Dev WNP78 Comments

  • Comparison (>, <, ==) In 1.9 Funky Trees [Flight System Showcase] 4.5 years ago

    I knew this would happen xD

  • I broke the game..... look below 4.6 years ago

    @BuiltBionixInd10 thanks for the tag but I think there are more pressing concerns since this post is 2.8 years old...

  • The INDISPUTABLE evidence that SimplePlanes IS dead 5.5 years ago

    @Gravity that's a faked link, stop spreading lies. Like anyone's gonna trust you anyway, squirrel is a mod so he is a reliable information source.

  • Answer if you can. (Not off-topic) 5.6 years ago

    The water is a disc, that follows you around. As you near islands, they load, and when you fly away they unload. The ocean, not around the islands, has no bottom. The USS beast would pass to the West of Krakabloa, theoretically passing within 2.75 miles of the hangars at bandit. Unless you knock it...

  • Uh Oh... 5.6 years ago


  • You get 25 points for every upvote when you make a mod. 5.9 years ago

    @DuckMintnewprofile "easy points" haahhahahaahahahaaaa no

  • GAMF-02A Camille 6.3 years ago

    @CRJ900Pilot @MrAspy
    If you think you're going to get this post removed, you're wrong.
    If you think you're going to make any difference whatsoever except to annoy everyone, you're wrong.
    If you think you're not wasting everyone's time right now, you're wrong.

  • Bug thread for v1.12.128 (current version) one year ago

    @Palliumindustries I can't speak for the company, but I will say that you're not exactly the first person to mention that here. I personally think people that think we should just copy over or inspire features from flyout are missing a few key points, first of which being that making our game into another game that already exists is a terrible business strategy. The other thing I think that happens a lot is people make the false assumption that "if [game x] gains n users, [game y] will lose n users!" which isn't true at a scale like this. Playing a game isn't an exclusive contract and very few people just play one game all the time. If anything, increased interest in the genre is good for us, and the chance of Flyout "replacing" SP is approximately zero because it's a PC only game, which SP is not. This reasoning is backed up by the fact that the massively popular Kerbal Space Program and its AAA-backed successor KSP 2 has yet to kill Juno: New Origins. More people interested in engineering and aerospace? Cool. That's what we make games about. Also, this is the bug report post, not for suggestions. The forums are for those.

  • Can I claim this? 5.4 years ago

    There isn't really a concept of intellectual property in SP - sure you will get a post taken down for literally re-uploading someone else's work, but if you built it yourself, it doesn't matter if somebody has done it before, and nobody can "own" a concept.

  • Predictions and Thoughts on SR2 6.0 years ago

    No, uservoice is a very useful platform, and the rule is there for a reason. Otherwise you'd get lots of "im-more-important-than-everyone-else-so-im-going-to-put-all-my-ideas-into-one-post-so-that-then-people-vote-for-it-and-they-all-get-added" posts with a load of votes, and the devs have no idea how they are to be prioritised. It also means people have to choose wisely where they put their votes instead of just blindly seeing something on the forums and thinking "huh, that sounds cool" and upvoting. As well as this, it keeps everything in one place and frankly, I'm getting quite annoyed (and I'm not even on the dev team lol) at all the posts complaining about x and y and asking things of the developers which would take months to implement fully instead of putting it on uservoice like all the other people because my idea is better and it needs attention on the forums.

  • What is the SimplePlanes Masterchat? 6.2 years ago

    It's a group of people from SP who chat. That's about it. You don't get in by just asking nicely though, we select people at our own pace and vote on all new members. Some people accuse us of being elitist, some of them have inflated egos and think they have the right to be in there, but most simply don't understand. We vote carefully to make sure we have a good balance of talent, and keep the environment free from conflict and arguments. To be honest, nobody really needs to know - if you were voted in, you'd be contacted privately. If not, you'd probably never hear about it. The concept may sound harsh and elitist, especially to a new person or outsider, but it is what keeps the chat friendly, productive and conflict free.

