2,269 Mickk Comments

  • The Plain Plane 5.1 years ago

    A little I guess, I was not trying for that look though.
    It did have the tilted tails at one point, but the autopilot hated them along with the oddly shaped wing surface, so I put them straight up and down instead and the autopilot is fine with that.
    Not that you need autopilot with this.
    I have made a Firefox 'clone' and I think I uploaded it.
    It was ages ago though.
    Edit: Nope, turns out I didn't upload it, maybe I'll revisit it and tweak it a bit with what I have learned since building it.

  • The Plain Plane 5.1 years ago

    Sometimes simple provides interesting results.
    I did not expect the sort of performance this has at all altitudes speed wise.

  • Herr Drill 5.1 years ago

    Anyone pick up on the joke?
    In anime, there is sometimes a female character, usually rich and pretty with hair that is similar to the wing here.
    Hair Drill..?

  • Thunder Dome 200 part Challenge - Warrior 5.1 years ago

    Best of Show too?!!!
    That was unexpected, thanks.

  • I NEED HELP 5.1 years ago

    Peace Maker has a similar problem at very high speeds.
    I just made it so that you can't reach the speed where it has 'wobble' issues at altitude.
    It still has that problem down low from memory, but as soon as you go to about 30,000 feet they go away, until you are going really really fast.
    You will also find if you go up high that you can go faster before it happens.
    Edit: Just looked under that link.
    Killing the drag on the wing may help and the plane will go even faster with less drag.

  • Thunder Dome 200 part Challenge - Warrior 5.1 years ago

    This won the challenge.
    Has some stability problems and could use more power.
    More vertical stabilizer area may help.

  • GUNZ ONLY plane Challenge 5.1 years ago

    Hmm, that presents a problem, sort of.
    Meh, I'll make a new one, I've been firing on all cylinders recently. :)

  • GUNZ ONLY plane Challenge 5.1 years ago

    XML allowed?
    Just so I can actually put a lot of guns on my plane, I looked thru the aircraft I had, found one that can deal with Daredevil with a bit of tweaking, but it is rather tiny, so it can't carry a lot of guns. lol

  • Herr Drill 5.1 years ago

    The name is a joke/pun.
    People who watch anime will/should get it. :F

  • Strange Wing - Mickk's Fuselage 5.1 years ago

    I'm going to take this a step further wing wise.
    It could be total fail or...

  • Strange Wing 5.1 years ago

    I have an idea why it does it, but it is still really interesting, to me at any rate.
    I did not plan it to do that, I just made a wing that was curly. :)

  • Pretty Wing Mk 2 5.1 years ago

    Umm yeah.
    See my previous comment.
    It was fun building the wing.
    Now to figure out a body that fits with it.
    Or maybe I should just post the wing and let other people build a body they think fits with it.
    It is just a bit fancy.

  • Pretty Wing Mk 2 5.1 years ago

    Lets see if I can make a really curly wing.
    Should be fun.

  • Delcom Orraa-02 (U2) 5.1 years ago

    Not bad, not bad at all.

    Wing structure looks good.
    Love the engine, very nice.

  • Pretty Wing Mk 2 5.1 years ago

    I'll just leave this here.....

  • Pretty Wing Mk 2 5.1 years ago

    Yep, done by using the smallest width wing, then cutting that in size by 50% with 'Overload'.
    Lots and lots of tiny wing sections.
    Came out pretty nice, the wing looks amazing in game.
    Thanks for the upvote ;)

  • Thunder Dome Challenge: 200 Part Prop League 5.1 years ago

    *wonders which aircraft was sent to the competition....
    Does not really matter, Warrior is the better flier of the two, but Twin Fighter is better looking possibly.

  • Turret Control Question 5.1 years ago

    I'd like to avoid using mods if at all possible, I know there are a bunch of people who can't run mods because they are on iOS or something that does not let mods run.

  • Turret Control Question 5.1 years ago

    An interesting idea that I will have to try out as a possible alternative to what I have already.
    Thanks for the info, that is something I did not know.
    Using a keyboard/mouse combo to control the turret may just work.
    I have a turret system set up, just need to work the kinks out of it and work out a reasonable control system that won't drive people crazy. heh

  • Turret Control Question 5.1 years ago

    The next question would be;
    are there keyboard controls for the VTOL and Trim sliders?
    This is me being lazy by the way, I'm sure if I did a search something relevant would pop up, along with a billion non-relevant thing to go through.

  • How many planes should we be allowed to upload per day? 5.1 years ago

    If you are building three flyable, as in they fly well and don't instantly turn into a brick if you are not paying attention, reasonably good looking aircraft that are actually worth uploading in a day, you are doing pretty well in my book.
    Also, 'patience grasshopper'. I can't remember where the quote is from.

