228k jamesPLANESii Comments

  • Today is my Birthday. I enter Adulthood today. 2.6 years ago

    I'm 19 and I still feel like like kid

  • Bush Plane 2.6 years ago

    Boosche plein

  • F4 Phanton 2.6 years ago

    The F-4 Phantom has become the new P-51 of the SP website

  • 1.11 Beta is now available 2.7 years ago

    This is the most revolutionary update in SP history I'm telling ya

  • Is There Female Players?? 2.7 years ago

    I'm gonna a be honest, I think the number of actual girls I've seen here for the entire time I've been here is no higher than 15.
    In fact, I've seen almost as many trans people here as girls. That's saying something.

  • [PINNED] Official Discord Server List. 2.7 years ago

    Ngl it would be nice of these pinned forums were visually separate from normal forums, like, if they had a blue tinted background or something

  • Petition: Shocks 2.7 years ago

    That's actually a really cool idea!

  • SPVR Update - Control Base 2.7 years ago

    Can you make this part floppy so you can use it like a ball joint in suspension?
    Or are you gonna add proper ball joints?

  • should i play this game 2.8 years ago

    The best part of the SP designer is that the nudge increment and the part adjustment increment are completely unlinked, and the minimum nudge increment is 0.1 of a millimetre, so placing things precisely and adjusting the length of things is really quick and easy. Also you can do multiple things at the same time without having to go into the settings, like you can rotate things and nudge things at exactly the same time. Also the hot keys to rotate things always rotates it by 90 degrees, so if you want things adjusted quickly before placing them on your plane, that can be done without excessive clicking or having parts being unexpectedly rotated. Also if you want stuff done in more precision, there's one single menu where you can nudge and rotate things and adjust their increments, and it's super easy to use.
    The main complaint of the SP designer is that placing parts on your plane can be a pain in the butt as parts never seem to want to go where you want, and when you place them, they attach to everything. But the thing that causes this, in my opinion, is a thing that's extremely useful if you make more detailed builds: parts have have unlimited connections to other parts. This can be super useful if you're building extremely detailed, small things like custom logos and gauge clusters and cockpits, where some parts need to be connected to like 50 other parts at once. The game also has a connection editor so controlling the connections around mechanisms is a breeze

  • Balsa Flight Simulator: A Simpleplanes Killer? 2.8 years ago

    1. They're RC planes
    2. All the parts (other than wings) can't be adjusted.

  • SPVR - Fuselage Slice 2.8 years ago

    I think the ability to also have a cut on the side and the bottom will be really useful too

  • SPVR Update - Gauges 2.9 years ago

    @Lightningtreesavoralt I f*** hate building gauges. It may not look like it, but as much as a third of the time it takes to build a plane is actually just making the gauges. The reason why a lot of my latest builds have taken so long to be released is when I get up to building the gauges, I die inside because they take so much work for very minimal visual progress, and I start procrastinating. This update is honestly one of the best things that's happened to this game.

  • Small Feature Wish List for v1.11 Update 2.9 years ago

    @TheSolarFlare I think the USS tiny should be updated, but I think it should stay the same size. It's small size is a part of what makes it fun :)

  • SimplePlanes VR - Coming 2021 to Steam and Oculus Quest 2.9 years ago

    Question, are you adding semi hollow fuselages aswell? Because if you are, then SimplePlanes is pretty much everything I have ever dreamed of. :D

  • Misutani Shion Mz2 3.1 years ago

    I hope this is what cars look like in the future

  • Suggestion: See who's Blocked You 3.3 years ago

    No. One level up:
    The ability to see who other people have blocked

  • Realistic cockpit glass trick 3.4 years ago

    I generally make it so you can't see the glass from the inside because the reflections don't reflect the craft

  • This is so unfair. Come on guys. 3.4 years ago

    You need more points than the person you're spotlighting to be able to spotlight their craft, and you happen to not have many points and therefore way more people have the ability to spotlight your build

  • This is a rickroll. 3.5 years ago

    That is my gender on instagram

  • 1.10 Beta is now available 3.8 years ago

    Still no semi hollow fuselage blocks 😭

  • Bruh what 3.8 years ago


  • Addressing Yesterday 3.9 years ago

    Shhhh shhhhh
    this doesn’t need to go on any longer

  • I am not willing to cough up $188 a year sub. just for an updated 747-8 and 787-9 4.0 years ago

    Subscriptions are the bane of existence.

  • #SodiumChlorideisoverparty 4.0 years ago

    We don’t cancel culture here.

  • How to play SimplePlanes 4.1 years ago

    1. Skip all of the tutorials and go straight to sandbox.
    2. Complain that you can’t find where to find parts and don’t know how to add fuel or make your planes fly.
    3. Tantrum hard.
    4. Complain to the devs, leave a negative review on steam, and ask for your money back.

    You’d be surprised how many people do this.

  • Goodbye, Randomusername... 4.3 years ago

    Massive over reaction ngl

  • *Accidentally Discovers Location* 4.4 years ago

    W8 you hadn’t discovered Snowstone yet?

