46.1k Minecraftpoweer Comments

  • Red Resurgence class aviation capable battleship 6.3 years ago

    Number of parts 666 XD

  • XML's problem 6.3 years ago

    fire delay is only for bombs and missles and rocketpods etc.for guns you can do like this:
    If youre making a replica gun and the Magazine is 50
    burstcount is 50 and then time between bursts is reload time, to edit fire rate you edit the rounds per second thing and that can also be the same as the real one.

  • I Am No Longer A Moderator 2.8 years ago

    This day extracts a heavy toll

    While I am not really that active on sp anymore, I have had lots of great interactions with you

  • Lookout for this replica theif! 3.0 years ago

    I hope and don't hope things of mine have been stolen. Hope because wow some bastard things my stuff is worth money, don't hope because some bastard is profiting off of my stuff.

  • Object 263 1/1 3.1 years ago

    @MB777 Tanks do have to reload before they can fire another round, you see. Any other questions?

  • Your Future Husband - Handsome Squidward 3.4 years ago

    Looks like the weeknd

  • Hello SP Website! 3.6 years ago

    Friend stuff is always cool

  • How to change weapon input? 3.7 years ago

    As the others have said, you can't change the input itself on guns & cannons, only give them a custom "activation group" so that you can only press fire when the throttle is at 100%. On missiles, bombs and rockets you can give a detached a custom input which will then launch missiles etc.

  • My First Fuselage Art 3.8 years ago


  • what happened To SpiritusRaptors account!? 4.0 years ago

    Maybe he already had existing strikes, the middle finger doesn't seem that bad to warrant a temp ban, I get the site is supposed to be family friendly but I doubt anyone who is 13 or more has never used the middle finger.

  • We need the devs back 4.0 years ago

    Also a user voice suggestion is not a guarantee that your suggestion will make it in to the game.

  • I want to say something to all of you people 4.0 years ago

    Saw edit to the forum and now I'm kinda like... idk
    Was edited again next I guess it makes more sense now but mm idk..
    Mental state is understandable but let's say I hated tractors or something, if I saw one of them I wouldn't click on it, comment on it or interact with it. That wouldn't make the tractor go away and if anything it would probably just make my hate for tractors worse.
    Now ofcourse I don't hate tractors, that was an example.

  • Totally not a rickroll 4.0 years ago

    You know the rules and so do I

  • My Issue with Mobile Friendly Builds 4.1 years ago

    I think that usually stuff classes as mobile friendly is supposed to be friendly on devices that most users might have. While yes it's likely that some high end devices can manage 4k parts, that is clearly not the average phone an sp user has. Just like how just because someone has a pc they won't be able to run 10k part builds.

  • Smiley 4.2 years ago

    @Inuyasha8215 :)

  • Smiley 4.2 years ago

    @randomusername :)

  • What gear do you want on my 180? 4.2 years ago


  • I Need Assistance! 4.3 years ago

    Don't put the detacher/pylon on 0 weight, not really the missile either. I usually have like 0.25 mass on custom missile stuff and then maybe 0.5-0.75 detacher? Just mess around until it works.

  • Naming Activation Groups 4.3 years ago

    Can do that with custom activation groups now with the new weapon select thing in funky trees. No one has done it but I'm sure it's possible!

  • Help with rotators on heavy turrets 4.3 years ago

    Increase mass on turret and use damperMultiplier try 50 and then just increase until it works fine. Might slow down rotation depending on how high it is, then just compensate for that.

  • Options for other weapons 4.3 years ago

    Agreed, bombs should have explosion scale, base damage scale, and impact force as well. Also option to choose if it detaches parts. (I don't think the collision options affect bombs.

  • Mods for android 4.3 years ago

    Devs cant so anything about it, not their fault

  • 1.10 or 2.0 4.4 years ago

    1.10 maybe if we get a minor update, 2.0 for when we get a big enough update that it requires one of those videos.

  • Tearing apart my old 2008 compaq f700 4.4 years ago

    There really isn't a lot you can get from tearing it apart, if you still use it and it has more place for another HDD or SSD if you need it.

  • Ok, this needs to be made because it Is NOT fair for us mobile users. 4.4 years ago

    @Vidal99977 you take a screenshot, you add text to it if you want. You use designer suite to use it as a "blueprint" you move it to the side so the build doesnt block it. Then you take the pics for uploading and zoom in on the blueprint so only that is visible. Tada custom thumbnail and can be done by everyone. And that's how the majority of players do it.

