197k SledDriver Comments

  • Moth, Iridescent Edition 4.3 years ago

    @Gameboi14 I said:

    And this is the problem: because you posted a meme instead of something unambiguous, there are a total of two comments about the build itself, and nine comments about memes. That's the reason I'm deleting the entire thread.

    Acknowledge when you've read this, so I can delete these comments as well.

  • SR-71 Blackbird Mark XI 4.4 years ago

    @ssenmodnar Yes, this is the Mark XI. It has quite a few differences from the original.

  • Turmoil 4.4 years ago

    Thanks, @Treadmill103. Ahh colours... just imagine if colours could be hooked up to inputs as well. And if they could be given an ambient value of "1" so you could turn any part into a light. So you could have hundreds of parts twisting and turning, and blinking/glowing in intricate patterns on top of that. Imagine the possibilities...

  • Breathe 4.4 years ago

    @Mustang51 You mean it took your breath away?

  • Terminator arm, piston actuated 4.4 years ago

    @ChisP You think this has a lot of upvotes? It's the first of its kind -- there's nothing even close to it on SP. If someone other than I had posted it, it would've had at least four times the upvotes.

    Second, how much time you put into something has nothing to do with the quality of the result. As long as you think like that you're not working to the right standards, and will continue to be disappointed.

    Third, you haven't presented your build nearly as well as you could have. In your screenshot, the helicopter is merging with Wright Island in the background. First impressions are important, so you have to make sure your first screenshot shows off your build as well as possible. Keep the background uncluttered. Make sure your build stands out. Adjust the lighting so the colors are more vivid (early morning and evening are good for this). Or use a designer background mod, or a plain color like I do.

    Lastly, be aware that for all its claims to be "the nicest community on the internet," SP is full of voting cliques. If you want the approval of people like that, you'll always be disappointed. Build because you love it, not for any other reason.

  • Boomstick (20 Parts) 4.4 years ago

    @Gameboi14 Tell you what: turn this from 16 parts into at least 200 parts, and I'll be happy to spotlight that.

    Also, it's not a good idea to ask for spotlights. Because if people start giving out spotlights when asked, before you know it everyone's going to start asking for them.

  • Terminator arm, piston actuated 4.4 years ago

    @ChisP You mean as in uncanny valley creepy?

  • Terminator arm, piston actuated 4.4 years ago

    @Gameboi14 And in glorious 4K, no less.

  • Terminator arm 4.4 years ago


    "You forgot to say please."

    60 seconds later...

    "Take it! Take it!"

  • Flanker 4.5 years ago

    Thanks, @Thelegitpilot13. I don't like the "stinger" on the Su-27, so I left it out. And as a matter of fact, the P-42 variant didn't have the stinger.

  • Invictus 4.8 years ago


    I would think that building an advanced shape with nothing but the designer is alot more difficult than building it with scripts?

    More difficult in terms of amount of labor, yes. But difficulty for its own sake is not something to be admired. There needs to be a point to the difficulty. What about the difficulty of writing my scripts? Anyone can manually create builds like mine, but so far, no one other than me has been able to do what I do with scripts. So which method is more "difficult"?

    Anyhow, "how difficult something was to make" is never a factor in how good the end result is.

    But it sounded a little like you were saying handmaking such a complex creation with just your hands doesn't take much skill.

    Yes, that's exactly what I'm saying. And I was the first to do it, so I can say that with some authority. All it takes is a whole lot of time.

    Once again I'm not trying to compare you to Being.

    I'm not even slightly concerned with who compares me to whom, or what their verdict is. I know better than anyone else who I am and where I stand on the spectrum of humanity. And if someone's judgment is so astonishingly poor that they think manual labor is superior to intellectual problem-solving, their opinion matters less than nothing to me.

  • MiG-1.44 Flatpack 4.8 years ago

    Very well done. It might be a good idea to include instructions (what AG1 and AG2 do).

