Dev joeysellers Comments

  • Rey From Star Wars 3.5 years ago

    @KnightOfRen As Old Man Hermit Luke Skywalker would say: “No one's ever really gone.”

  • Monster 3.6 years ago

    Well, golly, I just don't know why so many noobs aren't good enough at this game to fly this plane...

  • Star Wars Episode VIII "The Last Jedi" 3.6 years ago

    @Awsomur I'm reading your comment 2 years later and laughing. :P

  • Rey From Star Wars 3.6 years ago

    @NumbersNumbersTheMan You have awoken me from my long slumber to stumble upon this prediction again. Thank you. :)

  • Andrew Garrison on Jetpacks 7.2 years ago

    This is the best design of Andrew Garrison that I've seen thus far. He looks like he was designed to be a muppet, which is pretty true to life.

  • Am I the only one to have noticed this? 7.2 years ago

    The base inspiration for Star Wars was "Buck Rogers" if I recall correctly. George Lucas wanted to make a movie for that franchise, but couldn't because of legal issues, so he created his own universe.

  • Am I the only one to have noticed this? 7.2 years ago

    @MechWARRIOR57 Yes, Doctor Who is still running. It was off air for several years (but still had books & comics & even a made-for-TV movie), but it's still around. I said "long-running" because I'm not sure if there is another TV program that has been the air longer than that show. Does anybody know of another one?

  • Am I the only one to have noticed this? 7.2 years ago

    @KDS Star Wars is better, but I didn't mention Star Trek. Bossk is in The Empire Strikes Back, but his costume came from the long-running TV show DOCTOR WHO.

  • All parts plane...what am i doing 7.2 years ago

    It's so beautiful, but so hard to see through these tears of joy.

  • Star trek 7.2 years ago

    Make it so.

  • What does the SEA MONSTER say? 7.2 years ago

    @Cadin Not sure, but I'd say Nathan used a trigger for the skybox storm. I animated the mesh of Cthulhu (which Kevin created) using Unity's animation tools.

  • Lets tatk about star wars 7.2 years ago

    Do you think that Snoke is related to the Skywalkers?

  • Is SR2 gonna be on steam? 7.2 years ago

    Most likely, yes. It will also be available on mobile.

  • (W/thanks) Jundroo please put ADs in the website! 7.2 years ago

    Website ads?! Okay, I'll bite. Which ad company do you work for? ;)
    We would rather not monetize our games or this website with third party ads. It just feels... dirty. We should have the funding to keep us going until we release SimpleRockets 2 later this year.
    But if you're truly worried, feel free to purchase & gift as many copies of SimplePlanes to your family, friends, co-workers, neighbors, or random strangers. We'd rather get paid from sales, not by annoying our players with irrelevant commercials.

  • SpaceVehicle First Attempt 7.3 years ago

    This design looks amazing! I can't wait to see what kind of vehicles are created in SimpleRockets 2!

  • Dad Jokes 7.3 years ago

    Why did the monkey fall out of the tree?
    Answer: It was dead!
    Why did the second monkey fall out of the tree?
    Answer: Peer pressure.
    Why did the third monkey fall out of the tree?
    Answer: It was stapled to the second monkey.

  • Leaked screenshot of SimpleRockets 2 7.3 years ago

    @MechWARRIOR57 Hope this helps.

  • Leaked screenshot of SimpleRockets 2 7.3 years ago

    @MechWARRIOR57 Read more Douglas Adams.

  • Star Wars Episode VIII "The Last Jedi" 7.3 years ago

    In the opening crawl of The Force Awakens, it says that Luke Skywalker is the last Jedi. Also, Snoke calls Luke the last Jedi in the film itself. As far as the title referring to plural Jedi, I'm excited for what that could mean..

  • Star Wars Episode VIII "The Last Jedi" 7.3 years ago

    I just hope that Luke Skywalker doesn't die in this movie.

  • What does the SEA MONSTER say? 7.3 years ago

    @MechWARRIOR57 I'm not saying you didn't piece something together, based on a muffled stream of phonetic sounds. People find patterns by instinct, even if they're random and subjective, like seeing shapes in clouds. What I am saying, however, is that the sounds I mixed together had no decipherable words, and I'm not even sure if the language being spoken was English, so if anybody is looking for a hidden meaning, there isn't one that was intentionally put there.

  • What does the SEA MONSTER say? 7.3 years ago

    @MechWARRIOR57 Ha! Yes, I'm pretty sure. But you could probably discern a few phonetic sounds and piece something together. I'm not even sure which language the voices are whispering, to be honest.

  • What does the dumb bomb say to the ground? 7.3 years ago

    @Konade1 A burn? Oops, didn't mean to go off on anybody. (I did it again!)

  • Rey From Star Wars 7.3 years ago

    @KDS Exactly! She would have been his apprentice, if he wasn't killed by Vader when she was a child. Think about it: the daughter of the bad guy is now the good guy, and the son of the good guys is now the bad guy. Star Wars is a soap opera in space: a space opera!
    My only reservation is about her age. Ben Solo hadn't been born yet, so this would mean that Rey would be quite a bit older than Kylo Ren. I'm not sure if that's accurate for this theory to work out, though.

  • People Stealing Others Creation And Reposting ( JUNDROO ) 7.3 years ago

    Consent is not required. Once you publish your design, just like any good artist in our world, it simply no longer belongs to you, but the community.
    I understand that the text for the predecessor may be too small, like reading through some fine print, so that's something we'll keep in mind the next time we need to update the website. What's the solution? Make the font size bigger? Animate some fireworks with some fanfare-blaring audio?