  • what game do you play while waiting and SP2? 12 days ago

    simple planes 2

  • I got a small question 25 days ago

    i had to stop for a challenger 2 crossing the road once

  • What's Next? 10 months ago

    @windshifter1 unfortunately I feel like there just isn't enough time. Personally I have about a million ideas for things to do to SP, and a finite amount of time. Also, the ideas you suggested, although they sound simple on the surface would actually require a lot of reworking of SP's systems - which would be a nonsensical thing to do if we were already thinking of a potential sequel

  • ComplexPlanes 1.2 years ago

    dude's cooking some kinda TempleOS game

  • It's time for a new name for SimpleRockets 2 1.4 years ago

    @IDNSatyaUpdootGrinder the propellor part is being added as part of the 1.0 update

  • THEY REMOVE MY POST FOR NO REASON!!!!! 2.2 years ago

    Simply recolouring and reuploading a post isn't considered enough to be "significant changes" to a craft.

  • Nukes 2.5 years ago

    @Shmitzseneous nope, this uses scripts which don't work on android mods any more. Only mods without scripts like some simple maps or parts etc work on android.

  • a bunch of questions about the beta 2.7 years ago

    1. Yes, a lot
    2. No
    3. Activation groups + landing gear only right now, hopefully at some point I can integrate them with the variables system like control base.
    4. No
    5. Yes, with reflections set to realtime
    6. Mainly in aircraft load times, so won't make a big difference to FPS
    7. Don't know
    8. Debug expressions is close enough
    9. Blueprints should stick around more now, not quite sure what you're asking though
    10. If you have SPVR and SP purchased on steam, you'll have an "enable VR" button in flight to jump in and out
    11. Not sure

  • SPVR - Fuselage Slice 2.8 years ago

    @DeezDucks It wasn't to cackle at you later, I was cackling as you were doing it, on mute

  • SPVR - Fuselage Slice 2.8 years ago

    Thanks to @pedro16797 for helping with the thumbnail, though I chose not to use the alternative version that Andrew suggested he make.

  • Have You Ever Noticed How the Gravity is Really Off? 2.9 years ago

    I believe it is set to just 9.81m/s2. If it looks off, then what's probably happening is the scale of your car is off - there's very little sense of scale when viewing on a 2d monitor. If your brain assumes it's normal car size, then the gravitational acceleration seems small in comparison, when in fact the gravity is normal and the car is big.

  • (SPExtra Teaser) Screens and Curved Screens 3.1 years ago

    I don't know if you have enough points now or it just works because I edited it but it shows the photo now

  • Hold up one second. 3.2 years ago

    SP screenshots actually come up a lot on image search results. I've actually been looking for reference material on aircraft while working, and ironically all I could find was SP screenshots. Most people don't know it's an SP screenshot if it's well built, so those who don't do huge amounts of research are bound to end up with some.

  • TrollShield 3.6 years ago

    @ParziParziTheVal please don't comment on my post just for the sake of leaving a pointless trail of links through the site. It's a waste of space and time.

  • New update bug: The underwater Camera(????) 3.8 years ago

    This has been found and was fixed by Andrew for the next round of beta testing.

  • Next update..........GLASS! 4.0 years ago

    @JustDatGuy Contrary to what you've assumed, I've personally investigated it. It's not like we throw your ideas into a pit - I'm a player too and I'd love to have transparent parts! But some things are impractical or would be glitchy to implement for technical reasons. In this case, the water system uses something called the depth buffer to determine what depth value things are at on the screen. It is an image, each pixel corresponds to each pixel on the screen and gives information as to how far the object drawn at that pixel is from the game camera. This allows it to determine if said pixel is underwater, and render it accordingly. But when a transparent part is used, you can now look through the transparent part and see other parts - so there's multiple objects being drawn, at the same pixel on the screen - but the depth buffer only stores one value, and the water rendering wouldn't work. Even playing games with massive budgets, like JC4, I've noticed glass being completely broken in water. Water isn't the only thing that uses the depth buffer, but this is an example. Of course, it'd be surmountable with enough work and consideration. But time is money.

  • Why is IMGUR so janky? 4.1 years ago

    Imgur has actually for some reason blocked requests that have the origin marked as from this site. When you set the protocol to http, the browser recognises that it's communicating on an insecure channel, and so doesn't actually provide the "origin" field as it normally would, I guess for security/privacy reasons in case anyone's eavesdropping. But as a side-effect of that, imgur doesn't know the request is coming from a page on this site so doesn't block it. HTTP links have their own problems, and I don't recommend them since they cause security warnings in browsers. I'd just recommend you use a different image host, like the ones below or just post it to discord and link from there.