  • Invictus 4.8 years ago

    @WIZARD2017 And they do say "imitation is the sincerest form of flattery"...

  • Sanger 1 4.8 years ago

    @AWESOMENESS360 I do like it when people remember little things... yeah, the leading edge is made of Carbex, grown as a single piece by molecular deposition. The metallic bit is a high-temperature hyperalloy, the composition of which I could tell you, but then black-clad men in black helicopters would be descending on you very shortly...

  • Wyvern 4.9 years ago

    @FairFireFight No problem, just remember that sarcasm doesn't work very well over the internet -- it's hard to tell if it's friendly or mean.

  • Ominus 4.9 years ago

    @dawson123 Just the right amount of time :)

  • Manta IV 4.9 years ago

    @TheFantasticTyphoon Those weren't made using my script. For one thing, they're not smooth enough :)

  • Manta IV 4.9 years ago

    None other, @Flak99

  • Hover Tank destroying ships from over 10 miles away 5.1 years ago

    Thanks, @Treadmill103. Weapons with projectile drop are my favourite kind. I think it's that time again... artillery time.

  • Dive-bombing with the Stuka-SD, Part II 5.1 years ago

    @DPSAircraftManufacturer Well, I'd say it's a fighter-bomber. Luckily in SP we don't have real life limitations, so we can load up our planes with as many armaments as we like.

  • U2S Dragon Lady w/ Superpods and Hycon 73B 5.1 years ago

    Flies really well, and looks good too. Nice work.

  • Ballistic Missile Submarine II 5.2 years ago

    @MintLynx Well, I'm glad to meet someone who can actually see someone else's point of view. Yeah, SP is not the game I want to spend too much time building submarines in. In an ideal world, SP would have graphics and levels like Crysis, and you'd be able to build anything from submarines to artillery to spaceships. But we live in a far from ideal world...

    A preference toward being quick? You could say that....

  • Ballistic Missile Submarine 5.2 years ago

    @BLOODIUS Record a video using your preferred recording software (I use OBS Studio). Create a GIF from the video. Upload it somewhere. Grab its direct link (ending in .gif, like the one below), then use this syntax:


    You can use the same syntax for jpg/png images.

  • Ballistic Missile Submarine 5.2 years ago

    @DaKraken No, because then the missiles wouldn't work...

  • Ballistic Missile Submarine 5.2 years ago

    @randomusername Thanks.

  • Pearl Diver 5.2 years ago

    Glad to hear that, @TheFantasticTyphoon. SledDriver products will get the job done, every time.

  • The secret of the Brown Pearl 5.2 years ago

    @FLYGUY101 Yeah, what gun is that?

  • Smooth Shape Generator 5.2 years ago

    "If you are walking through the desert, carrying a pick and shovel, and if you come upon an old man scrabbling away at the hard, rocky ground in an attempt to dig a hole, and if you show him your pick and shovel, tools that are new to him, and if you then demonstrate your ability to dig a larger hole in a few minutes, using your tools, than he has been able to do with his bare hands after years of continuous digging, you would then probably expect him to look upon you as his savior; but, in fact, you would probably be lucky to escape with your life, the old man almost certainly would try to beat you to death with your own tools.

    "But if you did escape alive, leaving your tools behind, and returned to the same spot years later, you could reasonably expect to find the old man still there, still scrabbling away with his bare hands, while your tools remained in plain sight, ignored and rusting away. Such is human nature; so be it."


  • 1.8 Beta now available 5.3 years ago

    @AndrewGarrison Will there be any more features added to this update, or is this it? I was hoping we would get glowing materials and a cannon part.

  • Heart-SD 5.3 years ago

    Thanks, @grizzlitn @CYBERBEAST @Notaleopard

  • Flight Module TBV 100 5.3 years ago

    @Gameboi14 It is...

  • Spoiler Alert!:ASF-2 Tai lung MkII 5.3 years ago

    @Notaleopard If you're talking about realism, then of course it's ridiculous... but the entire point of a sandbox game is to do whatever you like.

