27.3k TheFlightGuySP Comments

  • CRAZY 9 months ago

    Crazy? I was crazy once. They locked me in a hangar. A rubber hangar. A rubber hangar full of MiGs. MiGs make me crazy. Crazy? I was crazy once. They locked me in a hangar. A rubber hangar. A rubber hangar full of MiGs. MiGs make me crazy. Crazy? I was crazy once. They locked me in a hangar. A rubber hangar. A rubber hangar full of MiGs. MiGs make me crazy. Crazy? I was crazy once. They locked me in a hangar. A rubber hangar. A rubber hangar full of MiGs. MiGs make me crazy. Crazy? I was crazy once. They locked me in a hangar. A rubber hangar. A rubber hangar full of MiGs. MiGs make me crazy. Crazy? I was crazy once. They locked me in a hangar. A rubber hangar. A rubber hangar full of MiGs. MiGs make me crazy. Crazy? I was crazy once. They locked me in a hangar. A rubber hangar. A rubber hangar full of MiGs. MiGs make me crazy. Crazy? I was crazy once. They locked me in a hangar. A rubber hangar. A rubber hangar full of MiGs. MiGs make me crazy. Crazy? I was crazy once. They locked me in a hangar. A rubber hangar. A rubber hangar full of MiGs. MiGs make me crazy. Crazy? I was crazy once. They locked me in a hangar. A rubber hangar. A rubber hangar full of MiGs. MiGs make me crazy. Crazy? I was crazy once. They locked me in a hangar. A rubber hangar. A rubber hangar full of MiGs. MiGs make me crazy. Crazy? I was crazy once. They locked me in a hangar. A rubber hangar. A rubber hangar full of MiGs. MiGs make me crazy. Crazy? I was crazy once. They locked me in a hangar. A rubber hangar. A rubber hangar full of MiGs. MiGs make me crazy. Crazy? I was crazy once. They locked me in a hangar. A rubber hangar. A rubber hangar full of MiGs. MiGs make me crazy. Crazy? I was crazy once. They locked me in a hangar. A rubber hangar. A rubber hangar full of MiGs. MiGs make me crazy. Crazy? I was crazy once. They locked me in a hangar. A rubber hangar. A rubber hangar full of MiGs. MiGs make me crazy. Crazy? I was crazy once. They locked me in a hangar. A rubber hangar. A rubber hangar full of MiGs. MiGs make me crazy. Crazy? I was crazy once. They locked me in a hangar. A rubber hangar. A rubber hangar full of MiGs. MiGs make me crazy. Crazy? I was crazy once. They locked me in a hangar. A rubber hangar. A rubber hangar full of MiGs. MiGs make me crazy. Crazy? I was crazy once. They locked me in a hangar. A rubber hangar. A rubber hangar full of MiGs. MiGs make me crazy. Crazy? I was crazy once. They locked me in a hangar. A rubber hangar. A rubber hangar full of MiGs.

  • Funky Trees - IF Statements Explained: 11 months ago

    @Redrocktumbler I'm assuming by 600 you mean 600m/s, in which case IAS>600 ? 0 : Input should do the trick.

  • 100% legit TONKA, (Jeff bezoz aprovez) 11 months ago

    Ladies and gentlemen, he did it.

    Peak engineering has been achieved.

  • Discus CS one year ago

    This is a stunning low-part build!

  • I need motivation... one year ago

    I'd suggest sticking to no more than 1-2 projects at a time.
    Trying to take on several at once can be overwhelming.
    Once your finished with one project, move to the next.

  • Radar? | Game Suggestion post | 1.1 years ago

    @Bryan5 That's also been partially implemented (also requires command console to locate).
    There is an IR signature property, but it doesn't seem to display anything other than it's default value if I remember correctly.

  • atan2(y,x) 1.2 years ago

    Interesting. I'd seen asin() acos() atan() listed in the Funky Trees guide but wasn't aware that an atan2() was present.

    Now I'm curious if sinh() cosh() tanh() are present as well.

  • What is considered as realistic flight? 1.2 years ago

    Acceleration, weight, speed, turn rate, and thrust are probably the main ones.

  • DG Flugzeugbau DG-800A 1.3 years ago

    @BeeEngineer It is a glider (more specifically, a motor glider).
    The aircraft is designed to operate without an engine. It uses the engine for self takeoff and flight sustainment in the event that thermals are poor.
    This is different from regular airplanes, which do require an engine for flight.
    The engine on a sailplane is an accessory for convenience, not a necessity.

  • Burger King Aviation Edition 1.3 years ago

    Voice reveal.

