35.5k V Comments

  • Customizable Rims? 4.3 years ago

    @ssenmodnar dont ping the gods,

  • P-51D-30 Mustang 4.8 years ago

    969 upverts

  • Goodbye. 1.4 years ago

    Cya. Your knowledge will apply very well in whatever field you choose.

  • How could this happen? 1.7 years ago

    Yet another victim of the undo button

  • I'm not Dead 1.8 years ago

    We had a funeral and everything, how are you alive?

  • Dopamine Injector 1.9 years ago

    I remember seeing this on Reddit, gave me a good chuckle

  • Curated? 2.4 years ago

    Thats what us green ranks do

  • Dear Devs... 2.4 years ago

    This sometimes happens even if there isnt a part on the other side

  • The rules for curation 2.5 years ago

    @BeastHunter congrats on 10k points!

  • Simple Planes Movie 2.5 years ago

    So why do you need money for this? You can use whatever builds you want as long as you leave credit and have asked for permission to use them

  • SimplePlanes Store pages are outdated 2.6 years ago

    I've been complaining about this since 1.7

  • Small Feature Wish List for v1.11 Update 2.8 years ago

    Make it so I can press the undo button more than once without shattering reality

  • somebody start drama i'm bored 3.4 years ago

    [insert hate comment here]

  • My first doritos wing 3.5 years ago

    Was expecting a delta wing

  • The Final SimplePlanes Weekly, with Awsomur. 3.9 years ago

    History is repeating itself.
    I learned a lesson or two from the drama i started, and im grateful for learning that lesson because it comes into play now

  • Tully2001 140K celebration post 5.4 years ago

    How does one know how many points a moderator has?

  • This is a massive loss!!! 23 days ago

    I have some of their stuff backed up on my old phone. When I'm back from vacation I'll pull em off and upload them unlisted.

    About account security, i do believe there is some sort of vulnerability on the site. While I was curator, I had my account compromised. Not sure how it happened since my password is 50 characters long and is stored in an encrypted password manager (keepass), but I noticed some comments I didn't send and immediately told Andrew about it. Thankfully I still had access to the account so I just changed the password to force log them out and I haven't had any issues since.

  • GOOD and HELPFULL suggestions for update one year ago

    Before we go adding big stuff, the game needs to go through some spring cleaning. I've already made a road map for an update that does just that. Here's a quick rundown of it:

    Simpleplanes 1.13: just the little things.
    Fix bugs. Lots of bugs
    Add as much quality of life stuff as possible
    Rename mods to extra on mobile
    Sort saved airplanes alphabetically
    Update tutorials to show how fuselages work
    Add In-game funky trees tutorial, snow left sp and his guides aren't being updated anymore.
    In-game version of simplecheats II, I've stopped updating it and will make it open source soon
    Allow exports of STL files
    Allow weapons to have any input
    Allow changing of the brake input on landing gear and wheels
    Change the LandingGear input to be a boolean
    Recompile the game so the Google play store doesn't block the game from being installed on newer devices
    Add in-game disclaimers about mod support on mobile
    On mobile, add a dedicated dev console button instead of having it be a 3 finger tap. A lag spike will make the console appear almost every time.
    remove tournament verifier
    Bring back best of all time on website
    Bring back developer section in the users page
    Allow changing physics settings on SPVR quest (with disclaimers and warnings)
    And lots other smaller stuff

  • Gold Prix 0:00 1.7 years ago

    im almost done with my 3 second TAS then this shows up

  • ArtiElf Type I 1.9 years ago

    you are now on the top page of highest rated of all time

  • so long nerd 2.0 years ago

    May he rest in peace, for technoblade has never lost a fight, even against cancer. Since the cancer died when he did, the battle was technically a draw. Technoblade never dies!

  • Now accepting moderator applications 2.0 years ago

    @Jwpdaviesjr I belive the minimum age would be 18, as having a minor on the mod team would have bad publicity, plus the immaturity of a moderator who is young may cause issues. As for the amount of mods being added, I belive only one moderator will be selected.

  • Among Us VR 2.0 years ago

    curators notes

    No. Just no.
    Plus this will induce seizures in quest 2 users due to the gyroscope shaking around in low physics

  • What planes have you been in? 2.0 years ago

    Been in: F16, B-16, Boeing 747 and 737

    Flown in: boeing 747 and 737
    This isn't a full list, I have the memory of a goldfish

  • REMOVE THE BALL 2.0 years ago

    Better idea: have them show in the designer, but not in the simulation

  • How make GIF in SimplePlanes? 2.0 years ago

    Alr it's time to make bad apple on SP using labels

  • ? 2.0 years ago

    Tell me how you did this, I have something I need to do with this technology

  • What Happened to SpicyNinja? (The maker of the german cousair) 2.1 years ago

    Secrets better left untold...