  • Ok, this needs to be made because it Is NOT fair for us mobile users. 4.4 years ago

    Lemme tell you something.
    1: pc users now use the designer suite mod for custom thumbnails, a mod that everyone who updates to 1.9 has.
    2: there are tons of photo editing softwares available for free, both on pc and on mobile.
    3: Designer doesnt matter, it doesnt have anything to do with the custom thumbnail unless you add some text like the name to the build, in that case it's better just to take a screenshot ingame for the custom thumbnail. Basically designer mods like that are not as useful as they once were because now you can basically use any picture of your build.
    4: The upvotes arent really only because of thumbnails (except for the clickbait ones that are now against the rules) it's more about "marketing" you make teasers, you make people interested in your thing, why they should take the time to try it out etc. You want to convince someone to get it, and teasers are important for this. It's important to get upvotes in the beginning, the rest builds itself up, but if nothing happens at the start, nothing will happen later.

  • How hard is it to spell my name correct? 4.4 years ago

    this is why I use the copy-paste feature

  • I’m a gamer girl 4.4 years ago

    This whole comment section is a trainwreck.... as for if it entertained me to any degree? My lawyer has advised me not to answer that question

  • Cannon question 4.4 years ago

    No, I dont think so, maybe they'll let us scale it eventually

  • So long 2010s losers, I’m in the 2020s now ;P 4.5 years ago

    Damn time travelers, I'm still in 2019 for 11 hours and 17 minutes........

  • Cannons Should Have Customisble Barrels 4.5 years ago


  • We have gotten new parts and etc but why not a new system? 4.5 years ago

    Deleting aircraft and sub assemblies is so annoying just because it sends you back, and no I'm not going to do it from the game files because sometimes I just name the stuff something random..... we need it to stop sending us back to the top. Because of this I have a looooot of random subs and stuff

  • How do I get 1.9 4.5 years ago

    I think they said they have gotten enough beta testers on ios. So I dont think there will be more or something. Idk read the comments on the announcement post

  • Funky Trees! 4.5 years ago

    Wow this is complex math stuff right here.... or I'm just stupid, both are fine. Well this will take some learning, but that's how it was with learning XML too.

  • What about recommendations? 4.5 years ago

    Learn XML modding. And learn the most popular mods (that are included in the game in 1.9)

  • Godzilla it's not the largest 4.6 years ago

    @Evenstsrike333 @Gameboi14 My private........ plane

  • Godzilla it's not the largest 4.6 years ago

    I know something even bigger

  • SPMRP Discord 4.6 years ago

    We won, Mr Stark

  • 4.6 years ago


  • Mods 4.6 years ago

    Jundroo are not responsible for mods not being available on IOS, in future updates some features from popular mods will be added.

  • Halloween Competition Update!! 4.6 years ago

    @jamesPLANESii I'm thinking of putting a paper plate outside, sprinkle some sugar in it and make a sign saying "take 1, no refills" on it. So then people see it and think the candy ran out.

  • Okie one last question 4.7 years ago

    Tip..... save your thing before making any major changes. You can also name it with a different number incase you want checkpoint backups... "Fighterplane 2" "fighterplane 3" and whatever.

  • Why did Pearl Harbour happen? 4.7 years ago

    @Awsomur You tagged the wrong person but I'll bamboozle you anyways..... Joe Mama

  • A guy named Mod that's no longer a Mod? 4.7 years ago

    why make a forum about this even though there is a forum exactly like this that you know exists since you commented on it? clicky

  • We seriously need to educate those who don't give credit when they post their stolen creations. 4.7 years ago

    Yea this stuff happens a lot. Maybe the site should redirect users to the rules when completing the signup.

  • Regarding anything I make that is electric 4.7 years ago

    @randomusername yea, but there are a lot of different ways to make those too. I'm not saying yours are bad, they're probably one of the best, if not the best non vanilla engines.since missiles and bullets are not as practical. But that doesnt mean you have to go tell everyone that theirs arent as good or that they shouldnt call their planes what they want.
    Just advertise your planes well and the engines especially, so that when people who have used your planes try other planes that claim to be electrical they'll just think to themselves "Ooh this isnt as good as RU's engines, I prefer those.

  • A post dedicated to the users of the past 4.7 years ago

    Why does everyone think Chyomi...... idk the name (free ranged lemon) is leaving? They made a forum named something like "teasers to show I'm not dead"

  • (User Has Been Stopped) 4.7 years ago

    @MediocrePlanes Welcome back?
