46.6k PlaneFlightX Comments


    There's something familiar about that link... I just can't put my finger on it...

  • "Player's biography has been removed." one month ago

    Moderators can remove a biography, such as if a user has something inappropriate in there.

  • Can people stop tagging me on builds purely if I upvote a teaser 7 months ago

    This is a step above autotags:
    auto autotags

  • 1Parts HUD 2.6 years ago

    I really love this; my only issue is it is in metric...

  • Simpleplanes Multiplayer 1.1 years ago

    Can your device run 3000 parts at playable framerates? No? That's one of the many reasons there will not be mobile multiplayer.

  • pain 2.4 years ago

    I have a new phone! Great, let's just get our stuff from our old ph---
    (we'll be right back theme intensifies)

  • Terroristis Accident 8 months ago

    I'd appreciate it if you do not use the SWL-120 for posts like this. Please remove all references to the SWL-120.

  • Working Windows XP in Simpleplanes one year ago

    hmm I wonder why it's blank?
    What does AG1----AAAAAAAAAA

  • They got a platinum 1.4 years ago

    I think the reason these accounts are being hacked is reusing the same password across different sites. If one less secure site suffers a data breach, then that username and password can be tried on other sites, and if it works, then the account on that site is compromised.

    On the topic of "commenting on the Veri**pro posts can get you hacked", no. Unless the hackers somehow compromise the SimplePlanes website itself (even then hacking users would be unlikely), you cannot get hacked if you don't provide any personal information or download malware.

    My recommendations, at least for now, are pretty simple: change all your passwords to strong random character passwords (unique to each site), and don't click any suspicious link.

  • You've got a hole in your left wing. 1.5 years ago

    I actually found a hole in the wing.

    Until I found the piece of dirt on my monitor.

  • Building method in SP is a pain and testing my sanity 1.7 years ago

    Meanwhile me who has no idea how to use blender to do anything other than join meshes and finds SP easy and fun to use.

  • Where's da comment section? 2.2 years ago

    Alright, so it looks like the comments are disabled on the post in question. This was done by a mod. That's all I can tell you.

  • Suggestion for the game 1.3 years ago

    Just use Overload

  • IA Raycaster First Map Demo 1.7 years ago

    This is insane.

  • I have a question..... 2.0 years ago


  • A reminder on how loud this thing actually is 2.1 years ago

    Company: How many engines do you want?
    DeveloperKorzalerke: Y E S
    Company: How powerful do you want each engine?
    DeveloperKorzalerke: Y E S
    Company: How loud do you want each engine?
    DeveloperKorzalerke: Y E S
    Company: How big do you want your inlet?
    DeveloperKorzalerke: Y E S
    Company: How fast do you want your plane?
    DeveloperKorzalerke: Y E S
    Company: How inefficient do you want your plane?
    DeveloperKorzalerke: Y E S
    Company: Alright, here you go!

  • I wasn't on hiatus, the WiFi was drunk 7 months ago

    No one cares about your upload schedule

  • DEVS 7 months ago

    A few days ago, I stumbled across a bot. As I do, I visited its comments to look for more.

    Long story short, the mod queue has over 200 reports filed as "Standard "bot comment" with a link to a random website.". I found at least 100 accounts across at least 120 forum posts/crafts.

    pls fix the captcha I wasted several hours of my life reporting bots

  • Simpleplanes as 3d Modeling.... 1.5 years ago

    Anything created in SimplePlanes is property of Jundroo LLC. While you can use 3D models from the game for anything you want, attemping to make money off them is prohibited.

  • Waking up in the morning be like 2.1 years ago

    demonic coarse language wow! It's like the time @BeastHunter upvoted half my posts and got me to plat.

  • SP Tracks concept 2.1 years ago

    Nice presentation, and just like a few of my past suggestions, instead of saying PLz trAck jUROo, it literally designs how the whole part would function.

  • Will there be an SP2? Part 2 2.2 years ago

    The problem with a new game is stuff from the old one wouldn't work on the new one, like crafts.

  • My response to the SimplePlanes VR beta 2.6 years ago

    VR will be coming in 1.12, 1.11 is the new cockpit features, variables, and fuselage slicing.

  • B-36 Building Progress! | The Most Realistic B-36 [CANCELLED] 2.7 years ago

    Wait why are you doing panelling? The update brought fuselage fill sliders, so no-one has to panel ever again!

  • Why Do All mods Say "Your post has been removed because it appears to have broken the website rules. You can read them here"? 25 days ago

    I'd say it's an automated message that a moderator can choose to send when they click the remove button from the mod queue.

  • Aeroclub2 6 months ago

    I have this mod saved in my archives, and it can be downloaded here. No android.