  • Joke Competition! (CLOSED) 1.3 years ago

    Hmm, alright then.

    Q: Who built an airplane that couldn't fly?
    A: The Wrong brothers.

    *Singular clap.*

  • how to make a Heli Rotor make a yaw movement? 1.3 years ago

    Adding +Yaw to the collective input of one rotor and -Yaw to the other should work.

  • PartColisionResponse 1.4 years ago

    When a part is damaged, it will simply disconnect instead of disconnecting and disappearing.

  • It's time for a new name for SimpleRockets 2 1.4 years ago

    @Red920 In addition to the previous comments, as of right now there is only one known working public server.
    Even if the few other servers were working, it would not be enough to support so many users, making the addition of MP as a default mod entirely pointless.
    On the surface, this sounds like a great idea.
    But, when you look at the details, it only ends up being worse for everyone.

  • Curious question 1.5 years ago

    Never heard of it before. I would assume it doesn't exist.

  • Explosion I guess 1.5 years ago

    Also yes, there is a forum saying that mods are coming to mobile, but one of the game developers already debunked that claim.

  • Explosion I guess 1.5 years ago

    Jundroo did not remove support for mobile mod support, Google/Apple did.
    Jundroo can not do anything about this.
    Even if mod support for mobile was given, I'm fairly certain that Unity currently does not support mobile platforms.

  • F-14....?(TVC+Canard) 1.5 years ago

    @Dracul0Anderson For the PSM question: essentially just make a slightly (or completely) unstable aircraft, give it some thrust vectoring control (not strictly required), and add some FT stabilizer inputs.

  • How do you get points to upvote? 1.6 years ago

    To add on to ColonelCanada's comment, if you verify your channel and that the content you are posting is your own, you will get 15 points instead of 2.
    I believe it requires at least 100 points to upload a video.

  • How to make your PSM stable 1.7 years ago

    There's more than one method. You can use PID controllers, but that is an expert level method, and very complicated.
    I'm fairly certain you can use AngleOfAttack/AngleOfSlip code, which is still complicated, but less complicated than PID controllers.
    I use Roll/Pitch/YawRate code. This is one of the easiest methods that can still auto stabilize the thrust vectoring system. For example: "Pitch-(PitchRate*0.005 or any number less than one)" works for stabilizing pitch control output.

  • Legacy Parts 1.8 years ago

    @Kangy If you're referring to the crash dummy, I may or may not post it separately in the future.

  • Everyone! I found a backup server! 1.9 years ago

    Many more people know about this server, they just haven't logged on yet.

  • How to make hinge rotators not re-invert automatically when mirrored 2.0 years ago

    Unfortunately, I don't think there is a way to prevent this. You will just have to manually reset the rotators.

  • What will be your first creation on Simpleplanes 2? yesterday

    Yeah, I definitely plan on remastering some of my favorite projects.

    In all honesty though, I'd like to build more gliders. Those are underappreciated, in my opinion. Both standard configuration and likely some unique/atypical designs too (think Genesis sailplane).

  • SimplePlanes 2 Announcement Trailer one month ago

    Awesome! Straight to my wishlist this goes.

    I like how it retains the original SP-feel while still being fresh.
    Awesome work Jundroo.

  • Sin Cos Tan - Question one month ago

    Sine and Cosine interpolate between a range of values. If you plug in sin(x) into a graphing calculator, you'll notice the line will curve up and down continuously like this.

    This can be helpful for things like walkers/other stuff that requires cycling. If you plug in something like

    (sin(Time) / 200) * Throttle

    it will output a continuously interpolating value (assuming conditions, like Throttle in this case, will allow it to do so).

    Cosine and Sin are inverse, too. Both essentially do the same thing, just with one of them outputting opposite values from the other.

    Tangent is a little bit different. Output over time looks something like this.

    Examples of these used in a circle, for circle things.

  • AI Spawn Script Mod? 4 months ago

    I'm not a dev nor expert modder or programmer but I'll give my best input here.

    If you don't have any experience with the Unity editor, then trying to work with custom scripting and whatnot in SP is probably going to be pretty confusing and daunting (speaking from experience).
    Scripting is done in C#. If you already have experience with C or Python/Java/Lua/etc. then it'll probably be easier for ya.
    If you're entirely new (or almost) to scripting in any language, god help you. Now might be a good time to learn some basic Python.

    1. I'm almost certain it's possible.
    2. Download the version of Unity that corresponds with your current version of SP and get Microsoft Visual Studio. Visual Studio is gonna be your scripting interface.
    3. As a beginner, probably pretty difficult. C has a more complicated syntax than Python or Java (which are very easy in comparison), so if you're not already familiar with basic programming then I would recommend learning one of those first.
    As for the console thing, I don't know if that's actually possible. It might be possible to spawn AI aircraft using commands but at that point you might as well be doing it through the menu anyways. I don't think there's a way to auto-execute them without a custom script, which leads back to Unity and C#.

