230k RamboJutter Comments

  • McDonnell Douglas Phantom II XL 11.1 2.2 years ago

    @ThomasRoderick thanks, its definately got a gun, just mounted to the side of the left hand intake (the nose droop interfered with it being under mounted)

  • Pedestal Winners! 2.2 years ago

    @RAF1 I'm easy, I have so many builds I think a surprise would be nice :)

  • Need help with custom Landing gear (XML) 2.2 years ago

    @Jackrei if something is going boom when parts interact then turning collisions off is the first thing to try.

  • Need help with custom Landing gear (XML) 2.2 years ago

    You turned collisions off on the parts that interact?

  • 9th February 2022 RJ Newcastle B.2 8.6 2.2 years ago

    @ManManTheWeaponsMan nope, no lanc involved.

  • 12th February 2022 sea lightning 15.3 2.3 years ago

    @MarxismLeninismMaoism yeah I've already answered that in the posts below. This wasn't originally going to gave a cockpit hence I used the ag for missile activation and forgot to change that when I built the cockpit. It takes 60 seconds to select the actual missiles and change it do they don't have an activation group.

  • 12th February 2022 sea lightning 15.3 2.3 years ago

    @PxVector my bad, i wasnt going to have a cockpit originally hence i had the missiles on the group, i forgot to alter that after building the cockpit...

  • 30th January 2022 5.4 F99 Low Rider 2.3 years ago

    @RAF1 ah OK, 1 entry it is then.

  • 30th January 2022 5.4 F99 Low Rider 2.3 years ago

    @RAF1 is your contest limited to 1 entry? Oh and is it limited to modern aircraft or can i do something interesting while looking historical =)

  • 1st Feb RJ Greater Goose F1 4.1 2.3 years ago

    @Tang0five thanks 😊 I thoroughly enjoy playing with stringbags, nothing better than stringing it all up after doing 90% of the build.

  • (Closed) Challenge; Pedestal Fighters! 2.3 years ago

    @RAF1 no worries, it might be why there are so few entries. I managed to download other stuff so its just a bit odd.

  • 30th January 2022 5.4 F99 Low Rider 2.3 years ago

    Thanks @BaconAircraft I'll try not to do this too often =)

  • (Closed) Challenge; Pedestal Fighters! 2.3 years ago

    @RAF1 Anyone else reporting issues with downloading this challenge? I have tried a few times and nothing seems to happen...

  • 24th January 2021 RJ Halocene B1 9.8 2.3 years ago

    @Kangy nah too many parts and v boring :)

  • 24th January 2021 RJ Halocene B1 9.8 2.3 years ago

    @AvalonIndustries your not far wrong, google Ju-287, thats the basis of the design before i added my own twists =)

  • RJ Felixstowe 5.1 2.6 years ago

    @Tang0five Thanks, not many people use dazzle camo on here so I thought i would be a bit different again (imagine that).

  • RJ Felixstowe 5.1 2.6 years ago

    @ThomasRoderick i was never away =) Just with the new patch all the builds are taking so much longer...

  • RJ Felixstowe 5.1 2.6 years ago

    @SimpleHelper Wahoo, some one guessed correctly the aircraft inspiration lol. I had to tame it down a bit to get it back to WW1 style as Porco Rosso was interwar as far as i could tell.

  • VRuilding Challenges 2.6 years ago

    @pedro16797 just give the prize to bogdan already then :) he specialises in low part count detailed builds, mine always run to a higher part count as I like to play with camo and bendy roundels etc. I will have to attempt something out of my comfort zone then. Thanks for the clarification.

  • VRuilding Challenges 2.6 years ago

    @pedro16797 350 parts? why is the bar set so low? My 4 year old phone easily loads 1000+ part builds? 350 parts means no camo patterns or roundels etc...

  • RJ-Martin P8M Kingfisher 3.4 2.6 years ago

    @LieutenantSOT I don't unfortunately, you may be able to alter the delay formula for undercarriage doors to work on throttle?

  • Eurofighter Silent Typhoon 2.7 years ago

    @Falkenwut it looks similar to my Sturgeon, smart though =)

  • May 24th Pelican FGR V 1.9 2.7 years ago

    @LieutenantSOT thanks for the comment and complements. I wasn't too sure about posting this one, I wasn't sure I had the wing to fuselage ratio right but it seemed a shame to waste it.

  • not a GeeBee 3.1 2.8 years ago

    @BlackhattAircraft yeah im still here and still building =)

  • Am I a joke to you? 2.8 years ago

    @WiniMii it happens when you first start off, just check out my lightning here . When your builds get better and you learn how to present builds in a better manner your upvotes will go up.

  • RJ Albatross MKII 2.9 years ago

    @Skykid028 help yourself

  • ''Ye have made a grave mistake''(?) 2.9 years ago

    You got blown over to the black pearl location

  • RJ Hydra MKII 2.9 years ago

    @ThomasRoderick that comment took me way longer to work out than it should have... thanks again though :)

  • What happened to the 1234 part challenge? 2.9 years ago

    @PoinX25tlessWhyShouldI @AN2Felllla ah k, I couldn't even remember who hosted it to check for a forum post. Daft idea to delete the actual challenge though.

