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Butcher Bird

2,269 Mickk  5.1 years ago

This is the Butcher Bird anti-shipping / anti-bomber.

Carries lots of air to ground in this format, a bunch of modified heavy machine guns, as well as a brace of super heavy cannon.

AG1 for 'chutes (you really need 'em for landing)
AG2 for the air brakes
AG3 for the 'Horizontal Rain' special weapon system.

Controls as per usual.

Engines XML'd for less power.
For some reason the autopilot can not keep control of the aircraft over about 1600 mph, so I dropped the power back quite a bit.
Motors are also smaller in size. 75%.

All machine guns XML'd for buckets of firepower, especially the big cannons.

To kill the fleet;

One Cleaver per destroyer, turn and run away, pop as many counters as you need to avoid incoming missiles.

Run in on USS Beast and use the Inferno's. 6 should do the job.
Hang around to see if the Beast is sinking, if not, send in the last 2 Inferno's.

Head over to USS Tiny and clean it up with guns. Don't forget to use the 'Horizontal Rain' system. ;)

General Characteristics

  • Created On Windows
  • Wingspan 46.3ft (14.1m)
  • Length 35.3ft (10.8m)
  • Height 8.9ft (2.7m)
  • Empty Weight 9,284lbs (4,211kg)
  • Loaded Weight 22,578lbs (10,241kg)


  • Power/Weight Ratio 5.971
  • Wing Loading 43.9lbs/ft2 (214.5kg/m2)
  • Wing Area 514.0ft2 (47.8m2)
  • Drag Points 4729


  • Number of Parts 145
  • Control Surfaces 10
  • Performance Cost 822
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    2,269 Mickk

    Horizontal Rain is what you get when the wind is blowing like it is trying blow your house away AND it is raining very heavily at the same time.

    When it is like that, the rain seems to fly horizontally and can hit things that usually never get wet.

    Most people have seen or experienced it at one time or another.
    I think it is time for me to make something BIG, I have been doing fighter sized stuff a lot recently.

    5.1 years ago