25.1k JohnnyBoythePilot Comments

  • A moment of silence 6.0 years ago

    RIP buckets.....press F to pay respects...

    But that's what fLeX tApE is for!

  • The logic of these new "Lock Down Drills" 6.0 years ago

    Or why not just barricade the doors and windows in the class room with the largest desks, and have the teacher armed with mace or a taser so they can immobilize the intruder if they do bust through. Also, arming teachers wouldn't be that bad of an idea, but only arm those who are willing and understand the huge responsibility. They also must go through firearm training. I think every teacher at least should have mace or a taser on them. You know, instead of a "gun-free zone", how about have a sign that says "Every Faculty Member on this Campus is Armed and Capable of Immobilizing any Intruder" or something along those lines. That would seriously discourage any attempt on the school. Armed guards wouldn't be that bad of an idea, and only have 1 entrance (but MULTIPLE exits) into the school, and that one entrance is guarded. This 1-entrance-multiple-exists system is used heavily in Israeli schools and Israel is in one of the most hostile regions in the world and they haven't had any school shooting, mass stabbing, or bombing in their schools because it's impenetrable. I've seen some argue against this saying it would "make schools prison-like" but I don't see how. I would feel MUCH safer if I knew my teachers were at least capable of stopping an intruder and on top of that, there is only one entrance into the school and it is guarded by security staff.

    Banning guns won't solve mass shootings. If politicians abolish the 2nd amendment, they'll open a can of worms they'll wish they never opened. Not to mention there is the black market where criminals can still purchase firearms (primarily handguns). A gun ban will simply remove the best option of defense, an equalizer, for law abiding citizens. To solve mass shootings, you have to go to the root of the problem; what caused this individual to get so low in life that they decided to shoot up a school? Glorification of gang culture, bullying, numbness to violence (don't know how to differentiate fiction from reality regarding violent games), suicidal thoughts/severe depression caused by pharmaceutical drugs, fatherless or discipline-less homes, etc. are all common contributions to why someone would commit such acts of horror. The news media also contributes to this violence; whether accidentally or intentionally.

    Just wanted to give my opinion, even though this is pretty sensitive for SP.

  • Simple Planes is growing boring 6.1 years ago

    I alternate between Flight Simulator X: Steam Edition, SimplePlanes, American Truck Simulator, theHunter, and occasionally Farming Simulator 15.

    EVERYTHING I play are basically simulators lol.

    But in the next SP update they should try adding AI turrets or extra control sliders. Oh, I'd also love to see more missions!

  • Dassault Mirage 2000 6.1 years ago

    Ah sweet you did a Mirage! Nice job!

  • The Dragon 6.1 years ago

    Too bad there were a lot of copy cats in the tournament.

  • What do you think about having new features added to SimplePlanes? 6.1 years ago

    I'd also like to see AI turrets.

  • My inactivity 6.1 years ago

    A jet powered cropduster....... just when the slavs couldn't get crazier.... 👌

  • The Dragon 6.1 years ago

    Crap this is hard. You have to fine tune your racer just right so it flies right through the pyramid perfectly. I got 2:53 with my racer but that's only if I intervene and fly through the pyramid myself and let the AI fly the rest after the pyramid. This is gonna be one tough race...

  • Some Cool Doodles I Drew... 6.1 years ago

    Thanks but its actually a bear and a deer (or elk?). Its kind of a Christmas themed cover that I still haven't changed out yet even though its way past the season lol.

  • Mod suggestions. 6.1 years ago

    Is it possible to create AI-controlled turrets as a mod? You basically select an enemy target and the turret points in that direction and fires when the enemy is in a certain range (or you fire manually and the AI simply turns the turret).

  • 1984 Cobra Rattler SLN 6.1 years ago

    When the A-10 and HE-162 have a baby.....

  • Bush Plane 6.2 years ago

    But the real question is, does it have STOL?

  • the thing? 6.2 years ago

    Congrats on the win bud!

  • Mitsubishi A6M2 Zero 6.2 years ago

    I kid you not, at first glance I thought that was an actually photo from WW2! 😂

  • Red Resurgence class aviation capable battleship 6.2 years ago

    That part count is scary......

  • No more airliner cockpit parts, and no more helpings/testings 6.3 years ago

    Honestly, your an awesome builder. Your first builds certainly beat the pants off of my first designs.

