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46.5k PlaneFlightX  2.3 years ago

Version History

V1.0 - 25/12/2021

  • Initial release

V1.1 - 13/03/2022

  • New wheel types added
  • Very small tweak to autopilot code to add smoothing
  • Added tooltips for yoke, throttle, levers etc
  • Fixed bug with flaps handle input

V1.2 - 26/03/2022

  • Bug with gauges fixed - thanks to ZharkovAndrey for bringing this to my attention

V1.3 - 12/04/2022

  • Small code tweaks to improve performance

V1.4 - 9/08/2022

  • Fixed bug where checklist would "forget" the current page it was open to upon placing down
  • Added version number on first page of checklist (V1.4 for this version)

V1.4.1 - 9/08/2022

  • Nudged the cover page text on the checklist back a bit because the version number moved the text on the label

V1.5 - 30/07/2023

  • Updated a large quantity of the variables using newer coding structures, removing over 20 variables and modifying others to improve performance
  • Replaced pistons pushing labels into view with code in the labels
  • Landing gear can no longer be retracted when plane is on ground
  • Nose gear must be down and locked for steering to work
  • Modified landing gear doors to have a realistic open angle (main gear) and less moving parts (nose gear)
  • Landing lights now require gear to be down and locked to turn on (in addition to the light switch)
  • Plane has to be on ground and stopped (IAS < 5) for ground power to work
  • Removed faulty autoland button and related checklist items
  • Checklist has a single set of next page/previous page buttons instead of 11
  • Ram air turbine is more realistically scaled
  • Engines no longer require hydraulics to be on to function (engines can be started as soon as electrical power is enabled)
  • ILS DME display now works instead of being a duplicate of the label above it
  • Drastically improved ILS variables (large paragraph of code reduced to a few lines)
  • First officer's gauge cluster now has a heading bug
  • Added line with a dip to attitude ball for better readings
  • Added support for Xinshan International Airport into the ILS
  • Added frequencies for Xinshan International Airport into the ILS and Com checklist pages
  • Remade all wings using the 3 part airfoil technique

V1.6 - 31/07/23

  • Added dial to see the heading to the runway compared to your heading to ILS module
  • Modified some components of ILS module to make room for new gauge

V1.6.1 - 31/07/23

  • Nudged ILS indicator rotators out of view

V1.6.2 - 31/07/23

  • Fixed minor bugs in some ILS variables

V1.6.3 - 31/07/23

  • Fixed bug with ram air turbine RPM gauge


(Fictional) The SWL-10 is a medium-size 1950s-era four-engine propeller cargo plane.

Interesting fact: despite spending about two months developing this plane, I initially built this plane to serve as a testbed for funky trees and variables testing purposes. It eventually became more than just half a cockpit, so I started adding more and more details and functions and decided I was going to upload it eventually.

It has a fully functional autopilot, a fully functional ILS, and a complicated startup sequence which I created by completely exploiting the variables feature. There are over fifty lines of code in the variable setters alone!

How To Fly

Despite the complicated startup sequence, this plane is actually kind of easy to understand. I will go and say I recommend you study the pictures below before entering VR, if you have that. You could alternatively watch this tutorial video.
You may notice the checklist located on the left side of the captain's chair. This contains information on how to fly the plane. It outlines a typical flight going from Airport A to Airport B. Click on it to move it in front of you (the base is a giant button), and use the buttons to change pages, as outlined in the diagram below.

On the pages, the checklist will state a control (e.g. Battery), and then what to do with that, (e.g. Check ON). That command means to check the battery switch, and then if it is off, turn it on. The same concept applies to instructions like Check UP (for landing gear), and similar things.


There are many of them. Use the checklist described above, and refer to the labelled images of all the controls below. Any controls or switches not labelled have an in-game label, like the battery switch, or any of the lights. It is recommend to familiarize yourself with these controls before flying.

Note only one of the com/nav modules is labelled. All eight (four per side) have the same four buttons.

This aircraft has two complex systems onboard, the autopilot and the ILS system. The autopilot is pretty simple, use the three switches on the "AP Main" module, on the upper line on the front panel. Use the heading, altitude, and V Speed modules to set your parameters. The ILS is a little more complicated. Use the ILS frequency table included at the end of the checklist (click next page until you see it), and tune the frequency of the desired runway into Nav 1 or Nav 2 (on the center panel).

Other controls not used in normal flight are the Ram Air Turbine (RAT), and the engine fire controls. The RAT is an alternative electrical and hydraulics generator. Press the safety cover and then click the switch to deploy it. Then click the "RAT" switch next to the battery and ground power in the electrics input section.

You may also notice the group of four throttles on the right. These are actually mixture controls, and since SimplePlanes has no mixture input, I wrote some custom code to get them to move based on altitude. The actual throttles are to the left.

SWL-10 "Easy Mode"

A few people were requesting a big on/off switch to turn it all on and off, which makes sense. Not everyone wants a detailed startup sequence. I have done this while keeping the startup functionality, so the buttons effectively flick all the switches, but you can still use the realistic sequence if you want. The ILS and autopilot systems are also still fully functional.

