3,572 JumpingJack Comments

  • AI Plane Replacer one year ago

    @Spacejunkee8 I don't have the time and energy to spend hours a day on sp anymore. I got a life now bro.

  • AI Plane Replacer one year ago

    @Spacejunkee8 I ended up spending dozens of hours troubleshooting only to never fix the problem with my build. Thought it was a waste of time and I haven't worked on it since.

  • AI Plane Replacer one year ago

    You really understand marketing with that thumbnail lol

  • [CLOSED] Gold Prix Racing Tournament Challenge (Platinum Celebration) 1.9 years ago

    @WolfHunter9111 ok because I was wondering if you were aware of the cheating capabilities of xml editing like reducing the weight of parts to 0.0001.

  • Thank you and goodbye (for now) 2.4 years ago

    I am also a highschool senior with a part time job. While I still don't find time for simple planes as much now, I wouldn't announce a leave or retirement from this game.

    In my opinion I would like to leave it open ended if I'm formally addressing my leave from SP, so that I could give a little bit of hope to the future should I ever return, I don't wanna be a downer about it.

    You do you. 👍

  • Thank you and goodbye (for now) 2.5 years ago

    Hate to be that guy but why are you leaving SP?

  • Suggestion: the ability to change the input for the brakes on wheels 2.8 years ago

    Just wondered this when trying to Implement the deceleration half of my differential gear in funky trees.

    Changing the input for braking could also be very useful to simulate engine braking in automobiles.

  • Srt Tomahawk X VGT 2.9 years ago

    did you modify it at all? if so im eager to know what!

  • crate piston engine boxer 8 2.9 years ago

    oh. maxAngularVelocity only works on resizable wheels.

  • crate piston engine boxer 8 3.0 years ago

    What part(s) do you wish to add extra angular velocity to?

  • F1 style pushrod multilink suspension 3.1 years ago

    Sorry for mentioning the rotators in the first place, I mentioned it because I thought you used regular rotators. I didn't look at it hard enough.

  • F1 style pushrod multilink suspension 3.1 years ago

    Also another flaw in the many gizmo parts of sp; the shock's travel distance stays the same no matter how big or small you make it in xml editing. So if you want less suspension travel (which is what you want if making f1 cars), then only use 1 shock. I have experimented with this already, it performs worse with more than one shock per wheel for track cars. Off-roaders benefit greatly from the increased suspension travel, but you don't want a lot for a high performance track car. I wish it worked differently, but hey, that's just the way so works. It's not always logical and realistic.

  • F1 style pushrod multilink suspension 3.1 years ago

    @AtomicCyclone no I meant that small rotators are lighter than the regular rotator. Hinge rotators and small rotators weigh the same

  • Godzilla GTR R32 3.1 years ago

    Oh the FT is easy. The input is GS

  • Godzilla GTR R32 3.1 years ago

    While it is an easy fix to just put a jet engine on it's not realistic and I don't want to cheat my way to it. It won't be satisfying.
    If I ever get around to doing it I'll have to use some funky trees to make it work properly.
    While we're on the topic of alternative methods of downforce though, helicopter rotors are the only propellers in the game that have actually ground effects coded into them, so I'll have to use a heli rotor instead.

  • F1 style pushrod multilink suspension 3.1 years ago

    I wanna say, it's pretty great. I never knew how pushrod suspension worked, so I'll be using this for my future builds.

    I do have some sp facts to tell you though.
    Small rotators are better to use because they are inherently lighter. And hollow fuselage don't weigh any less than normal fuselage. So it's just for aesthetic pretty much.

  • Polossi F1 Version B 3.1 years ago

    The camber is positive on the left wheels

  • Unis F1 Wedgenose 1978 3.1 years ago

    you can sort of simulate ground effects by attaching really big wings with the airfoil Flat Bottom at the floor of your car, and angling them down 30°. Just make sure that they are upside down. you can check this by editing the dihedral of the wing, and if the arrow points down, then the wing is upside down. The one side effect is that you will have giant wings clipping out the side and through the top of your car. You can fix this by editing the size IN OVERLOAD, NOT the wing size editor in wing properties. It will look like scale: 1,1,1 put it to like 0.2,0.2,0.2. Then adjust the massScale accordingly (in this case, 0.2). This does mean though that you have to attach the wing to a sturdy part of your car, the chassis is highly recommended.
    Also one more thing, another way to simulate ground effects (or work in tandem with my previous point), is to add about 250-500 lbs of dead weight to each of your four fuselage parts that are connected to your four wheels. However, this only works if you have custom suspension with shocks, floppy hinges, and a fuselage that connects the wheel's connection point. If you don't have that fuselage part, then I recommend not reducing the weight of any of the gizmo parts that make up the suspension. If you're not using custom suspension, then don't bother with this second method at all.

    Hope this helped!

  • Godzilla GTR R32 3.1 years ago

    Oh yeah! I see you have upvoted it. Thx. Btw I have no idea how it got that many downloads. if you were wondering, I have not stopped working on it, and fixing it's many problems are a pain.
    Anyways your r32 is a nice looking interpretation, I'll have to try it out later.

  • Lil drifter (1) 3.1 years ago

    Love the negative camber. it really completes the look of a car

  • 1990 NSX NA1 3.1 years ago

    Sounds like things that are a little ahead of me. I'm relatively new to FT and I haven't found a good post that really goes into detail on how you connect all the parts of a FT input, and neither good examples on what is possible. Just wish the sp devs made more accurate car engines with some good sound already. And also an easy to use transmission part.

