10.5k teodor99 Comments

  • Volkswagen Beetle 23 days ago

    @Kerbango aint that lovely....

  • DAC-F1 7 months ago

    @Kaveman interesting. ill look at the next posts with great interest

  • DAC-F1 7 months ago

    @Kaveman i see. tho id probly advice you to put the canopy a bit forward and lengthen the hull to accommodate said engine

  • DAC-F1 7 months ago

    it looks cool. but if i can be a nitpicking annoyance. wheres the engine placement? since it doesnt seem to be enough space in the back

  • Update Galore and Steam Sale 11 months ago

    @WaltySimplePlanes69 or simpleworks

  • Update Galore and Steam Sale 11 months ago

    @AndrewGarrison dumb idea. simpletanks

  • What's Next? 1.1 years ago

    one question i have for the Developers.

    Will Aircraft AI be improved to allow for squadron based air battles? i find it really annoying having to do a free for all battle and one v one battles just dont cut it anymore.

  • Nordschleife 1.6 years ago

    @FlyingPatriot i see. anything similar?

  • Nordschleife 1.6 years ago

    actually question: is there any maps from videogames that could be ported in to Simpleplanes thats somewhat large enough without being too costly on files?

  • Nordschleife 1.6 years ago

    @FlyingPatriot i see. bit of a bummer

  • Nordschleife 1.6 years ago

    @FlyingPatriot i see. but arent almost all maps there days bigger than GTAV?

  • Nordschleife 1.6 years ago

    hmm would it be possible to see the Generation Zero map in simple planes?

  • Jagdpanzer Elephant 2.1 years ago

    @ST6454 no worries aslong as its helpful

  • Jagdpanzer Elephant 2.1 years ago

    slight correction. its an Jagdpanzer Elephant. but still a good build

  • Luftwaffe Challenge[CLOSED] 2.2 years ago

    @asteroidbook345 until proper sources can be found and confirmed. ill remain skepitcal

  • Luftwaffe Challenge[CLOSED] 2.2 years ago

    @asteroidbook345 the V1 were more a flying bomb. the V2 i could agree to an extent but its more questionable than likely. not to mention the sources being recently put into question

  • Luftwaffe Challenge[CLOSED] 2.2 years ago

    @asteroidbook345 experimental only. fired maybe a few times but never used

  • U-1 RSB (Cursed Bomber) 2.2 years ago

    cool idea due to design. bad idea due to resources taken is alot more than strapping bombs on an older frame

  • Technoblade statue 2.2 years ago

    @Numbers2 yeah people still put memorial posts so its unlikely anyone follows it

  • Infantry Tank 'Dagger' MkIII 2.2 years ago

    @Ummmhelli so am i yet i try to improve

  • QAS P-16 Canary 2.2 years ago

    we would like to place an order for 150 models with the following changes:
    Larger engine
    Retracting landing gear
    4x Machine guns
    2x hardpoints for 250lbs bombs or drop tanks.
    Enclosed canopy

  • Infantry Tank 'Dagger' MkIII 2.2 years ago

    @Ummmhelli well doesnt stop ye from improving so give it a try. ye might be able to make something amazing

  • Infantry Tank 'Dagger' MkIII 2.2 years ago

    so.... designated light tank. but armour of a heavy.... i think this is actually an "Infantry Tank" that is the correct term for this.

    other than that it is quite a capable design and it is nice to look at. but judging by said design. i cant really see how you would fit 5 people in this thing. 4 is pushing it but possible, but turret would be too cramped.

    but enough rambling. its a good design but its specifications and classification is really letting it down. i would suggest downsizing the crew to 3-4 and relabel it as "Infantry Tank" it would make more sense for the design.

  • Jebermann III 2.2 years ago

    @MrGreen i see.

  • Strike Record Page 2.2 years ago

    hmmm interesting

  • Jebermann III 2.2 years ago

    a very interesting design. but i must question the safety with the following question.
    is this aerial vehicle "teo proof"

  • suspensiontest 2.2 years ago

    @shibusu noice

  • suspensiontest 2.3 years ago

    @shibusu i mean roads where the track of previous vehicles have sunken the road down. i think the best is: https://img.freepik.com/free-photo/impassable-dirt-off-road-deep-track_361360-2078.jpg

    this image link may fail but it just shows a dirt roads with deep tracks

  • suspensiontest 2.3 years ago

    one test i really havent seen are sunken roads tests. honestly disappointed there isnt anything close to one so maybe try something similar

  • Extra Visuals Mod Preview 2.3 years ago

    so its some water effects and a sonic boom. ok

  • Yak-7B 2.3 years ago

    was about to say its not a yak 7 but when i looked around it turns out you were right. so not only is it an excellent build but i also learnt something new.

    so heres an upvote

  • A-9 2.3 years ago

    @BoganBoganTheKid dude... uncalled for

    anyway it doesnt really look in place as a ww2 tank. but it is an interesting design overall.

  • Type 3 Chi-Nu [SimpleTanks Challenge] 2.3 years ago

    @RomanoMilos ah. also i think the road wheels are a bit too small. but thats my opinion

  • Type 3 Chi-Nu [SimpleTanks Challenge] 2.3 years ago

    probly rude of me... but how is a japanese tank.... tagged as china?

  • A26V Spearhead Mk IIa 2.3 years ago

    how is the tank? any critics?

  • LTA-0.5 House Kitten 2.3 years ago


  • AV-49 Wasp Attack VTOL (VR version) 2.3 years ago

    how to fly it?

  • Prototype 133 2.4 years ago

    @HighMike its not meant to be flyable. just an attempt on canopy design

  • Prototype 118v1 2.4 years ago

    @Dkuz not sure whats sad about that but arigh

  • Prototype 118v1 2.4 years ago

    @Dkuz on a previous post i had said i would only make 1 plane with it and then never again. so its unlikely ill ever use cockpit parts

  • Pre-WW2 Challenge (CLOSED) 2.4 years ago

    ok... so they have to be great war designs. but not great war as its pre ww2?

  • Blohm und Voss P. 196 2.4 years ago

    i wonder how this would be if given a DB603 instead

  • LT27-A Sterling 2.4 years ago

    @Cennix ah. then i may have to nitpick a bit as the drivers position is blocking the part for the driveshaft. i would recommend putting the drivers position a bit to the side

  • LT27-A Sterling 2.5 years ago

    its an interesting design. tho im a bit curious. the sprockets. are they at the front or the back?

  • M26 Pershing (Shield Class) 2.5 years ago

    so its a KV-1 with a pershing rear?

  • !!!!Cerberus Nk-2 2.5 years ago

    @CerberusWorks then i guess we have to find out aye?

  • !!!!Cerberus Nk-2 2.5 years ago

    interesting design and a nice attempt on a different powerplant. but now i wonder. how would it turn out if it was given an X-24 powerplant

  • Shark Mk. 1 UCAV 2.5 years ago

    is it bad i see it as a potential ww2 interceptor design?

  • All Players Are Equal! 2.5 years ago

    yell to google. not us. not to mention consoles still dont have access to this game i would advice you to.... stop complaining

  • Supermarine Spitfire Mk.IX (Dragon) "Arrow Squadron" 2.5 years ago

    @Titaninferna aye very detailed tho my first impressions were not so impressed. by first the exhaust looked like it was taken from the Mk V, then i wondered why the smaller oil cooler remained. then it was the "goshawk engine"