13.1k Grob0s0VBRa Comments

  • Buoyancy fuselage bug. 1.2 years ago

    Opening fuselage settings tab returns the values to default min/max if they were modified via xml (overload)

    For example, you can have fuselage with 15 length, accesing it with the tab returns it to 10 length.

    It's not a bug.
    it's just an [undo]

  • PeltM.D 04-25 - Golem - 1.2 years ago

    @tntwiley @Ian_Yashima
    Ayo, thanks for ups.

  • Help with flaps [PLEASE RESPOND] 1.2 years ago

    Well, using Overload open the ControlSurface tab of the wing part.
    VTOL < 0? VTOL : 0
    in inputid.
    The End.
    Actually you may need to change the invert on the mirrored part, don't forget to check it

  • PeltM.D 04-25 - Golem - 1.2 years ago

    @Sergio666 Ow, thanks for spotlight as well.

  • PeltM.D 04-25 - Golem - 1.2 years ago

    @BeastHunter @InsertNameHere01
    Thank you

  • PeltM.D 04-25 - Golem - 1.2 years ago

    i did not noticed that this mech looks like Wh40k titan, am i?
    i mean, with the help of search, i found out what Mantha meant. And yep, while im into 40k universe prety much (why am i use necrons as a profile pic after all...). I did not realized that it's shaped just like a titan, a warlord titan to be precise.
    Lol, i'm ancient.

    Oh and thanks for the vote.

  • PeltM.D 04-25 - Golem - 1.2 years ago

    @spefyjerbf @PlanariaLab
    Many thanks for upvotes.
    And inspiration i guess.

  • PeltM.D 04-25 - Golem - 1.2 years ago

    @goboygo1 @Shimamurahougetsu @Sergio666
    Thanks for stopping by and upvoting that little piece of code.

  • PeltM.D 04-25 - Golem - 1.2 years ago

    @Hiimakeplanes @Dathcha @EasternPatrick
    Aye, thanks peeps.

  • PeltM.D 04-25 - Golem - 1.2 years ago

    @Panzerwaifu69 @SonsoftheMoth @Micmekox
    Thanks for upvotes

  • PeltM.D 04-25 - Golem - 1.2 years ago

    @MAHADI yeah, it does, but with it, you know...
    Chicken bots inevitably appear.

    Anyways, thanks for both up and spotlight.

  • PeltM.D 04-25 - Golem - 1.2 years ago

    @mahardika @FOXG @BuiltBionixInd10
    Thanks for spotlighting this piece of... engineering.
    And upvotes too.

  • PeltM.D 04-25 - Golem - 1.2 years ago

    @Mantha Yeah, they look a bit simillar.

  • PeltM.D 04-25 - Golem - 1.2 years ago

    Here lies the names of those who tried to not die of cringe caused by build testing:

  • PeltM.D 04-25 - Golem - 1.2 years ago


    Welp, feel free to comment, be it suggestion or issue report.


  • HELICOPTER CHALLENGE! [50 upvote prize] 1.2 years ago

    Good day/ night and thanks for response in advance.

    How much of a heli the build is allowed to be?

    What if i built something that performs like a V-22 Osprey, would it be a valid entry?

    What if i use a mixed (heli-blades and jet) propulsion, only a jet propulsion or ended up with something sci-fi'ish (something just for looks + mix of jets and heli-blade for actual propulsion) ?

    Deadline, was at april 15, so, changing has put me in an extreme need of clarifying a few things.
    *The missile knows where it tee-hee's because it knows where it isn't...*
    That's it. For now.

  • Guess who? 1.2 years ago

    He still stuntin, in our hearts.

  • I'm leaving. 1.3 years ago

    POV: you're too chad to pay bills

  • F105 Thunderchief 1.3 years ago


  • Can you see this image? Testing something. 1.3 years ago

    Well, yes.
    Eh, the battlefront before the battlefront.

  • Star for label 1.3 years ago


  • Star for label 1.3 years ago

    I did one and you can have it.

    if your device cant download a 7 hundred parts build, please notify me so i could upload and tag you on an unlisted. Note: due to how labels work, rescaling is possible only with Overload.

  • i crashed! 1.3 years ago

    Tis but a flesh wound.

  • How to code auto aim turret that can work when away from main structure? 1.3 years ago

    Here is a manual

    Uh, well yes there should be additional variables set for the local coords... i forgot about them.

  • How to code auto aim turret that can work when away from main structure? 1.3 years ago

    Type names for the outputs.
    Type those names into aim codes.
    The End.

    Like, really, just change the PitchAngle in code with that name you use in a flight computer, and repeat that procedure with RollAngle and Heading.
    And it should work fine. That's all.

  • Sand Wyvern Titan 1.3 years ago

    @Tookan It's a bird?!
    It's a plane?!

  • i've entered college 1.3 years ago

    What de rat doin'?
    *Mind blows*

  • Fat Amy? No. Battle Penguin? Yes. 1.4 years ago

    *Lacrimosa intensifies*

  • AI bomber - work in progress 1.4 years ago

    It Just Works.

  • AI bomber - work in progress 1.4 years ago

    @MisterT Well, sadge

  • AI bomber - work in progress 1.4 years ago

    @MisterT What about placing the main cockpit on a rotators so it will auto-aim on you, making the AI to shoot wing guns?
    We can use variable outputs of flight computers for turret aiming codes. I think it will not turn the variables used in a bombing run into a mess because flight computer provides the most variables the main cockpit does (exceptions are AltitudeAgl, AngleOfAttack, AngleOfSlip, maybe a couple more... ).
    Distance and turret limits can also be used as an activation groups for wing guns so the bomber will not fire all its guns at once.