    Here's something I always go by when making a new design:
    "You Trial and Error Until There are No Errors Left to Trial."

  • Nothing 6.3 years ago

    Wow this is probably the best build I've seen on this site! Fantastic! How did you build such an awesome creation??? I MUST KNOW! lol

  • 'Argus' IX Aircraft Carrier 6.4 years ago

    It's the Banshee Carrier from Yukikaze! Or at least based off of it.

  • B757-200 Business Jet 6.5 years ago

    For those that dislike this plane because it's related to Trump

    If you hate Trump why are you taking out your anger on this beautiful Boeing 757? If Trump never used this plane or this plane never had TRUMP written on it or his logos, you wouldn't want to crash it. You hate Trump? Fine, your opinion, but please express your hatred for Trump somewhere else because Simpleplanes has a no-politics policy. Don't take it out on this airplane over a simple liver or it's ties to a president you dislike. C'mon people grow up and move on. That's why we have YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, ect.. Go argue there, not here. Now please give this plane an upvote, because a lot of work went into this beauty. If you don't want to give it an upvote, move on.

  • B757-200 Business Jet 6.5 years ago

    No your not the only Trump supporter on the site, it's just on Simpleplanes it's supposed to be politics free.

    "... he flippin loves people who support the KKK.... “Very fine people, On both sides.”

    Trump meant that their were peaceful protesters on both sides who didn't want violence. He CONDEMNED those on both sides that fueled the violence. He also clearly stated he's condemned neo-nazis, white supremacists and the KKK before, HE DOES NOT SUPPORT THOSE PEOPLE. Well, you probably won't hear Trump say those things if you watch CNN where they selectively edit what Trump says in the news feed to control the masses. Here is a whole archive someone put together of moments where CNN selectively edits their stories to match their agenda and attempt to control the masses with deception.

    As much as I don't want to talk about politics here, you need some common sense dude.

  • Alaska Horizon Dash-8 Q400 (Full Interior) 2.0 years ago

    Sad these are going away at the end of 2023.

  • Totally a normal Tomcat 2.1 years ago

    When you order an F-14 off of Wish

  • Cirrus SR-22 2.3 years ago

    BrYan Turner called, he wants his Cirrus back.

  • Flying in a Real Airplane!!!! 2.4 years ago

    That's a clean looking Sundowner. Good luck on your PPL! It's a very difficult journey but incredibly rewarding when you pass that checkride! Noob tip: Get your ground school and private pilot written exam done first before flight training. It'll make flight training easier and one less thing to worry about having to complete during actual flight training. Sporty's Learn to Fly Private Pilot course was really good for me and I highly recommend it. Watch all the videos and pass their practice exams with 80% or higher 2x and Sporty's will give you an endorsement to take the written. Rob Ryder (the narrator for Sporty's) talks like Bob Ross but with planes. 😂 I'm currently about 2/3 of the way through my Instrument rating. Makes everything you learn and do in private pilot look easy. 😂

  • Look at this cool hat I made!! (clickbait-TEASER) 2.5 years ago

    thats a funny looking hypersonic hat

  • Sea Plane 2.5 years ago

    Oh right he made it. 😂 My sarcasm detector is in the gutter.

  • Rainier Enclosed Weapon Pods™ 2.5 years ago

    Oh damn this got popular while I was gone.

  • The Arsenal Bird Except It's on Severe Budget Cuts 2.5 years ago

    Thanks for reminding me. XD I pick up SP and I started going crazy on a new plane and forget about this one. I'll try to upload this tomorrow after I'm done with work for the day.

  • F-13 idea sketch & concept 2.6 years ago

    And I thought my drawings were good. Impressive!

  • The Arsenal Bird Except It's on Severe Budget Cuts 2.6 years ago

    Sorry for the incredibly long wait, I basically retired from SP a little over a year ago, and only recently really came back and started building something with the new cockpit update. I'm not doing anything with this plane anymore so sure I'll upload it.

  • Got an aeroplane 2.9 years ago

    DUDE congratulations! Let me know how it goes flying the Tri-Pacer. They seem like a great budget buy and are very underrated IMO. I'd love to get a Pacer someday and trick it out for STOL. 180HP, VG's, supercub gear, modernized panel, Alaska bushwheels, drooped tips, climb prop, and dual seaplane doors. I've seen a couple of Pacers at my local airport (AWO) that were tricked out for STOL and they are absolutely SICK!

