11.3k LiamW Comments

  • Smooth Shape Generator 5.7 years ago

    While I appreciate and am very impressed by your work, it’s not the kind of thing I would enjoy making in simpleplanes. If I wanted to make a smooth, flowing aircraft, I would use Fusion360 and actually make the aircraft. I like the simplicity of the simpleplanes style and I think it’s a fun game but I wouldn’t ever bother using scripts for it. But like I said, your stuff is still impressive, I just wouldn’t enjoy making it @SledDriver

  • KVA-1A 'Bear' 5.7 years ago

    Go ahead, have fun! @FLYGUY101

  • Fork 5.7 years ago


  • A Come Back?! Not quite... (Wanna Hear A Joke?) 5.7 years ago

    I design quadcopters and planes as a hobby, draw detailed blueprints of pretty much any gadget or vehicle in class (usually planes), watch stargate (Star Trek next), constantly think of how I can turn everyday devices into overly complex destructive devices

  • I wonder how many of us will continue to play SP after SR2 releases 5.7 years ago

    At this point, I only play simpleplanes for convoy assault. I will play a LOT of both because I love rockets but I also think convoy attacking is fun in simpleplanes

  • Engine Fuel Consumption 5.7 years ago

    0.5 input, 1 thrust, 0.5 mass will give you an engine with half mass, half thrust and half fuel consumption. Half input means you will only ever reach half of the maximum normal thrust @atgxtg

  • Anyone know this thing happen? 5.7 years ago

    No, it’s never happened to me @aplayer

  • Anyone know this thing happen? 5.7 years ago

    That is seriously weird. Not sure if I’ve had it happen to me in simpleplanes but it looks like the space kraken glitch from Kerbal space program

  • Dark Falcons show-off pics 5.7 years ago

    Glad to hear it! If you haven’t been invited to the discord by tomorrow, I’ll do it myself. @mikoyanster is the only one with admin access to the website so only he can handle the website submissions. I’ll just hand out invites if he’s away for a while @Mostly

  • Rockracer McRockracerface 5.7 years ago

    I’ll make a rally version as well fairly soon @GenericWhiteGuy

  • Engine Fuel Consumption 5.7 years ago

    10x power and 0.1 input creates a regular power engine with 10x better efficiency. Reducing the input reduces fuel consumption

  • Rockracer McRockracerface 5.7 years ago

    @GenericWhiteGuy @Hyattorama Were you the ones who wanted a floppy rock crawler with independent suspension?

  • Rockracer McRockracerface 5.7 years ago

    That was quick! @randomusername

  • Bouncy Rock, coming soon! [Teaser] 5.7 years ago

    Awesome! It would seem the rock bouncer craze is reappearing

  • XMT-105 Lancelot UAV Carrier 5.7 years ago

    And it even has double wishbone suspension :D no more detailed trucks with no suspension :D

  • Maximum OverKill 5.7 years ago

    A slow, agile plane with lots of missiles and a few small bombs is almost as good if not better than a helicopter in this map. Sounds like cheating but I'm flying at 300-700km/h through ravines while shooting tanks with a machine gun. Definitely not easy

  • Just Send It 5.7 years ago

    Use the tractor tread. It does NOT make it look like a tractor, it makes it look like a trophy truck (it’s a very, very common off-road tread pattern). The wheel size is perfect for a trophy truck; any bigger and it will be a rockcrawler and have trashy high speed handling

  • Rock Bouncer 5.7 years ago

    @Kakofrutaka I’m glad to see you’re making very nice rock bouncers! I never do that much detail

  • Offroad tag? 5.7 years ago

    I suggested it and EternalDarkness implemented it quite recently

  • Maximum OverKill 5.7 years ago

    Can’t wait to try it out!

  • KVA-1A 'Bear' 5.8 years ago

    @TheBlueRobotProduct thanks for getting me to 10K!

  • Imer-1 Bush Craft Designs (BCD) 5.8 years ago

    Tried it earlier. Excellent flight characteristics but the suspension is almost non-functional (hinges in the wrong places) and the colour scheme is rather drab. I can barely see anything on the aircraft due to the colours. All in all, it’s a great plane, but I’ll wait for the final version when you fix those small things @XjayIndustrys

  • Rotator/wing flexing 5.8 years ago

    If you have overload, type in "damperMultiplier" and increase the value by 10x until it stops wobbling. Too much will slow it down @cheese99

  • [WEBW] N-1 Rocket 5.8 years ago

    2nd page of highest rated of all time in 3 days

  • Wings Need to be Improved 5.8 years ago

    I totally agree. While an airfoil shaped wing would have higher polygons, it would be a lot less than using separate fuselage blocks

