11.3k LiamW Comments

  • KA-1A Cyclops 5.3 years ago

    @Shanethepain1 yes, but simpleplanes hates that. It just explodes basically

  • I need someone to make suspension from a real life vehicle called chainlink 5.4 years ago

    Haven’t started yet. Kinda busy. I wouldn’t count on it happening within a week @Shanethepain1

  • I need someone to make suspension from a real life vehicle called chainlink 5.4 years ago

    I can create the functional mechanism but I hope you can make it look pretty afterwards cos I don’t do looks very well. The previous time I tried to make it, I tried to replicate the actuator mechanism but it didn’t work. This time I’ll greatly simplify it to get it working

  • McRockbouncerface Junior 5.4 years ago

    @Shanethepain1 This is more or less the final version of the gnasher

  • Sherp, Gnasher or Trophy Truck? 5.4 years ago

    I had a look at that a long time ago but couldn’t get it working at the time. I haven’t opened simpleplanes for a very long time now so I may or may not get around to it. It’s a pretty cool vehicle though! @Shanethepain1

  • Sherp, Gnasher or Trophy Truck? 5.4 years ago

    Just on time lol. I’ve already made upgraded versions of everything on this post from 1.6 years ago @Shanethepain1

  • KVA-1A 'Bear' 5.4 years ago

    @GreatHenry sure, whatever

  • English Electric Victorious 5.0 5.4 years ago

    Normally I look at popular planes on this site and think about how incredibly poor the aerodynamic design is (not that it matters in SP so I don’t comment on it) but this thing is actually pretty damn good. The only potential issue I can think of is that pulling up hard at high speed could cut airflow to the engines but that isn’t too bad for a bomber.

  • How to make money on SimplePlanes (possibility) 5.4 years ago

    Multiple people have demonstrated that the upvote system is incredibly easy to ‘hack’ (it doesn’t even deserve that term). The only reason that people don’t actually do it is that there’s no point (and they have the slightest sense of decency). The play-to-earn road is not something anyone should want to go down.

  • [Finn·Balor]The Devil's heart 5.5 years ago

    I can’t say I’m an expert but I’ve done a lot of reading about it for an RC design. My verdict was that actively controlled split ailerons can be more stabilising for less weight and drag. They have less effect than a fully-moving rudder but the inherent instability of the aircraft aids maneuverability. You’ll also notice that many (if not most) publicised 6th gen concepts use split ailerons and thrust vectoring instead of fins. It’s all a matter of trade offs really @BogdanX

  • [Finn·Balor]The Devil's heart 5.5 years ago

    I’m actually not sure why fighter aircraft are still being designed with vertical fins. Since they are all fly-by-wire with no mechanical backup, there’s no safety difference between active and passive stabilisers. I guess it’s a political 'low risk' thing @BogdanX

  • [Finn·Balor]The Devil's heart 5.5 years ago

    Actually, they are completely unnecessary thanks to fly-by-wire control. Designs such as the X-36 use split ailerons connected to a gyro-computer to control yaw actively. The B-2 also has split ailerons as well as downwashed wingtips which provide the same effect as a vertical fin. That being said, you’ll need to put hidden ones in everything in this game because there is no fly-by-wire computer with custom PID controls @BogdanX

  • can I post my F-22? 5.5 years ago

    I shall not allow it as long as there is life in my body and strength in my fingers to type idiotic stuff like this comment

  • What should I build? 5.5 years ago

    Yep. There’s a reason civilian STOL sport jets don’t exist. It’s possible but requires advanced composite material and fancy, well-designed aerodynamic features @CustomAircraftMods

  • What should I build? 5.5 years ago

    Do something different and make a low-wing, single-seat, civilian STOL jet aircraft @CustomAircraftMods

  • What should I build? 5.5 years ago


  • Neewbie here! with a Q or two... 5.5 years ago

    Yes and yes. It might be tricky to get setup but you’ll be able to get workaround and adapter programs for it if it doesn’t initially work.

  • Game Key / Bi-Plane Challenge! (CLOSED) 5.5 years ago

    Just need to clarify it a little. Some biplanes have staggered wings similar to a tandem wing design. I guess you mean it needs to have two completely separated main wings plus a stabiliser? @Othawne

  • Game Key / Bi-Plane Challenge! (CLOSED) 5.5 years ago

    Kind of. It’s an E voucher for a specific game. It’s a code that tells steam “I own this game now.” For example, I buy a game online for a friend and send him the steam key. He then inputs that key into steam and then he owns that game and can download it. @TheEpicMOONHAWK

  • Game Key / Bi-Plane Challenge! (CLOSED) 5.5 years ago

    Would you class tandem wings or box wings as biplanes?