    I did not tested the cockpit trick, but it might work.

    Anyways its already cool.
    I guess i wrote it all simple enough and understandable... but i can only guess.

  • the jet election 1.4 years ago


  • What are the basics to making a human-like walker? 1.4 years ago

    1) For better traction i use sphere and hemisphere parts, they have friction and bounciness parameters to play with. Its a good idea to put them in the lower part of mech feet.

    2) Well, the easiest way is adding an offset to the walking cycle and/or gyro aligning the whole mech to the terrain and tethering the offset value to, lets say, Trim for manual control.
    It possibly will look pretty rough at times, but it will work with some tuning.

    The hard way, atleast the one that comes to mah lifetime buddy, a.k.a. brain, is making mech to detect rough terrain autonomously, using variable output of rotators (which would be placed on feet itself or ,perhaps, close enough to it) with specifically resized wheels on them. Its hard to tell, so i'll leave this link here
    Well its a bit outdated actually, but you can notice the white thin stripes in front of each feet (to access rotators open connections of the red-and-black-fuselage panel on the feet(not toes) ) which are the wheels... feel free to study.

    There is also a way when we to put a suspension part somewhere in the legs, but tuning it while giving the mech ability to just walk and run would be a painful process.

    3) Its all about the codes...

    4) Gyroscopes will do, probably there are other ways but i didnt tested much enough to recommend something.

    5) I build things in 2,2,2 scale then downscale it with fine tuner, and only after that i make the codes, tune the gyros and make adjustments to the structure if they needed.

    6) Roll? possible, like in 2nd question, the main difficulty is making mech align itself on pitch and roll axis at the same time, be it hull rotation or leg bending...

    Phew, well i think something of it may help you, experiment.

  • GR-NS 05 Lysis I 1.4 years ago

    @MAHADI Hahaha
    I was with Gaijin all the time (since 2011, War Thunder aircrafts got me in; actually since 2009 because there was a single-player variant of War Thunder called Birds of Steel).
    *vine boom.mp3*
    You cant fight Gantulyst if your PC does not approves your actions.
    *vine boom-bass-boosted.mp3*
    The Only Thing I Fear Is Rap-Tap-Tap (in Warframe)
    *vine boom intensifies.mp3*
    Those Venus and Earth *bosses* pack a punch, yeah, they can make you and your PC suffer for real.
    2012 i ve got ze Birds of Steel and in 2013 i jumped into War Thunder. In 2011 I got Apache: Air Assault, a single-player helicopter sim from Gaijin

  • GR-NS 05 Lysis I 1.4 years ago

    @Sadboye12 To be honest, I played Warframeme only solo, all the time...
    Host migration thing gave me pain way too often.

  • GR-NS 05 Lysis I 1.4 years ago

    @Sadboye12 Digital Extremes just want you to grind the meat as exteremely as digitally possible.
    Gawd darn, how i ended with that in my head, lol

  • GR-NS 05 Lysis I 1.4 years ago

    @MAHADI Yeah, for the absolute most of the time its way too chaotic, still those massive battles are pretty fun sometimes and my PC dont like running something better if we talk about graphics (the card is NVIDIA GeForce GTX 550 Ti; its kinda old (2011) but trusty)
    Upd: did anyone played AC?
    I mean the AC which is not AC but the one which is AC (haha, MotherWill goes Brrrrrrrt; okay, the Armored Core franchise it is, im slightly bad at riddles.)

  • Merry 2023! 1.4 years ago

    Happy Great Horned Rat Day-Day!
    I mean Happ New Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeehaw

  • GR-NS 05 Lysis I 1.4 years ago

    @MAHADI Wort Wort Wort
    Edit: psst. Planetside 2.

  • GR-NS 05 Lysis I 1.4 years ago

    It's front reminds me of Elites from Halo universe.
    Eh, good times.
    Oh and climbing ability is really nice addition.

  • GR-NS 05 Lysis I 1.4 years ago

    @TRD AG1 disables Speed limiter in flight mode

  • GR-MS 01 Pawn 1.4 years ago

    Seeing percentage go up cures depression with 100% efficiency and 0% side effects.
    Congrats on 20k downloads and happy holidays.
    Nice Revenant skin btw.

  • SOLVED: Predictor and Muzzle Velocity 1.4 years ago

    @ThomasRoderick Wish the same for you bro.

  • Airfoil Modelling Tutorial 1.5 years ago

    @KingOfTypos nope.
    You can still use the same technique as you did, but front fuselage can have different fill (not only 0.5).
    So, it goes for all the fuselage pieces you make wings from, not just wingtips

  • Airfoil Modelling Tutorial 1.5 years ago

    Magic numbers for fuselage with circular corners are:
    and they just mirrors further (make 1 - number calculation)

    Use them in top, left, right, bottom fill.


  • All Terrain Vehicle Factory 1.5 years ago

    @CarMakerFry20 Just put your rim on a rotator. Set it's range to 180, speed 10000% (or even more) and insert sum(RPM1/60) as an input.
    RPM1 is an a variable output you can set from the wheel part (don't forget each wheel should have different output names)

  • Deactivation through Activation? 1.5 years ago

    Simple example clamp01(Activate1!=1)
    Best used as a multiplier, placed after your code.
