51.1k BMilan Comments

  • USS Pennsylvania BB38 10 months ago

    @PapaKernels Yea, device limitation is a pain (hence why I put the 2500 limit in the beginning, to give low-end users a chance)
    Still, it's not a bad entry and you can be very proud of yourself for being able to do this much even with your device limitations.
    Thanks for participating! o7

  • Dreadnought Challenge Winners 10 months ago


  • IJN Fusou 10 months ago

    Official evaluation

    - First Impression (5/5):

    The ship appears very nice and captures the essence of the original vessel very well. The first test run was mostly pleasant with the exception of not being able to bring the ship to a halt.

    - Design/Accuracy (15/15):

    The build to my knowledge accurately represent Fusō in her later years. Most of the details appear to be in order, even her insanely complicated pagoda mast, kudos for making that.

    - Details (12/15):

    The ship features some very nice detail work with railings, extensive rigging, a lot of deck equipment, even the rails around the catapuls and a sort of railing around the top of the funnel and so on, all very well made.
    The detail that some of the rooms on the mast are hollow and have see through windows is also very nice, the only thing that would have made them even better if they weren't empty, but they are still quite nice.
    One thing I noticed right away is the lack of anchors, which I feel like a ship with this level of detail should have included.

    - Features (12/20):

    The builds allows the use of every type of weaponry onboard including the main and secondary guns, and the AA weaponry, the latter being auto-aimed.
    The main and secondary cannons have an interesting system (borrowed from another builder) in place where the ship enters a port or starboard firing mode, in which the main guns are synced up with either side's secondaries. This system worked very well for me and I rather enjoyed it as it gave a sort of realism to it (given that dreadnoughts usually engaged with broadsides)

    - Build Quality (7/10):

    The build makes great use of the fuselages slicing althoug I noticed a missed opportunity with the rigging, but other details like the beams of the elevated platforms around the funnels, the hollow rooms and the railings are well made with it.
    The build uses vanilla propellers to save on parts but they dont work too well (in fact, the innermost two doesnt work at all) and they are not too aesthetically pleasing either.

    - Performance (10/20):

    The ship performs quite well with the ocean mod, and the use of actual propellers and rudder based steering is a nice feature, too bad the former has a little mistake in the form of the two inner propellers not working. The lack of reverse or even just stopping the ship is a bit disappointing though.
    The ship is slightly faster than the real one but the difference is not too large so it's acceptable
    The way the main and secondary weapons are solved is quite unusual but works very well and is very easy to use.

    - Description and Information (11/15):

    The description very fair, not too long, not too short, has a balanced mix of text and images, good formatting, nothing special but gets the job done. I gave it one additional point because I felt it has an almost perfect balance of text, length and images.

    Additional Points (-0, +0):

    Total: 72

  • SMS Konig 10 months ago

    Official evaluation

    - First Impression (3/5):

    The ship's upper hull and superstructure appears to be squashed at first, definitely not as tall as it should be. The non-smooth lower hull is also not so pleasing to look at but the many deck details, windows and other things somewhat compensate.

    - Design/Accuracy (9/15):

    The ship's superstructure appear to be much shorter than it should be, especially the funnels. Another inaccuracy worth mentioning is the inside of the secondary barrels is for aome reason painted in purple.
    Other than these, the rest of the detail work seem to match the real ship.

    - Details (10/15):

    The ship has a nice array of details from deck equipment, to vents, rigging and even some nice swinging hooks on the cranes.
    The searchlights having actual glass on them was a nice touch as well. The flag is also nice too, it could have been even better if it was waving.
    The bridge being hollow was also nice addition even if it's completely empty, maybe some windows could have made it even better.

    - Features (12/20):

    The ship features usable main and secondary guns, and even hull mounted torpedo tubes which is great additional feature.
    The main and secondary cannons have an interesting system in place where the ship enters a port or starboard firing mode, in which the main guns are synced up with either side's secondaries. This system worked very well for me and I rather enjoyed it as it gave a sort of realism to it (given that dreadnoughts usually engaged with broadsides)
    The ship uses vanilla propellers to move and the builder was even able to make them okay looking for a ship propeller which is a great feat (but also nice of the builder to include additional jet engines in case the vanilla propellers fail in the ocean mod). Not being able to reverse however is a bit disappointing
    The ship also uses a gyro for steering which also somehwat takes away from the immersion.
    The many cameras placed around the ship are also great too although I noticed the one labeled "Bridge" probably didn't have its offset zeroes, so it's actually above the bridge.

    - Build Quality (4/10):

    The build is rather wasteful with parts, for example, the vent in front of the no.4 turret could have had both sides made with one set of parts, halving the amount of parts needed for that detail.
    One thing that also really stood out to me was the lack of smoothing on the vertical parts of the hull, a rather unpleasant thing. What's even more strange is the builder buing inconsistent with this, because the lifeboats for example are all smoothed.
    I can't decide if the insides of the secondary barrels being purple was left like that by accident or if it was done on purpose

    - Performance (10/20):

    The ship performs well with the oean mod (larger waves cause the vanilla props to stop but that's why the backup jet engines are added. They do work well in normal conditions though), has rather okay steering and even seems to match the maximum speed of the original.
    The weapons were also quite easy and fun to use.

