35.8k ThePilotDude Comments

  • Dev question: Viruses on SP website 5.4 years ago

    Your friend is overreacting

  • Important question 5.4 years ago

    I think it was because of Othawne's challenge. You should continue, your biplanes are great!

  • International 3300 School Bus 5.7 years ago

    We all know the best seat in the bus is that last tiny seat in the way back

  • Ozzie 5.7 years ago

    I'm sorry for your loss. I had a cat a while ago, her name was Pumpkin. She had an amazing life, my mom found her and her littermates abandoned behind her office building. We adopted her and gave her littermates to people looking for a pet. She was the most gentle and chill cat, and lived a good long life of 17 years (yes you saw right, 17 years). She would often go out for a couple of hours roaming, but always came back with a fresh mouse or squirrel and, in her infinite generosity, would always leave the head as a "present" for us when she was finished eating, it always cracked me up. Her life may have been long, but she was never in any pain, and passed away in her sleep peacefully. I've missed her a lot since, but I know she's in a better place now

  • V-22 Osprey 5.8 years ago

    @Chancey21 I know, I'm talking about the quality of the build structure itself, not replica exactness. This guy obviously knows how to use the SP parts, he just could've done better making it look more like the real thing

  • Ok then... 5.9 years ago

    Some conspiracy theorists are just seeking attention, but some are actually stupid enough to believe what they say

  • Douglas C-47 Skytrain 5.9 years ago

    Awesome job! Ever think about making a military paint scheme version?

  • QC-12.121 Heavy 5.9 years ago

    AAH! Part count warning
    and registration

  • SR2 posts 5.9 years ago

    I don't even know what to say

  • 10k Build! Icon A5 LSA 6.0 years ago


    Otherwise great plane!

  • "Shoot the Attackers" mini game 6.0 years ago

    Amazing! I'd suggest removing the first word of your description, tho. Don't want the mods to be mad at you

  • Stealth B2 6.0 years ago

    And thus the legend began... his name will forever be etched in SimplePlane history

  • So, I'm new! 6.1 years ago

    Have fun building! Also, it's pretty funny how you said that you already know the rules, bc all the time, on every "I'm new" posts, people ALWAYS say "oh go read the rules"

  • they ruined my life 6.1 years ago

    You don't need to re-choose an airline. Just because someone else uploaded a plane from that airline doesn't mean you can't

  • @Mattangi is a LIAR 6.1 years ago

    @Awsomur absolutely, this is extremely unnecessary. This creates arguments that cannot be proven. None of us . It's better to honor the word of his friend instead of pointlessly debating whether he's lying or not

  • Gelidus Heavy Bomber - "Emissary of Heat" 6.1 years ago

    The Spicy plane is here!

  • TIE fighter 6.1 years ago

    Beware the pow... I mean PUNS of the Empire

  • Clone trooper (Phase II armor DC-15S) 3.7 years ago

    @AWESOMENESS360 whoa there, don't go saying that about the clones, they were far better marksmen and soldiers than those stormtrooper scum

  • Look ma an american Bomber (teaser) 3.8 years ago

    "look ma, an American bomber"
    unknown child, Hiroshima, 1945

  • Republic F-12 "Rainbow" 3.8 years ago

    Actually just found out about this aircraft and its interesting history earlier today, glad to see one in SP!
    BTW your outer right engine is is broken, doesn't throttle up with the rest

  • I don't understand 3.8 years ago

    Here's my 2 cents on "weebs". Appreciating Japanese culture is perfectly fine, it's a very interesting one. Weebs, however, are people that take it way too far, and take it into cringy/disrespectful areas. In reality, many people who just like Japanese culture get labeled as weebs, when they aren't

  • Nova- T70 X-Wing 3.8 years ago

    Here's the controls for you;

    • AG 1: Lock S-foils in attack position, activate HUD
    • AG 2: Landing/Takeoff Gyro
    • AG 3: Forward thrust when on, auto-brakes and landing position when off
    • AG 5: Extra boost
    • AG 8: close canopy
    • VTOL: gun/cannon convergence

  • AT-AT Walker 3.8 years ago

    It's really cool how this thing can withstand several hits to the main body or cockpit, but if hit in the legs, it explodes instantly, which makes sense, the legs wouldn't be as armored. Whether that was on purpose or not, very cool!