  • What does the dumb bomb say to the ground? 7.3 years ago

    I was expecting to be blown away with a joke of this caliber. I reFUSE to leave without making an impact, however. Let's have a blast! I'll keep dropping puns in here until business is booming again.

  • What does the dumb bomb say to the ground? 7.3 years ago

    Well, this joke is a dud. You really blew it. You bombed!

  • Is there a driving path up to the Pyramid of Et? 7.3 years ago

    Confirmed. Extraterrestrial (E.T.) aliens built the Pyramid of Et! Ha, glad someone caught the reference. The word "Et" looks/sounds Egyptian, though.
    To answer your question, there are no driving paths specifically designed to run up/down either of Maywar's massive mesas, as far as I know. I created that island, but Kevin created a few race tracks on that island in a couple of places. I do not think he made a path like you're asking about. I know he put a few paths on Snowstone, and especially on Krakabloa, both of which he designed.

  • Rey From Star Wars 7.3 years ago

    I do not think that Rey is a Skywalker. Thematically, it makes since in TFA that Rey is a Kenobi. However, I think the real twist will be that Rey is related to Palpatine somehow, possibly 'created' like Anakin and then abandoned on Jakku, like how Saw left Jyn Erso behind because people would figure out who she was and use her for their own political purposes.

  • People Stealing Others Creation And Reposting ( JUNDROO ) 7.3 years ago

    If the concern is about points, the original creator earns bonus points when others copy their work and receives upvotes.
    It's like a pyramid scheme, so if you find others copying your planes, with minor or major tweaks, you can sit back and bask as other people drum up the points for you.

  • I'm now an aerospace engineering student, farewell~ 7.3 years ago

    We love to hear stories like these! Best of luck, and don't be a stranger!

  • Look at this dank game by joeysellers (developer) 7.3 years ago

    @ProKillaV12 I've been given the lead on a secret Jundroo game project, which we are developing alongside SimpleRockets 2. I work remote anyway, so I do work alone often, but the support I receive from my amazing team at Jundroo is incredible.

  • Look at this dank game by joeysellers (developer) 7.3 years ago

    I made that game in 9 months, by myself, and had a few friends help me with the trailer with a budget of $100. It was a good experience, but selling that game certainly didn't pay the bills. However, the game design and writing definitely got the attention of the team at Jundroo.

  • Farewell, EUCL3D :( 7.3 years ago

    @frostbite @Seabo14 Yes! The Export function will still be available.

  • my swing-wing fighter 7.4 years ago

    @leoyao That's kind of a rude question, isn't it? To be polite and answer, for the sake of transparency, I featured it because it's a great build from a (currently) low-rank player, who also happens to have a fantastic attitude, and (most importantly to me) they were proudly showing it off on Twitter, outside this website. I do not feature planes that often, and there's no real criteria I follow.
    As far as what you think is "good enough" to be featured, that's your own aesthetic. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, no?

  • A Long Time Ago In A Galaxy Far, Far Away... 7.4 years ago

    I am one with the Force and the Force is with me.

  • my swing-wing fighter 7.4 years ago

    @destroyerP I spotlighted this, too. Good work!

  • I have this homework... 7.4 years ago

    @WorldClassMods Sorry, I was hoping you'd be inspired instead of stressed out.

  • I have this homework... 7.4 years ago

    @WorldClassMods Not everyone has that attitude towards homework. You research and study topics that you may not do on your own, and the work makes you all the wiser for doing so. It's helpful, in life, to be able to relate to as many people as you can, and being informed about several subjects gives you that advantage, like learning some history about the Holocaust through Anne Frank's diary. At the very least, you might understand the punchline in some tasteless jokes.

  • CHALLENGE IDEAS? 7.4 years ago

    How about who can design the best pirate ship?

  • Monster 7.4 years ago

    @MechWARRIOR57 Correct. I was just testing out the editor in the game, but when Andrew saw this, he demanded that I upload it, so I did so to tickle his fancy.

  • Username Changes 7.4 years ago

    @speedmachine21 Please re-read the last paragraph of the post. However, it is not likely that we will change your username, unless you have a very compelling reason why you need this change.

  • Username Changes 7.4 years ago

    To state the obvious: if you want your name changed, please read the post above. Commenting for a name change request now, after the specified deadline, simply demonstrates that following instructions is not your best quality.

  • I Have A Question For You... 7.5 years ago

    Devs do not control upvotes. That power is with the players. Ask them.

  • Lockheed C-130 Hercules 7.5 years ago

    @Kevinairlines Why did you tag me? Don't spam tags. Please include a message if you tag a dev.

  • Cheating?! Or not? 7.5 years ago

    I'm not sure what you're asking, though.

  • Cheating?! Or not? 7.5 years ago

    From the rules:
    "If you are circumventing the predecessor/successor system, then you will be banned. Never upload a successor as an original design; give credit to the designer of its predecessor."
    What is the purpose of uploading an unlisted successor? Why wouldn't you give credit to the original designer in this scenario?

  • EXTRA LIFE 7.5 years ago

    @BonesOfFlying AWESOME!

  • #SimplePlanes trends 7.5 years ago

    @MrTaco I respectfully disagree.
    Not every theist believes in a literal interpretation of the Bible. For example, consider the Catholic church. They don't see the Bible as the hand-written transcription of God's word-for-word interview with the latest human prophet. They believe that the Bible is merely a collection of books, written by fallible men who were inspired by their faith and beliefs, and that within some of these writings you can discover the Word of God. They also believe in evolution, and interpret some books of the Bible as poetry, allegory, or metaphor. Hope this helps.
    This is an interesting discussion, but since this conversation has deviated WILDLY from the original off-topic post about misspelled hashtags on social media, I think it best that I bow out of any more of this. Peace! :)