3,839 MEERKAT978 Comments

  • C-2 Greyhound 5.2 years ago

    I tried making one of these during the Beta but made a hash of it, great to see you've made an awesome job! May well make a derivative from this as an E-2C Hawkeye! Great work!

  • 1.8 Beta now available 5.2 years ago

    @Jim1the1Squid Yeah, I suppose so. Even then, Escort Carriers still had at least one cable on account of the aircraft they were launching, typically F4F Wildcats/Martlets, or Sea Hurricanes, occasionally even Seafires in the case of Fleet Air Arm operations.

    I suppose it might be added. If not, I can live without it I guess :)

  • Simple LTV A-7 Corsair II 5.2 years ago

    @Zott Thank you!

  • KV-1 5.2 years ago

    Bane of my life on War Thunder.

    Nice work making it, especially the mantlet area. God I hate fighting these...

  • Simple LTV A-7 Corsair II 5.2 years ago

    @TheFantasticTyphoon thank you!

  • [Vietnam War]Douglas F3D-2M Skyknight(VMC-J-3 Squadron) 5.2 years ago

    I love how we're all making Vietnam-era jets. Such beautiful beasts, and this is absolutely gorgeous to behold. Nice work!

  • Simple LTV A-7 Corsair II 5.2 years ago

    @ColonelStriker thank you!

  • Simple LTV A-7 Corsair II 5.2 years ago

    @SakuraSaku Thanks!

  • Simple LTV A-7 Corsair II 5.2 years ago

    @AerialFighterSnakes I actually tested it by fitting it with 2 bomb racks and 4 Bullpup missiles and going after the convoy with it. Lives up to the Corsair's prestige as a great attack aircraft then :)

  • Simple LTV A-7 Corsair II 5.2 years ago

    @WIZARD2017 thank you!

  • Simple LTV A-7 Corsair II 5.2 years ago

    @Strikefighter04 Great to hear it mate, thanks for the upvote!

  • Simple LTV A-7 Corsair II 5.2 years ago

    @Thecatbaron Thank You!

  • Simple LTV A-7 Corsair II 5.2 years ago

    @Blue0Bull thank you!

  • Simple LTV A-7 Corsair II 5.2 years ago

    Thank you all!

  • Simple LTV A-7 Corsair II 5.2 years ago


    I've just realised that I forgot to apply a limiter to the Speedbrake. It can move fully in BOTH directions. My apologies.

  • Simple LTV A-7 Corsair II 5.2 years ago

    @ProcessedPlAnEs Thankoo!

  • Simple LTV A-7 Corsair II 5.2 years ago

    @notaleopard cheers mate, barely finished putting the post up!
    Weapons bogie to follow!

  • New beta - 1.8.3 (Steam today, mobile tomorrow) 5.2 years ago

    @SimpleEric the Mil Mi-26 'Halo' has 8 blades on its main rotor head if memory serves. And it only just fits into the maximum rotor diameter allowed without XMLing it.

  • S.S. Helwick 5.2 years ago

    @Tang0five I can think of more derogatory ways to refer to the Welsh "XD.

    However they aren't overly fond of where I work anyway. It's a vicious cycle.

  • 1.8 Beta now available 5.2 years ago

    @Bacondoggie I think it could use a tad less. The stop is rather too violent and often sees some of my designs either pitch over and destroy a wing or suffer a prop strike. A slightly softened arrestor response would be suited I think.

  • 1.8 Beta now available 5.2 years ago

    I have one real point from 1.8.2: the arrestor wires on USS Beast seem a little too stiff. Even with an aircraft weighing >20,000lbs I often find it gets thrown around as the cable snaps back. I know that's the aim of the cable but ideally it could use being a tiny bit less violent?

    Also, would it be possible to add (even just one) arrestor wire to USS Tiny? I know that would likely be seen as removing the challenge from landing on it but my logic there is for designing WW2-esque aircraft e.g. F4F-3 Wildcats. They would operate from something resembling the Tiny and used arrestor wire recovery. Would that be a possible consideration?

  • Westland Wessex Royal Navy 5.2 years ago

    That is a spiffing job! I'm really wanting to build a Sea King HAS.5 in RAF Rescue colours but I can't make helos work particularly well...

  • SdKfz. 171 Panther 'M10' Ersatz 5.2 years ago

    The difference between Operation Fortitude and the Ersatz M10 is that the Geneva Convention stipulates SPECIFICALLY that posing as a member of an opposing force to mislead the enemy (e.g. Germans posing as Americans) is illegal.

    Nothing wrong with deception tactics, until you're posing as the enemy.

  • 1.8 Beta now available 5.3 years ago

    ...Moreover, is it a bad thing that I immediately tried making a Mi-26 Halo with full size and full-spec rotors? It didn't seem to like me much. Nor was it really controllable...

  • 1.8 Beta now available 5.3 years ago

    I am almost drooling right now... Busy cleaning up my phone storage (again) so I can fit the Beta on. CANNOT. WAIT. FOR. THIS!

