5,954 Maximum777 Comments

  • Suspension Physics Demonstration 4.8 years ago

    So ya, basically for suspension to not break, what ever the shocks are supporting must be constrained via limiting the rotators so that the parts connected to either end of the shock can't hit each other, you can't over compress the suspension block, you can only make your arms or mounting points at the ends of the shock hit each other.

  • Performance SCT V4 4.8 years ago

    @LiamW Yes, I'd be totally up for that, sounds like a great challenge. Also the biggest thing I found is suspension can't break if over compressed, what happens is the parts attached to the ends of the suspension pice hit each other when the suspension pice or block is compressed all the way and that's how the suspension breakers and rotators catch fire etc. I discovered this by expairimenting and finding that you can basically push the suspension infinitely.

  • Performance SCT V4 4.8 years ago

    @LiamW And to think that I've auctualy made this better than the version uploaded here though, the next version of this I have doesn't break so eaisaly, and this version all ready takes a lot to break, I'm very happy with it and I'll call your name when the updated version is out.

  • 4 link and Leaf Spring Chassis Prototype 4.8 years ago

    Also yes, for the people that have fallowed, I'm making a full leaf spring Dakar rally truck for V4, it's going to be so much better then the 4 link with leaf spring all around, it's just the right scale for it.

  • Chevy K5 Blazer V2 4.8 years ago

    @VerldVarIII welcome

  • Sway Bar suspension 8x8 X2 4.8 years ago

    @wello And that's why you dont add useless blocks. And if you added weight the suspension would need to be re tuned, I'd suggest lessoning the angle the shocks are at before just throwing more suspension on to it.

  • Sway Bar suspension 8x8 X2 4.8 years ago

    @wello well sure but that would be the easy out, you see, the point of suspension is to keep the vechile stable and keep all wheeles in contact with the ground to give the vechile more traction, you made it more top heavy and thus it no longer performed as I had originally designed. I'd recommend redesigning it to have more weight lower down and see if you could re build the swaybars to be stiffer. Adding a gyro is basically like cheating, that's why I never EVER use them in cars and push myself to design vechiles that are stable all on thier own. Think about it, adding a gyro, that basically defys physics anyways, (it wouldn't be possible for something that small to do what it does) makes all the swaybars useless, and makes all the balancing I did useless. The fact that it wouldn't work IRL is the reason vechiles have suspension like they do and why I built it the way I did, so no don't add gyro to fix a stabality issue, tinker around and see what you can tune or adjust to fix the problem at hand with in the suspension.

  • Chevy K5 Blazer V2 4.8 years ago

    @VerldVarIII you find the chassis I uploaded? It's 155 parts, uploaded it yesterday. Literally just the chassis

  • Performance SCT V4 4.8 years ago

    I'm probably going to rebuild the front and upload a different variant of this chassis as SCT V5 but for now here's what I got, she's one hell of a good ride, but the front suspension likes to break the same pice on both sides so going to be working on that.

  • Sway Bar suspension 8x8 X2 4.8 years ago

    Ya, autocredit, thinking I'm going to remake this soon as well, start from scratch and design some nuts swaybar independent and then go from there.

  • Chevy K5 Blazer V2 4.8 years ago

    @wello I see no issues with that, I think about 3 people took it and put wings and blocks all over it, ya so be my guest, go right ahead

  • Scale Crawler Chassis V2 4.8 years ago

    I left the exhaust on for basically no reason, just for show I guess.

    Hey though, mission accomplished, I reduced the part count to 155 parts, and thats compared to 505 with the body so its much more mobile friendly now. Anyone should be able to crawl with out issues, just always be sure to run it in high physics settings.

  • Chevy K5 Blazer V2 4.8 years ago

    @VerldVarIII I have an upload if literally just the Chassis.

  • Chevy K5 Blazer V2 4.8 years ago

    @VerldVarIII strange I thought the download lock due to too many parts was removed...

  • Chevy K5 Blazer V2 4.8 years ago

    @VerldVarIII the V1 version has a lot less parts, but best thing you can do is remove the lights and like un nessery parts, the roll cage, scale details, or just remove the whole body.

  • Chevy K5 Blazer V2 4.8 years ago

    @shipster thanks, I put a decent amount of time into re tuning and all around finalizing it's performance characteristics.

