18.7k F104Deathtrap Comments

  • SkyWolf SE VII 1.7 years ago


  • Thingy 1.7 years ago


  • Dassault Mirage IIIEA (FAA) 2.1 years ago


  • The Weirdest Jet 2.1 years ago

    @Hihihihihihhgh No, I don't know. People have been referring to ships and planes as "she" since time immemorial. Get over it.

  • The Weirdest Jet 2.1 years ago

    @Hihihihihihhgh What a ridiculous thing to say, lol

  • We lost the An225 2.3 years ago


  • Kingfisher 2.0 BUG (need help) 2.3 years ago

    @SPmarineshop Hey, that's great! Good luck

  • Medium Bomber Challenge 2.3 years ago

    Eh, maybe just post some pictures of cool bombers you wanna see get made because this challenge thing isn't working for you.

  • 4 Years 2.3 years ago


  • Kingfisher 2.0 BUG (need help) 2.3 years ago

    Parts are likely blocking your engine

  • Issue with modelling flap behaviour. 2.3 years ago

    @IshiMoss Hmmm, it's been over a year since I experimented with this. Last time, I used hidden canards to simulate flaps, I think.

  • gaz 13 chaika 2.3 years ago


  • it's not funny anymore 2.3 years ago

    Just let it ride, bro. They're gonna do it to death and then do it more. When they get tired of it they'll find other cringe stuff to do to death.

    My advice is to spend less time here if the people are too annoying. There's a lot more to the SP community than the Forums, and most of it's better than this.

  • Will SP die upon the release of KSP2? 2.3 years ago

    Holy living #@$% it's incredible how often people make "dEd GaEm" posts on here.

  • Issue with modelling flap behaviour. 2.3 years ago

    In real life, deploying the flaps cause 3 things to happen. First, the nose tips down and you have to pull up to counteract it. Second, you get a lot more lift. Third, you get considerably more drag and often have to increase the throttle a bit to maintain speed.

    TLDR Trailing edge flaps usually cause the nose to pitch down. It's perfectly normal.

  • I have something to ask 2.4 years ago

    They figured NotNearlyAsComplicatedAsRealA##Planes was too long for a name.

  • am i just really bad at flying helicopters, or do they just no work very well in sp. 2.4 years ago

    @jamesPLANESii How would retreating blade stall cause pitch-up?

  • am i just really bad at flying helicopters, or do they just no work very well in sp. 2.4 years ago

    In real life, helicopters are really freaky. For instance, (unless it has twin, counter-rotating main rotors) the faster forward a helicopter goes, the more it pulls to one side. This gets so bad that its top speed isnt limited by the power of its engines but by how hard you can pull in the opposite direction to keep it going straight.

    To properly control a helicopter you need a joystick, rudder pedals, a throttle and a "collective" lever. So if you're just using WASD or thumb sticks, you're going to need to take some time studying the controls.

  • Snek Game 2.4 years ago

    When are they going to wise up and hire you?

  • Douglas SBD Dauntless 2.5 years ago

    Dude, this thing is awesome!

  • AG suggestions for A6M Zero? 2.5 years ago

    Put the important stuff like drop tanks, tail hook on AG1 and 2, and put the silly stuff like lights on AG4, 5, 6 etc.

    Having AG's for the guns is only necessary if you have turrets etc.

  • WWII challenges 2.5 years ago

    Visually iconic aircraft, and planes with theoretical high performance are usually the most common ones on SP. The Schwalbe is both. It's contribution to the development of aircraft is undeniable, but it is very far from what typical air to air combat was like during the war.

  • I have an anouncment to make 2.5 years ago

    Mobile Suit Christ

  • Simpleplanes became dark place ? 2.5 years ago



  • Simpleplanes became dark place ? 2.5 years ago

    NARRATOR: "They said it couldn't be done."
    FEMALE VOICE: "No, Khaki. Don't whine about mobile mods on the forums, you know what happens to people when they..."
    MALE VOICE: "I've got to take a stand for SPEECH FREEDOM!"

    NARRATOR: "It all started with just one man, crying about mods on his phone. But his spark lit the flame of a movement that burns to this very day. This winter, hear the unforgettable tale of the legendary keyboard warrior Kakhikoychauri1"

  • Simpleplanes became dark place ? 2.5 years ago

    @Kakhikotchauri1 I think it's really cool that you're standing up for Speech Freedom here on the SimplePlanes forums. With all the suffering and injustice in the world, we need more heroes like you. Children will sing songs about you one day, maybe even a statue or something. God speed, hero.