  • Answer if you can. (Not off-topic) 5.6 years ago

    From the very end, yeager airport runways are 2.71km long. From the start location, it's 2.577km

  • Martin Hammerhead STOL 5.9 years ago

    You should try and make it more realistic...
    - Size is off. Try getting the passenger, (hidden part, you can find a subassembly somewhere, partType is Passenger-1. You could almost fit two floors of sitting people in that cabin if they reclined, and it's supposed to be a one-seater. The cabin itself is about the same width as a 4-seat Cessna 172.
    - Also weighs a lot too much (heavier than a 172 on max load)
    - Has way too much drag, so that despite having modded wing area (twice that of a decent glider), it's glide ratio is that of a brick
    - To compensate for the huge amount of drag you've massively overpowered the engines, which causes it to accelerate at roughly 0.9g forwards, and can maintain a climb of 50 degrees. The thing this is based on which only floats were added to claims "realistic performance". It does 0-60 in the same time as a Ferrari F50, but on water.
    - The engine placement is simply not feasible. Putting the engines in a reinforced airtight metal box would protect them from a propstrike very well, but blocking off so much of it is just terrible for efficiency.
    - It carries roughly as much fuel as a Cessna 208 regional airliner but with it's flight endurance of a drunk cockroach can only just about make it to Bandit from the seaplane hangar at water, and landed with 2% fuel. It uses 3% to take off.
    You've put some work into detailing it, but it's better to start out with a reasonable design in the first place.

  • Damn, it feels good to be back! one month ago

    we are so back
    or should I say wing're so back

  • Stepping down 1.3 years ago

    @Bellcat jokes? we don't do jokes here.

  • Ukraine Tag? 1.7 years ago

    Ukraine tag has been added. If anyone wants another country to be added, feel free to ask.

  • What On Earth Is This? 2.2 years ago

    @Korzalerke I don't maintain the site, however I am able to tell pretty easily that what you have stumbled on is in fact your own bio. They're posts like any other so that they can fit in with the rest of the system for reporting, deleting, editing etc.

  • Should I upload this BEFORE or AFTER the update? (Teaser sort-of) 2.8 years ago

    I'd just go for it now, you'll probably want to start anew after the update with the latest blog post

  • Regarding posts in the Mods section 3.5 years ago

    Except this forum. This forum can be in the mods section.

  • Underwater Camera 3.9 years ago

    @Yeetmenflyer mods that work on the 1.9 android version do not have code in them.

  • Mathematically generated game map vs. Old cartographer's game map. 4.2 years ago

    By the way, you could just save locations, open your Settings.xml file, and check the co-ordinates there if you didn't want to use the dev console. Or use the Mod Tools Assets package to view the entire world's models in the unity editor, where you can view positions directly.

  • Beta 1.9.202 4.2 years ago

    @randomusername they do, just missed them off the update notes by accident. Check again!

  • Simple_Land 4.4 years ago

    @klm747klm747 I wish you good luck finding that end... keep looking

  • Why No Air To Air (Yes...Unguided) Rockets? 5.1 years ago

    For a quick bodge, you could disable the guidance on an A2A missile by setting the manoeuvrability characteristics (maxHeadingAngleAdjustmentRate and maxVelocityAngleAdjustmentRate to 0). Would still require a lock to fire but you could make it instant 360 lock I guess.

  • That's not how you conduct air-to-air refueling... 5.2 years ago

    I'm not the best at it, but it could have gone worse

  • The secret of the Brown Pearl 5.2 years ago

    that's for you to find out! You think they'd give it away?

  • A plane lands on a beach. This is what happened to it's pilot: 5.4 years ago

    The prize is the disappointment of finding out the holes in it are fake

  • Velocity of missiles 5.4 years ago

    The missile does not consider itself properly launched when it is still connected to the main cockpit and the targeting will not work. The target max speed for the inferno missile is 450m/s = 1006.6 mph.

  • Petition! Highten the tag limit! 5.4 years ago

    @Chancey21 no asking for upvotes, RIP, account permabanned, house demolished, amirite @Tully2001

  • Part Batch XML editor python script 5.5 years ago

    @randomusername I have a mod in progress that would contain a function like this but I don't have as much time to finish it and this script was sat around in my files.

  • Kraken Surgery 5.6 years ago

    @tsampoy @Chancey21 the kraken does not take damage.

    except during a long and convoluted easter egg trail I left in a mod and nobody has found yet.

  • M.Corp Banhammer SSMS 5.8 years ago

    You just had to call it that, didn't you?