  • Chevy K5 Blazer V2 4.8 years ago

    @CrashFighter05 I think I'll do that for V3, as well as add a full interior and more small scale details.

  • Chevy K5 Blazer V2 4.8 years ago

    That steering is redicolusly hard to re work, getting more steering angle out of it was hard but I did it! No clue to the actual angle but this thing sure does better on the proving grounds than V1 because of it.

  • Mini Rally-2 4.9 years ago

    @Falcon17 ok good to know, Ill see what Andrew thinks

  • Mini Rally-2 4.9 years ago

    @Falcon17 ok so parts like the lights, and anything that's had it's scale adjusted are called XML modded parts, you'll find tons of them if you look them up in the search bar on this website, the lights I have came of of a random vechile I downloaded, I also have a big flattened light I've used in a few things, all in all thier just for show. My understanding is the games engine is old, so basically it cannot calculate any rag tracing etc, but it can spawn sprites, the fire and smoke is a Sprite that has no affect on its surroundings, the little light arora's around the are sprites and the jet engine flames are sprites as well, basically for it to work and illuminate the ground the game either needs an engine that can calculate Ray's, also Ray tracing is hard on CPU and takes more processing power. Currently you could make the game spawn more sprites or something like that but currently you can just make bigger sprite's and I have seen some XML moded lights that have elongated sprites but basically it just ended up looking stupid and they can phase through things, anyways what I'm saying is look up like long range light or something, you might just find what your looking for. Also you mentioned glass and for glass to work it needs each piece of "glass" to run a specific script for it to be transparent, and basically it laggs, there is a glass mod, it's cool but it's hard on your CPU as the comments on the mod stated and also there's no mobile support for the mod so I couldn't download it for my self, I Also found that it wasn't adjustable as some comments stated that they wish that instead of making some of the blocks into glass they should have made the hallow fuesaloge block see through instead, they were just kinda pointless in the end and looked stupid, it may have been updated since I saw it so probably still check it out but idk, it's called the Glass mod, anyways need anymore information? I've been with the game since it was released so I've seen how things have progressed and have even spoken with the developers, and I was not expecting it but I think I'm the reason why we have slow motion, I literally just emailed the devs and was like "how hard would it be to make some kind of slow motion slider or something for the next update?" And then the head dev, Andrew Garrison, said, and I quote,"Some of the stuff that you mentioned is on our list to tackle for this update" and now there's slow motion, now he seemed to hint that maybe it may have already

  • Mini Rally-2 4.9 years ago

    @Falcon17 hey I can't talk right now but in like 3 hours or so I auctualy have a ton of information and know the reasons behind how the head lights don't illuminate the terrain etc, I simply found modded lights from someone that simply modded thier size on the PC version of the game, anyways can't talk, gotta go, I'll get back to you

  • Leaf Spring Work truck V3 4.9 years ago

    @Vrferret, noted, realistic steering for the next big scale build,

  • Leaf Spring Work truck V3 4.9 years ago

    Thanks for the upvotes! 😁

    Hard work pays off!

  • Leaf Spring Work truck V3 4.9 years ago

    Also, this ONLY works at PHYSICS SETTINGS: HIGH

  • Leaf Spring Work truck V3 4.9 years ago

    V1 had even more plush suspension and I'd suggest checking it out if you find this ride to be too bumpy with the sway bars, trust me though, overall it's a better ride, handles great and it's not like it can't off road but this type suspension really shines on the V1 where it's just the leafs, no swaybars, and physics at its finest.

    Kinda funny looking back, it's came a long way .
    Link to V1:

  • G1 Rally Performance Vechile 4.9 years ago

    @LiamW ya, it's really hard to get right but when it works it's allways an incredible feat of engineering, and as usual for suspension the physics are there in SP, you just gotta execute the design properly.

  • Gold Prix "Record Car" 2 4.9 years ago

    I feel like this must have the record for an 8x8 class or something, but don't think it should hold the record for 4 wheeles 4 engines, nothing else but the chassis and suspension wonder what the record is for something like that, I got 39 seconds on my vechile, no mods just a great chassis all in all, also you didn't mention, does this have mods at all?

