121k AWESOMENESS360 Comments

  • Red Ship Of Nanhu 2.9 years ago


  • Stingbat LHX stealth helicopter 3.0 years ago

    Me: where is the tail rotor?
    McDonald’s worker: tail rotor machine 🅱️roke
    Me: understandable have a nice day


    Ok but in all seriousness, is this for real or is it a joke

  • P-51D-30 Mustang 3.1 years ago

    @MIAW26PERSIAN nah this is hilarious

  • P-51D-30 Mustang 3.1 years ago

    @FartyBob I...
    @EternalDarkness send him to horny jail

  • P-51D-30 Mustang 3.1 years ago

    @FartyBob did you try turning it off and then turning it back on again?

  • P-51D-30 Mustang 3.1 years ago

    @rm48473 this is a really good P-51, but this one is my personal favorite.

  • AirTraffic 3.2 years ago

    Gestour, you never fail to amaze us all!

  • Lego piece 26047 3.2 years ago


  • UA328 Boeing 777-200ER KLM 3.3 years ago

    I was expecting a video link to the actual event, and not the SimplePlanes reenactment.

  • P-51D-30 Mustang 3.3 years ago


  • P-51D-30 Mustang 3.3 years ago

    Let’s see, how many days have I been inactive? ↘️

  • P-51D-30 Mustang 3.4 years ago



    black hole

  • Frowny face 3.5 years ago

    Alternatively, it’s a happy face with a big mustache!

  • Bruh stop hating on 0 point users who reupload with funky colors and engines everywhere 3.5 years ago

    mmmmmmmm noises
    I sense another wave of drama and shitposts in the near future
    more mmmmmmmmmm noises

  • P-51D-30 Mustang 3.6 years ago

    @Gluck 33

    It has come to my knowledge that a user, known commonly as a “player” has left a message in my concern in relation to a form of media content on a website for an artificial flight simulation application, of which I am notified on if anything happens to the post in the form of feedback for the post mentioned prior, as a readable text.

  • Application of Smoothing Function to Human Body Creation 3.7 years ago

    “C’mon people keep your eyes on the prize and not on the-“

  • 3D MILK 3.8 years ago

    Omg guys wow I’m literally shaking and crying rn it’s literally milk they made milk from real life in SP omygosh guys this is amazing I’m truly moved by this post 😔👊🙈💖💖💖😇🧚‍♀️🤘🤘🤘

  • 1.10 Beta is now available 3.8 years ago

    When will the update be released for iOS?

  • McChopper 4.0 years ago

    @Freerider2142 sounds like a deleted scene from “Cloudy With A Chance Of Meatballs”

  • Flying Sponge Bob! 4.7 years ago

    Hey look, it's Spongebob Air-Pants!

  • A Hero Emerges from the Area 51 Raid 4.7 years ago

    The funny thing is that people have actually joined the raid. In fact, the people who work at Area 51 actually set up a sort of Music Fest style event where the raiders are redirected to, so instead of being lit up by almost every guard on sight, (there have been two recorded deaths so far. 😑) they can go and have a good time at the festival event, there's music, Area-51 related games and stuff you can do, I even saw a picture of merchandise, my favorite being a shirt that says "I survived the Raid!" with alien faces on it. Honestly, it sounds like a good time, just as long as you aren't stupid, and actually try to legitimately raid the base, because you will be either arrested on the spot, or killed if necessary. It'd be funny if the people working at Area 51 actually made this into an annual thing that happens every September 20th, although I doubt that would actually happen, lol.

  • A criminally underrated plane (sort of) 4.7 years ago

    While yes I wholeheartedly agree that the P-51D-30 that currently and probably will forever hold the number one place in upvote count is extremely overrated now, it didn't used to be. When it was posted on that faithful day 4 years ago, it had some qualities that were completely unheard of and completely pushed SimplePlanes to it's limits. Quote from aircraftarsenal123:

    To anyone who thinks this plane doesn’t derserve what it’s got: this masterpiece was made well before over half the parts in the current game were even a thing, and hollow cockpits were pretty much nonexistent. 3D wings were not invented, and finetuner or other easy forms of XML and modding (not to mention actual mods) were not yet thought of. This is in fact the plane that pushed all boundaries of its time.

