51.4k ZeroWithSlashedO Comments

  • Question about Air-to-air combat 2.1 years ago

    1. Ground targets' detection range is fixed at about 10 miles. However, air and "air" targets can be detected at any range, but it can only be spawned within 12-0.8 nmi from your position. Sad, tbh.
    2. Yes. This is honestly kinda sad, however some players have found their way to make missiles track even when fuel goes out. And I'ma be honest, missiles don't really act like missiles.

  • [Off-topic X Question] When you drink too much vodka then you played Sp = ????? 2.1 years ago

    Muslims don't drink vodka, блять.

  • Why do AI aircraft keep trying to kamikaze me? 2.1 years ago

    they do that, dunno why. I usually turn air traffic off, and I'll spawn an aircraft if I want to do something to it.
    I don't put air traffic at all due to me not being able to support multiple aircraft in the area if I have a "high" performance cost build.

    dunno why, but I feel like the AI needs to have a little bit more control. It doesn't feel fun fighting against an AI, tbh.

  • No one celebrates my 300 points announcement 2.1 years ago

    I'm going to be brutally honest, but nobody really cares about 300 points. I don't think I'm the only one who thinks: "Oh, this user got 1000 points and he's celebrating it. Cool, Ig, Idrc."
    But then when a certain user reaches 5000 points, people would congratulate him.

    Anyway, congratulations. You still have a long way to go. Good luck.

  • SimplePlanes OCD 2.1 years ago

    number 7:
    finally locked a target after like 7 seconds, but then loses the lock after 0.1 seconds because of flares and chaff bs

  • SimplePlanes VR Planned Updates 2.2 years ago

    1. Current upcoming updates are unknown. Stay tuned for... Well, updates. Not everyone knows what's happening behind the scenes of the development in Jundroo. And no, building and modding will never be available for SPVR.
      side note: god please stop asking what the next update is aeugh
    2. Yes. Absolutely. Even if it's on mobile. It's crucial to have SimplePlanes on a device other than VR headsets. Although, I would really recommend buying one on Steam instead of the one in the Appstore. PC players have access to everything. And I mean everything. Every maps, every mods, every aircrafts, hell, even entering SPVR from SP is possible. Which means, it is vey much possible for you to play with mods in SPVR if you play it this way. One of the most noteable thing about SP on PC is Multiplayer, which will never happen on any other SP platform. That includes, SPVR. But, if you instead connect yourself on to a server, and then enter VR, you will get an SPMPVR experience.

      also, ignore what @CarrotDynamics said, it ain't true he just made that up, but you might want to buy sp, just sayin, it ain't gon' be dissapointin'

  • GOOD NEWS: the Antonov 225 is the most popular plane on Jetphotos!! 2.2 years ago

    how about no
    how is this breaking news? I don't think people nowadays know what "breaking news" means.

  • Im actually leaving the sp community in 3-6 hours 2.2 years ago

    ok, yeah you need to get the fuck out of here


  • Leaving the community tomorrow morning. :( 2.2 years ago


    but, I can tell you this right now:
    Simply don't care too much about it. People hate you? Don't you try to care too much. You are what you are, and that's it. People can hate on you for shit, but you can't care about it too much.

    Don't focus on the ones that hate you. Focus on yourself. How can you improve yourselves? Why do people hate you? Maybe you should change that. What will happen if you change that?

  • Play Pet Idle online game 2.2 years ago

    Nice ad
    now get outta this site

  • X99STRIKER's tombstone 2.2 years ago

    No, stop. Please.
    I know it's sad, but I swear to god, you guys are too attached to him, and it's getting kind of annoying. I know I also participated in the memoriam, but just, cheer up my dudes, he's not dead. Be positive.

    More importantly... 31 UPVOTES!? This is madness! Okay, yeah, we don't ignore these kinds of "airplanes" when all the high quality underrated builds are just IGNORED!? This is a site about airplane game, my dudes!
    I know I'm sh#tting too much, but I'm doing it because it's too ridiculous.

  • F-35B teaser!1!1!1!1 2.2 years ago

    goddamn, looks hella sick.

  • i have no idea what i’ve signed up for 2.3 years ago

    btw I'm almost 5k
    beri kul
    gib updoot if you want to see something special for gold

  • We lost the An225 2.3 years ago


  • The Harrier Laughs: A SimplePlanes Meme 2.3 years ago


  • Add custom planes to Steam VR version 2.3 years ago

    login to the game. Or download one from the game.

  • Eurofighter 2000 Typhoon 2.3 years ago

    @Bryan5 @Haytham115 @idontknow8b

  • GOOD NEWS 2.3 years ago

    hmm yes
    the age of peak cringe

  • How do I change a weapons name 2.3 years ago

    go to the "Missile" section in the overload, add "name" and put your desired name in the Value.

  • Sp meme 2.3 years ago

    Wow I cant believe it!!!1!1!1!1!111!!!!!1!!!!1!1!!!!1

  • I have a problem with a certain account 2.3 years ago

    Just a reminder that these kinds of shitty posts are cringe.
    Also, shut up, you're not Andrew, if you are, you've probably already talk like "YEAH FUCKING BLESS ME" in all these Andrewism posts. Talk about low budget kid. No personalities or respect? I'm outta here.