  • VX-4 Shadow 5.4 years ago

    @Texasfam04 You're welcome :) I'm glad at least one person finds my kits useful. The background mod I use is Skybox Pack, it offers a bunch of choices and you can adjust the hue and exposure as well.

  • Harvester Commander Ship 5.4 years ago

    It's hard to control because its pitch authority is too low. Your elevators are too close to the center of lift, because this is such a small aircraft. You can solve this in one or more of several ways:

    • make the aircraft bigger, so you can have more distance between the center of lift and the elevator control surface (longer lever arm = more torque).
    • use additional, inverted pitch control surfaces near the rear of the aircraft, so that you're applying torque at both ends.
    • decrease the wing loading by making the wings bigger, then scaling them down.

  • Suggestions for Dogfighting 5.5 years ago

    @F104Deathtrap Some said he was a developer, some said he wasn't human at all...

  • Athena 5.5 years ago

    @mrfeistyboo This might help.

  • Mirage 2000 5.5 years ago


    I just thought it would be cool for you to try something more relatable to most other people on this platform.

    I'm just not interested in that. Progress is made by a very few people on the cutting edge; it makes no sense to ask those people to do something "relatable" to the masses trailing behind. If someone can do something others cannot, they should be encouraged to try harder, to get further ahead, to fly higher, not admonished to come down.

  • Mirage 2000 5.5 years ago


    When you think about it, building all your projects on Windows has some sort of repetition to it.

    That's a bit like saying "you spend your whole life breathing air, wouldn't you like to try something different?" I use the best tools I can get, which for me is a powerful PC with top-notch hardware. If tomorrow a new OS were to come along with all the good parts from Windows, MacOS and Linux, and fewer of the bad parts, I'd switch to it in an instant and never look back. Forget about me trying the game on mobile: not only do I not play SP on mobiles, I don't play any games (or watch videos, or use apps) on mobiles -- never have, never will. After the experience on a 43-inch 4K screen and high-end CPU/GPU, doing anything on a mobile phone would be like switching to a rickety biplane after having flown an F-22. I find mobile phones so uninviting that even when I'm away from my computer (on long flights, for instance), I don't fall back to them.

    Yes, the game is limited on mobile, but so is everything else. True, the developers haven't implemented some very simple and in-demand things like XML editing on mobile (I cannot imagine why), but if you find playing on mobile frustrating, here's an idea: get a computer. These days you can get a powerful PC very cheaply. Considering mobile phones these days can cost upwards of $1000, I find it inexcusable that people prefer to buy mobiles over actual computers, then complain about an inferior experience on mobile. It's like going on the highway on a unicycle, then complaining that everyone's passing you.

    Getting a computer is one of the best things you can do as a kid, it'll not just enable you to enjoy games better, but give you the power to change and create them, and open up many well-paid career paths. Phones and tablets will make you dumber, guaranteed; computers at least have a chance at making you smart. Choose wisely.

  • Armored Walking Chassis 5.6 years ago

    Nice work.

  • Smooth Shape Generator 5.6 years ago


    what many see as unnatural, (and low-poly) UFO-like planes that would be unlikely to be found in the real world.

    There you go again, with your assumptions. Have I ever said that my ambition was to build real, or realistic airplanes? I'm building exactly what I want to build. You don't like it, that's fine. But keep your opinion to yourself unless I ask for it, okay?

    He puts actual effort into his creations while barely using the script at all.

    Ahh yes, the good old peasant mindset. "Manual labour good, brain work bad!" says the peasant. I'm curious, when you get older, what kind of work do you intend to do? By your philosophy, digging ditches with your bare hands is the highest, most praiseworthy kind of work. I hope you enjoy that, while I sit in my air-conditioned office and do more with a few keystrokes than someone like you could do with weeks or months of labour.

