23.4k marcox43 Comments

  • Revi EZ 42 Gyrosight 2.4 years ago

    @ThomasRoderick thank you for the upvote, hope you enjoy this cool gyrosight!

  • SimplePlanes/VR v1.12.121 (BETA) is now live on Steam. GoG/Google Play (1.12.120) 2.4 years ago

    umm... how do I enter the beta? I can't seem to find it on steam.

  • Pathfinder 2.7 years ago

    awesome build mate! Apex player here too

  • SSTV signal Decoded! 2.8 years ago

    wow... never expected SP to ave this level of easter egg...

  • Small Feature Wish List for v1.11 Update 2.9 years ago

    @bjac0 This! I ahd to put dummy ammo with a fuel cell in mid on my tank to recreate the ammo storage, it actually explodes xdd but on airplanes it's different. My curent drachen has 4x200kg boxes of ammo in the nose of the airplane, while I only set the ammo as deadweight, it'd be really cool if those boxes actually spent their ammo and liberate weight for the airplane. it would make for better weight calculations too.

  • SimplePlanes VR - Coming 2021 to Steam and Oculus Quest 2.9 years ago

    @AndrewGarrison since gauges are planned, will they vary in style and measurement?
    for example, most common ones are in knots and have all sorts of flashy paint, but WWII gauges could go from Metric, to Imperial to knots. also their style is very unique, especially comparing german vs allied gauges. it would be very useful if we could select the style of the gauge, or at least... change the font of the numbers and the needle style. Another thing is screens, will we have circular screens? as for radars? could they support FunkyTrees?
    also... pls Add the RPM related to specific engine, (as in AmmoCount style of code), I'm having a serious headache calculting the RPM of my engines, worse with variable pitch propellers...

  • M.A Red Arrow B3d FACH (CT Challenge) 3.0 years ago

    @BlackThuNDR ty!

  • EGGcraft List By BlackThuNDR 3.0 years ago

    are fictional planes allowed?

  • How to start aviation company in simpleplanes. 3.1 years ago

    well... as example you have my two companies. M.A (Marcox Aeronautics), which produces both civilian and military aircrafts. It comprises of my own designs and has as goal to have the best reliability and quality of aircraft avaible. My aircrafts sustain a rigorous failure test before passing prototype stage.
    MFzF or MF for short (Marcox FlugzeugFabrik) was created as a WWII variant of my current M.A company. it has the same motto, altho it goes more for pushing the boundaries of technology avaiable in the third reich, thus requiring months of research on avaiable components of the era.

  • some show off with my M.A Red Arrow 3.1 years ago

    @Bife @Inuyasha8215 @RicardoAs1515 Thank you very much! n.n

  • Revi EZ 42 Gyrosight 3.2 years ago

    @AviationHJM thank you very much! I hope you can give plenty of use to this replica gyrosight!

  • S-125 Pechora 3.2 years ago

    gonna slap this on my tanks peko

  • flight computer rule #42069 3.3 years ago

    @UsualPiooneer yo, a TMP fan!

  • Build your very own engines! [2] six cylinders! 3.3 years ago

    T, specifically looking for either an M103 or M104. M104 is extremely similar to the 2jz, but carries timing chain instead of timing belt.

  • Unpopular Opinion: I don’t see a need to make an SP2 3.4 years ago

    From my point of view, SP needs to solve the spaghetti of code before upgrading, I used to play KSP with at least 20 mods and that was way more demanding but optimized than SP, yet, SP is such a spaghetti of code that it doesn't use the given resources apropiately, I wrote a post about it in my bio. Unity has it's limits, it's an engine for small games, not for an overcomplex amount of stuff. if it were a newer game, maybe keep the same layout, but transfer it to a more powerful engine like Unreal engine or Havok, where we can go nuts about building and crashing stuff.

    For point 1) SP is far from perfected, we still need more sliders and activation groups because there's simply not enough to make all the functions without a very clunky working mechanism. Modders have created such incredible maps, that I wish they were the default maps, visual effects and even parts completely from scratch, those things should have been by default in the game! take into account SP is no longer about aircrafts, it's aircrafts, ground vehicles, naval vessels and even spaceships.

    Also, Android is a market now, and the game has to accomodate to both worlds, and difference between monster pc's and a RoG phone, there's still a gigantic gap in performance. they're completely different operating systems, one based on Linux an the other on Windows or IOs. you can't compare an android 2.2Ghz octacore vs an entry level 3.4Ghz quad core with hyperthreading, and not even joke about the ultra high gamma 4.5Ghz 12C / 24 threads that the new ryzen has. Graphics is even more of a joke.

  • Northrop F-5E Tiger II Chile 3.4 years ago

    Yay, another FACH plane! :3 may I challenge you to shoot down my M.A Red arrow? I designed it to compete with the chilean F-5 tiger II, I'll tag you in it.

  • NA F-100D Super Sabre (USAF) 3.4 years ago

    flies pretty well and looks good.

  • Focke-Wulf Ta 152 H-1 3.5 years ago

    well made Focke wulf, I should have readed the Full Trim on take off, but whatever, it flies well. also umm...I'll steal your gyrosight code,it fixed the pitching problem that mine had xd. I will probably stael a few more codes for components that I can't replicate properly.

  • Rheinmetall ST-110 A1A 3.5 years ago

    @ACEPILOT109 np!

