19.3k QuitePossiblyMangled Comments

  • Does this sound threatening? 3.9 years ago

    I quite literally lost brain cells reading this

  • Upvotes needed for ranks (OUTDATED) 4.3 years ago

    @Balatu Once again, we see a sp troll in it's natural habit. Unthinking, uncaring, and unoriginal. A common vermin on the SP website, always numerous and hard to rid of. Known to complain about those who have surpassed them in skill, will, and maturity or just harass users. We see this specimen bothering a pack of gold users, berating them with pointless talk and insults. Soon, this specimen will be spotted by a moderator and stuck down but the hammer of justice.

  • Aircraft carrier challenge 4.5 years ago

    Outstanding move.

  • Final Full Airframe A-20 Havoc Teaser 4.6 years ago

    Oh yes, I built the entire airframe of a WW2 bomber on iOS with a complete interior and airframe, which is something that has only be attempted before by a SP community member, but I forgot to make the fuel realistic. Know what, I’ll tell you this. I have spent over 75 hours on this project. I have adjusted every single part in this build with the nudge tool on 1 so it would be perfect. Fuel is one of my smallest concerns. I’m sorry the fuel is unrealistic and that you are unable to see the picture as a whole. With the a near exact airframe, that was my least concern. So, I challenge you to build an exact airframe of the A-20 Havoc better than this. You cannot use this one and must start completely from scratch. You can not use any saved parts from previous builds and must ask others for xml parts. After that, you can come here and complain about a choice I purposely made.

    Sincerely, Mercy Aircraft Corporation.

  • How well do you guys know me? (friends quiz) 2.6 years ago

    When you get a 7 but never met this man before

    Perhaps I am a friend

  • Bee movie script 2.7 years ago

    Someone now do the entire bible

  • cirno pyramid 2.8 years ago

    Glorious, truly the strongest shape

  • Multiverse Worldbuilders server trailer 2.8 years ago

    When your territories flags get in the video and yours doesnt

  • the mods are asleep 3.4 years ago

    The elites don’t want you to know this but the ducks at the park are free. You can take them home. I have 458 ducks.

  • Don’t you just love it when the website resets to Factory Settings 3.5 years ago

    When your profile pic is on the thumbnail of the video

  • Q and A with Me 3.5 years ago

    @tsampoy Thank you for your answer. We value your thoughts, opinions, and feelings and are working to better our public interactions. Now please head to the airlock to receive your prize.

  • THE BATTLE HAS ENSUED 3.6 years ago

    I bet on the white user posting an exact copy of someones plane

  • DL-1 Landmine 3.6 years ago

    Yo, these frizbees are magical or something. I threw one to my cousin and he disappeared in a cloud of smoke.

  • SimplePlanes Explained: Aesthetics and Realism and Which to Prioritize 3.6 years ago

    SP Explained Followers <3:

  • How fast is the rocket pod? 3.6 years ago

    @tsampoy Your speed adds to the rockets velocity though. A better way to get the speed of a rocket is to see how long it takes for the rocket to covered a marked distance, perhaps 500 feet or something. Just make two points 500 feet apart, one with the rocket and one with a camera. Fire the rocket and see how long it takes to reach the camera.

  • Friend group 3.6 years ago

    Sneaky spying intensifies

  • JOIN MULTIPLAYER NOW 3.6 years ago

    If you get me a good pc and SP for it I will be happy to join you

  • How does one write a good bio? 3.7 years ago

    @PoggersPoggersTheMan Alright, I start with the beginning of the universe and go into depth about the history that has happened since then to the present.

  • F-117 Teaser ( i cant see this plane) 3.7 years ago

    Man, this dude just be showing us an empty designer.

  • I found a point counter bug 3.7 years ago

    Yea, me too. I been here for almost 4 years and I'm still not platinum lol

  • Fairchild Republic ECA-10 Lightingbolt 3.8 years ago

    This twisted game needs to be rest

  • missiles Air-Air 4.4 years ago


  • my b52 4.5 years ago

    I mean, if you talk like that to other users, then that may be a reason why you didn’t get upvotes on your build. Or maybe, the reason it didn’t get upvotes is because it doesn’t really look like a B-52, but more like a somewhat sleek bomber. If you want to get upvotes on your builds, you have to be patient, smart, and be in good relations with the community. Smart meaning you adapt and adjust to the community needs. Like our friend Oofsoda. This build looks like a B-52. It is a major improvement in his build quality. He even improved it and made it fly better. This shows he cares about the community’s feedback. Oofsoda has the balls to ask for them because he feels like his work deserves them. I hope you may be able to take this with consideration. I am not trying to be rude or mean, but I have been playing this game for about 5 years now, and been a community member for 3. I have learned a great deal, and actions like this ruin your actions of advancing. So, instead of calling someone’s build a little rinkydinky thing, how about you use that wasted energy on improving your building style. @demoman9

  • P-51D-30 Mustang 5.9 years ago

    Almost 750 upvotes and over 130,000 downloads. Great job.