  • Simpleplanes became dark place ? 2.5 years ago

    A) Run a quick google search to find out

    B) Write a childish forum post whining about not getting what you want and bad mouthing everyone involved in the game

    You chose B, good job!

  • i'm back again 2.5 years ago


  • WWII challenges 2.5 years ago

    On the other hand, I would love to see more emphasis on the aircraft that actually contributed to the war, rather than the ones that had the best performance on paper.

    For example, there's probably 10 Me-262's on this website for every IL-2, despite the fact that in reality there were 30x as many Sturmoviks.

  • aio1 fix i think 2.5 years ago

    I like how you spent extra time getting the thighs right and then completely neglected to give her elbows etc. Sex sells I guess.

  • Amazon T-Shirt has a picture of a plane from simple planes. 2.5 years ago

    Is there a report feature? It looks like this clown has "misappropriated" quite a bit of other people's hard work.

  • PZL-Mielec M-15 Belphegor 2.5 years ago


  • Any ideas for next build 2.5 years ago

    How about a StuG III?

  • Die Nachthexen [TEASER] 2.5 years ago

    PO-2 = 2 OP

  • Tips for building for VR 2.5 years ago

    Bookmarked. Good info!

  • deHavilland DH.88 Comet 2.6 years ago

    @Neruneten21 Thanks man!

  • What if modern jets today were prop planes? 2.6 years ago

    @Formula350 Maximum altitude and maximum speed become increasingly challenged as bypass ratio increases, but there are methods to counter this. For instance, combat aircraft use afterburners (which benefit greatly from bypass air) to increase both altitude and speed.

    Obviously extreme bypass engines arent suitable for afterburning, but there may be other design tricks that can assist them in achieving higher speeds.

  • What if modern jets today were prop planes? 2.6 years ago

    Many modern propeller aircraft use turbo-prop engines, which are related to jet engines. Likewise, most modern jets have turbofan engines which feature large, propeller-like fans.

    But I understand your question to mean "wouldnt it look cool if modern high speed aircraft featured prominent, exterior propellers"

    It is important to keep in mind that all propeller aircraft are limited to subsonic speeds unless diving steeply.

  • [SOLVED] Aside from the hidden brake input, are there other inputs for braking wheels in SimplePlanes? 2.6 years ago

    Put a question mark at the end so people know it's a question

  • Funky colors. 2.6 years ago

    Nice Cheyenne, sorry about the blades dude

  • Convair F2Y ''SeaDart'' 2.6 years ago

    @AWESOMENESS360 I read a joke once where Soviet engineers were demonstrating Rocket-Assisted-Takeoff interceptors to Khrushchev. "You see, premier, the jet can be launched from the back of a truck. It needs no runway to take off."

    "Excellent" he said, "now where will it land?"

  • F-104C Starfighter 2.6 years ago

    @EngineerOtaku Maybe a translation issue. Usually when somebody ends a statement with "..., friend." They're being sarcastic and hostile.

  • Convair F2Y ''SeaDart'' 2.6 years ago

    Hey, cool plane. I like how you stuck with the crazy paintjob Convair gave it in real life.

    What always puzzled me about this thing is how they intended to deploy it. You see, flying boats often can't land in the open ocean because of the swells. It's hard to take off or land when the "runway" is made of undulating hills taller than the plane. So did they plan to only use harbors for this thing? If so, wouldn't range be a serious factor?

  • SPVR cockpit "guide" 2.6 years ago

    @3 So the grip gives you a point to hold and move around and the control base functions as input. Thanks you

  • SPVR cockpit "guide" 2.6 years ago

    Is it possible to make custom looking VR controls, or do we have to use the specific throttle, stick, lever, switch and button parts?

    Reason being is I'm working on a WWII aircraft and none of the default parts look anything like the throttle from the real plane.

  • Mc Donnel Douglas F-4 Phantom II 2.6 years ago

    @KfcGaming Oh, I did not know about that

  • F-104C Starfighter 2.6 years ago

    @EngineerOtaku I wasn't talking to you and we aren't acquainted

  • Mc Donnel Douglas F-4 Phantom II 2.6 years ago

    Just one thumbnail?

  • F-104C Starfighter 2.6 years ago
