19.3k QuitePossiblyMangled Comments

  • Sound (BRRTTTTTTTT) 3.6 years ago

    @EternalDarkness This post has been upvoted by 5 accounts with names very similar to the poster. They also have similar builds, either making planes and stuff gold, large groups of dummies, or propane tanks. While we may be wrong, it's just really suspicious. Please look into it.

  • New profile picture 3.6 years ago

    Give me meow or give me death!

  • SPBC 3.6 years ago

    I don't know about that @F104Deathtrap, I feel it's too hard for non high ranking users to establish themselves into the server. It is also an excellent way to ask questions and for tips. However, it's possible to find that quality else where.

  • Nigger,Nigger,Nigger,Nigger,Nigger,Nigger,Nigger,Nigger 3.6 years ago

    @wiimini @knightsofren There is nothing to discuss as it is already common knowledge he is attention seeking and desperate for any reaction from him, possibly from being ignored his entire life by his parents or people at school

  • Guys I just wanted to say that the mods on this website are fat ugly lazy peices of shit, who should burn in hell 3.6 years ago

    Actually, this is just what he wants. To create drama or make a scene. Perhaps he just has nothing better to do than to harass people based of their preference of entertainment.

  • How to write a proper informational article - SP Explained 3.6 years ago

    SP Explained Followers <3:

  • ight imma start a cult 3.6 years ago

    You son of a bitch, Im in Finger guns

  • Quit making forums asking people to stop making forums about drama! 3.6 years ago

    Shamelessly advertises posts

  • Quit making forums asking people to stop making forums about drama! 3.6 years ago

    Stopping Drama - Mini SP Explained

    Why forums are not the answer

    With some recent small drama happening today because of a forum post, it is obvious the community doesn't know how to deal with the issues they face.

    It is best to compare drama to a fire. Fires are maintain through a fuel source and oxygen. For our example, there is a sufficient amount of oxygen present for combustion, however, there is only so much fuel. Our fuel for drama is people.

    The drama first starts at the source, which can be a user, build, forum, etc. Like a fire, drama must find more fuel to expand and sustain itself. If it can not, then it will die out after burning through it's supply. The most common way for drama to spread on this site is through forum posts about peoples' opinions and observations. By making these posts, the poster brings the drama to attention of more people. These viewers will make posts about the drama, either taking sides, calling for people to stop, or more. This leads to an exponential growth of the drama as more and more users are exposed to it and make posts about it.

    What about you?

    Now I must sound like a massive hypocrite right not. Aren't I bringing more attention to drama by making a forum post explaining how drama spreads and how to stop it? Well no actually. The reason is that I never pointed out a specific issue in this post. By avoiding naming an issue, I am not bringing attention to it, thereby reducing the chance for drama to spread via my post.

    However, this is not a guarantee way to stop it. I have no control over what people say in the comment section. A debate might pop up as people try to state their opinion on a certain topic, provide an example, or something. Please keep drama out of my post comments. Thank you.


    While I cannot provided specific examples out of fear of spreading the drama, I suggest you keep an eye on the forums and do your own research. Look for patterns and the cause and effects of posts relating to drama. You may find that they go hand in hand with my observations.

    The only way to stop drama is to ignore it. By doing that, you are 100% stopping it from spreading through you by depriving it of it's fuel. Remember to keep any drama out of my comments and have a great day or night, the choice is yours.

  • Glass - an 8:1 scale replica 3.6 years ago

    64 upvotes, epic

  • Who killed red? 3.6 years ago

    Impossible, red is always the impostor....

  • Degradation In Quality Of SimplePlane Users, and Why It's True 3.6 years ago

    The call for US independence from Britain was a minority as most people were either on the fence or did not support the idea. The idea to replace the Articles of Confederation with the Constitution was held by the minority. They were called to fix the AOC and those who helped write the Constitution technically overthrew the government.

  • I figured something out, something i was searching for 2 years ago (its a site bug) 3.6 years ago

    Clickbait title. I guess that answers your question lol.

  • Boeing 747-400 Update November 3 3.6 years ago

    Nasa called, they want their computer back

  • Why do people hate furrys 3.7 years ago

    When a controversial question out preforms your analysis forums through comments

  • I’ve never had an issue with the undo button... 3.7 years ago

    Me: Is it possible to learn this power?

    jamesPLANESii: Not from a gold user

  • How to become Platinum - Simpleplanes Explained 3.7 years ago

    @Chancey21 According to the thought experiment of Schrodinger, I am both Platinum and Gold till someone observes my rank.

  • Is any Touhou fans there? 3.7 years ago

    @NBTamata There are no buses in Gensokyo but there are trains

  • ME-262 INCOMING!!! 3.7 years ago

    "The future is now old man" German Pilots attacking propeller driven bombers

  • Platinum through forums alone? 3.7 years ago

    @BACconcordepilot You will need 25,000 comment upvotes with an average of less than 0.001%. Good luck :)

  • I wanna know about the community. 3.7 years ago

    1. Peanut butter
    2. Kid in robotics
    3. Fooling around and doing stupid things

  • Am I allowed to write Andrew garrison fan fiction 3.7 years ago

    @IssaIwan You did it! You did it you crazy son of a bitch you did it!