  • I think my PC just exploded. 5.5 years ago

    @DepressedTortoise If you were Australian I’d say it was a possum falling off a tree onto your roof

  • I think my PC just exploded. 5.6 years ago

    But you should probably check the PSU thoroughly

  • I think my PC just exploded. 5.6 years ago

    Check for blown light bulbs and books mysteriously lying on the floor next to a high place

  • I think my PC just exploded. 5.6 years ago

    Have you tried screaming incoherently?

  • 11 foot 5.6 years ago

    Most beautiful feet I have ever seen. You must have been trained by a master artist

  • You know you practice too much when... (AN-225 STOL) 5.6 years ago

    Mostest realisticalist stall I have ever seen in my entire life ever

  • This whole “SimplePlanes is dead” must stop! 5.6 years ago

    I just don’t see why you would bother complaining that it’s dead. What do you expect to happen to happen when you complain? I don’t think a game is dead until there’s only a handful of people playing it and there’s still thousands of simpleplanes players

  • suspension test 5.6 years ago

    You need hinges on the shocks. If you look at the shock as if it were a piston (which is exactly what the damper is), you would notice that the shock needs to rotate slightly throughout its travel and thus needs something to allow it to move more freely

  • Better than My Scout Tundra Civilian? (Teaser!) 5.6 years ago

    Sounds alright if it’s meant to be leaf-sprung. Still a bit more fragile and less effective than 4-link but you make up for it with looks @jamesPLANESii

  • Better than My Scout Tundra Civilian? (Teaser!) 5.6 years ago

    I need to see if you used real suspension before I upvote. Did you use proper 4-link or the more commonly used lazy-no-link-mechanical-torture style?

  • Roatry bomb rack 5.6 years ago

    Neat idea

  • WHAT SHOULD I MAKE NEXT 5.6 years ago


  • where has the community gone? 5.6 years ago

    Over there

  • Lunamoth 5.6 years ago

    Reminiscent of a Burt Rutan creation. It's a bit like an agile, forward-swept version of a voyager

  • Ural 4320 Troop Bed 5.6 years ago

    @RailfanEthan no problem. I'm glad you appreciate my scathing criticism lol

  • HAVM1 5.6 years ago

    @SuperSix It certainly is possible but the effort wouldn't be worth it for someone on iOS

  • Ural 4320 Troop Bed 5.6 years ago

    Extend the suspension. You've built the suspension to sit at ride height in the designer. It should be sitting at max extension in the designer. Trucks sag a long way into the suspension travel to get the suspension soft enough to absorb small bumps. You’ve got it with almost no sag so it is very stiff. This vehicle, good looking as it is, has 50% less suspension travel than it should and isn’t very good off-road. That being said, damn it looks good

  • Teaser: T-2.1 5.6 years ago

    Looks great but suspension is not very good

  • HAVM1 5.6 years ago

    It seems to work well. It would require heavy modification to be mechanically clean and theoretically effective. It works in simpleplanes pretty well though

  • Is there a way to make really big explosions? 5.6 years ago

    Cluster boom 50 will do the trick

  • The site is as popular as it was over 3 years ago. 5.6 years ago

    This happens at about the same period after every update. Hype, normal activity, bored. New update, hype, normal, bored. It’s not a particularly new, feature packed, or realistic game so it’s getting less popular. That being said, a game isn’t dead until there is no activity. There’s still a lot of activity all things considered. Jundroo seems to have recognised this which is why they are making SR2

  • Scout Moray 5.6 years ago

    But James, it has... tricycle gear

  • Weird Screen effect with Helicopter and Tank aiming mod 5.6 years ago

    I’m not sure. I get the same problem

  • Weird Screen effect with Helicopter and Tank aiming mod 5.6 years ago

    ! [useless text] (image URL) but don’t use spaces

  • A Not-Very-Eel-Shaped Eel! (Teaser!) 5.6 years ago


  • Is anyone a good interior designer? 5.7 years ago

    I can’t do interiors sadly. I’m more focused on engineering. It sounds interesting though

  • Is anyone a good interior designer? 5.7 years ago

    Clickable link: [text] (URL) without the spaces @RYMA232Aeronautics

  • Serious Project 5.7 years ago

    Try spending more time on your builds and upload around once every week or fortnight. If you spend that much time, you’ll be pleasantly surprised with the results @CptJacobson

  • Serious Project 5.7 years ago

    @CptJacobson look at your posts. You have several creations uploaded as little as 9 days ago