  • Custom missile design 2.2 years ago

    The first one can be done by modifying maxRange and minRange iirc via xml.

    Second one can be done by changing maxSpeed via xml (range can be changed as well, see first part).

    Third can be done by changing the function of the missile (AirtoAir, AirtoSurface, Multirole). It’s possible to have an air to ground guardian and an air to air cleaver.

    Fourth thing would be very cool if they ever implemented it. Anyways, hope this could help.

  • A-3 Panther II 2.3 years ago


  • I feel I was scammed and would like some type of retribution for my financial inconvenience. 2.4 years ago

    Literally the other day I brought a sugar free Mountain Dew from a vending machine. I didn’t go to the internet and demand a refund for my drink. The point is that you need to pay more attention, especially when buying stuff. You shouldn’t assume something and then get mad that you assumed wrong.

  • SimplePlanes VR is now available on Steam and Oculus Quest 2.5 years ago

    It’s not about the money, it’s about sending a message @V

  • Su-24M 2.6 years ago


  • Heat Haze 3.1 years ago

    @PFXX Just for android, ios never had mods

  • sacrifical seal supportive superjet 3.1 years ago

    Im sorry little one

  • Who is jim1the1squid? 3.1 years ago


  • Hi, I'm Tiger Shark 3.1 years ago


  • what’s happening 3.3 years ago

    Long has drama plagued out lives. It is a constant cycle, with the upper class of the community seeming to always be the ones pulling the strings. They use their positions to leave us lower ranked users in a constant state of ignorance. They feed us with misinformation to confuse and make us ignorant of our power.

    But they are wrong. They say the majority agrees with them, but we are the majority. They say drama is our fault, but it's them inflating the situations out of proportion. They believe their actions and words have deeper meaning and impact than us, but our voices speak louder then theirs ever will. They spread lies of division among our ranks, but our unity has withstood the most powerful of their attacks. Enough is enough.

    There is only one way to fix this issue, to stop the drama, to save our precious community and to protect our users.

    We must rebel! We must take up arms. We must stand up to their tyranny. We must break our chains of imprisonment. We must punish those responsible and we must establish point equality for all!

    Join me comrades as we bring the fight to the bloated platinum and 20k golds, who sit on top their lofty thrones as they gorge themselves on points while us peasants starve below. Let us be victorious over our captives, who have abused their positions to further themselves rather than support the community. Let equality and freedom ring!

  • Hellfire 3.4 years ago

    The back part of the aircraft looks awfully familiar

  • We need to address some stuff. 3.4 years ago

    I honestly just stay away from the community and all it’s problems disappear. Toxicity comes from jealousy, sense of superiority, sense of inferiority, greed, and other smaller things. Jealousy and greed are simple, people want what others have and are unable to achieve it. It can be upvotes, points, popularity, etc. Superiority comes from believing your so call “criticism” or opinions mean more than others because of points/experience. Inferiority comes from people being mad at the fact they require help to become better, so they lash out at those who try to give them criticism.

  • Big S U C C !!!!!!!! 3.5 years ago

    Finally, a quality build

  • What is sub assemblies?? 3.5 years ago

    one of the most underrated features of SP

  • The Manned Missile 3.5 years ago

    [You are going to Vietnam]

  • What do you think of me as a user in this community? 3.5 years ago

    When asking for an opinion, you are handing out] an invitation for drama, so don't be surprised when you get what you ask for.

    I think you're a cool cookie

  • Drama zone here 3.5 years ago


  • Did anyone just have a smooth brain moment? 3.6 years ago

    First time?

  • Blueprints How-To: Building the F-104 | Part 2: The Complicated Tail 3.6 years ago

    Tails are overrated

    This comment was made by the flying wing gang

  • The Aftermath 3.6 years ago

    Hey, could you make an android version? My cousins are having a nerf fight tomorrow and an IED will really help even the odds

  • The Ultimate CAS Aircraft 3.6 years ago

    @TrojanAircraftSystems any problem be solved with a roll of duct tape and a group of friends

  • The Aftermath 3.6 years ago

    Gamecube pls

  • Patty Wagon (almost ready) 3.6 years ago

    Tap me pls

  • Patty Wagon (almost ready) 3.6 years ago

    Finally some good fricking food

  • Goodbye 3.6 years ago

    @XP Ngl that title would be a good clickbait for a rick roll