  • Issue with modelling flap behaviour. 2.3 years ago

    To put it simply if a separate wing is in front of that wing with the elevon, and that wing has a higher lift, it's going to pitch down.

  • Oh god no- 2.3 years ago

    @Bryan5 @Bobyo

  • Auto-Aim Trobleshooting 2.4 years ago

    I once just yoinked it from GuyFolk, lmao.

  • Hawker Tempest Mk.II 2.4 years ago

    1. You don't go out calling people's creation trash, they do what they could make. As the rule said, "If you are continually telling people their airplanes suck, then maybe you suck."
    2. Swears fucking everywhere. I do swear, but not as far as calling people gay.
    3. Alot of people do play on PC. SimplePlanes on PC is way better. Unlike android, mods are allowed, which means multiplayer is not available on mobile, but is available on PC.
    Mods, since this guy is acting childish as hell and has violated the "be kind" rule, can you guys ban him now?

  • how to get promoted? 2.4 years ago

    well, duh. Get good.

  • Some Suggestions For 1.13 or 1.14 2.4 years ago

    1- Neat Idea, although I much prefer sonic boom for mach stuff.
    2- I agree about this.
    3- I agree.
    4- Not much of a tank guy, but given that many people asked, I'd say it'll be a fun addition.
    5- I agree. Oh also, it'd be cool to make the jet engine noises louder.
    6- Not possible. Unless google allows it again.
    7- Again, not much of a tank guy, but it'll be kinda cool.
    8- Hmm. Y e s.
    9- I honestly don't think SimplePlanes need more weapons, but I do think the only weapon left that they need to add are Fox-2s.
    10- I agree. Working with water unexperienced is extreme pain.
    11- I agree. Wings should be a little more detailed. And the control surface customization should be a little more advanced.
    12- Because they don't need to, people can just make it.
    13- I kinda agree on this one. Although, people can make it.
    14- I agree.
    15- Hmm. I do not think that's possible.
    16- Couldn't you just XML mod them?
    17- Tell me you're just too lazy to make your own canopy...
    18- Depends on what part it is.
    19- That is very much guaranteed to be honest.

  • Boag 2.4 years ago


  • That took way longer than I anticipated. 2.4 years ago

    @BeastHunter @X99STRIKER @Clutch

  • How To Make Realistic Acceleration 2.5 years ago

    Nah, editing drag is too tedious. Better off just make the max value to 2 or 3.
    The "max" bar in the engines work like this:
    if the value is more than 1, it'll have better thrust, but it also will have a slower acceleration.
    If the value is less than 1, it'll have worse thrust, but faster acceleration.
    Manually editing drag takes a long time. while editing the max power only takes you 5 seconds.

  • Teaser! 1941 2.5 years ago

    old work I assume?

  • Evading missiles in SP without flares and chaff-is it possible? 2.5 years ago

    yes it is.
    you either get fast that the missile can't outrun you or do the funni aoa so the missile miss. Although the funni aoa cannot save you from a hard turning missile (example: Python-5).

    missile will also miss if the enemy fires it too close to the target, unless they rockin' one of those

  • iono (Parts 5403) 7 days ago

    pixel art always makes me amazed

  • SU-35S 9 days ago

    still better than the su35

  • SU-35S 10 days ago

    I have a bone to pick with the "Best 4.5th Gen in service" statement, but this is sp.com so I'm not gonna argue

  • AAI F-47A Facade 12 days ago


  • [WIP PEA] - Mikoyan MiG-31 Foxhound 28 days ago

    he's in the walls
    also thamk

  • [PEA] LM F-22A Raptor one month ago

    @CrestelAeronautics @TheUltimatePlaneLover
    As much doubtful the Su-57's stealth is, I suggest for you to not disrespect the Su-57.
    As one say, if you let your guard down just because of a rumor, you could pay for it with your life.

    Also I like the Su-57.

  • [PEA] LM F-22A Raptor one month ago

    I'm in pain

  • Lockheed Martin F-16 Viper Block 72 (150K Special) one month ago

    I'm surprised you tried to put this much detail on a Block 72 in under 96 parts. Nice work.

  • The state of online advertising is horrible one month ago

    I honestly could not care more about ads
    I don't have all day to watch ads so, I just often turn my brain off whenever I see an ad. Just like how the AIM-9M turns off it's seeker whenever it senses a flare

  • [CLOSED] Name = Part Count Challenge one month ago

    imagine someone makes a Mirage 2000
    or a eurofighter typhoon (it's also called the EF2000)

  • F-15 JX 2 months ago


  • (Naval Target) Cruiser 2 months ago

    boutta make this thing "historically accurate"

  • EF-2000 TYPHOON (Muv-Luv) 2 months ago

    mm yes
    starts as a dating sim
    ends as an apocalyptic mech sim

  • ADFX-01 Morgan 2 months ago

    cleanest low part morgan I've ever seen
    good fuckin job

  • A message to @Pan dayo! 4 months ago

    I'm going to be brutally honest, I feel really sorry for you. This is a pitiful sight.

  • SBMF ADFX-02 Morgan 5 months ago


  • [TGT] T2 Elkan Torpedo Boat MB-111 5 months ago

    he's back

    I'm assuming with vengeance.