  • RJ Rotovator 5.4 3.0 years ago

    @Tang0five yep, if your not careful this thing ploughs furroughs in the ground as well :) or it did when I first made it before ironing out some "quirks"

  • Airfix Challenge RJ Firefly 1.5 3.0 years ago

    @BryanO5 no idea, never tried. There are a couple of bits which clash slightly though.

  • How to delete all designs in steam through file explorer 3.1 years ago

    There's a hidden folder (local low) on c drive under your username, in there is your local sp files like your builds etc.

  • RJ-DH super swallow 2.7 3.1 years ago

    @WarHawk95 Thanks for the catch, its an easy mistake as they are both called Geoffrey de Havilland.... I didnt realise it was two seperate people until your message.

  • RJ-DH super swallow 2.7 3.1 years ago

    @Trainzo thanks again, I appreciate your support

  • RJ-DH super swallow 2.7 3.1 years ago

    @WholeLottaBread slow? It does over 500mph in level flight which is easily comparable with aircraft of the era plus it handles smoothly without being too maneuverable or too sluggish. I'm wondering if your comparable slow brick is too fast :)

  • RJ-DH super swallow 2.7 3.1 years ago

    @Tang0five thanks. The concept was an aircraft fitting between the sea venom and aircraft like the scimitar, sea vixen etc. Hence no reheat and no missiles but a future version may be adapted for both :) I actually might clips the wings quite a bit as well as it looked awesome when I was making the fold mechanism. It's funny for me, I can create a basic aircraft shape with flight model in a couple of hours, it's things like undercarriage doors and bendy roundels that take all the time (along with unsticking moving parts...) I seem to have figured out the proportion of wings needed with cog etc, mby its due to my hundreds if builds :)

  • RJ Blackburn Firethorn 7.6 3.1 years ago

    @MajorSix it's exactly what was shown on the 3view drawing of the blackburn firecrest, it seems in proportion, if anything the main wing us too fat. Thanks though.

  • RJ-DH super swallow 2.7 3.1 years ago

    @Tang0five Sneak peek at my next build (will release it sometime next week)

  • RJ Kestrel MKIV 4.4 3.1 years ago

    @Franticmatty Thanks, glad you liked it, it had been a while since i have built anything along these lines =)

  • RJ F-5 5.2 3.1 years ago

    @Tang0five Well you got me looking at that firecrest... do you want a sneak peak of what i have turned it into =)

  • RJ Kestrel MKIV 4.4 3.2 years ago

    @ThomasRoderick @MoldyBread thanks 😊 glad you like my style, thanks for the upvotes, they are getting hard to come by.

  • RJ TSI3 7.4 3.2 years ago

    @Ruvien0Republic0Officer it happens all the time to me, my builds of late struggle to get higher than 30 but it doesnt matter as its fun to build. By far the funniest bit about this though was you commented that it lacks upvotes and then didnt upvote it yourself lol

  • RJ-Hawker Woodcock II 2.0 3.2 years ago

    Definately spelt it right, its just a bird as per most of the early aircraft names see here @SCP1471 @unCANNY @TheLurkingVexedVortex

  • F24 FGR Liberator 5.2 3.3 years ago

    @AWESOMENESS360 nah its just a display scheme, it's the Croatian flag. For normal military operations everything is a shade of boring grey.

  • Building kits, anyone? 3.3 years ago

    Try this falkenwut did a challenge for just what you described.

  • WW1 Aircraft not appreciated? 3.3 years ago

    @Boygameit strange as i made this up, there isnt a real world version...

  • RJ-Bugatti F100 9.0 3.3 years ago

    @LoafOfBread its fine im just confused as to what you want from me, the first message said look at my stuka but then you sent me a link to a corsair and now you are saying you wanted me to look at your yak? I did the 2 tone on your corsair but proper camo takes time and planning. As I mentioned on your corsair the parts need altering to be 0 mass and drag so when you duplicate to form the 2 tone to start with it doesn't double weight and drag. After that you need to build the parts in a way that let's you panel on them, flat sections work best so the less awkward the shape the more benefit you get from the camo shapes. In essence you can't just build something and then go ,"im going to put camo on this" it has to be planned. See my camo guide here if you want ideas. Don't get me wrong, im trying to help but I only have so many hours in a day to do anything myself.

  • RamboJutter Zeus Heavy VTOL transport 4.2 3.4 years ago

    @Dimkal Thanks, glad you like it. Oh there is definately room for variants with this one, first im going to have to spend some time and rebuild the fuselage with panels and a working cargo door/bay so i can drop a jeep or 2 =) Then as you say there could be a special forces variant as well including all the biuts you mentioned as well as adding the refueling probe, possibly remake the cockpit area, obs blisters, etc. I was also thinking of a larger variant (more A400 size) with 4 wings / sets of rotors but that will take some work so will finish some more other builds first.

  • How do i get more attention? 3.4 years ago

    @NotErwin holy cow, how many forum posts have you got =) I think anytime that forum posts exceed number of builds is bad. Your builds are presentable though, just build some more.

  • Has the number of upvotes dropped, or is it just me? 3.4 years ago

    Definitely going down, I've had loads of builds of late struggle to get 20 upvotes (thanks though to the people who did upvote)