  • While making planes that takes me a week to make 3.9 years ago

    Peanut butter on a spoon? Come on, knife is much more efficient.
    I usually watch some kinda commentary video in the background when building stuff

  • explanation of my inactivity 3.9 years ago

    Well I was expecting a rickroll.
    Now I'm just confused

  • How to swear without swearing! 3.9 years ago

    bold of you to assume I wasn't already wasting my time even being on this site

  • Did something happen to randomusername 3.9 years ago

    @BuiltBionixInd10 @jamesPLANESii I've spoken to random themselves. They have a condition, but not a brain injury. Also, the whole persona of randomusername, who they said they are, is a lie

  • Something I just noticed about my old account... 3.9 years ago

    It is possible to recover deleted accounts, during the Great Drama of 2019-2020 an account was resurrected like that, try contacting the mods or devs

  • Why does no one use emojis? 4.0 years ago

    @TheReturningHound yeah, wasn't just the periods, but I really don't see the problem with jokingly using grandiose language for something as simple as this, people just need to calm down.

  • SimpleMemes That Have To Do With My Absence 4.0 years ago

    may seem a bit rough, but nobody will care if you stop posting on either site, they're both essentially forms of social media, and one person stopping posting isn't gonna affect anyone at all really

  • Funny coincidence (ready to get offended) 4.0 years ago

    Deutschland uber alles

  • Planes Vs anime??!! 4.0 years ago

    Well this isn't gonna go over well. Mechs are hard to make. However I really don't like them, and I wish the people who built them would make things that aren't teenage girls with cat ears, huge eyes, and an assault rifle. I think the general anime asthetic is really dumb.

  • suzu 4.0 years ago

    Alright. Anime is one thing, but cat girls with literal tails... that's not exactly normal. It's a good mech, but just why the cat ears and tail?

  • [200K Special] P-51D Mustang Republic of China 4.0 years ago

    @QingyuZhou interesting, because this was the symbol for the old Chinese republic, yeah I'd assume the communist government's supporters nowadays wouldn't like it. And I wouldn't want it or any offensive symbols to be censored, of course

  • account hacked into and deleted, 4.1 years ago

    @Omel everyone gets mad at users here. Normal people just go along with their day, they don't delete someone's account out of spite. You can't just defend Jerrrry because he got offended.

  • Portrait of Stalin 4.1 years ago

    @ChisP I've been fascinated by that for a long time. Hitler and the Nazis are despised but Stalin and his regime are seen as just funny, memed and generally accepted. One of the more funny things is War Thunder, that has all kinds of symbols over the Russian planes that are from the USSR, but they censor the swastika.

  • Simple Harley Davidson 4.1 years ago

    @QingyuZhou you're right, I can't censor you, which is why I never called for the removal of this. America isn't perfect, never was, but it did fight against everything the CSA stood for. And I don't believe you're a racist, or approve of slavery. But to say you love the flag, only for its appearance is ignoring the historical context of that symbol. But I also don't believe you only love it for its looks, that you truly believe in the whole "heritage not hate", "southern culture" way of looking at it. And that is grounded in little historical fact, and a lot of revisionism. And I have a problem with that.

  • I have some ideas for changing the map in SimplePlanes 4.1 years ago

    The entire AI system needs an overhaul, especially combat

  • Smiley 4.1 years ago

    more positivity on a SP post than I've seen in a while

  • why these post limits? 4.2 years ago

    the post limit is to prevent low quality posts. I hate to break it to you, but if you're posting 15 airplanes a day, they aren't going to be high quality

  • My suggestion for a update 4.2 years ago

    if you want combat related weapon additions, we need an AI update first

  • T-70 X-wing "Black One" 4.2 years ago

    @Mattangi2 gotta give it a medical mask in that case

  • Society is on the brink of something bad. 4.2 years ago

    S O C I E T Y

  • He’s not YourWife anymore! 4.2 years ago

    this is getting out of hand
    now there are 2 of them

  • Binary Sunset 4.2 years ago

    @Strikefighter04 @edensk thanks!
    @BMilan ironically it was that exact song randomly showing up in my playlist yesterday that inspired me to make this

  • Prolong the agony.... Drama! 4.3 years ago


  • I made a modern SUV and named it after a THICC swamp chicken from NZ [Teaser!] 4.4 years ago

    sees steering wheel placement
    [american.exe has stopped]

  • Vertizontal Stabilizers 4.7 years ago

    That's called a v tail, see Beechcraft Bonanza