  • Corvega Atomic Air V8 5.3 years ago

    @JonTKocz Moreover, does the warranty cover the thermonuclear wrath of Red China being visited on my home town?

    Awesome build.

  • Foxbat-F 5.3 years ago


    Thankoo! :)

  • Foxbat-F 5.3 years ago


    Thank you both very much and sorry for the late reply, my battery (as in me not my phone) was kaput ×_×

  • Foxbat-F 5.3 years ago

    @Mikoyanster "borrowed" your Foxbat's main gear legs to use on this as I was having issues with my own design! Thanks, will remember to credit now!

  • VW 1963 Beetle 5.3 years ago

    Now what we need is this in the iconic red and white of Herbie (and I'm talking about his original 60s style...)
    EDIT: Here's his actual paint scheme

  • CAT MIG-31 Foxhound 5.3 years ago

    @DS97 Tried disabling, and it made things a lot worse. I've made it manageable now, it'll just have to remain as is. Thanks for the advice though.

  • CAT MIG-31 Foxhound 5.3 years ago

    @DS97 I've tried them and they work fine on the mains as singles.

    For some reason having a double on the nose leg causes a lot of jittering and if you come in even slightly too nose-heavy it snaps the leg and blows the plane up. Any idea why?

  • CAT MIG-31 Foxhound 5.3 years ago

    I always have issues making custom gear (a build of mine based on the Foxbat is currently using gear assemblies"borrowed" from one of mikoyanster's builds...)

    Any advice on how to make em well? I'm on mobile btw.

  • Avro Vengeance MKIV 6.3 5.3 years ago

    It looks very Gerry Anderson to me (e.g. Captain Scarlet). Lovely build mate as always!

  • TEST PILOTS NEEDED | Silver Spirit 5.3 years ago

    If it is mobile friendly I'll happily take part as a test pilot on Low Physics.


  • naval turret pack 5.4 years ago

    Some pretty impressive turret designs there, nicely done!

  • The big plane small engine challenge 5.4 years ago

    @stig27 you' be better off making the post and then tagging Robo in its comments.

  • Quad cannon Iraq AA 5.4 years ago

    @Smilohypo probably not exactly human. Not a bad build all in all, though I'd maybe have had gunnery on the pitch/roll axes for easier traverse. Other than that it was pretty damned good.

  • Quad cannon Iraq AA 5.4 years ago

    ZSU 23-4 'Shilka'. Radar guided, 23mm SPAA system. Russia replaced them with the Tunguska if memory serves.

  • Hong Kong approach 5.4 years ago

    Oh my god, that is pretty damned cool.

    Why am I getting flashbacks to Black Ops' Kowloon mission?

  • BR Class 444 | Siemens Desiro | SWT 5.4 years ago

    Haven't travelled on a 444 but I bet it's a damnsight better than those horrible Pacers.
    They still haunt the Carlisle-Newcastle Line!
    Then again I do like my Class 37/Mk2 service that takes me to work down the Cumbrian Coast. When it ain't pitch black it's an awesome view.

    Nice build indeed. Now, where's the webpage with exorbitant train fares at?

  • Lockheed F117-NightHawk 5.4 years ago

    Serbia called, they said their missiles want a chat...

    Awesome build though. Absolute stunner.

  • Avro Vulcan 5.4 years ago

    @Tang0five WHAT? That's news to me! I knew they bought a pair of T42s (only one of which now kinda works, the other is sat capsized in dock) but a Vulcan?!

  • Boeing 727 5.4 years ago

    Nice build, I'd love to make the HS.121 Trident some day (which could have out-competed the 727 had the British government not screwed the lot up)

  • Avro Vulcan 5.4 years ago

    Someone missing...
    I believe you mean the HP.83 Victor, now that beauty would be a challenge to built. Nice work once more! Now just to get the tactical camo done and make a map of Stanley Airport... 3;)

  • Stanford T-48A 'Sparrow', Naval Trainer 5.4 years ago

    @Notaleopard if you wish, feel free.

  • Stanford T-48A 'Sparrow', Naval Trainer 5.4 years ago

    @CRJ900Pilot Been working on it for a few weeks, busy life due to work. I was going to make a cockpit for it as well but that proved too fiddly for me to manage with the time I had available.
    Working on a few more images anyways.

  • LVT-4 Water Buffalo (with Jeep) 5.5 years ago

    Holy mother of God!
    This thing looks absolutely amazing, and that MB's articulation (driver/gunner) is awesome. The Buffalo itself is a triumph too, I wish my phone could take it so I could figure out how to make an Amphi.

    Outstanding work!

  • Can you guess what it is yet? 5.5 years ago

    In Ace Ventura voice...


  • Can you guess what it is yet? 5.5 years ago

    It's something Warhammer related I'm going to guess, not sure beyond that and it being Space Marines?
    EDIT: AHA! It's a Stormtalon, isn't it? Just had a shifty on Google Images and it's the only tjing with cockpit and fuselage similarities...