  • Thunder Dome 200 part Challenge - Warrior 5.1 years ago

    The main thing I did not think I could do was the odd wing structure.
    I had to think quite hard before I figured out and then I was like 'How did I not get this right away it is so simple!'.

  • Thunder Dome Challenge: 200 Part Prop League 5.1 years ago

    Good news, bad news.
    Good news is I got the other aircraft to work, the wings don't flop around and it flies pretty well.
    Bad news is the dogfight AI has zero idea how to fly it and it ends up in a flat spin every time.
    I've been testing against a Mosquito Fighter Bomber, just to start out with.
    Funny to watch the AI go into full attack mode right away and discover it doesn't have the power it needs to do it. lol
    Might upload it just so people can see what can be done without the aid of XML.
    I'm quite surprised I managed to pull it off.

  • 200 part Challenge - Nobler Twin Fighter 5.1 years ago

    Thanks :)
    The model Dad flew was often landed upside down due to fuel issues and it was mostly a case of of brushing off the grass and refueling it before you could go flying again.
    There were times when it happened on asphalt though and the tail fin had to be rebuilt.

  • Thunder Dome Challenge: 200 Part Prop League 5.1 years ago

    Just a question about wings.
    I know I said I had it sorted earlier, but I'd still like to know;
    Does the 'no xml mods' extend to the wings?
    It is fairly common knowledge that the stock wings don't like high stress and can tear off, while a structural wing xml edited for control surfaces does not.
    The other question is can we enter more than one aircraft?
    *goes back to sleep

  • 200 part Challenge - Nobler Twin Fighter 5.1 years ago

    Smack talk already? Nice to be confident.
    I'm not worried about how well it does, I have another possible contender waiting in the wings.
    It is all about the challenge of making a plane that can dogfight and not have it's wings ripped of without using XML at all, not even on the wings.

  • Thunder Dome Challenge: 200 Part Prop League 5.1 years ago

    Propellers don't tend to snap unless they are too close to something else.
    If you are 'stacking' engines try moving them a little further apart, because contra-rotating engines propellers sometimes collide when they change pitch.
    As for the wings, it is the biggest problem non-xml wings have, they tend to snap off under high stress, which is why I have built a aircraft with a conventional wing instead of one of my weird creations.
    If I can work out how to fix that problem or make it go away, you may see one of those here yet, if we are allowed more than one entry.

  • Thunder Dome Challenge: 200 Part Prop League 5.1 years ago

    What sort of issues?
    I know that multi section wings don't work very well with non XML wings, they have a tendency to fold up under any kind of stress.

  • Thunder Dome Challenge: 200 Part Prop League 5.1 years ago


    Next question.

    No XML Mods means no structural wings XML edited for control surfaces, yes or no?

    If no, that will make things interesting for wing structures and limit speed due to wing wobble.
    EDIT: Never mind I got it sorted.

  • Thunder Dome Challenge: 200 Part Prop League 5.1 years ago


    Quote: 'No more than 6 guns of any type'.

    Does that mean only six guns total or 6 guns of each type?

    I think it means 6 guns total, just want to make sure.

  • Peace Maker 5.1 years ago

    Was looking at a YouTube clip on the SR-71.
    Turns out the 'Peace Maker' is just a few mph faster at altitude than the Black Bird.
    Another useless piece of information, brought to you by me!

  • Peace Maker 5.1 years ago

    There is still room to add Cleaver missiles, but I have no idea how they would go firing downward at speed and placing them would mean another set of doors.
    Cleavers work OK from a stationary or slow moving launch platform, but they are rather big things, even if you shrink them a bit.
    Maybe a 'elevator' system like the Interceptors have, but instead of vertical mounting, mount them in the normal fashion.
    The 'elevator' would bring them level with the hull of the aircraft for conventional firing.
    NOTE! I do not recommend launching weapons with the Ramjet running, it could be messy. lol

  • Destroy” aircraft carrier 5.1 years ago

    @YL Thanks for the information, I'll try that when I crawl out of my cave in the morning.