  • G1 On Road Performance Chassis 4.9 years ago

    @KaiyuQian my dude, I have beaten gold prix with vechile, mind you with much practice, in
    39 SECONDS, This thing is capable of an under 40 second Gold Prix and I don't think anyone has beaten that with only 4 car engines and no mods or jet engines, I like to think it holds the record but Idk

  • Dakar Rally Truck V3 4.9 years ago

    @CDRxavier the white bars are sway bars, they keep the axle level allowing the vechile to take a turn and not just compress one side of the suspension and roll but rather evenly distribute the load across the axle so instead of compressing one side they compress both, if you built them rock solid the axle liter cannot roll left or right and only goes up and down, I built them slightly flexible so that the axle can roll some and auctualy do its job and absorb bumps I kept it's abality to push there though so that it doesn't flip, also push means... Auctualy this takes a bit more explaining um, IRL race and sports cars have stiffer sway bars so that they dont roll too far left and right and instead slide along the ground when they go too far where most cars would flip, it's known as pushing instead of catching, most regular non sport vechiles don't have super stiff swaybars and absorb bumps better than race cars but can't take a turn nearly as fast or with as much control because they will catch and roll over, and I'm not talking a curve in a road at 60mph, I'm talking a hard right doing 100mph, riding the edge of a slide in and out of the turn. Street cars basically are a balance of push and catch, it's all a balance of do you want a Smoove ride or something that literally dosent flip taking a turn at 150mph, street cars drive well but not anything close to any sports or race car because regular streets are not perfect and have plenty of bumps and various lot holes, you get the point, race tracks do not, they are basically perfect, super Smoove and clean, there's no loose rocks and the ground is made to be gripped by racing tires at high speeds that don't have much tread. Rally cars are interesting they basically are the best of both worlds, they have plush suspension that's even better at absorbing bumps than street cars, but they also have the abality to Push and handle Amazing with stiff swaybars for on road and REDICIOLUS suspension for off road, this is greatly exzagerated in Rally Trucks which are top heavy, they are made for more endurance racing, like the Dakar endurance race, going over terrain nothing else can, they do however sacrafice a lot for this, they don't do on road very well and would never survive the corners an F1 car can take etc. Onlyt making it around bends by spinning thier tires and having less traction because if this. The big monster truck F1 you built is so simple and big it just dosent care, and also you made it so wide it's pr

  • ZENITH 4.9 years ago

    @CDRxavier I just realized how long what I typed is ... Woops, sorry you don't have to read it, it basically explains 4 links suspension^_^

  • G1 Rally Performance Vechile 4.9 years ago

    This thing is a blast to drive on road and off road, ain't going to set any records on road though, the ON ROAD version is made for that.

  • G1 Rally Performance Vechile 4.9 years ago

    @RailfanEthan yes, got to have good traction and ground clearance, also It's re-uploaded and fixed.

  • G1 Rally Performance Vechile 4.9 years ago

    I broke the steering before uploading, reuploading now.

  • Dakar Rally Truck V3 4.9 years ago

    Btw decently stable, cimpaired to other True Solid axle vechiles like this, that have as much suspension travel as this one, good luck driving something this big, with out sway bars, that still uses true 4 link, at 140mph on road, not much else can handle it with out swaying back and forth.

    Also for this to drive properly you MUST run it with PHYSICS SETTINGS: HIGH, otherwise the swaybars do not work and allow the vechile to roll extremely eaisaly and it just doesn't handle like anything.

  • G1 Rally Performance Vechile 4.9 years ago

    What do you people think of my cantaliver suspension?
    Makes for quite the sight when it's being driven so I left the back of the vechile open so that you can see the suspension at work.

  • G1 Rally Performance Vechile 4.9 years ago

    This thing is a blast to drive on road and off road, ain't going to set any records on road though, the ON ROAD version is made for that.

  • ZENITH 4.9 years ago

    Also if your looking for someone who knows thier stuff, um talk with me in the comments, I have something that can do riding dirty in the realm of 40 seconds, and I have something that has done the Grand Prix in 39 seconds, that vechile can do 444mph and it only uses engines, If I were you I'd check this out, the G1 Racer

  • ZENITH 4.9 years ago

    Ok I see the problem and why you used shocks on your links, your suspension geometry is way off, I'll upload something explaining how suspension geometry has to be for suspension to work like it does IRL and all in all work properly, sadly simple planes disagrees most of the time and makes incredibly realistic suspension just explode but I'll explain later.