  • 8x8 suspension test 5.8 years ago

    Very nice

  • Part count bias on the site 5.8 years ago

    If something has less than 300 parts and seems promising, I download and try it out then upvote or ignore depending on performance. If something has over 300 parts but looks incredible, I upvote (unless comments say it flies trash). By the way, I have a PC with some very new, high end parts and some VERY old low end parts so I have weird performance effects. 1 year old graphics card and a 9 year old central processor so the latest phones are better than my PC in certain ways

  • Just a small reminder 5.8 years ago

    Well said

  • Doesn't Everybody love these? 5.8 years ago

    @RailfanEthan Electric motors have vastly more torque for the same weight and efficiency. Lithium can be safely recycled for use in Li-Al alloys but mining is harmful. There have been multiple advancements towards non-lithium-based batteries that are about to be made publicly available. Battery technology is rapidly progressing towards less flammable, higher energy density products but there is still significant risk. At this point, batteries in cars are just as likely to explode as a fuel tank when you hit it with a truck. Internal combustion engines are woefully inefficient and harmful to the environment. At the current state of technology, we could replace fossil fuels altogether if the decision-makers weren't (long series of expletives).

  • Has anyone ever built and designed there own aircraft IRl? 5.8 years ago

    Do high-performance R/C quadcopters count? How about R/C planes?

  • I don’t know what to make... 5.8 years ago

    Do a VTOL bomber so you can learn something new. Look up experimental aircraft on Wikipedia and try to modify something to work with your style

  • Cargo Plane Challenge (Closed) 5.8 years ago

    Define "mobile friendly"
    Do you want <200 parts or <500 parts?

  • XML mod: paint colors 5.8 years ago

    Not in overload, no. It's part of the colour code in the XML files but there is a colour editor mod that will do all that in-game

  • hate Piston 5.8 years ago

    There is a damper XML attribute

  • rat rod chariot ? 5.8 years ago

    Looks pretty ghetto but fun

  • Opnion on infinite fuel? 5.8 years ago

    It's fine for unrealistic aircraft but don't do it for a replica or semi-realistic aircraft.

  • Phoenix Rising (Teaser #2, testers wanted) 5.8 years ago

    @Phoza sure. It's a good looking craft so I appreciate it

  • Which track system do you find best? 5.8 years ago

    I think suspension performance is more important than looks so I go with separate wheels

  • KVA-1A 'Bear' 5.8 years ago

    @Sheeper I tried my best to get it easier to hover by making it hover at ~50% throttle. Unfortunately, simpleplanes is not made for quadcopters so it's very hard to get it flying properly. I have ideas for a better undercarriage but the next version won't come out soon. As for cockpit... I agree but couldn't be bothered fixing it. If you don't want cockpit view, use Freecam (if you're on PC)

  • MIK Slingshot Missile 5.8 years ago

    The launcher is neat

  • Mod Testers Needed 5.8 years ago

    @jamesPLANESii Not always the case

  • Space submarines...? 5.8 years ago

    Sub: below
    Marine: water
    Space submarine: below water and in space
    Water instantly evaporates and disperses in space so therefore this is impossible

  • KVA-1A 'Bear' 5.8 years ago

    @Ephwurd @Razor3278 What type of landing gear would you recommend?

  • Plantraco MonsterFly 5.8 years ago

    I’ve got quite a few 4-6 channel foam aircraft (3D, sport and combat) and a couple of quads :) man I love RC @Hyattorama

  • Baja Buggy WIP 6 5.8 years ago

    @Hyattorama I'll try to remember. I've just got to finish 2 detailed aircraft before then though

  • Plantraco MonsterFly 5.8 years ago

    @Hyattorama Absolutely. It still flies like trash compared to a 3+ channel aircraft though. Modern receivers and servos kinda make this style redundant but it's still fun to try it out anyway

  • SimpleRenders Volume 4 Teaser 5.8 years ago

    Did you export the 3D file of it and then change the textures in another program? It looks pretty good!

  • Ornithopter Mk last 5.8 years ago

    @GenericWhiteGuy You're very welcome. I love this thing

  • Sk-133 Mk.IV D 5.8 years ago

    That’s immediately what I thought lol @RamboJutter

  • Boulton Paul P100 5.3 Mobile friendly (hopefully) 5.8 years ago

    For it to be truly mobile friendly (40fps and higher on high physics) you’ll have to give it stock landing gear, delete minor aesthetic details, delete Merlin engine and use simple circular fuselages instead of angled mini pieces. Even then it will run slow on most mid-age or mid-performance devices but it would look terrible. In short: don’t bother making it mobile friendly, just make the best stuff you can @RamboJutter