    - Description and Information (10/15):

    The description was quite okay, with a history section (split in two halves), some technival data and specifications and some cool screenshots with great formatting.

    Additional Points (-0, +2):

    +2 for using vanilla props and still making them look like normal ship propellers

    Total: 60

  • Bojler Eladó! 10 months ago

    Bocsi a pingekért, csupán arra lennék kíváncsi, hogy mekkora érdeklődés lenne egy esetleges magyar-only discord szerverre? :)
    Ha a többségeteket érdekli akkor szívesen összedobok egyet. Nem lennénk túl sokán bár a jövőben még csatlakozhatnak (kirakatnám a hivatalos szerver listára) és lenne egy kis magyar SP közösségünk

  • Bojler Eladó! 10 months ago


  • RNVS Vengeance 11 months ago

    @UnmanagedReservoir You mixed them up: text goes in rectangular brackets, url goes in normal brackets, and the ! is not needed here

  • Dreadnought Challenge (1906-1920) [CLOSED] one year ago

    @PapaKernels I'd say try Vincent or BaconAircraft, I tried them last time and one of them helped (not sure which one of them as they didn't reply just silently set the successor)

  • Dreadnought Challenge (1906-1920) [CLOSED] one year ago

    @PapaKernels Can you please ask a mod to set it as a successor (it was one of the challenge requirements). It looks great btw, Im looking forward to test it! :D

  • Dreadnought Challenge (1906-1920) [CLOSED] one year ago

    @PapaKernels I'm sure it will be great, can't wait to see it! :D

  • Sturmtiger 38cm RW61 one year ago

    that gun barrel looks very familiar

  • Airship Challenge CLOSED one year ago

    Count me in!

  • Titanic Virtual Museum 1.2 years ago

    @TheTomatoLover Yes, it is meant to be educational, to teach users about some more and some less known facts of Titanic

  • Jundroo has made millions off of SimplePlanes alone 1.4 years ago

    I decided to collect the things this calculation doesn't take into account:
    - pirates: a large part of the community didn't actually buy the game.
    - alt accounts: you mentioned that there are approx. 300k users, but dont forget the fact that quite many users have at least one but sometimes two or three or even more alt accounts
    - multiple purchases: another thing that should be counted is the fact that some might purchased the game on multiple platforms. I personally bought it on PC and Android as well.
    - bots: there is a huge number of bots on the website, since registering to the website is not connected to actually owning the game, so there are a lot of bots that advertise malware and scams.
    - The assumption of everyone buying it for 6$ is a bit rough as well: In the past 5 years, I've seen the game being on sale on Steam several times and even saw it on at least three occasions being sold for just 1$ on some online video game stores (legit ones, not shady ones).
    - Banned and left users: They are probably a small portion of the community, but it should also be accounted that there are users who bought the game but their website accounts were temp- or perma banned. There are also those people who bought the game and left the website (and deleted their accs) by their own will.
    - Non registered users: Also a probably small group are the people who bought the game but they didn't register a user on the website

    I meant no harm by this, the post is still an interesting calculation, I just wanted to add some additional information to it. :)

  • Black Pearl 1.5 years ago

    @Tookan the Black Pearl did have a figurehead, although not exactly like how it is depicted here, but close enough

  • FlightSystem test3 1.5 years ago

    Excellent work as always! You never cease to amaze me with your FT works!

  • Tugboat Sisyphus (fictional) 1.5 years ago

    @Obtheplanedestroyer Alice's build is the fictional ocean liner on the last two screenshots

  • Tugboat Sisyphus (fictional) 1.6 years ago

    @Sparky6004 *Olympic, and no, it's the full version, check out my 5th year recap post, I wrote some about the state of the low part versions:

  • Tugboat Sisyphus (fictional) 1.6 years ago

    @DatRoadTrainGuy19 The pinned comment? That's just for the jump to comments function so I made it empty

  • IJN Harugumo 1.7 years ago

    @Oakland Heyo! I see you are into shipbuilding (and veeery good at it), so I figured I'd let you know, that there is a discord server, Port SP, that is specifically aiming to bring SP ship builders together where we share knowledge, show off our work in progress builds and so on.
    So in case you are interested, I'm gonna leave an invite link here:
    >>click here<<
    This ship beautiful btw, very well made :)

  • SO-1009 Vortex 1.8 years ago

    @ZooxTark Heya! I see you are into shipbuilding (and pretty good at it), so I figured I'd let you know, that there is a discord server, Port SP, that is specifically aiming to bring SP ship builders together where we share knowledge, show off our work in progress builds and so on.
    So in case you are interested, I'm gonna leave an invite link here:

    Very nice submarine btw :)

  • Every Single Platinum User In One Video 1.9 years ago

    Watched it a few times on 0.25 speed but couldn't find myself, anyone has any idea where I am?

