2,507 OrderlyHippo Comments

  • F-35B WIP showcase 1.2 years ago

    How the progress? Hope you’re not stuck on something!

  • The Flying Saucer 1.3 years ago


  • Tutorial on how to create planes for the AI that can be automatically spawned in the skies 1.3 years ago

    @MAPA Even planes with gear? Wow. Ok then. Thx

  • [AI]Martin PBM-3R Mariner 1.3 years ago

    @pancelvonat That's nothing to be disappointed about. The build is extremely impressive. And you can always add some gear to it even though it's not very realistic.

  • Tutorial on how to create planes for the AI that can be automatically spawned in the skies 1.3 years ago

    Have you noticed if ai treat gearless planes differently like this seaplane?

  • [AI]Martin PBM-3R Mariner 1.3 years ago

    Won’t the ai just try to land on runways without landing gear?

  • R-90 AWACS 1.3 years ago

    @DameTheMobileFriendly Gotcha

  • R-90 AWACS 1.3 years ago

    If it has more than 6 wings it won't work with ai according to MAPA's recently released ai guide

  • Tutorial on how to create planes for the AI that can be automatically spawned in the skies 1.3 years ago

    Wow I did not know anything about this. Thanks! Is it possible to make a "hostile" ai plane that spawns in by itself, similar to that default red jet that fights you?

  • DesignerUpdate 1.3 years ago

    I bet Gestour's next update will be "Simple Planes 2." This mod is so useful. FYI, apostrophes don't work in the aircraft title.

  • A-10 Thunderbolt II 1.3 years ago

    “Pave Penny” lol. This plane is better than meets the eye.

  • F-35B WIP showcase 1.4 years ago

    @MrZa @lemoose

  • F-35B WIP showcase 1.4 years ago

    Hi Guy folk.
    - Please see this plane to help with controls in hover mode (click me). In hover, it uses pitch to control altitude and trim to set the speed forward or reverse, like a "cruise control" setter. It also has roll thrusters to prevent sideways drifting when hovering.
    - I don't know how you will achieve the proper turn rate of 25 degrees/second in conventional flight mode. That's a 14.4 second loop!
    - Finally, if you are struggling with part count, please refer to the one MrZa built in 182 parts (click me). I hope you succeed!
    P.S. I saw that slow mode flying, but if you need help with that, maybe check out (this post)

  • SeNd HeLp 1.4 years ago

    @11qazxc Wow, thank you! I didn't think anyone would. My current theory is in real life, it heavily uses body lift for low airspeed maneuvering. 🤔
    Edit: I meant airflow over the plane caused by the engine exhaust sucking air around the plane’s body, moving it towards the rear.

  • J20 VTOL The Wandering Earth2 version 1.4 years ago

    I’m glad someone else was willing to take a stab at this. It makes flying so much more fun for some reason. I tried making a finished lift system like this, but it’s currently on hold because Simple Planes physics are so annoying.

  • Dog drawing 1.4 years ago

    Burrito ears

  • Nothing 1.4 years ago

    Imagine if it could fly

  • Su 30 Coming soon ! 1.4 years ago

    Are you the same guy as in your profile picture? You better call an astronomer, because your enthusiasm is out of this world!

  • SeNd HeLp 1.4 years ago

    @MrZa Still working on it...

  • Guided Bomb 2 (No target locking need) 1.4 years ago

    Dude…when it’s lazed with the laser at ice base, it launches towards the missile launchers…but if you activate 4, the lasers don’t target it… You have a missile lock on and fire and it gets lazed (note it has no aircraft collision on) so it pushes the bomb in front super fast to the target!!! Wow! Real life RPG’s use this same principle, but instead of getting lazed, the force on the front of the projectile on contact triggers an insane amount of explosive pressure behind the nose to shoot out the tip and push grenade type fragments at super high speed into the target!! I made a whole glide pack system to launch a bomb over 10 miles to ice base and it’s so janky. This is so much better!!! You have made a RPB - rocket propelled bomb or more precisely, an explosion propelled bomb

  • Sukhoi Su-33 1.4 years ago

    Pretty cool man, but that glide ratio is seems very unrealistic

  • SOLVED High AoA reverses roll inputs…how?! 1.4 years ago

    You stall at a fixed indicated airspeed.
    Mass does not change the stall angle of attack. However it does change the indicated airspeed that stall occurs. So fly the plane and see what the IAS is when it stalls.

  • FT controlled self-driving vehicle (no mods required) 1.5 years ago

    I did not see all this potential! Hilarious! And impressive. If you somehow pull off a working refuel truck that would be insane.

  • Rolls-Royce LiftSystem (V2) 1.5 years ago

    @lemoose I haven’t tested it but I think the fix is for all the if variables like VTOL>0 & GearDown? Blah: blah blah need to be clamped between 0-1. It’s a weird fix but often helps. So it should be (clamp01(VTOL>0) & clamp01(GearDown))? Blah: Blah blah. Using ceil() might help too.