    There is no instance of a country having benefited
    from prolonged warfare. - Sun Tzu; The Art of War

  • Does this sound threatening? 3.9 years ago

    In the end, nothing is really threatening about this. Unless you are planning on making more drama and breaking more rules, then yes. This would become a threat to your time left on this site. Anyways, obey the rules and you should be fine.

  • Does this sound threatening? 3.9 years ago

    I actually dont care if you say yes or no tbh. So here we go.

    you can not access or edit mod notes.

    Pretty self explanatory, Eternal is telling you something. It’s a fact and there is nothing threatening about it

    I am acting within my jurisdiction, and am even being easy on you.

    Eternal is telling you what they are doing, then informing you as a moderator (someone with authority) that you should have had a more severe punishment for your actions. This basically means that they decided to try and nudge you in the right direction.

    If you do not like this community or the way it is ran, you are always free to leave.

    Again, pretty self explanatory. If you don’t like something or someone, then just leave or ignore them. That is what you can do with the power you have. Complaining about it or trying to change it is useless.

    Otherwise, make the same mistake and you will be removed from the community.

    This is not a threat, but a warning. If you make the same mistake again, then you basically are ducked.

  • Are people biased in sp? Or is it just my imagination? 4.0 years ago

    Know what, your right. Let’s begin to remove all builds that are not aircraft or have anything closely related to aviation. This includes cars, tanks ships, memes, and of course, the dreaded anime.

    Does this sound like something you would enjoy? I mean, you do have a few ships on your account, so obviously you don’t use sp to build solely planes. People here choose what they want to build and what they want to support. It is stupid to try and limit things (there are exceptions) because they don’t relate to aviation. And to your example on musical instruments, I say anime is more related to aviation than musical instruments. I have heard of animes that revolves around aircraft and aviation, but never seen or heard of anyone combining musical instruments with aircraft.

    Also, saying you are gonna leave the site doesn’t really do much. Another user will fill the gap and you will just become a distant memory. I guess you could also say you are trying to use your rank for leverage too as it comes off like you are gonna leave because of anime references, which would be a great tragedy (It wouldn’t be much of a tragedy tbh). @Aeromen

  • [2020] List of Active SimplePlanes RP Discord Servers 4.0 years ago

    I recommend the 2020 rp server if you are starting out with sp rp. All these servers are great and have great communities.

  • Korean War Tag is up! 4.1 years ago

    Enough to make a grown man cry.

  • If I Make It To Platinum I Will Make A Rap Video About SimplePlanes 4.3 years ago

    @TransDadGaming Oh, German Marches are not music? Well, here is the definition of music:

    An art form and cultural activity whose medium is silence and sound. The elements of music are pitch (which governs melody and harmony), rhythm (and its associated concepts tempo, meter, and articulation), dynamics (loudness and softness), and the sonic qualities of timbre and texture

    As you see, german marches meet the requirement of music, as they have rhythm, melody, dynamics, or the sonic qualities of timbre and texture. Unfortunately for your rap music, it does not meet the requirements listed above as it does not have melody, dynamics, or the sonic qualities of timbre and texture.

  • You know what? This game is capable of doing something extraordinary 4.3 years ago

    You got hit by

    You got struck by

    A smooth criminal

  • Alicorn Class Submersible Aviation Cruiser 4.4 years ago

    I been looking forward for this

  • When You Do Fuselage Art For The First Time And It Looks Very Accurate 4.4 years ago

    A surprise to be sure, but a welcomed one

  • Flag of France 1940 ver 4.4 years ago

    Most historically accurate build on the sight

  • flying cow with lazer eyes 4.4 years ago

    Reads Animal Farm

  • So i got bored...This aint good... 4.4 years ago

    Why do I here boss music

  • Spitfire MKll with camo 4.5 years ago

    Camo looks pretty fudging amazing!

  • Hollow fuselage 4.5 years ago

    Ah, the good old days. These things were the bomb until the update came. Nice

  • Navy Drone 4.5 years ago


  • Build release date Eck 4.6 years ago

    About the papers. I left them on the other side. Can I just go grab them and come back?

  • Sukhoi Su-64BM Vullcium 4.6 years ago


  • [PINNED] Markdown Formatting 4.6 years ago

    ![](Insert picture URL) @MarinoYeet

  • Good bye boys, I'm leaving 4.7 years ago

    Push F to pay respect. Kidding aside, good luck with life. Thanks for everything you done for the community. Sad to see you go.

  • What is your favorite airplane? 5.4 years ago

    I love the Fairchild Republic’s A-10. I wonder if you can build it. If you do, please make like the actual A-10, which can lose half it’s wing, and engine, a tai, and an elevator.

  • Bush Plane Remastered 5.8 years ago

    Thank you @Mjnnjn

  • MIK Copter HC-114 5.8 years ago

    😮 it’s.. so... amazing, great job

  • [Teaser] Guess Who’s Back 8 months ago

    @TheCaper tell a friend

  • M1 Abrams no mod 11 months ago

    Another example of American ingenuity at work.


  • Harmless Balloon 1.4 years ago

    What a lovely balloon, hopefully it’s not hiding anything nefarious