  • Godzilla GTR R32 3.1 years ago

    Very fitting at the moment

  • 1990 NSX NA1 3.1 years ago

    So I've been playing around with the gear ratios and I've noticed that the rpms don't increase after the output value is lowered for each shift.
    So if you use the engine sound pack, the sound is tied to a certain input value, NOT an rpm like the standard sp plane engine, and car engine sounds, so I have not found a way to match the sound to the engine.

    The only way I can think of a way for it to work is if there was something like a resizablewheelRate flight data input in funky trees that measures how fast the wheel is spinning in revolutions per minute so you could match the sound to it. But yeah, your transmission is still really great for tuning now that we have motor in sp that simulates the power band of an internal combustion engine.

  • Player Power 3.1 years ago

    Wow. This is quite literally a funky trees creation brought to life

  • 1990 NSX NA1 3.1 years ago

    I know I'm commenting a bunch but would you consider making a forum post on how you did the transmission and how it works in funky trees? I would really like to see how you did it.

  • 1990 NSX NA1 3.1 years ago

    hey @FinnAatrox I'm going to use Starbound's engine pack to give this NSX some soul because they have custom sounds. I'll credit you once I upload it.

    Btw looking at your funky trees and Im just speechless, such a great thing you did with your transmission.

  • 1990 NSX NA1 3.1 years ago

    can I have your permission to use your transmission concept? it's goddamn revolutionary

  • OUTDATED: Input System Explanation & Tutorial ("Funky Trees") [SP 1.9] 3.1 years ago

    hey @SnoWFLakE0s
    I'm using an xbox controller and when put multiple inputs on a piston like 'Brake | Roll' both inputs seem to stop using the variable value that comes with joysticks, it just returns 1 for both brake and pitch instead of whatever value between -1, and 1 the stick is at. I know that Brake is a Boolean value input type, but I have been able to get brake to have joystick input type properties before when its just by itself like 'Brake'

    Do you know of any way to make the inputs behave like they would when normally used on joysticks when using an |, OR operator?

  • EA-6B Prowler 3.1 years ago

    I like your name @Destroyerz117 Chief

  • The Valley 3.1 years ago

    Lol. Always find a that comment in any mod post

  • F-22A Raptor 3.1 years ago

    It would've been great if you used the new wing base and tip thickness feature the devs just added

  • SimplePlanes MultiPlayer Servers 3.1 years ago

    Ah. I see now. Pretty sure your ipad has bluetooth. It's really a pain in the butt to have to use the mobile touch controls whenever I go back onto my phone after awhile, so I just connect my xbox controller. Once you do it, you can't ever go back

  • SimplePlanes MultiPlayer Servers 3.1 years ago

    @Embo wait so how are you playing simpleplanes if you don't have a phone??

  • F-22A Raptor 3.1 years ago

    I do have to say though, the part count is ludicrous. It's probably the best thing about your F22, the fact that I can run it on my potato galaxy s5

  • F-22A Raptor 3.1 years ago

    This is a pretty refined interpretation, but I swear I had a dollar for every F22 recreation on this site, I would be rich.

  • SimplePlanes MultiPlayer Servers 3.1 years ago

    @Embo if it makes you feel better, you can connect an wireless xbox or dualshock controller to your phone via bluetooth. It's quite fun playing simpleplanes on a controller.

  • SimplePlanes MultiPlayer Servers 3.1 years ago

    Downloading mods is as easy as downloading games from the play store

  • SimplePlanes MultiPlayer Servers 3.1 years ago

    Who wants to do mirage speedway race with me ._.

  • SimplePlanes MultiPlayer Servers 3.1 years ago

    Hey if I can run csgo at 170+ fps on my laptop, then I can run sp multiplayer

  • how to make resizable wheels stop bending at connection point? 3.1 years ago

    I tried your drag car and reverse engineered its suspension. I found that your dragster actually generates more lift than it does downforce. my track car generates much more than the dragster you sent me. So the wheel bending problem is still present.

  • how to make resizable wheels stop bending at connection point? 3.1 years ago

    could you elaborate on what you mean by 2 hinges?

  • how to make resizable wheels stop bending at connection point? 3.1 years ago

    The vehicle weighs 1738 lbs. I don't think weight is a problem.

    Now if you know about down force in race cars, it's effectively like adding extra weight to keep the car planted to the ground, without the extra inertia that usually comes with increasing mass.

    So what I got from your comment is that it seems that it is a problem with weight, just not in the form of mass, it's in the form of downforce. Which is now an entirely new problem because the car needs the downforce To take the high speed turns (and also not fly off the road on an incline) but the suspension can't compress.

  • Need Opinions plz 3.1 years ago

    @Khanskaya my car goes 700+ mph 😳

  • Alfa romeo v6 155 ti 1:1 scale 3.1 years ago


  • 1:1 iRobot Roomba 650 3.1 years ago

    curse you to eternal purgatory you heretical swine

  • OUTDATED: Input System Explanation & Tutorial ("Funky Trees") [SP 1.9] 3.1 years ago

    Use the absolute value function. Or make your min value positive

  • Need Opinions plz 3.1 years ago

    I'm trying to make multi directional wings with as little parts as possible. Using pistons would result in more parts. If you look at my profile I'm replicating the SRT Tomahawk X from Gran Turismo.

  • Rk-92 Savage (297p only) 3.1 years ago

    Could you explain how you made your humanoid mech?, And how it works? I would like to make one but I have no idea to get it to stay standing.