  • VR for Mobile? 2.1 years ago

    The oculus quest is about as powerful as this..
    Your phone is probably as powerful as this.
    Smartphones lack the processing power, tracking hardware, thermal performance, software support, and gyroscope hardware to run VR games like SPVR. VR uses twice the processing power to run, so take the performance cost of any build you would like to fly, and multiply it by two. Also take any ram usage and double that as well.
    Devices like the switch can do it because it has everything on the list but tracking. So it just goes without any tracking

  • [controversial title] 2.2 years ago

    [Angry comment with lots of profanity]

  • MP Tomfoolery 2.2 years ago

    I forgot about MP, I will have to record some VR MP shenanigans at some point

  • Reality can be whatever i want 2.3 years ago

    @jamesPLANESii if you share that thing, it better not be published from the VRCollective account.
    Untold amounts of damage would be caused if that happens.
    (His version is unlisted on the VRC account)
    Edit: Kenneth how dare you

  • Thanks For Getting Me On The “Hottest Airplanes” Page! 2.4 years ago

    Sorry to rain on your party, but your airplane will automatically get to the hottest page after an upvote or two, it isnt much of an achievement

  • Does a fuselage yoke work in VR? 2.5 years ago

    Stick a cylinder grip on it or inside it.
    Have the grips attached directly to the control base and have both control bases directly connected. Use another set of contro bases to move the visual part of the yoke

  • More Activation groups? 2.5 years ago

    Use variables for infinite activation groups

  • New Merch! 2.6 years ago

    @FlyingPatriot I support this

  • We're doing merch! 2.6 years ago

    @Skylerr I agree, Andrew Garrison sleep mask when

  • Vertigo 2.7 years ago

    The new vertigo doesn't use the orange and black paint job, I'm sad

  • 'Oststurm' WW2 mobile flak tower 2.7 years ago

    I thought it was a bucket wheel excavator at first glance

  • Soup 2.8 years ago

    Dude1:I need your help! Can you come here?

    Dude2:Well, I can't. I'm buying clothes

    Dude1: Alright, hurry up then come over here.

    Dude2:I can't find them.

    Dude1:What do you mean you can't find them?

    Dude2:I can't find them. There's only soup.

    Dude1:Whaddya mean "there's only soup"?

    Dude2:It mean there's only soup.

    Dude1:Well get out of the soup aisle!

    Dude2:Alright, you don't have to shout at me (move to the next aisle) There's more soup!

    Dude1:Whaddya mean "there's more soup"?!

    Dude2:There's just more soup!

    Dude1:Go into the next aisle!

    Dude2:(move to the next aisle) There's still soup!

    Dude1:Where are you right now?!

    Dude2:I'm at soup!


    Dude2:I MEAN I'M AT SOUP!




    Dude2: SCREW YOU!!

  • Another One Bites the dust 2.8 years ago

    Something about him gives off the vibe that he's not being entirely truthful, not sure what though

  • XT-NS 05 Goliath 3.0 years ago

    Arachnophobia intensifies

  • About the drama (to whom it may concern) 3.3 years ago

    The electromagnetic railgun (EMG) is composed of rails, armature, insulators and containment. The armature can be sped up to 2 km/s by feeding the exciting current to the breech of railgun. However, ablation occurs frequently on the rails during experiments. Researches show that one important reason of this phenomenon is temperature rise due to current crowding. The current distributions on rails and armature are not only affected by the skin effect, but also influenced by the proximity effect which is rarely mentioned. Both the effects play important roles in the EMG performance and behavior.

  • The Best Person In The World: 3.6 years ago

    Looks like im a vampire

  • riding the wave 3.8 years ago

    Laughs in countermeasures

  • Customizable Rims? 4.3 years ago

    I thought that was real

  • I have to enjoy the last few moments until 10K 7 months ago

    Congrats, you will never see your full point count again

  • Aperture Science Weighted Storage Cube 8 months ago

    Companion cube my beloved ♥️

  • v1.12.200 beta is now available 9 months ago

    Now I really gotta update simplecheats...

    Just a note, since this is the final update for SP as we know for now, SimpleCheats II will become deprecated once it is updated for the latest update. If someone else wishes to carry the torch of simplecheats II, they can Ctrl C Ctrl V the whole thing into a Google document and continue where I left off.

  • BetterLifeMod 9 months ago

    Add arrows to input selectors and turn the text into a text input field for direct funky trees programming

    Mass XML edit (edit attributes of many parts at once, if multiple part types are selected, only the attributes they share are editable)

    If you can, disable the "mods must be disabled in order to log in" message

    Ability to change the size of FT debug expression outputs, my big monitor makes em too small to be readable

    Ability to upload with screenshots via just selecting a file on your computer's file system