  • [Teaser] New MrVaultech Collab 3.5 years ago


  • Me 262 a1 3.6 years ago

    @RuvienRuvienTheCitizen this was my Me 262 from maany years ago

  • Messerschmitt Me-262 A1-a 'Schwalbe' 3.6 years ago

    requesting permission to use this Me262 for research purposes and engine testbed

  • Inline 4 engine(Piston powered) 3.6 years ago

    @GontarMotors thank you very much!

  • Goodbye (sort of...) ok not really 3.6 years ago

    Wish you the best mate, it's really encouraging to see translate in-game skills to irl stuff. Salutes from a fellow student car mechanic ;)

  • Revi EZ 42 Gyrosight 3.7 years ago

    @Locurapuntocom thank you for the upvote!

  • FuG 350 Naxos System Simplified 3.7 years ago

    @Vladimir1944 oh, that... Maybe I could implement it in a future version. The Naxos has a detection range of 50km, so it wil detect stuff beyond visual range. I just need the FT for it...
    As for the other radar on my Drachen, the 240 Berlin. Someone already made a working display for it, although I'm not sure how accurate it may be, since there's next to none images of the CRT display itself, let alone a video of one working...

  • Revi EZ 42 Gyrosight 3.7 years ago

    @Spikerya thank you for the upvote!

  • Henschel hs-293 3.7 years ago

    @Grizzlitn_CFSP ok!

  • Henschel hs-293 3.7 years ago

    is this glide bomb at 1:1 scale? I'm planning on making the MCLOS version.

  • Revi EZ 42 Gyrosight 3.7 years ago

    @MrVaultech yay!, thank you for the upvote!

  • Gyros in a nutshell 3.7 years ago

    my SP compass everytime

  • Irreversible Boolean Activation 3.7 years ago

    does this work with activation groups? ex: keep pressed AG7, that pulls a handle and the canopy is jettinsoned, following, another handle pull(a different one) and the seat ejects?

  • backhoe1 3.8 years ago

    very cool machine mate. maybe put some shocks with the pistons to absorb all the wobbling. apart from that, very well done and fun to use.
    From a fellow Backhoe Loader Operator ;)

  • New Beta - v1.10.103 3.8 years ago

    @AndrewGarrison is it possible that the fuel consumption can be fixed in the future? or that it could at least be modified via xml? because making custom engines with accurate sounds can get really frustrating, real life engines have at least twice, up to 5-6 times more RPM's than the engines in the game, and making them sound like their real life versions makes them insanely fuel thirsty.

  • Question on a simple system to determine range 3.8 years ago

    you can use that system, since it's based on parabolic trajectory, the problem is that SP lacks a zoom system, so you'd have to use the Zoom mod to have a proper long range aiming device

  • WWII German Ejection seat 3.8 years ago

    @MrVaultech thank you for the upvote!

  • WWII German Ejection seat 3.8 years ago

    @grizzlitn thank you very much for the upvote!

  • I'm gone so long! 3.8 years ago


  • The reason I am missing 3.9 years ago

    Congratulations on your recovery!

  • I’m so depressed from school bullies 3.9 years ago

    @Zeezar2666 if they don't stop after talking with them... there's two options
    1) Use violence and make them respect you
    2) Go to the higher ranks in the school and explain your case.
    Now, for a rational adult, the second option would be the best, as you skip the part of dealing with annoying people, but school kids aren't exactly rational, and they might even continue bullying even after speaking up with the higher ups.(this has to do with someting very simple, the school isn't responsible for the bad habits learned at home or whatever mess they're facing at home) In the eyes of some kids, going to speak to the Principal or whoever, might be seemed as weakness, as you can't really defend your'self and worst case, they might even seek revenge when you're alone. When you defend yourself, they'll recognize you as someone they should respect instead of their punching ball prey. most bullies will understand stuff with actions rather than words.
    I hope this can be of help to you.

  • Teaser on the "Kitsune" 3.9 years ago


  • crate piston engine boxer 8 4.0 years ago

    wow, congrats on this engine! the max I could do with an inline 4 was 4.25x piston speed, but yours does 4.4x, really impressive!

  • KpfPz.IX Taika A3(Vaultech) 4.0 years ago

    @Thomasroderick thank you very much! hope you enjoy the tank!

  • Why is the word "Poi" getting Blacklisted on discord servers?? 4.0 years ago

    @BuiltBionixInd10 keep the Yudachi tradition, poi.

  • fubuki 4.0 years ago

    Korone next? :3

  • Trial operation 4.0 years ago

    what on earth did I just watch... this is really amazing!

  • MF 220 C-3b Drachen (Luftwaffee challenge) 4.2 years ago

    @Sutairs @munchakoopa @ CenturiVonKikie thank you very much!, I hope you enjoy this aircraft!

  • MF 220 C-3b Drachen (Luftwaffee challenge) 4.2 years ago

    @RicardoAs1515 @Locurapuntocom @emanuelga, thank you very much guys, I hope this aircraft can meet your expectations.

  • MF 220 C-3b Drachen (Luftwaffee challenge) 4.2 years ago

    @MrVaultech Thank you very much! really apreciate it!

  • Words in Russian I have seen people use that they don't understand 4.2 years ago

    @ThePilotDude I swear in whatever language coms to my mind first xd