  • Destroy” aircraft carrier 5.1 years ago

    A LOT of effort put into this.
    I have one problem. The engines don't want to work for me in it's original state.
    They work fine on land (I was working on something and that is where it spawned in) and everything else works nicely.
    Going to get those engines working and go for a ride. ;)
    Edit: forgot that my PC does not really like high part count models.
    Loading it takes some time and it looks like saving the model is going to be somewhat problematic, otherwise, impressive model.
    As for the engines, I kind of remember there being a setting for how much air the engine needs to run. If that was xml'd on the engines, they would work underwater. I think we need the advice of an XML wizard. lol

  • Star Liner FAST AS FUCK BOI 2.0 5.1 years ago

    You do know you can only post 3 planes a day right?
    Happy that someone has made a variation on one of my planes, NOT happy that it has been made ugly. :F

  • Star Liner 5.1 years ago

    Updated version coming soon.
    The next one will be a sort of sister ship to this one, but with a few changes/additions. ;)

  • Star Liner 5.1 years ago

    Custom flaps as in separated flaps for the wings like on my Torpedo Bomber?
    Doable, probably look pretty good too with a bit of effort.
    Yeah, the wings were a bit of a pain to do, mostly the curves on the end.
    Had to do a lot of nudging and tweaking to close up the gaps, but it came out really nice in the end.

  • Star Liner 5.1 years ago

    Time for a little bragging I think.
    This one turned out rather well and IMO, it is a pretty looking aircraft.
    I have managed to land it a few times, but it was pretty close each time.
    It is easy to come in a little too steep and 'bounce' it back into the air.
    I should have fitted air brakes maybe.
    Who wants a weaponized version?
    I've had few ideas on how to add weapons and keep it looking pretty-ish.

  • Butcher Bird 5.1 years ago

    Horizontal Rain is what you get when the wind is blowing like it is trying blow your house away AND it is raining very heavily at the same time.

    When it is like that, the rain seems to fly horizontally and can hit things that usually never get wet.

    Most people have seen or experienced it at one time or another.
    I think it is time for me to make something BIG, I have been doing fighter sized stuff a lot recently.

  • WAC Dugite 5.1 years ago

    It took me ages to think of a name for this Aussie fighter.
    I was going to call it 'Drop Bear' and load it up with air to ground instead of air to air stuff, but a lot of non-Aussies would not get the joke.
    So I went with the name of a deadly Australian snake instead, the Dugite.
    Apparently out of the 11 top most venomous snakes, Australia has FIVE of them, with the Dugite being number 3 on the list (wikipedia).
    Come to Australia and meet the sheep. They are not dangerous. Promise!

  • Flight control issue help 5.1 years ago

    Rebuilt plane almost from scratch.
    Stripped fuselage of everything and made an assembly of it.
    The new one flies MUCH better.

  • Flight control issue help 5.1 years ago

    I made the flaps on the tail smaller.
    This seems to have fixed it.
    For now.

  • Auskito 5.1 years ago

    Wondering why no red centers on the roundels?
    Apparently during WWII, some Aussie planes were mistaken for Japanese aircraft due to the red centers and were fired on.
    The red centers were removed to prevent the same mistake from happening again.

  • Torpedo Bomber 5.1 years ago

    No, I'm Australian. I goofed on the markings, as I mentioned in a previous comment here.

  • Torpedo Bomber 5.1 years ago

    So , as noted in the edit to the description, I goofed. D'oh! /homer off.
    I also discovered that during WWII an Australian aircraft was mistaken for a Japanese aircraft due to the RED center of the Australian Roundel, so the red bit was removed, leaving a blue roundel with a white center.
    When I make my next fictional WWII aircraft, it will probably have that on it instead.

  • A Bionic Bird 5.1 years ago

    @Ownedpilot Agreed!
    I am extremely impressed with this.
    It takes a bit of getting used to to get it to fly and it is noisy, but it works!
    A 'steampunk' creation without the steam.
    Very nice.

  • Torpedo Bomber 5.1 years ago

    So, I'm trying 'new' things, new for me that is.

    The separated flaps/ailerons from the wings for instance. I've done this ONCE before.
    I think it looks good and it is one less thing that needs to be done by adding strips that pushes the part count up needlessly, well not as much as it could.
    Some builders are big on details, me, not so much, but I'm getting better at it.
    Constructive criticism and advice is welcome.

  • 1971 C-10 Skyline GT-R 5.1 years ago

    No worries, who knew they would be worth so much 15-20 years after I had mine?

  • 1971 C-10 Skyline GT-R 5.1 years ago

    I know, I know, don't rub it in.
    I owned them back when they were cheap to get, wrote off the sedan in an accident and the coupe ended up needing parts for it that I couldn't afford to get.
    When I tried to sell it back then, I was lucky to $600 (Australian) for it.
    These days even just a rolling shell is worth an unreasonable amount of money and lets not mention how much a roadworthy one is worth, even in bad condition.

  • 1971 C-10 Skyline GT-R 5.1 years ago

    I had two versions of the old 1974 Datsun 240k GT, the 4 door sedan and the 2 door coupe.
    The coupe was better speed wise, because the sedan's front end used to start to 'float' a bit at about 180 kmh.
    The coupe on the other hand was steady as a rock at that speed.
    I miss that car the most out of all the cars I have owned I think.