@MrCOPTY well my purpose to make this is to make it more convenient to add the PFD (If you use fuselages, the mess of the connection is annoying, isn't it?) and make the PFD more realistic
@VictusBasilisk if you want to enable A while B is on, you can set the button activator to A and set the expression of A to 'A&B' in the variable editor.
@Weaverfish use an air brake and set the max value to a high amount by overload and change its input or use several pistons which head to the ground and set their input
@VictusBasilisk I'll explain the way of making the nose fuselage in my YouTube channel soon.
About the autoland, the altitude control is based on the distance to the destination, and I fixed a little to make the glide slope be 3 degrees. A few days ago I found the heading control of autoland works incorrectly, so I'm fixing it these days (
@LuminoxBiotechCompany As the tag says, this is just an experimental part so it's just for players to know how to make a keyboard. You can copy the variables in the xml file of the keyboard to the xml file of your plane and create a subassembly of the keyboard then add the subassenbly to your plane if you want to use it. And thank you to remind me that I forgot to explain how to use the keyboard in the description,,
@MrCOPTY well my purpose to make this is to make it more convenient to add the PFD (If you use fuselages, the mess of the connection is annoying, isn't it?) and make the PFD more realistic
+2@RangoPilot Google Translate is a good thing
+2@PyrrhaNikos this is for airliners maybe
+2@Bimanaviator001 Unfortunately, there's no variable about weather..so maybe i can't make weather radar
+2BUT i can make NavigationDisplayer.
+2@5521 这种机密你觉得有可能放出来图让玩家还原吗()
+2@Reworkable thanks)
+2@Reworkable whassat
+2@Dragonflame26 Keep ur throttle 0% before you start the engines or the engine will twist the plane around
+2@XwireIndustries 何で 你tm怎么做到5小时21up的•᷄ࡇ•᷅
+1@MrCOPTY https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/1uH6RO/Pfd-UI-only
+1@Convorge well i don't know why then (
+1@VictusBasilisk if you want to enable A while B is on, you can set the button activator to A and set the expression of A to 'A&B' in the variable editor.
+1@Super737 拿1p PFD改的,跟1p HUD没关系,1pHUD跟这个的代码逻辑都几乎完全不一样
+1@xiaotey 没,纯手搓的(花了三天左右),稍微会一点富文本或者像我一样不会富文本也能写
+1@Planebuilder2122 you can use OVERLOAD to change its scale.
+1@SP737 那些数据的代码一个一个一个去找()只能这样
+1@Weaverfish use an air brake and set the max value to a high amount by overload and change its input or use several pistons which head to the ground and set their input
+1@SPLiveryMaker 用蓝图 导入一张贴了三张图的大图然后双指移动拍screenshot
+1@STPS bug()特定滚转角俯仰角就会这样lol
+1u call this DREAMLINER?
+1My entry
+1@Michinomiya Here is a better one (though not made by me).Maybe u can use that
+1You can even build planes in simpleplanes(确信
+1@BigAeroblane 只能在一个label里规定层级,用换行规定,后面的盖过前面的,但是有些特殊字符会闪烁或者不正常显示
@gagagaga12457 yeah
@Convorge I can't solve this problem because of the limitations of the label, but you can add some fuselages to cover the redundant parts.
@VictusBasilisk I'll explain the way of making the nose fuselage in my YouTube channel soon.
About the autoland, the altitude control is based on the distance to the destination, and I fixed a little to make the glide slope be 3 degrees. A few days ago I found the heading control of autoland works incorrectly, so I'm fixing it these days (
Stop talking about anything irrelevant in this post @Sense2 @Graingy
@LuminoxBiotechCompany As the tag says, this is just an experimental part so it's just for players to know how to make a keyboard. You can copy the variables in the xml file of the keyboard to the xml file of your plane and create a subassembly of the keyboard then add the subassenbly to your plane if you want to use it. And thank you to remind me that I forgot to explain how to use the keyboard in the description,,
@SlowSeline82 I may finish it in half a year or longer because of my other projects and my study. Sorry about that
@Sense2 that just shows you how much area you should cover when you put the pfd on your plane. The functional part is the label only
@21817651 不需要()
@BaconAircraft hey bro help me add an Auto Credit to this thx
@qweRTYkeyboard 然后让我改是吧()
Fed tx
@usernameice 呃 涉及政治方面的我输出不太稳定 先在这看看
@bilibiliQCWL 可以)
WHAT do u want to do
@Theflyingcone Certainly okay it is free to use. But I made this at first to put it on airliners (
@CaliforniaClipper22 you can see 'sk161 quick start' video in my posts
@ollielebananiaCFSP Ah thx. I'll try to do that if I have time :D
@zwen thx now i solved the problem :D
@SP737 就是ctrl+c ctrl+v复制label的富文本代码啊(