  • Move to Juno: Is it worth it? 7 months ago

    I have both, and I strongly prefer SP. The main points are the designer and VR. I find the SR2 designer difficult to use, and it has no VR. In addition, the connection system is really confusing. I don't understand why you can't just have all connection points the same.

    That being said, I have spent some time building and flying rockets. If you like flying rocket related crafts, I'd say go for it, however in my opinion, SP is still the best game for designing, coding, and flying planes.

  • Is SimplePlanes really realistic? 7 months ago

    While it is possible to achieve ultimate realism if you combine over 2 years of hard work with a quality airport, you will struggle to run this smoothly on even the best computer with today's hardware. That being said, SP is a good game to build planes. If I wanted to fly a complex airliner, I would probably get myself a flight simulator. Instead I've spent over 2 years building a plane with flight simulator realism, while learning a lot about complex aircraft systems along the way.

  • Final update for this game can we not have this community die 8 months ago

    @RepublicOfCursedPlanes Exactly. I've been working on my SWL-120 for 2 years now, with plans to refine and further improve it next year, and I am still very interested in SP. In fact, it's the only game I've played at all the last few months.

  • Physics question about power 1.2 years ago

    SimplePlanes's physics are... simple. They do physics things but are not precise at all. I like to make my builds feel like they fly realistically instead of making all my parameters
    (engine power, craft weight, wing area etc.) realistic.

  • Map Idea for Background 1.3 years ago


  • WARNING, MUTE SOUND!!! Tow plane lands on it own. 1.7 years ago

    Ears? What are these "ears"?

  • How 2 get updoots (a guide from a noob) 2.1 years ago

    Reverse psychology go brrr

  • Button/Switch Interaction Types 2.1 years ago

    There is nothing wrong with what you did, but let me explain how the three work.

    Once sets the variable to outputValue every time you click it, ignoring the time you hold it down.

    Toggle works as expected, allowing you toggle the variable between outputValue and 0.

    Continuous sets the variable to outputValue every time you click it, and will continue to write to it as long as you hold it down. What you forgot is if you set it to 1 using a switch set to Continuous, you need a method of setting it to 0 (The same rule applies to Once). As you do not, it stays at 1. Define a setter in the global variables panel called "Var1" and set it's expression to "0". Try using the switch. The expected behaviour occurs.

    NOTE: Make sure you set the priority of the variable in the global setters to -1. Otherwise it will overwrite the switch and the variable will always be 0.

  • Gud Pln 2.1 years ago

    viry gud pln
    I has gud spelin a gammer.

  • [CLOSED] Meme challange 2.1 years ago

    And then SpicyNinja returns with something which gets even more upvotes

  • SWL-10 2.4 years ago

    @ShinyGemsBro Yeah.
    Between you and me, this wasn't made in SimplePlanes. It was made in AdvancedWithWayTooMuchCodePlanes

  • YAMATO 1945 2.5 years ago

    @jamesPLANESii lol I came here for the same reason

  • Better game logic 2.6 years ago

    U got a nasa pc to run this?

  • Readable book with 3 pages 2.6 years ago

    I had a similar idea! I'm planning on making a working checklist for my new planes, so people can learn how to fly it in-game. It would have variables which control how many pages are flipped.

  • YAMATO 1945 4.0 years ago

    i7-8570 H
    16 GB RAM
    GTX 1050

  • the old landing gear 5.1 years ago

    It is


    the old landing gear
    you took the real gear and made it look like other landing gear with extra parts.

  • a question for @Mal0ne 6 days ago

    Same reason my SWL-120 has tens of thousands. Because it's extremely detailed.

  • New website for simple planes2? 15 days ago

    The answer to this question is in the FAQ.

  • They removed SimplePlanes from our school. 17 days ago

    IT department be like:
    Is it being used for classes? No
    Is it literally free for use? Yes
    Are students having fun? Yes, that is not allowed

  • How do i put a delay in variables? 6 months ago

    Hello! You will want to make a variable called anything, eg FuelRamp (idk what to call it). In that variable, put Time / 300 (Edit: don't do that, see below. Now, make a button, set its interactionType to Once (or Continuous, your choice), the outputValue to 0, and the input to be your variable name.

    Edit: Don't use time. Make it a self referencing variable, where the variable is called FuelRamp, and the code in it is FuelRamp + 0.01 or something. If you use Time, the value will revert back to normal as soon as you release the button.

  • I may not be able to post tommorow 7 months ago

    @SILVERPANZER @HuskyDynamics01 I've been working on one plane for 2 years. I post teasers about every month or so.

  • Terroristis Accident 8 months ago

    @ToeTips Honestly the moment I saw the words "accident" and "SWL-120" on the same post.

  • KMS Bismarck 9 months ago

    @MrShenanigansSP I wish I could run it

  • What's Next? 10 months ago

    FT inputs for brakes is the feature I'd like the most. Anything else is just "nice to have" or can be done with mods.