  • Scout Kea (V1.1 UPDATE) 3.5 years ago

    The fuselage/cabin windows give me stronk Maule vibes. This plane is absolutely genius. I quickly made a rough twin-engine STOL concept kind of along the lines of this except its a pure canard aircraft and has the most basic fuselage shape you could ever imagine (to make construction cheaper and easier) and looks incredibly fugly compared to this. 😂

  • The Arsenal Bird Except It's on Severe Budget Cuts 3.5 years ago

    No unfortunately, and I'm currently semi-inactive with SP. What time I can usually spend with SP nowadays, I'm tinkering more with general aviation designs instead of defense-related builds such as fighters, weapons, or bombers. My PC has also taken a turn for the worse lately and isn't as fast as it used to be. So now its an uber cabbage where I can barely run FSX and SP at their lowest settings. Thus, I can no longer run high-part-count builds and because of that I've pretty much dropped any complicated builds I was doing before that were high in parts.

  • Weird Rendering Glitch with Palm Trees? 3.5 years ago

    Ayy ya joined the Tic Tac gang! This looks a helluva lot better than mine (and actually accurate in size).

  • Rainier BNRV-36A Broadsword 3.6 years ago

    Wow thank you so much, that means a lot to me! Ngl I gave up on the prospects of winning this challenge since its been so long since I did it, and it was the one challenge where I dumped the most effort into and was positive I was going to win but the judging never happened so I was mega disappointed until now. I was a bit confused by your new name at first until I double-checked the challenge and saw it is indeed you. Thanks for the feedback, remarks, upvotes, and spotlight offer. I've since moved on from this design and my current focus (at least whenever I have time to even barely touch it since I'm so heckin busy IRL right now) is a kit plane designed around formula 1 air racing rules that is both a racer and a fast personal airplane with 1 and 2-tandem seat options. When that gets released I'd love it if you could spotlight it since its my most realistic build to date. However I plan on redesigning this F-36 fighter design in the future to be more realistic, less part-count intensive, and to use new build techniques that I've learned and XML/FunkyTrees coding that has become available since this was first built. The redesign will use x2 GE F414 engines instead of the cancelled (and very expensive) GE F136-derivative to make it more export-friendly and lower cost than the F-35, and to also give it canards. It might also feature DSI intakes although that might make it look too much like a bootleg F-35. But its basically going to be a new clean-sheet plane when I get around to that someday. Again thanks for finally getting back to this!

  • Piper PA-18 Super Cub 3.7 years ago

    Me: Oh boy I can't wait to fly @Dad 's latest build which is probably one of the most realistic looking builds/replicas in SP!
    My PC: [softly] don't

  • Black Triangle UFO 3.7 years ago

    Thanks for the tag, this thing is beyond epic! Certainly kicks the pants off my TR-3B ASTRA.

  • Shifting My Focus 4.0 years ago

    Nice, we could definitely use more high-quality low-part-count simple builds.

  • Rainier Forklift 4.0 years ago


  • Rainier Grizzly MPAT-V 4.0 years ago


  • C-31F-K FINBACK “Milk-1” Tanker 4.0 years ago

    Its a replica of the C-31 airlifter from the Yukikaze series.

  • Airgento A-32 Insurgent 4.0 years ago

    Np, this is a really cool design!

  • Weapon UAV 4.0 years ago

    I've also had success with that concept.

  • Custom wing technique! (New-ish?) 4.0 years ago

    That wing is cha cha real smooth.

  • Another Cursed Spitfire 4.0 years ago

    Isn't as cursed as this "twin Spitfire", or double-winged spitfire.
    The shared images are obviously faked but definitely cursed

    Someone should start a cursed airplane images series.

  • VTOL Spitfire 4.1 years ago

    What the heck did you just bring upon this cursed land

  • XHAA-2055 Odin UAV 4.1 years ago

    Dang this is really epic my dude! I really love the grainy photo at the end; Really adds to the aesthetics that this was a top secret plane. It's also much bigger then I thought it was!

  • Teaser for a upcoming plane that will take me a year to finish 4.1 years ago