Get it here


  • Teasers (Newest to Oldest)

SWL-10 "Easy Mode"
SWL-10 Upload Date and Time
SWL-10 Flight
SWL-10 Final Teaser + Upload Date
Lots and Lots of Details
ILS Landing at Wright Runway 18
SWL-10 Startup
Details, Details
I Like Variables
Time For A Remake

  • My YouTube SimplePlanes Let's Plays, which all relate to this plane.

Let's Play SimplePlanes Ep 1
Let's Play SimplePlanes Ep 2
Let's Play SimplePlanes Ep 3
Let's Play SimplePlanes Ep 4
Let's Play SimplePlanes Ep 5

  • SWL-120

As you may know, the SWL-10 is actually a testbed for ideas. My upcoming SWL-120 will be just like a real flight simulator, with every single button having a function.


General Characteristics

  • Successors 26 airplane(s) +28 bonus
  • Created On Windows
  • Wingspan 108.8ft (33.1m)
  • Length 105.6ft (32.2m)
  • Height 30.7ft (9.4m)
  • Empty Weight 3,774lbs (1,712kg)
  • Loaded Weight 37,384lbs (16,957kg)


  • Horse Power/Weight Ratio 0.161
  • Wing Loading 30.2lbs/ft2 (147.3kg/m2)
  • Wing Area 1,239.5ft2 (115.2m2)
  • Drag Points 7950


  • Number of Parts 1041
  • Control Surfaces 7
  • Performance Cost 4,691
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  • Profile image

    Yeah it's way too hard to start I spent like 2 hours just to complete 1 page

    20 days ago
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    Love this plane. We need more realistic planes like this. Plz make more🙏🙏

    +2 2 months ago
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    @PlaneFlightX ok thanks but im gonna make my own plane anyway:)

    2 months ago
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    46.5k PlaneFlightX

    @Pilotcat123 Thanks for asking, but I just feel that adding a few labels and changing some paint isn't enough to call it a a different build. If you try and add some more detail and build the entire livery that would be okay.

    2 months ago
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    I made a fedex leviry i uploaded it is that ok?

    2 months ago
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    @Matej34471Great profile picture.

    2 months ago
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    This is possibly the most detailed plane on the site.

    2 months ago
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    1,262 Numbers2

    Mate your a god @PlaneFlightX

    +2 3 months ago
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    1,262 Numbers2

    Sweet cheers mate ill give that a whirl @PlaneFlightX

    +2 3 months ago
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    46.5k PlaneFlightX

    Set the spoiler lever to any variable, say "Spoilers", and set the exact same value for the hinge rotator. You may need to adjust some values like the direction and some multipliers.

    For the flaps I'd recommend using VTOL. Simply put that in the lever and the control surface on the wing, and again adjust values like the multiplier, direction, and min/max as required.

    Hope this helps @Numbers2

    +1 3 months ago
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    1,262 Numbers2

    Lever 2 is for the speed breaks and lever4 for flaps @PlaneFlightX

    3 months ago
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    1,262 Numbers2

    Heyy can you please help with 2 codes! So im using a normal wing and I'musinghinge rotors for a speed break whilst using an actual speedbreak part to slow down in the air the problem is I need codes for both usingthe new lever part @PlaneFlightX

    3 months ago
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    15 Jcbbl10

    Wish I could build stuff like this

    +1 6 months ago
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    1,021 dabestsock

    It's working on my pixel but at like 5 fps anyone have a idea to get around it

    6 months ago
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    the front of the plane be like: >, jokes aside really good aircraft

    +2 7 months ago
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    46.5k PlaneFlightX

    @ZubenGaming Hi, thanks for the feedback!
    I have a few video tutorials I've made over the years, such as my fuselage tutorial, wing tutorial, and my variables tutorial series (part 1, part 2, part 3).

    If you're interested, I'm also working on an even better plane than this one, called the SWL-120. You can read more about it here.

    9 months ago
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    I literally have no idea how you made this SO GOOD I downloaded this and OH MY GOD this is a FS type creation and I've been trying to to the same, the closest I've gotten to this is my ZR-812. If you have any tips please tell me because I could do with some lessons! Literally one of the best aircraft ever created.

    9 months ago
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    547 TinyMaus

    that is literally what hes doing on the swl-120

    9 months ago
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    Why don't you make this plane but with jet engine

    9 months ago
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    Inside: Very nice, Outside:


    2 hour build?,

    9 months ago
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    9 months ago
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    46.5k PlaneFlightX

    @sch574 A lot of these are uniquely tuned to this aircraft, unfortuantly.

    9 months ago
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    0 sch574

    Great job! I really liked your plane and the implementation of autopilot. I wanted to ask: are there any thoughts of making a universal avionics kit for use on other aircraft? Specifically to make an autopilot unit, an ILS unit, etc.?

    9 months ago
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    46.5k PlaneFlightX

    @friedzod Thanks for the feedback!

    10 months ago
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    154 friedzod

    Awesome creation, autopilot is great, amazing scripted start sequence. Thank you!

    +1 10 months ago
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