Dev NathanMikeska Comments

  • The devs are up to something 6.7 years ago

    I am always quiet...

  • Feature suggestions 6.7 years ago

    There are some good ideas in here. We just had a meeting yesterday about everything we want to put in the 1.8 update and already have too much stuff to get done in a reasonable timeframe... We will keep this stuff in mind though, never know what we might slip in, 1.8 or beyond...


    I'd recommend logging this stuff in the uservoice site. We do take the suggestions and number of votes into consideration when deciding on what is going in to an update. Please log these things as separate items there though. Submissions containing multiple unrelated suggestions are not very helpful to us. Remember to search first to make sure you aren't logging a duplicate.

  • Mirroring broken 6.7 years ago

    We don't know what to fix if we have no links any planes to investigate and no info provided to try and reproduce the error.

  • Secret 1.7 feature not explained in the blog!!!!!!!!!!!! 6.7 years ago

    It should be a re-bindable input that can be configured in the settings menu if you would prefer something other than Shift+K by the way..

  • Bugs 6.8 years ago

    The gun bug is a known issue and will be fixed in the final release. The cockpit is meant to be indestructible.

  • Beta 1.7 - Round 4 6.8 years ago

    @TruttleBlock173 I just tried 3 of your planes, none of which I could reproduce any exploding when shooting guns, so I don't think ALL of your planes are experiencing issues. If its something you want us to investigate, we need links to planes.

  • A friendly reminder 6.8 years ago

    Your post has been removed because it appears to have broken the website rules. You can read them here

  • this is hilarious 6.8 years ago

    Your post has been removed because it appears to have broken the website rules. You can read them here

  • Beta 1.7 - Round 4 6.8 years ago

    @TheOwlAce Thanks! I was able to reproduce the issue. Working on a fix.

  • Beta 1.7 - Round 4 6.8 years ago

    @SweptBackWing14 Do you have a link to a plane that has this problem? Is it something that occurs after mirroring the plane?

  • Beta 1.7 - Round 4 6.8 years ago

    @TheOwlAce I need some more info...are you talking about your bullets hitting your plane? or enemy bullets hitting your plane? What exactly does 'nowhere near' mean, maybe in terms of block distances...?

  • Water is very pixelated on some Mali devices (Android) 6.8 years ago

    What device do you have? I'd recommend running the water on medium or low settings....

  • Beta 1.7 - Round 4 6.8 years ago

    @xXSubZ3r0Xx Wow, thanks for pointing that out. I totally screwed that one up. Bullets were being scaled to zero. I've published a new build for Steam and GOG (Google Play will have to wait),, which should fix the issue. Thanks.

  • Beta 1.7 - Round 4 6.8 years ago

    @laserborn88 That was broke since the 1.7 beta, but it finally works again. I should have phrased that better in the post above. Sorry.

  • Beta Bug 6.8 years ago

    The plane you linked me appears to work just fine. There isn't anything attached to that front rotator but if you do attach some blocks, they rotate when the gear is raised, as expected. For landing gear, you may want to set the input controller min (or the max) to 0 now though.

  • Bug while mirroring 6.8 years ago

    Thanks for pointing this out. We will investigate (probably not going to make it in the 1.7 release though).

  • Uuuuh how much longer do you guys have to take 6.8 years ago

    The more time we spend reading questions about when the release is going to be, the less time we have to actually work on the release and thus, the longer it takes.

  • 1.7 Beta - Round 3 6.8 years ago

    @TheOwlAce Can you give me some more info? What device are you using and what is your UI scale setting set to? Approximately how many planes to you have saved? Does it do it 100% of the time? Thanks.

  • 1.7 Beta - Round 3 6.8 years ago

    @Flightsonic It shouldn't be overwriting max speed... Is it overwriting it with a different value or just deleting the attribute? The only time it should be overwritten with a different value is if the xml version of the plane is something prior to 6 (so if you are tweaking XML of a plane that wasn't saved in the latest version) and if the mass scale of the missile is less than 1.

  • Beta Bug 6.8 years ago

    Thanks! This should be fixed in the next beta (not yet released). Once it comes out, let us know if you experience any more issues with this.

  • 1.7 Beta - Round 3 6.8 years ago

    @TheOwlAce I need plane links if I am to investigate the issues with the guns. Also, what dogfight slider are you talking about?

  • 1.7 Beta - Round 3 6.8 years ago

    @JoshuaW Would "maxForwardThrustForce" help? For reference, its 20000 for the Interceptor and 15000 for the Guardian and Inferno.

  • 1.7 Beta - Round 3 6.8 years ago

    @Hardstylelover What device are you using? Did shadows work before. What settings have you tried? Need some more info here....

