The power of the weeb knows no bounds
These snowflakes that think they can moderate a moderator truly make my blood boil.
Fuselages with more or less corners, like triangular or pentagonal prisms
Petition to Change SimplePlanes to ComplexThings
Steam Users: I don't have such weakness.
you are the ultimate waifu factory
Hmmm yes, this car is made out of car
Perfection, a lot of creators make better showcase vids than Jundroo
dead meme but
Something's wrong, I can feel it
holy cow man
Parking brake/handbrake
multiselect mirroring with custom mirror planes (not just the yz plane)
The music automatically plays in my head
I bet it needs support from the Luffwaffle
The ultimate
If the Devs don't give us SP2, it's up to us to create it inside SP
Next up: programing a computer in SimplePlanes to play SimplePlanes in SimplePlanes
Me: Mom, can we have Thomas the Tank Engine? Mom: We have Thomas the Tank Engine at home. Thomas the Tank Engine at home:
Me: Mom, can we have Thomas the Tank Engine?
Mom: We have Thomas the Tank Engine at home.
Thomas the Tank Engine at home:
Number of Parts 5530
Damn, ok, seems reasonable
Created on Android
I love how this challange just asks to build like everyone did 6 years ago
The Single Guppy
Engineers: So how many wings do you need for this plane?
DerekSP: yes
Tody on medium gear what happens when we taste exhoost fume k ill have a wiff ery nice
I feel like I was made for this, let's see if I have the motivation to do this
@Walvis of course you'd be here
The ability to write the input code directly on the input button on the part settings, instead of opening Overload every time.
Created On Android Number of Parts 1566
RIP that device
the Japanese Rick Roll
@NightmareCorporation s* just got from 0 to 100 really f*ing quick
Now we can't say that there are more planes in the ocean than submarines in the sky
*Screams geometrically*
Nice car!
The boatest flying boat I've ever seen
Got a gunship coming very soon too
@Rocketguy2079 screams geometrically
look ma! I'm on TV!
@MAPA Santa Luzia, mas infelizmente já não estou na Madeira, saí em Fevereiro
AF-24 Thunderhog
Fellas, hear me out...
Imagine chilling at the airport terminal and you just see a T-Rex sized cubed fox terrorizing the airport workers
@Vanillashepsky DON'T
now this is beauty, nature at her best
This looks p a i n f u l
@TRD6932 @4 @Rukaji thanks m8s
@Shimamurahougetsu @ThomasRoderick @LonelyAustrianUhlanthank you brothas
@Sadboye12 I'd like to know how you even think of stuff like this
@X4JB Yet.
As a driver, that sign made me smile
The power of the weeb knows no bounds
+14These snowflakes that think they can moderate a moderator truly make my blood boil.
+12Fuselages with more or less corners, like triangular or pentagonal prisms
+11Petition to Change SimplePlanes to ComplexThings
+8Steam Users: I don't have such weakness.
+8you are the ultimate waifu factory
+8Hmmm yes, this car is made out of car
+7Perfection, a lot of creators make better showcase vids than Jundroo
+7dead meme but
+7Something's wrong, I can feel it
+7holy cow man
+6Parking brake/handbrake
+6multiselect mirroring with custom mirror planes (not just the yz plane)
+6The music automatically plays in my head
+6I bet it needs support from the Luffwaffle
+6The ultimate
+6If the Devs don't give us SP2, it's up to us to create it inside SP
+5Next up: programing a computer in SimplePlanes to play SimplePlanes in SimplePlanes
+5Damn, ok, seems reasonable
+5I love how this challange just asks to build like everyone did 6 years ago
+5The Single Guppy
+5Engineers: So how many wings do you need for this plane?
DerekSP: yes
+5Tody on medium gear what happens when we taste exhoost fume
+4k ill have a wiff
ery nice
I feel like I was made for this, let's see if I have the motivation to do this
+4@Walvis of course you'd be here
+4The ability to write the input code directly on the input button on the part settings, instead of opening Overload every time.
+4RIP that device
+4the Japanese Rick Roll
+4@NightmareCorporation s* just got from 0 to 100 really f*ing quick
+4Now we can't say that there are more planes in the ocean than submarines in the sky
+3*Screams geometrically*
Nice car!
+3The boatest flying boat I've ever seen
+3Got a gunship coming very soon too
+3@Rocketguy2079 screams geometrically
+3look ma! I'm on TV!
+3@MAPA Santa Luzia, mas infelizmente já não estou na Madeira, saí em Fevereiro
+3AF-24 Thunderhog
+3Fellas, hear me out...
+3Imagine chilling at the airport terminal and you just see a T-Rex sized cubed fox terrorizing the airport workers
+3@Vanillashepsky DON'T
+3now this is beauty, nature at her best
+3This looks p a i n f u l
+3@TRD6932 @4 @Rukaji thanks m8s
+3@Shimamurahougetsu @ThomasRoderick @LonelyAustrianUhlanthank you brothas
+3@Sadboye12 I'd like to know how you even think of stuff like this
+3@X4JB Yet.
+3As a driver, that sign made me smile