    That's my bit anyways. Hope this helps in some way.

  • hello 5 months ago


    Edit: I just realized you haven't made any posts in well over 3 years. Welcome back.

  • Questions to furry haters 6 months ago

    @AshdenpawTG22 I just look through forums and whatnot to see if anyone needs some help with something (I try to help people when I can) or if there's anything interesting in general.
    Happened to see this as I was looking through.

    But ya I don't have much business being here. Just came to leave that note.
    And thanks by the way, maybe one day I'll remaster the Venture.

  • I feel sad now 6 months ago

    @Lwills Android mods stopped working years ago due to changes in Playstore requirements.
    The devs removed the Android mod buttons because they'd be entirely useless. You can't run 3rd party mods on Android anymore.

    The only exception to this is a few non-scripted map plug-ins that still work.

  • I feel sad now 6 months ago

    To be fair, SP didn't remove anything.
    Changes in Playstore requirements prevented Android mods from working.
    iOS never had support to begin with, as far as I know.

  • I may not be able to post tommorow 7 months ago

    Well I'm sorry that you've felt offended by my comment (it was by no means my intention to do so) but ultimately it's the truth in most cases (the exception being certain popular users).

  • Where is Shmeck? 7 months ago

    @SheriffHackdogMCPE Gone, reduced to atoms.
    Unless someone else reuploads it.

  • SimplePlanes Multiplayer 7 months ago

    @Salah001 @Icarus That's the Korean server. It's not a new IP, just a different one.
    Probably won't see as much activity as most people are probably using the Japanese server.

  • Is SimplePlanes really realistic? 8 months ago

    I'm gonna be a little less pessimistic than Aviator here.
    SimplePlanes is a bit old. The scripting and processes used are a bit old.
    SP was never meant to be hyper-realistic. It started as a simple mobile game that eventually gained traction and a decent-sized fanbase.
    However, SimplePlanes still maintains decent physics and has a very broad range of possibilities.
    It's kinda like comparing apples to oranges when comparing SP to things like MSFS or X-Plane.

    Anyways, I'm ranting here.
    Is SimplePlanes realistic? To a degree. It's not as advanced as other things on the market (Juno and FlyOut for example), but it's more advanced than a lot of other stuff I've seen.

    Edit: RCP sums it up really well.

  • A Note of Thanks 8 months ago

    I thank you and the dev team in return for your dedication (and for the new beta branch thing, that'll really come in handy :D).

  • To be honest we Need Underwater cam installed in vanilla because simpleplanes is like 95 Percent Ocean 8 months ago

    Two problems with that:

    1. They can't do that without facing legal issues, since one of the authors isn't a part of Jundroo.
    2. I believe WNP78 (Jundroo developer and the other author of Underwater Camera) recently said something about the fact that the borders of the islands are visible while underwater (which looks really weird) and would classify as a "bug".

  • Dream the sweaty steam engine 8 months ago


  • Daddy long legs 8 months ago

    Now look at this handsome gentleman, he seems polite and well-mannered.

  • Is there any way to recover aircraft files? 8 months ago

    @Thunderthud Have you tried switching back to 1.12.128?

  • Is there any way to recover aircraft files? 8 months ago

    @Thunderthud Just curious as to what specifically happened that led to your files being deleted.

  • Is there any way to recover aircraft files? 8 months ago

    Could you provide more details?

  • Final update for this game can we not have this community die 8 months ago

    @RepublicOfCursedPlanes This.
    This is what I wish some people could wrap their minds around.

  • A kewl clip I took with only a rotator 8 months ago

    You can get some interesting effects using a couple of pistons and a camera with LookAtCockpit enabled.

  • hhey giys kigy here 9 months ago


  • iOS about it 9 months ago

    Never, unless Apple changes their Terms Of Service in a way that makes it possible.

  • SP should have new mirror system 9 months ago

    James and RCP pretty much summed it up.
    If I were you I would just make the cockpit last.

  • [TEASER] F/87X/ "Thunder" IS SOON OUT!!! 9 months ago

    @TheCaper Only 3 people can be tagged per-comment.
    Only the first 3 people in the comment will receive a notification.


    Freshie spotted.

    Get ready for what's to come.

  • Caproni Ca.60 Societa Aerea Mediterranea 9 months ago

    I immediately thought about The Wind Rises upon seeing this.