    Honestly I feel the only reason why that P-51 has 1,000 upvotes today is because we just wanted it to get to 1,000, solely for the meme of it. When you think about it for a while, it actually makes a bit of sense that the P-51 got as many upvotes as it did and still has;

    Imagine we're playing SimplePlanes, (hard to imagine amiright xdd) and all of a sudden, the Devs give one really good platinum player every single tool and every single new part, feature, and everything from every future update to come. Now, with those new parts and features, that player is sure to build something absolutely astonishingly incredible, right? Keep in mind that this is one player, so every single player except for that one selected player is still in version 1.8. Ignoring that we would need their current version to actually download the plane, let's say they upload a plane and it includes every single feature they were given. That plane would amaze everyone, nobody would know how they made all those cool features, and every one of the users would be absolutely dumbfounded!
    Now, imagine that very scene, but four years ago. That's basically how everyone reacted when that P-51 was uploaded to SimplePlanes.


  • P-51D-30 Mustang 4.7 years ago


  • Kirov Airship 4.8 years ago

    Steampunk + USSR = Kirov Airship

  • Hurricane Dorian 4.8 years ago

    Roses are red,
    Dear God, stay safe man.
    Don't worry, you'll survive,
    Because you are the almighty:

    F L O R I D A M A N

  • Wut is ur most epic gamr moment is SP 4.8 years ago

    Easily one of my greatest, if not the greatest "Epic Gamer Momemt" has to be the time I was dogfighting with the AI, and I did something I'll never forget. We were near the USS Beast, and basically what happened was that I was trying to dodge the fire from the enemy's guns, and since I was already screwed, I decided to die on my own terms. However, as I was dive-bombing towards the Beast, I accidentally pitched down and went into the water. Then, the unthinkable happened: I ended up flying underwater, underneath the USS Beast, and popped back out of the water on the other side of the Beast. I was truly shocked at what I had done, and the best part? It threw the AI off so badly, that it ended up kamikaziing into the USS Beast, and thoroughly destroyed itself.

  • Greetings, humans. 4.8 years ago

    @CruzerBlade I ate a bowl of nails for breakfast.
    "Yeah, so?"
    Without any NyQuil.

  • AS-B-20 (Apocalypse Bringer) 4.9 years ago

    You're outside, looking out for any signs of enemy aircraft. A shadow overtakes the area, you look up, expecting it to just be a cloud blocking out the sun, but to your surprise, you see no cloud, but a massive flying-wing bomber directly above your base, looming over menacingly. So massive, you can actually see the bay doors open. The last thing you see is the destructive line of explosions from bombs coming ever close to you, closer, closer and...

  • I'm da devil 5.0 years ago


  • Our games are now free for education 5.1 years ago

    I like this, it's definitely a sign that teachers are realizing the actual benefits that some games have, instead of immediately resorting to saying that it'll make your brain rot. Although I wouldn't exactly use SimplePlanes as a physics demonstration, considering that there are times when if something lands in water, it'll immediately accelerate to around Mach 3 and end up flying into the stratosphere. Also, due to the hitbox of parts, the cockpit block can stand perfectly upright on it's topside, without falling over. Lol

  • Why is there a hollow Fuselage? 5.2 years ago

    • They're incredibly useful for making good cockpits, for instance, click here.
    • You can use them for making passenger jets, since they're hollow, and you can put stuff like seats and other things inside them. This also uses a lot less parts, so it's easier to run.
    • They can be used for custom parts, like the barrel of a gun on a tank, or something like that.
    • While on the topic of guns, they can be used to make custom reticles so you can aim better too.
    • One last thing is that they can be used for better detailing on creations, for instance, if you want some sort of exhaust pipe for an engine on a car, the hollow fuselage is perfect for that!