  • Dakar Rally Truck V3 4.9 years ago

    @CDRxavier I originally made this suspension to be really really scale looking, I wanted it to look real, and in the end I discovered a lot messing around with the swaybars but what I found is that if you basically give the rear tires no sideways traction it won't flip when you turn, and the problem is you can't turn so making it over steer was really the only way to make it drivable, I also made it easy to work in by making the chassis itself a sepreat part from the body, which btw is attached by one pole dead center in the chassis, I'd recommend taking it off and messing with it the chassis alone, anyways for the next version I'm changing the body to make it able to ride lower and I'm overhualling the shocks, they just like to expload right now and I got to fix that.

  • Dakar Rally Truck V3 4.9 years ago

    Controlls: Pitch = forward/reverse, AG1 = lights, Yaw = steering and Break = break,

  • F-14 Tomcat 4.9 years ago

    It has some issues Henry, if you pitch forward hard, it high-speed stalls and flat spins and it is extremely slow to manover otherwise, I'd say bigger tail controll controll surfaces all around and move the CG forward a bit for better stabality.

  • MiG-29K 4.9 years ago

    This is a reupload to see how much more publicity it will get just from the addition of a cool picture as what you see when your looking through the webpage. This is probably my most underrated upload. It's an amazing plane.

  • Dassault Mirage 2000 4.9 years ago

    I have slats that adjust for both pitch and roll controll on the leading edge of the wings that allow for much more manoverabality than some fighters of a similar design.

  • MiG-29K 4.9 years ago

    Thinking of seeing how much the image you see before you click to download the plane effects how much it's downloaded, I think I'll take some in game screenshots, re upload this plane and see what a difference it makes.

  • F-15 Eagle 4.9 years ago

    Here's some places to improve for when you give it weapons and challenge my Mig 29
    Ok so the rotator controlled vertical stabalizer's and elevator are cool and scale bus siginificantly reduce the aircrafts stabality, IRL this does not occur but with in the SP flight model it causes the aircraft to basically loose vertical stabality than regain it, than loose it and then regain it in a cycle thats oblivious in flight once you understand it, the fix is just using controll surfaces and doing away with the whole stabalizer movie, OR hiding more vertical stabalizer's somewhere, also bringing them further from the main wing may help some but it's still in need of more vertical and some more horizontal stabalization. I also noticed that because it's so small it's just less stable, I'd scale it up a bit and see if that makes it better, you could also use the bigger engines then and give more to the scale factor because of how powerful this plane is IRL.

    Takeoff is sketchy mainly because of stabality but because it's custom gear when it retracts, it carry's it's momentum and manages to somehow affect the plane in flight. Non custom gear does not but possibly make the gear retract slower and maybe make it lighter.

  • Dakar Rally Truck V2 4.9 years ago

    @TitanIncorporated have you seen my on road vechile the G1 racer? It's very very fun to drive, and unlike this it auctually handles like a car.

  • Zero-G MK1 Floating Ship 4.9 years ago

    Thinking having a lot of drag will auctualy be beneficial to making the bigger craft easy to slow down. In the end the bigger thing I plan to make I want it to be like scary big, and in Being so big I still want it to be impressively manoverable so I'll see what I can do in seeing how well this technology scales up.

  • Zero-G MK1 Floating Ship 4.9 years ago

    @Hyattorama that's what I'm thinking of doing for the bigger ships but keeping this version balanced with only one VTOL was hard, and it was way more fun being light, it carried less momentum and you could go fast but still be able to change direction reasonably quickly so having it to where about half the VTOL Slider was a hover and you could controll your altitude entirely independent from the heading of the craft made it easier to test, and made it more fun anyways literally my thoughts exactly with making it more of a gravity slider, no gravity when it's all the way up and regular gravity with it down and maybe having the trim slider be the altitude adjustment, activating upwards and downwards thrust makes lots of sense to me so I think I'll do that for the next thing I build.

  • Zero-G MK1 Floating Ship 4.9 years ago

    @Hyattorama I plan to make a much bigger version that's armed and has infinite fuel which will make it fly as long as it holds up to fire and hopefully be able to basically carry any weight and be like some crazy Star Ship Enterprise style flying battle ship of sorts, and I'm thinking of enabling a gyro and be able to turn it on and off to make some of the flying easier.

  • LTS Performance SCT V1 4.9 years ago

    @TitanIncorporated Be sure to check out V2, it's better tuned and then my TB Sct, it's just a whole different monster than these trucks.