3,318 SpartanBallistics

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joined 2.0 years ago

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Player Biography  

Hello there! I'm TheSpartanAmongUs, previously known as TheSpartan, TankerWithATankard, TheMachinist, and Jim1the1Squid. I'm a proud protogen furry and a United States Marine, and I love drawing digital art of furries, creating tanks, howitzers, ships, and the like.

I don't post often anymore, due to life picking up speed, but feel free to check out what I got lol

M115 155mm (Artillery)
M18 Valhalla SPH (Artillery) Designated for remake
M165A7 165mm (Artillery)
K104 Hrungnir (Rocket Artillery)
K104A1 Hrungnir (Wheeled Rocket Artillery)
M104A1, A2, A3, and A4 variants
M3311 Darius
M78 Skofnung

Artillery tutorial

Awaiting release:
M51 Hauld LMBT (Tank)

Build Status: Working on a multitude of projects (not)