  • april fools! 5.2 years ago

    I know how this works, but I'm not gonna spoil it for everyone. 😉

    Developers: "Look guys, we added magnets! Now you can hoist things into the air with ease!"

    Users of SimplePlanes: Actually uses magnets for engines, custom gun sound effects, railguns, etc.

    Developers: "Excuse me what the hecc"

  • A historic moment for the SP website... 5.3 years ago

    It's 104 now, this comment now has more upvotes than most of the creations I usually see on SimplePlanes...

  • "Bloodhound" Cult Light Fire Support Armored Vehicle 5.6 years ago

    @WarHawk95 it's because of the Tank Track Mod he's using, for some reason they glitch out and launch you into the air if you start without a bit of space between the tracks and the ground, so you can just use a detacher and start with the tracks above the ground.

  • 1969 Chevrolet Camaro [Stylo ] 5.6 years ago

    This looks so good! I love how much you pay attention to detail, it really makes your creations stand out amongst the rest.

  • Horten Ho-229 "Propaganda" 6.0 years ago

    Hehe... it says "Ho"... I'm so mature

  • My Trench Run! 6.0 years ago

    Looks like Starwars is going through another budget cut...

    Anyway enough silliness, This is amazing, and I'm rather impressed that this has only 180 parts!!!

  • Childhood Dream (Pen, Ruler and Eraser) 6.2 years ago

    Lol, this reminds me of this one time that I got really bored while doing work, and eventually I was able to create a flying model plane using a couple pens, and some scraps of paper I had. It flew much better than I expected. Falls apart easily though since I didn't use any tape or anything like that. Also, I really wanted to download this, not because I can't, but just because my OCD would kill me if I did, since this has exactly 6000 downloads, and I'd hate to see it change to 6001. Oh god I just realized how much I'm typing XD...

  • You wanted twokinds? Here's your twokinds. 6 months ago

    Some of these commenters seem a little angry, you could even say that this is making them a little “furryious”


  • SimpleDoom High Graphics 6 months ago

    I swear the original DOOM is the bad apple of videogames, people find a way to run it in literally everything. Fantastic work!!

  • P-51D-30 Mustang 2.4 years ago

    @X99STRIKER I’ve figured this out prior, I’ve posted a comment deep down below these that hits the character limit lol

  • P-51D-30 Mustang 2.4 years ago


  • Slovakian Weapon of Mass Destruction 2.4 years ago

    Is this the Antichrist

  • S P I N 2.6 years ago

    MCAS: “Hey 737 Max”
    737: “What’s that?”
    MCAS: “Look, a penny!”
    737: “Oh boy a penny!”
    85 Degree Nosedive

  • Cheese X 2.6 years ago

    “Sir, is that a flying wheel of cheese?”
    ”You Cheddar believe it!”

  • bro ? 2.6 years ago

    Now this is some Belkan level shit right here

  • P-51D-30 Mustang 2.6 years ago

    @KingOog000 do it, you won’t.

  • Frog 2.6 years ago

    This is incredible, peak usage of SimplePlanes forums

  • YF-23 Blackwidow 2.7 years ago

    Honestly the YF-23 should’ve won the ATF Competition, it was stealthier, had longer range, could carry the same weapons capacity, and in a situation like this, speed and maneuverability absolutely do not matter, seeing that you’re gonna be dealing with missiles that can lock on from well over visible distance. At that point, it’s a dangerous game of countermeasures and attempts to evade. Now if we put the F-22 and the YF-23 in a dogfight situation, within very close proximity to each other, I imagine the F-22 would easily prevail, seeing how ridiculously maneuverable it is. Now if we want to really talk about maneuverability, we can all take a gander at the SU-57, and it’s thrust vectoring capabilities in all axis of direction. But that’s another story.