  • USS Cleveland 1.9 years ago

    @Bogey hey dude, your ships are absolutely amazing! I love that you managed to create a reusable catapult, it's somethung I myself have been thinking about for a while now but couldn't figure out.
    I wanted to ask if you'd be interested in joining the Port SP discord server: It's an SP discord server dedicated to ship building in the game. We post progress updates there, share knowledge about shipbuilding and overall talk about boat stuff. :)
    If you are interested, here is an invite link:

  • RMS Titanic 2.0 years ago

    @DEADSHOT14 Your phone can't handle a 112 part build??

  • RMS Titanic 2.0 years ago

    @DEADSHOT14 Here, just make sure to credit me if you use it somewhere :)

  • RMS Titanic 2.0 years ago

    @realSavageMan bad marketing I believe. I wanted to test how well would it do without any teasers and stuff.
    Olympic had a quite a few teasers before it was released, while this one was just posted out of nowhere.

  • RMS Titanic 2.1 years ago

    @Feve I wish to do that myself if you don't mind, but thank you for the offer :)

  • RMS Olympic (1911) 2.1 years ago

    @Atoka220 Good luck mate! Prepare a fire extinguisher next to your computer first xd

  • RMS Olympic (1911) 2.1 years ago


  • RMS Olympic (1911) 2.1 years ago


  • RMS Olympic (1911) 2.1 years ago


  • RMS Olympic (1911) 2.1 years ago


  • [Teaser] Simple Mobile Friendly Olympic+Fictional Victoria boat! 2.2 years ago

    I wish I could give two upvotes, with the second one being for the creativity of solving the underwater scene on mobile, very smart and looks good!

  • What happened to Randomusername? 2.2 years ago

    @enzoBoeing757 No, I don't think of it as competition either. Our builds had different goals: yours was to make a very good mobile friendly replica while mine was to make it as detailed and accurate as possible, no matter the part count. Make sure to tag me on your build when you release it tho.
    Also if you have a discord, we'd be happy if you joined us at Port SP. It's a discord server dedicated to ship building in SP. We help each other there, show off our builds etc etc, just click on the name if you are interested :)

  • What happened to Randomusername? 2.2 years ago

    @enzoBoeing757 Oh yeah definitely. I plan to build a mobile friendly version of mine too, but I've seen some screenshots of yours and it looks amazing too, especially for a build made on mobile!

  • Appearance 2.2 years ago


  • What happened to Randomusername? 2.2 years ago

    In short:
    She was a very talented female user who had some issues with the fact that the community modified her builds because she didn't want it: she had her reasons but the most important one was that all her builds were "electric" (meaning they did not use any fuel in the game to operate) and many beginner users would often put regular engines on them, which she found disrespectful because she wanted her builds to be eco-friendly.
    She also had some other personal problems but let's not get into those, it's a very long story. Also the fact that she revealed herself to be a girl which caused a lot of simping and unwanted attention towards her by many users. So after quite some drama she left the community for good.

  • This Scene Was Looks Familiar, Don't Ya? 2.2 years ago

    @WolfHunter9111 You just made me more curious, I really want to know now (I don't mind creepy or disturbing stuff)

  • USS Beast Pre 1.8 (1:1 Scale Replica) 2.2 years ago

    @Inuyasha8215 Oh, thank you very much, I probably should have done this long ago but thanks for doing for me!

  • S.S. Courageous 2.2 years ago


  • RMS Olympic Teaser - The Old Reliable, Out on the ocean 2.2 years ago

    @realSavageMan Yeah, I love the OST of Titanic, may James Horner rest in peace, he was a brilliant composer

  • RMS Olympic Teaser - The Old Reliable, Out on the ocean 2.2 years ago

    @XAircraftManufacturer read the pinned comment

  • Spitfire MK VB "Spuckfeuer" 2.2 years ago

    @xNotDumb Because it's still a british made aircraft, just captured by the germans

  • We Need Albums/Folders! 2.2 years ago

    Oh my god yes! I'd love this!

  • F for chonk boi 2.3 years ago

    Dmytro Antonov, a Captain of Antonov Airlines and a pilot of the AN-225 reported that the Mriya is safe and has not been damaged

  • M4A3 Sherman Firefly 2.4 years ago

    @CRATE52PART2 The US never used the Firefly. It was a British modification of the Sherman (with the British 17 pounder gun) and was used mainly by the British. The Yanks created their own tank hunter variants of the Sherman (with the long barrel 76 mm gun variants) for the same purpose as the Firefly. So leaving the stars on it is inaccurate

  • M4A3 Sherman Firefly 2.4 years ago

    Ont thing tho: you forgot to remove the white star (which is the US army insignia) from the sides and the top of the engine bay

  • Messerschmitt is my milestone 2.4 years ago

    Oooh I love this!