    To recap: I have zero respect for your position that using a script is "cheating," and even less respect for someone who uses it while still belittling it.

    Also, I ApOLoGiZe If My EngLIsH iS BaD, CauSe IM CleaRly NoT a “BeYonD-EInStoNiaN-LeVeL GOd Of gRaMmaR” GenIuS— nOt LiKe YoU, O' GlOriOus DrIveR Of SleD

    Why apologise? Why not draw the obvious conclusion, that you are far beneath me in terms of ability in more than one field, and therefore you are in no position to offer me advice? Since you've felt free to give me unsolicited feedback, here's some in return: Know. Your. Place.

  • Smooth Shape Generator 5.6 years ago

    @PyrusEnderhunter You're really bad at reading comprehension, aren't you... I've never denied that I have a big ego -- considering my achievements (I'm not just talking about SP) I certainly deserve it -- but that isn't the point of my comment. The point is that to use a tool and deride it at the same time is hypocritical and intellectually dishonest in the extreme, and anyone who does that should be ashamed. That is all.

    also, I think what sarpanitu means

    Try to understand this: I don't care what you think. I didn't ask for your opinion. I just looked at your portfolio and your builds are thoroughly underwhelming for someone who's been playing as long as you have -- but I have the maturity and good grace to not comment on your posts saying things like "Why r u so dumb lol why dun you use my script it wud mak things so much better and save you time as wel". See, unlike you and your cohorts, I know how to mind my own business, and let people do whatever they want to do.

  • Smooth Shape Generator 5.6 years ago


    “Way to misinterpret what I said, Genius”. Yeah, I’m not sure a person saying another has a massive ego because that said other person is claiming the first person is not worthy to use the script that the other person PUBLICALLY POSTED FOR PUBLIC USE is considered “misinterpreted”.

    How is it that so many people on this site just can't read? Did I say "you're not allowed to use it"? No. I said he's not worthy to use it, because he used it and still considers it cheating (except if used in the specific way he uses it, of course):

    If you use it to build everything then it's clear as day what's been done and I have similar hesitation to make entire builds relying on it

    Hope that's clear now, genius. Or do I have to use smaller words?

  • XB-70 Valkyrie mobile friendly 5.6 years ago

    Well thank you, @Spectre2520. I think it shows that if the basic shape is good enough, you can drop a lot of detail and have your build still look good.

  • USSR-71 Blyatbird 5.6 years ago

    @CCCP That's ok, I don't need anyone to agree with me. And by "copy" I didn't mean copy and paste, but to manually copy an entire book, like scribes used to do before the printing press. Manually copying books went out of fashion pretty quickly as soon as the printing press came along, and most people today would consider it a waste of time.

    How difficult something is to do is not a measure of its value. It's very difficult to create a photorealistic painting, so if that's what created value, everyone would be doing photorealistic paintings. But they don't. The point of being human is to let machines do all the repetitive, tedious work, and use our time to be creative instead.

    Anyway, to each his own.

  • USSR-71 Blyatbird 5.6 years ago

    @CCCP Well, I find building replicas very boring. I've been building a few lately, and they just killed the fun for me. (Now I know why people burn out of this game.)

    Imagine a creative writing site where all people did was copy existing books.

  • XB-70 Valkyrie 5.6 years ago

    @JettStorm And this is why consistent branding is so important...

  • XB-70 Valkyrie 5.6 years ago

    @LuciferOfPoland @ThomasRoderick Now I'm wishing I'd made the part count something else, maybe then people would notice the more important things...

  • XB-70 Valkyrie 5.6 years ago

    Thanks, @KerlonceauxIndustries @Phil2003 @ThomasRoderick

  • XB-70 Valkyrie 5.6 years ago

    Thanks, @AWESOMENESS360. White is just for uploading, my personal version is metallic grey :)

  • XB-70 Valkyrie 5.6 years ago

    Thanks, @Mustang51. Yeah, this one's been on my list for a long time.