  • F-18C Hornet 1.5 years ago


  • Uploading with screenshots (outside of designer)? 1.5 years ago

    Post your image or gif to a discord server that won’t get removed. Copy the link and do the following
    ![](your link here)

  • Stealth Bomber 1.5 years ago

    How are you making airplanes so fast?

  • Chengdu High Alpha Mastery Project (CHAMP) 1.5 years ago

    @GorillaGuerrilla See this plane click me

  • Chengdu High Alpha Mastery Project (CHAMP) 1.5 years ago

    @Darg12e using a piston to push the main cockpit behind the plane so stealth can be turned on and off messes up the game physics :/ Another way is to detach 1/2 or more parts than are connected to the main cockpit to “damage your aircraft” so ai don't recognize your presence, but that's not very authentic. To fix piston method, I think "diffuseInertiaTensors" needs to be off for the piston

  • Chengdu High Alpha Mastery Project (CHAMP) 1.5 years ago

    @Darg12e Please tell me how! Or share your plane’s link

  • Air Tractor AT-802U 1.5 years ago

    It’s so funny that the military uses a farm tractor for elite stealth operations.

  • Air Tractor AT-802U 1.5 years ago

    Color scheme looks great!

  • Chengdu High Alpha Mastery Project (CHAMP) 1.5 years ago

    @Darg12e I can’t even use the plane due to part count. Do missiles actually miss you or is it just like normal?

  • Chengdu High Alpha Mastery Project (CHAMP) 1.5 years ago

    This build is low key hilarious

  • SOLVED High AoA reverses roll inputs…how?! 1.5 years ago

    @WNP78 What am I missing? Because if AoA determines when snap roll occurs, inverting the user’s roll input at a fixed AoA should fix the issue of inverted controls and it doesn’t seem to. Here’s evidence. How can I make the plane handle 50 deg AoA like the real one?

  • AT-802U 1.5 years ago


  • SOLVED High AoA reverses roll inputs…how?! 1.5 years ago

    @WNP78 I want a pid controller to correct for snap roll and not reduce angle of attack. I want the plane to continue pitching hard. I’m trying to make an F-35 reach the 50 deg AoA limit but I can’t and it’s driving me crazy. click me

  • Teaser 3 1.5 years ago

    @Zaineman Understandable lol

  • Teaser 3 1.5 years ago

    @Zaineman Hey Z why do you use the “headings” format to type when we can zoom in to make larger text? Merry Christmas!

  • Tutorial Person 1.5 years ago

    Fingers? No, no. Wingers.

  • ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!!!!! 1.5 years ago

    That's some next gen camouflage!

  • Air Tractor AT-802 1.5 years ago


  • Refuel station proof of concept 1.5 years ago

    Honestly, this could be built a lot better. I probably won’t bother with it. But you could have giant buttons that the plane rolls over to raise and lower the probe very slowly. Then ahead of that, there’s the refuel probe appears. Then after x seconds of pumping fuel (using rate(Fuel) and some time function), the probe moves out of the way and you roll away without having to reverse at any time.
    Downside is it must be used on smooth ground

  • Refuel station proof of concept 1.5 years ago

    @Kendog84 That sounds hard…

  • X-05 FlyByWire (updated) 1.5 years ago

    Build the F-35B lift system without gyroscopes

  • SOLVED High AoA reverses roll inputs…how?! 1.5 years ago

    @WNP78 But I'd like to know when it happens. I have to know when lift fails and drag increases. I want to know the amount of lift and drag exactly when stall occurs. I believe you're saying this ratio never changes, so don't do senseless calculations to find the angle? How do you find this ratio? Trial and error? Is a wing's stall speed not the way?

  • SOLVED High AoA reverses roll inputs…how?! 1.5 years ago

    @WNP78 “Snap roll!" So, that's what it is. Is it possible to know when a wing has stalled?
    I found a function online for a wing's stall speed (google "calculate stall speed"), but it requires air density...I don't know if that's a variable that exists in SP. @Huax performed an experiment, click me, and found an approximate formula for air density: pow(2,-Altitude/5296)
    I'll probably just use that
    Edit: Weight not taken into account. Doesn’t work :(

  • SOLVED High AoA reverses roll input…how??? 1.5 years ago

    I’m so confused. My current theory is that the rear wings force the plane to yaw. This yawing of the plane causes more air to hit the vertical stabilizers, which roll the plane.
    Edit: I tried yawing against the yaw created by rolling and it seems to work. Yawing behaved more like typical roll inputs during high AoA which is neat :P
    Edit: It's because of SNAP ROLL, "a dynamic roll caused by 1 wing being completely stalled and the other wing being completely un-stalled and driving the roll round."
