken over by junkers, hence it being a junkers and not a dornier. Same thing happend with the Me 163 (original design by martin lippisch)

  • Dornier Do.735 : 4.2 years ago

    @Hedero that's where the pilot and navigator sit. Smaller cockpit is only big enough for one person.

  • Dornier Do.735 : 4.2 years ago

    Why call it Dornier? Isn't it a Junkers design?

  • Luftwaffe Challenge (Closed) 4.2 years ago

    @MAHADI sound.

  • Luftwaffe Challenge (Closed) 4.2 years ago

    Is it alright to use a jet engine to simulate turbocharger whine/spooling?

  • This Breaks the Game 4.2 years ago

    @Majestic77 I wish I knew.

  • This Breaks the Game 4.2 years ago

    @HailFire24 @OC3LOT1142 I assume the game crashed for you guys too?

  • Focke-Wulf Fw 191 "schnellbomber" 4.2 years ago

    On the maiden flight the flaps produced a serious flutter effect which required a redesign. After the redesign I have not read of any more issues due to the flaps, which I take to mean that they were functioning as intended.

  • Focke-Wulf Fw 191 "schnellbomber" 4.2 years ago

    No Multhopp-Klappe?

  • Cannon sounds 4.2 years ago

    You can just change the volume of the cannons. When you change the volume it slightly changes the sound of the cannon.

  • 5th times the charm 4.2 years ago

    @USSR yup.

  • Forum DRAFT 4.2 years ago

    Cool. Well rest assured Ive already got the perfect project already in the works.

  • Forum DRAFT 4.2 years ago

    Why was I tagged?

  • Bell X-1 Model Concept 4.2 years ago

    What program did you use for this? Blender?

  • Some pictures I took. 4.2 years ago

    Btw I like the squirrel. It's like hes saying, "you come here often?".

  • Some pictures I took. 4.2 years ago


  • RPM Calculations 4.2 years ago

    Honestly best bet is just use throttle input. In game engines may have an idle sound, but it's kind of a fake idle as they are essentially just off.

  • E-100 4.2 years ago

    Ooh ooh me next!

  • Beta 1.9.202 4.2 years ago

    Will the cannon tracers be at a set size and color or can we mod them like regular gun tracers?

  • Lippish Li P.09 4.3 years ago

    @Mikey101234 first off, no one has commented in over 2 years so ur safe there. Secondly this is a completely different aircraft to the 163. This aircraft has an 8 foot wider wingspan as well as numerous differences. The Me-163 was never designed with the intent of putting jet engines in it. The Li P.09 was. Thus, the Me-163 and the Li P.09 are two entirely different aircraft.

  • KV-2-II 4.3 years ago

    Nice. I've had half a mind to start on an IS-2-II.

  • Wheel Jitter Halp Plz 4.3 years ago

    @MrSilverWolf thank you sir it was a success. Do you want to be tagged in the final product?

  • Wheel Jitter Halp Plz 4.3 years ago

    @MrSilverWolf Add mass AND reduce forward traction or just add weight?

  • O-I (Type-100) - CANNON CHALLENGE! 4.3 years ago

    @RussianAS it's a joke ;) I dont speak russian either tho.

  • Messerschmitt_Me-262A-1 4.3 years ago

    Weird engine exhaust color, but awesome job with the fuselage.

  • O-I (Type-100) - CANNON CHALLENGE! 4.3 years ago

    Incorrect number of suspension wheels. You have 6 here it should have 8. Dont know if broken but the little gun barrels didn't recoil. Recoil movement for the cannon parts is still present which is somewhat distracting. And what's with all the internal bracing on the inside of the turret?

  • (CLOSED) Unusual General Aviation CHALLENGE 4.4 years ago

    Look ma! That me!

  • Synergy Prime 4.4 years ago

    @ND40X by all means, tag me when done of course :)