  • 1.7 Beta - Round 3 6.8 years ago

    @Elicushman Were the torpedos modded at all?

  • T1000 Propeller Glitch 6.8 years ago

    Let us know if you can reliably reproduce the issue. If you can tell us the exact steps that cause the issue every time, it would help tremendously in tracking down the bug.

  • 1.7 Beta - Round 3 6.8 years ago

    @MadBomber Can you provide a link to the plane that is now flying differently than it did in 1.6? Are you on version of the beta?

  • 1.7 Beta - Round 3 6.8 years ago

    @Gestour The extra permission is due to a library we added to help mitigate the extreme amount of piracy on Android. It should not affect legit users in any way. Please let us know if you experience any issues.

  • 1.7 Beta - Round 3 6.8 years ago

    @marcox43 Suggestions should go to our uservoice

  • 1.7 Beta - Round 3 6.8 years ago

    @Enderminion Is it repeatable?

  • Guns with disableAircraftCollisions still damaging own plane? 6.8 years ago

    Show damage should be fixed in the latest beta v1.7.0.2. Gun collision issues should be fixed in the second round of the beta v1.7.0.1. If you are still having trouble with the gun collisions, send me a link to a plane with the issue.

  • 1.7 Beta - Round 3 6.8 years ago

    @DerekSP I'll make a note of it, might not happen this release though... Thanks for pointing that out.

  • 1.7 Beta - Round 2 6.8 years ago

    @LBYSteven Regarding the rotators... try out the latest beta and see if they are still broke. If so, provide me with a plane link and some info so I can investigate.

  • 1.7 Beta - Round 2 6.8 years ago

    @SweptBackWing14 We are only doing and OSX beta for Steam and GOG.

  • 1.7 Beta - Round 2 6.8 years ago

    @kerothehero Show/Hide damage is currently broken in some scenarios. It will be fixed in the next beta update.

  • 1.7 Beta - Round 2 6.8 years ago

    @poenix The part damage indicator should be fixed in the next beta

  • 1.7 Beta - Round 2 6.8 years ago

    @Leehopard Thanks for the link. This should be fixed in the next beta.

  • 1.7 Beta - Round 2 6.8 years ago

    @FlyingWings see my uservoice comment right below this

  • 1.7 Beta - Round 2 6.8 years ago

    @CALVIN232 Suggestions should go to our uservoice. If someone already submitted an idea, vote on it rather than submitting a new item.

  • 1.7 Beta - Round 2 6.8 years ago

    @JoddyFubuki788 Rotators shouldn't need repaired except maybe in the case of planes that were mirrored and saved in the first round of the beta. Do you have existing planes with rotators that used to work that are now messed up in this beta update? If so, please provide links and any relevant details/info.

  • 1.7 Beta - Round 2 6.8 years ago

    @EternalDarkness Thanks for the link. This should be fixed in the next update

  • 1.7 Beta - Round 2 6.8 years ago

    @corsair013 Sounds like it might be related to the bug Flightsonic mentioned, but please provide me with an aircraft link so I can verify that it is the same issue and that I have indeed fixed it. Thanks.

  • 1.7 Beta - Round 2 6.8 years ago

    @AttestedArk The cleaver will probably make it in the final release.

  • 1.7 Beta - Round 2 6.8 years ago

    @Flightsonic As for the nudge question.... I think 100% should be the same nudge increment as the default nudge increment before the beta. @HellFireKoder is the one that handled all that though, so he would know best.

  • 1.7 Beta - Round 2 6.8 years ago

    @Flightsonic Think I have found that problem.... my bad. Should be fixed in the next beta update. Thanks for the help!

  • 1.7 Beta - Round 2 6.8 years ago

    @ChaMikey Not in 1.7, sorry. Future updates... we will consider it.

  • 1.7 Beta - Round 2 6.8 years ago

    @Flightsonic Thanks for the link! I'll investigate first thing tomorrow morning

  • 1.7 Beta - Round 2 6.8 years ago

    @TheMutePaper The rotators should be fixed. If you had saved busted designs in the last round of the beta, they will still be broke however. Those should be able to be fixed by mirroring the craft if one side is working correctly, otherwise, it might take some XML tweaks. Ultimately though, craft with rotator landing gear should work as it did prior to the 1.7 beta.

  • Beta website/game bug 6.8 years ago

    @InternationalAircraftCompany Some parts work differently under the hood, so existing parts may still break if loading a newer plane in an older version.

  • Beta website/game bug 6.8 years ago

    Its intentional, not a bug. More is involved than just new parts.

  • yet another 1.7 Beta pro/cons post 6.8 years ago

    @JMicah4 Thanks for the details! Not sure how I missed that blinking UI the first time... Its totally obvious now... We will look in to those two issues, thanks.