  • Funky Trees! 4.5 years ago


  • Smarter AI 4.8 years ago

    Instead of just having the AI modes as normal and aggressive, there should be more modes such as formation, aerobatics, follow me & match speed, air to ground target, run away, etc.
    It’d be way more fun and the formation and follow modes would be amazing for screenshots and vids

  • P-51D-30 Mustang 4.8 years ago

    Name: @airbusa380
    Profile picture: Boeing 737 MAX
    This is like... betrayal or something.

  • Future updates to the Google Play version of SimplePlanes will no longer support mods 4.9 years ago

    Please add something like Designer Suite into the default game. Especially the part connections editor and the ability for other cam and the ability to put pictures in the background of the designer that show up when you look in a certain view... oh that’s everything lol.
    SP certainly needs this though.

  • bruh is this what its like being on mobile 5.0 years ago

    On mobile you have two hands and you can see 3 across.

  • Loop in a glider! 5.1 years ago

    Well I guess y’all know what I look like now lol.

  • There needs to be a map that allows us to drive land vehicles properly 5.6 years ago

    Tbh I think the map we have at the moment is incomplete and boring. It would be really nice if we have a huge map update in 1.8 @Hayhayjam664

  • SimplePlanes Is dead is now a meme 5.6 years ago

    This meme will be worse than the worms in the fact that it will actually drive people away from SP.

  • wing suggestions for 1.8 5.7 years ago

    Actual wings

    That don’t just have a rectangle shape as their airfoil.

  • Grammar police pls stop 5.7 years ago

    You mean, f***.

  • B-24 D [42-72843, no. 24, Strawberry Btch] 5.8 years ago

    Have you seriously not had an account before now...

  • We've lost a known user today... 5.9 years ago

    Most emotional response ever @BaconEggs

  • Petition to limit users to ONE FORUM POST PER DAY 5.9 years ago

    What I think though is that there should be more restrictions about the “off topic” tag. People tend to use it as though they can just post anything they like with it, like what they had for dinner. Here’s what I think:
    • The post must have some importance that it’s worth the community knowing about
    • If it doesn’t relate to the first rule, it must be aviation/vehicle related, or cool stuff related (such as Sea Sprite not landing in my school field XD)
    • And obviously it can’t just be spam.

  • Petition to limit users to ONE FORUM POST PER DAY 5.9 years ago

    Here’s the reason why I don’t have any issues with people uploading too many forum posts:
    1. As long as the have something important to say, it’s fine!
    2. Forum posts give you barely any points, so uploading heaps isn’t a way to get tones of points
    3. If you upload tones of posts, it’s just an indication that you are active on the community! (But maybe you should join a discord server though XD)

  • SimplePlanes 2 FAQ one month ago

    • Is the map outsources and made professionally or made by you guys?
    • Is it possible to fully adjust the posture of the playable charicter... dude... guy?
    • Are the old SP parts going to be updated and modernised, like making gauges more customisable, making it possible to adjust the number of polygons fuselage blocks have, improving the adjustability of wheels etc?
    • Are the buttons and menus in the designer going to be updated to make it more ergonomic?
    • Are you going to scrap funky trees and replace it with a more sensible coding language?

  • can someone PLEASE get me up to speed 2 months ago

    The longer I'm here the more I feel I'm getting way too old for this site

  • Final post 8 months ago

    Flyout makes building complex-shaped aircraft WAY quicker and simpler, but it has a few drawbacks:

    • You can't change the number of polygons fuselages have, so if you want a flat side with a square corner, you have to perfectly line up all the nodes, which don't have a typable number for their locations (you have to locate them all by eye)
    • Rotators are very simple, which make building complex mechanisms like realistic suspension a lot harder than in SP
    • Tbh, the designer camera controls are annoying

    Tbh, although SP is a pain in the ass to build with and stuff takes an eternity to make, the physics side of it and the ability to add significantly more detail to your builds is why I still play this instead of flyout.

  • SP died today 9 months ago

    you could always just not delete it

  • Spawnable Island 10 months ago

    Oh mah gawd

  • Is it okay if I put on bikini anime girl for my PFP? 10 months ago

    @ColonelCanada We were too lazy and were fired lol
    Well, the devs were doing 99% of the curating for months and we stood ourselves down.
    Planes are still getting curated by the devs now

  • Mobile Sale 11 months ago

    In the next update can we please have a $20.99 monthly subscription paywall for fuslage block plz kthxbye

  • Goodbye. 1.4 years ago

    The worlds can be one together
    Cosmos without hatred
    Stars like diamonds in your eyes
    The ground can be space (space, space, space, space)
    With feet marching towards a peaceful sky
    All the Moonmen want things their way
    But we make sure they see the sun
    Goodbye, Moonmen
    We say goodbye, Moonmen
    Goodbye, Moonmen
    Goodbye, Moonmen
    Oh, goodbye
    Cosmos without hatred
    Diamond stars of cosmic light
    Quasars shine through endless nights
    And everything is one in the beauty
    And now we say goodbye, Moonmen
    We say goodbye, Moonmen
    Goodbye, Moonmen
    Goodbye, Moonmen
    Oh, goodbye
    Shut the f^^^ up about Moonmen!

  • Cardboard Tornado 1.4 years ago

    truely the thumbnail of all time
